

石勇,男,1956年8月生,湖南湘西人。民建中央委員。研究生學歷,管理科學與計算機系統博士。現任國務院參事,中國科學院虛擬經濟與數據科學研究中心主任、中國科學院大學經濟與管理學院副院長、中國科學院大數據挖掘與知識管理重點實驗室主任、中國科協第九屆全國委員會委員、中國管理現代化研究會聯職理事長 (法人代表) 、發展中國家科學院院士



起止年月畢業院校專 業學 位


起止年月工作單位職 務職 稱
2007.05-2015.05中國科學院虛擬經濟與數據科學研究中心常務副主任 二級教授
2015.05-至今中國科學院虛擬經濟與數據科學研究中心主任 二級教授
2007.05-至今中國科學院大學經濟與管理學院副院長 二級教授
2014.08-至今中國科學院大數據挖掘與知識管理重點實驗室主任 二級教授


2004.01-至今國際電氣電子工程師協會(IEEE)高級會員(Senior Member) 
2013.01-至今國際數據科學年鑒(Annals of Data Science)創立主編 



石勇出版了24部專著,8部被SCI引用115次,他引77次。在80多種著名國際期刊上發表了200多篇學術論文,其中被SCI/SSCI收錄95篇,EI收錄109篇。SCI索引1200次,他引830次,h-index為40。單篇SCI他引最高118次,該論文被美國ISI Web of Science 的基本科學指標ESI列為領域學科十年來(2004年-2014年)前百分之一的高引用論文。他被列為Elsevier發布2014/2015中國高被引學者榜單之一。2012年,美國信息管理科學排名第一的期刊MIS Quarterly在第36卷第4期中將其列為BI&A(商務智能與分析)領域全球著名學者第三名。最近,他的大數據文章被選為2013年度國際模式識別期刊優秀文章獎(The 2013 best paper of Journal of Pattern Recognition) ,還被選為2016全球高被引科學家(計算機科學領域)。
石勇2007年創建的中國科學院虛擬經濟與數據科學研究中心已成為國際公認的科技前沿團隊。2014年,他就任中國科學院大數據挖掘與知識管理重點實驗室主任。他應美國工程院院刊“The Bridge”邀請主編的“大數據的全球視野”(A Global View of Big Data)專輯正式出版在該刊的Winter 2014上。作為參考文獻,它將不斷地影響大數據與數據科學領域的深化的擴展。




石勇具有豐富的美國商業公司的諮詢經驗。他曾多次應邀為美國著名的金融證券和保險信息技術公司: 如美國財富雜誌500家大公司之一的第一資訊公司(First Data Corp.)、奧馬哈保險公司(Mutual of Omaha Co.), 美國在線交易(Ameritrade holding Co.), 第一國家銀行(First National Bank) 進行數據挖掘方法的應用研究。2013年10月19-22日,在美國亞特蘭大市舉行的美國運籌學與管理科學年會(INFORMS)上,他被邀請作了一個半小時有關數據挖掘線性系統法的專題報告(Tutorial Lecture)。INFORMS擁有來自世界12,000名有關科研成員。他的專題報告證明他獨創的數據挖掘與知識管理方法已被該領域接受並處於國際領先水平。他的研究成果正在引起中國銀聯總公司、上海資信公司、北京大公國際諮詢公司和深圳鵬遠資信公司等中國信用資信企業同行的高度重視。申請人先後應邀到中國建設銀行總行、工商銀行總行、光大銀行總行和中信實業總部等單位演講信用評分系統和知識管理的技術問題。


(1)Big Data: History, Current Status, and Challenges Going Forward,The Bridge,2015,第1作者
(2)Domestic Systemically Important Banks: A Quantitative Analysis for the Chinese Banking System, Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2014,第2作者
(3)How Does Credit Portfolio Diversification Affect Banks Return and Risk Evidence from Chinese Listed Commercial Banks,Technological and Economic Development of Economy,2014,第2作者
(4)Successive Overrelaxation For Laplacian Support Vector Machine,IEEE Transaction On Neural Networks And Learning Systems,2014,第3作者
(5)A new classification model using privileged information and its application,Neurocomputing,2014,第3作者
(6)A nonparallel support vector machine for a classification problem with universum learning,Computational Applied Mathematics ,2014,第3作者
(7)Regularized multiple-criteria linear programming with universum and its application,Neural Computing and Applications,2014,第3作者
(8)Improved Twin Support Vector Machine,Science China Mathematics,2014,第4作者
(9)Customer Churn Prediction Based on Feature Clustering and Nonparallel Support Vector Machine,International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making,2014,第2作者
(10)基於 SVR 的中國金融狀況指數研究,管理評論,2014,第4作者
(11)An Alternative Approach for The Classification of Orange Varieties Based On Near Infrared Spectroscopy,Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,2013,通訊作者
(12)Robust Twin Support Vector Machine for Pattern Classification,Pattern Recognition,2012,第3作者
(13)Laplacian twin support vector machine for semi-supervised classification,Neural Networks,2012,第3作者
(14)A Multicriteria Decision Making Approach for Estimating the Number of Clusters in a Data Set,PLoS One,2012,第4作者
(15)Multi-Level Opinion Dynamics under Bounded Confidence,PLoS One,2012,第4作者
(16)Structural Regular Multiple Criteria Linear Programming for Classification Problem,International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control,2012,第2作者
