1987.9-1991.12 法國巴黎中央工程師學院 材料與力學專業 DEA,博士
1992年01月-1993年06月 SNECMA-法國中央工程師學院,博士后
1993年07月-1996年07月 北京理工大學應用力學系,副研究員
1996年07月- 北京理工大學應用力學系,教 授, 98年聘為博士生導師
1995年12月-1996年03月 法國中央工程師學院材料系,訪問教授
1997年01月-1997年06月 法國國立高等工藝製造學院材料系,訪問教授
1999年03月-1999年06月 香港科技大學機械工程系,訪問教授
1999年10月-1999年11月 法國國立高等工藝製造學院材料系,訪問教授
2003年01月-2004年01月 英國劍橋大學工程系,訪問教授
2005年06月-2005年07月 法國高等師範學院(ENS Cachan)力學系,訪問教授
2014年8月 - 2014年09月 加拿大安大略大學工學院,Westen Fellow
所在學科固體力學,主要從事複合材料設計和波傳播調控方向的研究。先後主持國家傑出青年科學基金,國家自然科學基金重點和面上項目以及國防基礎研究等項目,參加國家基礎研究“973項目”、某動力學專項和國家自然科學基金重大項目, 是國家自然科學基金委創新研究群體“複雜材料與結構動態力學”的骨幹成員。發表SCI收錄論文80篇,論文被SCI他引超過450篇次。在複合材料細觀力學、超材料設計和波傳播控制方面做出過原創性研究成果。
目前,擔任教育部科技委數理學部委員,中國兵工學會應用力學專業委員會主任委員,《中國科學:物理、力學&天文》副主編、《固體力學學報》副主編,《Acta Mechanica》、《Int. Appl. Mech.》、《科學通報》等多個學報編委。

沈觀林,胡更開.《複合材料力學》,清華大學-Springer出版社, 2006年
H Yuan, G.K.Hu and S. Schmauder, Sepcial issue of Computational Materials Sciences
(Vol.46,2009) of 18 International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Beijing, October,10-17, 2008
Z. Chang, D.K. Guo, X.Q. Feng and G.K.Hu, A facile method to realize perfectly matched layers for elastic waves, Wave Motion, 2014
D. Yan, K. Zhang, F.J Peng and G.K. Hu, Tailoring the wrinkle pattern of a microstructured membrane, Applied Physics Letters, 105,071905,2014
Y. Chen, X.N. Liu and G.K. Hu, Micropolar modeling of planar orthotropic rectangular chiral lattices, C. R. Mecanique, 342, 273-283, 2014
Y.Y. Chen, G.L. Huang, X.M. Zhou, G.K. Hu and C.T. Sun, Analytical coupled vibroacoustic modeling of membrane-type acoustic metamaterials: Membrane model, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136, 969, 2014
P. Li, S. S. Yao, X. M. Zhou, G. L. Huang and G. K. Hu, Effective medium theory of thin-plate acoustic metamaterials, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135, 1844, 2014
H. J. Su, X. M. Zhou, X. C. Xu, and G. K. Hu, Experimental study on acoustic subwavelength imaging of holey-structured metamaterials by resonant tunneling, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135, 1686, 2014
Z. X. Shen, P. Li,C. Liu, G. K. Hu, A finite element beam model including cross-section distortion in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 77, 1019–1033, 2014
R. Zhu, X.N. Liu, G.K. Hu, C.T. Sun, G.L. Huang, A chiral elastic metamaterial beam for broadband vibration suppression, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333, 2759-2773, 2014
D. Yan, C. Liu, Q. Tian, K. Zhang, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, A new curved gradient deficient shell element of absolute nodal coordinate formulation for modeling thin shell structures, Nonlinear Dynamics, 74, 153-164, 2013
Y. Chen, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, Q. P. Sun and Q. S. Zheng, Micropolar continuum modelling of bi-dimensional tetrachiral lattices, Proc. R. Soc. A 470, 20130734, 2014
Z. X. Shen, G. K. Hu, Thermally induced vibrations of solar panel and their coupling with satellite, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 5(03), 2013
Z. X. Shen, Q. Tian, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, Thermally induced vibrations of flexible beams using Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation, Aerospace Science and Technology, 29, 386-393, 2013
X. B. Cai, Q. Q. Guo, G. K. Hu, J. Yang, Particle focusing in a microchannel with acoustic metafluid, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 031901, 2013
X. M. Zhou, G. K. Hu, Dynamic effective models of two-dimensional acoustic metamaterials with cylindrical inclusions, Acta Mech, 224, 1233-1241, 2013
J. Hu, X.N. Liu and G.K. Hu, Constraint condition on transformation relation for generalized acoustics, Wave Motion, 50, 170-179, 2013
F. Song, G. L. Huang, G. K. Hu, Coupled piezo-elastodynamic modeling of guided wave excitation and propagation in plates with applied prestresses, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 24(5), 598–611, 2012
Z. Chang, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, Transformation ray method: Controlling high frequency elastic waves, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132(4), 2942-2945, 2012
