





2012 營銷學博士,新南威爾士大學,營銷系
2012 管理學博士,中國人民大學,商學院
2006 管理學學士,山東大學,管理學院




Yu, K., Cadeaux, J.*, Song, H. Understanding the performance effects of distribution flexibility as reactions and adaptations to environmental uncertainty.Industrial Marketing Management, forthcoming
Song, H., Yu, K.* Chatterjee, S. R., Jia, J. (2016). Service supply chain: strategic interaction and relationship value.Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 31(5): 611-624.
Song, H., Yu, K.*, Ganguly, A., Turson, R. (2016). Supply chain network, information sharing and SME financing quality.Industrial Management & Data System, 116(4): 740-758.
Song, H., Cadeaux, J., Yu, K.* (2016). The effects of service sourcing on perceived value proposition under different levels of customer involvement.Industrial Marketing Management, 54: 116-128.
Yu, K., Chen, Z., Gao, J.* et al. (2015). Relationship between objective and subjective atmospheric visibility and its influence on willingness to accept or pay in China.Plos ONE, 10(10), e0139495.
Yu, K., Cadeaux, J.*, Luo, N. (2015). Operational flexibility: Review, meta-analysis and contingency model.International Journal of Production Economics, 169, 190-202.
Qian, C.*, Chandrashekaran, M., Yu, K. (2015). Understanding the role of consumer heterogeneity in the formation of satisfaction uncertainty.Psychology and Marketing, 32(1), 78-93.
Yu, K., Cadeaux, J.*, Song, H. (2013). Distribution network and relationship performance: The intervening mechanism of adaptive flexibility.Decision Sciences, 2013, 44(5): 915-950.
Yu, K., Cadeaux, J.*, Song, H. (2012). Alternative forms of fit in distribution flexibility strategies.International Journal of Operations & Production Management,32(10): 1199 - 1227.
於亢亢, 宋華. 網路結構對雙邊關係的作用路徑——直接還是間接?《管理工程學報》.已接收.
熱比婭·吐爾遜,宋華,於亢亢* (2016). 供應鏈安全管理能力對食品企業績效的影響研究:食品認證的中介作用. 《管理科學》,29(4): 59-69.
宋華, 喻開, 於亢亢* (2014).資源需求與交易成本對服務外包治理機制的作用——基於N公司的案例研究.《管理學報》, 11(12): 1745-1754.
於亢亢,錢程高健*,柴發合 (2014).公眾大氣能見度認知下的支付意願及影響因素,《環境科學研究》,(10): 1095-1102. (年度優秀論文)
於亢亢, 宋華*, 錢程 (2014). 不同環境下的供應鏈柔性績效相同嗎?《管理科學》, 27(1): 43-54
於亢亢, 朱信凱*, 楊承霖 (2013). 現代農業經營與建設主體的交易成本與效率——基於三大區域縣級問卷調查的實證研究.《經濟理論與經濟管理》,(4): 87-99.
宋華, 於亢亢*, 陳金亮 (2013). 不同情境下的服務供應鏈運作模式——資源和環境共同驅動的B2B多案例研究.《管理世界》,(2): 156-168.
於亢亢, 朱信凱*, 陳璇 (2012). 現代農業經營與建設主體演變的中美比較——基於問卷調查和普查數據的實證研究.《農業技術經濟》,(12): 105-111.
於亢亢, 朱信凱*, 王浩 (2012). 現代農業經營與建設主體變化趨勢與動因——基於全國範圍縣級問卷調查的實證研究.《中國農村經濟》,(10):78-90.


Song, H., Turson, R., Ganguly, A., Yu, K.* (2016). The effects of supply chain security management on performance through certification and reputation.The 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), August, Anaheim, California, United States.
Yu, K., Luo, N.*, Liu, J., Zhang, F. (2016). The interaction effect between food supply chain quality management and integration.The 10th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (ICOSCM), July, Chongqing, China.
Yu, K., Cadeaux, J., Luo, N.*, Liu, J. (2016). Environmental uncertainty and supply chain flexibility: A survey in China.Australian & Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Nov., Sydney, Australia.
Yu, K., Chen, N.*, Chen, Z., Gao, J. (2015). Study on the relationships between perceived residential environment quality, place attachment, and environment satisfaction in rural and urban areas of China.ANZMAC, Nov, Sydney, Australia.
Yu, K., Luo, N.*, Feng, X., Liu, J.(2015). Food supply chain integration, flexibility and performance.ICOSCM, June, Ningbo, China.
Song, H., Yu, K.*, Chatterjee, S. R. (2015). Role of supply chain financing in enhancing SME operations: A triangulation study in a Chinese context.ICOSCM, June, Ningbo, China. (Recommended toIndustrial Manufacturing & Data System)
Song, H., Turson, R., Yu, K.* (2014). Does governmental support enhance or attenuate entrepreneurial supply chain? An empirical research of the Chinese agri-food safety.The 6th China Agricultural Economic Review – Institutional Innovation and Rural Development (CAER-IFPRI) Annual Conference, October, Yangling, Shaanxi, China.
Yu, K., Cadeaux, J., Luo, N.*, Gao, J. (2014). The effect of objective and subjective environmental uncertainty on supply chain flexibility.AOM, August, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US.
Song, H, Yu, K.* (2014). Strategic interaction and relationship value in service supply chain: Mediating effects of value co-creation strategies.International Association for Chinese Management Research, June, Beijing, China.
Yu, K., Zhu, X.*, Chen, X. (2013). Transaction costs and performance variation of agricultural operators. CAER-IFPRI, Oct., Wuhan, China.
Luo, N., Yu, K.* (2013). Asymmetrical effects in both fits and misfits between environment and strategy.AOM, August, Orlando, Florida, US.
Song, H., Cadeaux, J., Yu, K.* (2013). The effect of service sourcing on perceived value proposition in servitization.ICOSCM, June, Shanghai, China. (Best Paper)


高健, 於亢亢[譯]. 《環境心理學導論》. 中國環境出版社, 2016.
於亢亢, 宋華. 《物流供應鏈管理前沿研究報告(2011)》.經濟管理出版社, 2015.
朱信凱, 於亢亢. 《未來誰來經營農業-現代農業經營主體研究》. 中國人民大學出版社, 2015.
於亢亢. 《環境不確定條件下的分銷網路與柔性戰略研究》. 中國環境出版社, 2015.
宋華, 於亢亢. 《物流供應鏈管理前沿研究報告(2010)》. 經濟管理出版社, 2013.
宋華, 於亢亢. 《現代物流管理(第二版)》. 中國人民大學出版社, 2012.


國家自然科學基金項目(青年),“環境不確定條件下的農產品供應鏈柔性匹配機制”, 2014.1-2016.12


Journal of Business Logistics, International Journal of Production Economics, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, International Journal of Logistics Management審稿人