(17)Training The Max-Margin Sequence Model with The Relaxed Slack Variables,Neural Networks,2012,第3作者
(18)A Bug Detection Model in Process Monitoring for Trustworthy Software,Journal of Computational Information System,2012,第4作者
(19)A Framework For Application-Driven Classification of Data Streams,Neurocomputing,2012,第4作者
(20)Evaluation of Classification Algorithms using MCDM and Rank Correlation,International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making,2012,第4作者
(21)A Conceptual Snapshot of The First Decade (2002-2011) of The International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making,International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making,2012,通訊作者
(22)Classifier Evaluation for Software Defect Prediction,Studies in Informatics and Control,2012,第3作者
(23)An Integrated Feature Selection and Classification Scheme,Studies in Informatics and Control,2012,通訊作者
(24)Distributed Data Possession Checking for Securing Multiple Replicas in Geographically Dispersed Clouds,Journal of Computer and System Sciences,2012,第4作者
(25)A Nonlinear Multiregression Model Based on the Choquet Integral with a Quadratic Core,International Journal Granular Computing, Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems,2012,第3作者
(26)Further Discussions on induced bias matrix model of the Pair-wise Comparison Matrix,Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,2012,通訊作者
(27)Using Non-Additive Measure for Optimization-Based Nonlinear Classification,American Journal of Operations Research,2012,第3作者
(28)Error Correction Method in Classification by Using Multiple-Criteria and Multiple-Constraint Levels Linear Programming,International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control,2012,第2作者
(29)Consistency in Emergency Management,International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control,2012,通訊作者
(30)Recent Advances on Support Vector Machines Research,Technological and Economic Development of Economy,2012,第2作者
(31)An Integrated Feature Selection and Classification Scheme,Studies in Informatics and Control,2012,通訊作者
(32)A Group of Knowledge-Incorporated Multiple Criteria Linear Programming Classifier,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2012,第3作者
(33)Efficient Railway Tracks Detection and Turnouts Recognition Method Using HOG Features,Neural Computing and Applications,2012,第3作者
(34)Efficient Sparse Least Squares Support Vector Machines for Pattern Classification, 2012 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD2012),2012,第4作者
(35)The Analysis of Peasant Households Credit Behavior,Procedia Computer Science 9(2012),2012,通訊作者
(36)Regularized Multiple Criteria Linear Programming via Linear Programming,Procedia Computer Science 9(2012),2012,第3作者
(37)Multi-Instance Classification Based on Regularized Multiple Criteria Linear Programming,Neural Computing and Applications,2012,第3作者
(38)Entity Disambiguation with Textual and Connection Information,Procedia Computer Science 9(2012),2012,第3作者
(39)Multicriteria Decision Making Approach for Cluster Validation,Procedia Computer Science 9(2012),2012,通訊作者
(40)Domain Knowledge Based Personalized Recommendation Model and Its Application in Cross-selling,Procedia Computer Science 9(2012),2012,通訊作者
(41)A Modified Clustering Method Based on Self-Organizing Maps and Its Applications,Procedia Computer Science 9(2012),2012,第3作者