A. P. Liu, X. M. Zhou, G. L. Huang, G. K. Hu, Super-resolution imaging by resonant tunneling in anisotropic acoustic metamaterials, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132(4), 2800-2806, 2012
Q. X. Sun, N. N. Yang, X. B. Cai, G. K. Hu, Mechanism of dust removal by a standing wave electric curtain, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55(6), 1018-1025, 2012
X. N. Liu, G. L. Huang, G. K. Hu, Chiral effect in plane isotropic micropolar elasticity and its application to chiral lattices, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 60, 1907-1921, 2012
Z. Chang, G. K. Hu, Elastic wave omnidirectional absorbers designed by transformation method, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 054102(1-4), 2012
X. M. Zhou, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, Elastic metamaterials with local resonances: an overview, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 2, 041001, 2012,
A.P. Liu , R. Zhu, X.N. Liu, G.K. Hu and G.L. Huang, Multi-Displacement Microstructure Continuum Modeling of Anisotropic Elastic Metamaterials,Wave Motion, 49,411-426, 2012
R. Zhu, G.L. Huang and G.K. Hu, Effective Dynamic Properties and Multi-Resonant Design of Elastic Metamaterials, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 134, 031006(1-8), 2012
F. Song, G.L. Huang and G.K. Hu, Online Debonding Detection in Honeycomb Sandwich Structures Using Multi-Frequency Guided Waves, AIAA Journal, 50(2),284-293, 2012
F. Song, H.F Zhao and G.K. Hu, Explicit Crosslink relations between effective elastic modulus and thermal conductivity for fiber composites, Comput. Mat. Sci. 51,353-359,2012
J. Hu, Z. Chang and G.K. Hu, Approximate method for controlling solid elastic waves by transformation method, Phys. Rev. B, 84, 201101, 2011
J. Zhou, X.B Cai, Z. Chang and G.K. Hu, Experimental study on a broadband omnidirectional electromagnetic absorber, Journal of Optics, 13, 085103, 2011
X.N. Liu, G.K. Hu, G.L. Huang and C.T. Sun, An Elastic Metamaterial with Simultaneously Negative Mass Density and Bulk Modulus, Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 121904, 2011
X.M.Zhou and G.K. Hu, Superlensing effect of an anisotropic metamaterial slab with near-zero dynamic mass, Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 263510, 2011
Z. Chang, J. Hu, G.K. Hu, R. Tao and Y. Wang, Controlling elastic waves with isotropic materials, Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 121904, 2011
X.N. Liu, G.K. Hu, C.T. Sun and G.L. Huang, Wave propagation characterization and design of two-dimensional elastic chiral metacomposite, Journal of Sounds and Vibration, 330, 2536–2553, 2011
Z. Chang, J. Hu and G.K. Hu, Transformation method and wave control, Acta Mech Sin, 26, 889–898, 2010
S.S Yao, X.M. Zhou and G.K. Hu, Investigation of the negative-mass behaviors occurring below a cut-off frequency, New Journal of Physics, 12, 103025, 2010
Z. Chang, X.M. Zhou, J. Hu and G.K. Hu, Design method for quasi-isotropic transformation materials based on inverse Laplace’s equation with sliding boundaries, Optics Express, Vol 18(6), 6089-6096, 2010
Z. Chang, X.M. Zhou, J. Hu and G.K. Hu, Invisible cloak design with controlled constitutive parameters and arbitrary shaped boundaries through Helmholtz's equation: comment, Optics Express, Vol. 18, Issue 4, pp. 3917-3918, 2010
J. Hu, X.M. Zhou and G.K. Hu, Nonsingular two dimensional cloak of arbitrary shape, Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, 011107, 2009
X.B. Cai, Q.B. Deng and G.K. Hu, Experimental study on electromagnetic wave transparency for coated metallic cylinders, Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 103112, 2009
H. Chen, X.N. Liu, G.K. Hu and H.Yuan, Identification of material constants for micropolar composite by homogenization method, Computatinal Material Sciences, 46, 733-737, 2009
J. Hu, X.M.Zhou and G.K. Hu, A numerical method for designing acoustic cloak with arbitrary shapes, Computatinal Material Sciences, 46,708, 2009
X.M.Zhou and G.K. Hu, Analytical model for elastic metamaterials with local resonances, Phys. Rev. B, 79, 195109, 2009
J. Hu, X.M.Zhou and G.K. Hu, Design method for electromagnatic cloak with arbitary shapes based on Laplace's equation, Optical Express, Vol 17, Issue 3, 1308-1320, 2009