共找到70條詞條名為李岩的結果 展開





2010.9-2011.6 教學:解析幾何,線性代數(工科),複變函數
2011 8.16-8.19,在韓國慶州東國大學舉辦的“函數域的算術及其相關領域”的學術會議上,作題為“矩陣群上的指數和及其應用”的報告。
2011 8.19-8.26,訪問位於韓國大田的Algebraic Structures and Application Research Centre, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 以及National Institute for Mathematical Science


1. 參與國家自然科學基金面上項目:橢圓曲線算術理論的若干問題研究(10771111)
2. 參與國家自然科學基金面上項目(11071277)
3. 參與國家自然科學基金青年項目(11001145)
4. 主持國家自然科學基金青年項目:Cohen-Lenstra 預測中若干問題的研究( 11101424)


1. Yan Li, Xianke Zhang, Global unit squares and local unit squares, J. Number Theory 128 (2008), no. 9, 2687—2694
2. Yan Li, Lianrong Ma, A note on the paper by K. Feng: “Non-congruent numbers, odd graphs and the Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture” [Acta Arith. 75 (1996), no. 1, 71--83; MR1379391], Acta Arith. 134 (2008), no. 3, 279--281.
3. Su Hu and Yan Li, A note on global units and local units of function fields, Acta Arith. 139 (2009), no. 1, 1--8.
4. Su Hu, Yan Li. The Genus fields of Artin-Schreier extensions. Finite Fields and Their Applications 16 (2010), 255-264
5. Yan Li, Lianrong Ma. On the Elements of the Continued Fractions of Quadratic Irrationals. The Fibonacci Quarterly. Volume 48 No.2 (2010) 129-136.
6. Su Hu, Yan Li. Bilinear character sums over norm groups. Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen. Volume 78 No.2 (2011)
7. Su Hu, Yan Li. Error bounds for quasi-Monte Carlo integration for Lwith uniform point sets. Monatshefte fur Mathematik. 3rd February 2011 online.
8. Su Hu, Yan Li. k-th power residue chains for global fields.
Glasnik Mathematicki. Vol. 46, No.1 (2011), 11-14.
9. Yan Li, Lianrong Ma. Double coverings and unit square problem for cyclotomic fields. Int. J. Number Theory. to appear in Nov. 2011


1. Yan li, Lianrong Ma A question of Sarkozy and Sos on representation functions, arXiv:1108.1920.
2. Su Hu, Yan Li, On a uniformly distributed phenomenon in matrix groups, arXiv:1103.3928
3. Yan Li, Su Hu, Gauss sums over some matrix groups,
4. Yan Li, Su Hu, On the ratio of θ-congruent numbers,