(42)An improvement of choosing map-join candidates in Hive,Procedia Computer Science 9(2012),2012,第2作者
(43)Rgularized Multiple Criteria Second Order Cone Programming Formulations,KDD (DMIKM),2012,第3作者
(44)加權的Lq自適應最小二乘支持向量機分類器-魯棒和稀疏逼近,A Weighted Lq Adaptive Least Squares Support Vector Machine Classifiers – Robust and Sparse Approximation,Expert Systems with Applications,2011,第4作者
(45)一個基於模糊線性規劃的分類方法,A Fuzzy linear programming-based classification method,International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making,2011,第2作者
(46)基於嚴格的評估和預測的序列和結構的功能集成熱點,Rigorous Assessment and Integration of The Sequence and Structure Based Features to Predict Hot Spots,BMC Bioinformatics,2011,通訊作者
(47)中國已為其經濟經濟增長支付的實際成本是多少,How Much Real Cost Has China Paid for Its Economic Growth,Sustainability Science,2011,第3作者
(48)一個提高ANP中成對比較矩陣一致性比率的簡單方法,A Simple Method to Improve the Consistency Ratio of the Pair-wise Comparison Matrix in ANP,European Journal of Operational Research,2011,第4作者
(49)基於Logistic回歸和決策樹的信用卡流失預測,Credit Card Churn Forecasting By Logistic Regression and Decision Tree,Expert Systems with Applications,2011,通訊作者
(50)基於內核基於仿射子空間最近點學習方法的信貸風險評估,Credit Risk Evaluation with Kernel-based Affine Subspace Nearest Points Learning Method,Expert Systems With Applications,2011,第3作者
(51)FAMCDM:一個多目標決策多分類排名演演算法的融合方法,FAMCDM: A Fusion Approach of MCDM Methods to Rank Multiclass Classification Algorithms,Omega: The International Journal of Management Science,2011,第4作者
(52)組合的軟體缺陷預測:一個基於AHP的評價方法,Ensemble of software defect predictors: an AHP-based evaluation method,International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making,2011,通訊作者
(53)一個財務風險預測的分類演演算法評價的實證研究,An Empirical Study of Classification Algorithm Evaluation for Financial Risk Prediction,Applied Soft Computing,2011,第4作者
(54)BIMM:一個不完全交互成對比較矩陣的偏誘發矩陣模型,BIMM: A Bias Induced Matrix Model for Incomplete Reciprocal Pairwise Comparison Matrix,Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis,2011,第4作者
(55)應用粗糙集的蛋白質序列預測,Prediction of protein interaction hot spots using rough set-based multiple,Journal of Theoretical Biology,2011,通訊作者
(56)基於多目標優化的數據挖掘演演算法和應用,Multiple criteria optimization-based data mining methods and applications: a systematic survey,Knowledge and Information Systems,2010,第1作者
(57)知識轉移和共享在製造業EPR實現的研究,Research on Knowledge Transfer and sharing in the Implement of Manufacturing EPR,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2010,通訊作者
(58)雜訊數據流挖掘的魯棒集成學習,Robust Ensemble Learning for Mining Noisy Data Streams,Decision Support Systems,2010,第3作者
(59)基於優化權重分類器組合的流數據主動學習,Active Learning from Stream Data Using Optimal Weight Classifier Ensemble,IEEE Transactions on System Man Cybernetics -Part B,2010,第4作者
(60)基於多目標和多約束水平規劃的智能信用評分領域驅動分類,Domain-Driven Classification Based on Multiple Criteria and Multiple Constraint-Level Programming for Intelligent Credit Scoring,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,2010,第3作者
(61)帶有概率度量時滯的離散隨機神經網路的魯棒狀態估計,Robust State Estimation for Discrete-Time Stochastic Neural Networks with Probabilistic Measurement Delays,Neurocomputing,2010,第4作者
(62)基於抽樣方法的SVM在人臉識別中的應用,Kernel Subclass Convex Hull Sample Selection Method for SVM on Face Recognition,Neurocomputing, forthcoming,2010,第4作者
(63)An effective classification approach based on fuzzy set and multiple criteria linear programming,Journal of Data Analysis,2009,
(64)Multiple criteria mathematical programming for multi-class classification and application in network intrusion detection,Information Sciences,2009,
(65)Problems and systematic Solutions in Data Quality,International Journal of Services Sciences,2009,(66)A Class of Classification and Regression Methods by Multi-objective Programming,Frontiers of Computer Science in China,2009,
(67)三種分類演演算法的比較研究:MCLP, LDA 和C5.0,中國科學院研究生院學報,2009,
(68)Regularized multiple criteria linear programs for classi?cation,Science in China Series F: Information Sciences,2009,
(69)A Multiple Criteria and Multiple Constraints Mathematical Programming Model for Classification,Communications in Computer and Information Science,2009,
(70)A Rough Set-based Multiple Criteria Linear Programming Approach for the Medial Diagnosis and Prognosis,Expert Systems with Applications,2009,
(71)Foundations of Intelligent Knowledge Management,The Journal of Human Systems Management,2009,
(72)Decision Analysis of Data Mining Project Based on Bayesian Risk,Expert Systems with Applications,2009,
(73)MCLP-based Methods for Improving “Bad” Catching Rate in Credit Cardholder Behavior Analysis,Applied Soft Computing,2008,
(75)A Rough Set-based Multiple Criteria Linear Programming Approach for Improving Classification Performance,International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management,2008,
(76)Supportive instances for Regularized Multiple Criteria Linear Programming Classification,International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management,2008,
(77)Global and Local Bagging Approach for Classifying Noisy Dataset,International Journal of Software and Informatics,2008,
(78)A Multi-criteria Convex Quadratic Programming model for credit data analysis ,Decision Support Systems,2008,
(79)A Fuzzy Linear Programming Method and Application for Data Classification,Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems,2008,
(80)ampling Based Succinct Matrix Approximation,Statistics Probability Letters,2008,
(81)A Way to Improving Knowledge Sharing: from the Perspective of Knowledge Potential,Journal of Service Science and Management,2008,
(82)Comparison study of two kernel-based learning algorithms for predicting the distance range between antibody interface residues and antigen surface,International Journal of Computer Mathematics,2007,
(83)A Multi-Dimensional Forward Selection Method for Firms’ Credit Sale,Computers Mathematics with Applications,2007,
(84)Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model and Sensitivity Analysis for Shadow Price of Water Resource in China,Water Resources Management,2007,
(85)Developing Mining-Grid Centric E-Finance Portals For Risk Management and Decision Making,International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence ,2007,
(86)Study on a Process-Oriented Knowledge Management Model,International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Sciences,2007,
(87)Research on Evaluation Model of Organizational Knowledge Assets,Journal of Information Knowledge Management ,2007,


( 1 ) 多目標多約束水平線性規劃:概念,技術和應用,Multiple Criteria Multiple Constraint-level (MC2) Linear Programming: Concepts, Techniques and Applications,World Scientific Publishing,2001-05,第1作者
( 2 ) 多目標線性決策系統:理論及應用,Multiple Criteria Linear Program mining Decision Systems: Theory and Applications,高等教育出版社,2007-05,第1作者
( 3 ) 跨學科的數據通信和發現,Communications and Discoveries from Multidisciplinary Data,Springer,2008-01,第5作者
( 4 ) 多目標決策中的尖端研究課題,Cutting-Edge Research Topics on Multiple Criteria Decision Making,Springer,2009-07,第1作者
( 5 ) 中國的現實與全球視野,China’s Reality and Global Vision,World Scientific Publishing,2009-10,第4作者
( 6 ) 最優化數據挖掘:理論與應用,Optimization based Data Mining: Theory and Applications,Springer,2011-05,第1作者
( 7 ) AHP/ ANP的數據處理,Data Processing for the AHP/ANP,Springer,2012-05,第4作者


( 1 ) 創新群體項目, 主持,國家級,2010-06--2012-06
( 2 ) 創新團隊國際合作夥伴計劃, 主持,部委級,2010-06--2013-06
( 3 ) 基於數據科學的虛擬經濟團隊, 主持,部委級,2010-06--2013-06
( 4 ) 國際(地區)合作與交流項目, 主持,國家級,2012-06--2016-06
( 5 ) 大數據環境下的管理決策創新研究, 主持,國家級,2014-01--2018-12
( 6 ) 面向管理決策的非結構化大數據分析方法與關鍵技術, 主持,國家級,2016-01--2019-12


(1)Face Recognition Using Affine Subspace Nearest Points ApproachZhou Xiaofei, Jiang Wenhan, Shi Yong, Tian Yingjie2009-11-04
(2)Bias-Variance Analysis for Ensembling Regularized Multiple Criteria Linear ProgrammingZhang Peng, Zhu Xingquan, Shi Yong2009-11-02
(3)Predicting Software Defects using Multiple Criteria Linear ProgrammingZhao Xiuxiang, Liu Ying, and Yong Shi2009-10-28
(4)The Pareto-frontier Solution to the Multi Project Multiple Item Stochastic Chance-Constrained Investment CombinationJing Yu, Bin Xu, Yong Shi2009-07-24
(5)A New Classification Method for PCA-based Face RecognitionZhou.X, Y. Shi, P. Zhang, G. Nie and W.Jiang2009-07-24
(6)A New research Field: Intelligent Knowledge ManagementZhang. L, J. Li, A. Li, P. Zhang, G. Nie and Y. Shi2009-07-24
(7)Transfer Knowledge via Relational K-Means MethodZhang, P., L. Zhang, G. Nie, Y. Zhang and Y. Shi2009-07-24
(8)A Survey of Interestingness Measures for Association RulesZhang Yuejin, Zhang Lingling, Nie Guangli, Shi Yong2009-07-24
(9)PCA-based Face Recognition based on l1NNCH approachZhou Xiaofei, Shi Yong, Zhang Peng, Nie Guangli, Jiang Wenhan2009-07-24
(10)Research Challenges and Solutions for the Knowledge Overload with Data MiningXingsen Li, Lingling Zhang, Zhengxiang Zhu and Yong Shi2009-07-11
(11)Predicting a Firm’s Internal Control Weaknesses: Using a Multiple Criteria Linear Programming Data Mining ApproachKwak, W., Shi, Y., Kou, G.2009-07-01
(12)Knowledge Intelligence: A New Field in BusinessGuangli Nie, Xiuting Li, Lingling Zhang, Yuejin Zhang, Yong Shi2009-06-22
(13)A Simulation Model of Technological Adoption with an Intelligent AgentMa Tieju, Chi Chunjie, Chen Jun and Shi Yong2009-06-22
(14) A Two-Layer Least Squares Support Vector Machine Approach to Credit Risk AssessmentLiu. J, J. Li, W. Xu and Y. Shi2009-06-22
(15)A Study of Protein-protein Interaction Sites Using Rough Set-based Multiple Criteria Linear Programming77Chen Ruoying, Zhang Zhiwang, Shi Yong, Wu Di, Zhang Xinyang2009-06-22
(16)A Multiple Criteria Quadratic Programming Method for Protein Surface Residues ClassificationChen Ruoying, Zhang Zhiwang, Shi Yong, Wu Di2009-06-22
(17)Data Mining Integrated With Domain KnowledgeHuang Anqiang, Zhang Lingling, Zhu Zhengxiang, Shi Yong2009-06-22
(18)Data Mining for Customer Segmentation in Personal Financial MarketWang.G, F. Li, P. Zhang, Y. Tian and Y. Shi2009-06-22
(19)Data Mining and Software Trustworthiness: A biographic surveyPeng, Y., G. Kou, Y. Shi2009-06-22
(20)Hierarchical Document Clustering Method for Very Large CorporaPeng, Y., G. Kou, Y. Shi2009-06-22
(21)Perspective on Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 1985-2008Peng, Y., G. Kou, Y. Shi2009-06-22
(22)A Novel MCQP Approach for Predicting the Distance Range between Interface Residues in Antibody-antigen ComplexYong Shi,Ruoying Chen,Jia Wan,Xinyang Zhang2009-06-22
(23)Research on Ratchet Effects in Enterprises’ Knowledge Sharing based on game models68Wang Ying, Zhang Lingling, Zheng Xiuyu, Shi Yong2009-06-22
(24)Nonlinear Knowledge in Kernel-based Multiple Criteria Linear Programming Classifier張東玲,田英傑,石勇2009-06-22
(25)A Multiple Criteria and Multiple Constraints Mathematical Programming Model for ClassificationPeng Zhang , Yingjie Tian, Dongling Zhang, Xingquan Zhu, Yong Shi2009-06-21
(26)Mining Knowledge from Multiple Criteria Linear Programming ModelsPeng Zhang , Xingquan Zhu, Aihua Li, Lingling Zhang, Yong Shi2009-06-21
(27)A Novel Classification Method based L1 Norm DistanceZhou Xiaofei, Tian Yingjie, Shi Yong2009-05-27
(28)Nearest Neighbor Convex Hull Classification Method for Face RecognitionZhou Xiaofei, Shi Yong, Zhang Peng, Nie Guangli, Jiang Wenhan2009-05-25
(29)Knowledge-Rich Data Mining in Financial Risk DetectionPeng, Y., Kou, G., and Shi, Y. 2009-05-25
(30)Kernel Based Regularized Multiple Criteria Linear Programming ModelZhang.Y, P. Zhang, and Y. Shi2009-05-25
(31)The Measurement of Distinguishing Ability of Classification in Data Mining Model and Its Statistical SignificanceZhang, L., Q. Wang, J. Wei, X. Wang and Y. Shi2009-05-25
(32)Multiple Criteria Quadratic Programming for Financial Distress Prediction of the Listed Manufacturing CompaniesWang. Y, P. Zhang, G. Nie and Y. Shi2009-05-25
(33)Finding the Hidden Pattern of Credit Card Holder’s Churn: A Case of ChinaGuangli Nie, Guoxun Wang, Peng Zhang, Yingjie Tian, and Yong Shi2009-05-25
(34)Study on the Application of Data Mining Algorithms in Credit Card Management Aihua, Li, Wenbin Li, Yong Shi2009-05-23
(35)An Aggregate Ensemble for Mining Concept DriftingZhang Peng, Zhu Xingquan, Shi Yong,Xindong Wu2009-04-27
(36)Affine Subspace Nearest Points Classification Algorithm for Wavelet Face RecognitionZhou Xiaofei, Shi Yong2009-03-31
(37)Cleansing Noisy Data StreamsZhu Xingquan, Zhang Peng, Wu, He, Zhang, Shi Yong2008-12-15
(38)A Bias-Variance Analysis of Multiple Criteria Linear Programming Classification EnsemblesMeihong Zhu,Yong Shi,Aihua Li,Peng Zhang2008-12-09
(39)A Bias-Variance Analysis of Multiple Criteria Linear ProgrammingMeihong Zhu, Yong Shi, Aihua Li, Peng Zhang2008-12-09
(40)Study on Process Oriented Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Knowledge-Intensive OrganizationsZhang Lingling, Li Jun, Chen Quan, Song Yang, Wang Ying, Shi Yong2008-10-23
(41)Study on Dynamic Model and Demonstration analysis for Urban Housing Purchasing Power MeasuringAihua Li, Yong Shi2008-09-10
(42) Categorizing and mining concept drifting data streamsZhang Peng, Zhu Xingquan, Shi Yong2008-06-30
(43)Select Representative Samples for Regularized Multiple-Criteria Linear Programming ClassificationZhang Peng, Tian Yingjie, Li Xingsen, Zhang Zhan, Shi Yong2008-06-25
(44)An Optimization-Based Classification Approach with the Non-additive MeasureYan, Nian, Zhengxin Chen, Rong Liu, and Yong Shi2008-06-25
(45)A Rough Set-Based Multiple Criteria Linear Programming Approach for ClassificationZhang Zhiwang, Shi Yong, Zhang Peng, Gao Guangxia2008-06-24
(46)A Selection Method of ETF’s Credit Risk Evaluation IndicatorsZhang, Y., Z. Zhou, and Y. Shi2008-06-23
(47)A Multi-criteria Decision Support System of Water Resource Allocation ScenariosJing He, Yanchun Zhang, Yong Shi2007-11-28
(48)Succinct Matrix Approximation and Efficient k-NN ClassificationLiu, R. and Y. Shi2007-10-28
(49) Active Learning from Data StreamsZhu Xingquan, Zhang Peng, Shi Yong2007-10-28
(50)Active Learning from Data StreamsZhu, X., P. Zhang, X. Lin and Y. Shi2007-10-28
(51)A Regularized Multiple Criteria Linear Program for ClassificationShi, Y., Y. Tian, X. Chen and P. Zhang2007-10-28
(52)Utility-based Web Path Traversal Pattern MiningZhou, L., Y. Liu, J. Wang and Y. Shi2007-10-28
(53)Cluster Analysis and Optimization in Color-Based Clustering for Image AbstractHE Jing, Guangyan Huang, Yanchun Zhang, Yong Shi2007-10-28
(54) E-Business Intelligence Via MCMP-Based Data Mining Methods14Peng Yi, Shi Yong, Li Xingsen, Chen Zhengxin, Kou Gang2007-08-27
(55)A New Multi-criteria Quadratic-programming Linear Classification Model for VIP E-Mail AnalysisZhang Peng, Zhang Juliang, Shi Yong2007-08-14
(56)Research on Business Process-oriented Knowledge Auditing ModelZhang Yuejin, Zhang Lingling, Shi Yong2007-08-03
(57)The Analysis of Logistic Regression in Customers’Churn of VIP Electronic MailboxHan Jingjing, Zhang Lingling, Shi Yong, Li Jun2007-07-27
(58)The Production Function Analysis of Technological Activities for Large and Medium-size Industrial Enterprises in ChinaHan Jingjing, Zhang Lingling, Shi Yong, Li Jun2007-07-27
(59)Network Lifetime of Application-Specific Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks in Arbitrary Sensor DensityHE Jing, Zhang Yanchun, Huang Guangyan, Shi Yong2007-06-11
(60)The Characteristic Analysis of Web User Clusters based on Frequent Browsing Patterns2007年計算科學國際會議Zhang Zhiwang, Yong Shi2007-05-27
(61)Kimberlites Identification by Classification MethodsChai Yaohui, Li Aihua, Shi Yong2007-05-27
(62) Pushing Frequency Constraint to Utility Mining ModelWang Jing, Liu Ying, Zhou Lin, Shi Yong2007-05-27
(63)A Dynamic Committee Sheme on Multiple-Criteria Linear Programming Classification MethodMeihong, Z., Y. Shi, A. Li and J. He2007-05-27
(64)epsilon-Support Vector and Large-scale data mining problemsGang, Peng Yi, Shi Yong and Chen Zhengxin 2007-05-27
(65)Feature Selection for VIP E-Mail Accounts AnalysisZhan, Z., Y. Tian and Y. Shi2007-05-27
(66)Pushing Frequency Constraint to Utility Mining ModelJing Wang, Ying Liu, Lin Zhou, Yong Shi, Xingquan Zhu2007-05-27
(67)Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method on Firms Credit Sale RiskLi.G., Z.Zhou, X. Song, and Y. Shi2007-05-27
(68)Application of Classification Methoods to Individual Disability Income Insurance Fraud DetectionPeng, Y., G. Kou, J. Matza, Z. Chen, Deepak Khazanchi ang Yong Shi2007-05-27
(69)The Application of Data Mining in Mobile Subscriber ClassificationFu Haiming, Zhang Lingling, Shi Yong2007-05-07
(70)Knowledge Management Plantforms and Intelligence Knowledge beyond Data MiningShi, Y. and X. Li2007-01-01
(71)The Analysis on the Customers Churn of Charge Email Based on Data Mining ——Take One Internet Company for ExampleGuangli Nie, Lingling Zhang, Xingsen Li, Yong Shi2006-12-18


石勇獲2013年教育部自然科學一等獎,2012年教育部自然科學二等獎,2012年北京市科學技術獎二等獎,2011年北京市科學技術獎三等獎,2004年中國科學院"百人計劃"獎勵(研究生院),2001年中國國家傑出青年科學家基金獎,2001年中國科學院"國外傑出人才計劃"候選人(軟體所),1999年度內布拉斯加州立大學卓越研究獎,1997至2000年美國電子電氣工程師協會 (IEEE)卓越演講者,1997年內布拉斯加州立大學信息科學優秀教授獎, 1996年中國科學院"百人計劃"候選人(系統科學所),1993年內布拉斯加州立大學院長卓越研究獎等。2021年成思危全球獎·虛擬經濟研究成果獎。

