

楊雪松,組織學與胚胎學系教授,博士生導師,暨南大學醫學院臨床醫學系主任,暨南大學-香港中文大學再生醫學教育部重點實驗室PI。現從事【細胞與發育生物學】&【組織與胚胎學】教學和科研工作。1984年畢業於哈爾濱醫科大學臨床醫學專業,1987年獲哈爾濱醫科大學醫學碩士學位,1997年獲日本東京醫科齒科大學醫學部生理學博士(細胞膜生物學),1997-1999年在英國Manchester大學從事博士后研究(胰腺外分泌),1999年起在英國Dundee大學開始發育生物學工作,主要應用microscopy,結合組織學、細胞和分子生物學技術開展胚胎原腸胚形成期三胚層細胞遷移模式和FGF、PDGF和VEGF信號調節細胞遷移過程的研究,部分研究成果已經發表在高影響因子的國際學術期刊上如Developmental Cell、Current Biology、PNAS、Development、Developmental Biology、Oncogene、JBC等。2007年底受聘於暨南大學,現在繼續上述發育生物學課題的同時,主要利用轉基因鼠和早期雞胚胎的模型,探討先天性疾病的基因功能學機理。


職稱:教授 博導


Research interests
1. Cell migration modulated by early expressed genes in embryo gastrulation: the coordinated and modulated cell movement is absolutely essential for embryo gastrulation, in which embryo three germ layers formed. Improper cell migration in the event of genetic and exogenous factors might result in severe congenital defects and diseases. We thereby investigate the relationship between the coordinated cell migration and the gene expression pattern during embryo gastrulation using the approaches including real-time imaging microscopy, in situ hybridization immunocytochemistry, western blot and RT-PCR etc. Actually, the cell migration research in gastrulating embryo provide a solid initial study platform for the following projects.
2. Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis during embryonic development and tumorigenesis: The vascularization and the blood vessel growth are very complicated processes in which the many genes are involved in regulating strictly. Using our using chick and transgenic mouse models, we would like to manipulate the related gene expression levels to reveal the mechanism of vasculogenesis in the process of embryo development, which accordingly promotes clinical care to the diseases related to vascularization and angiogenesis, particularly to the tumor treatment. In this stage, we are particularly interested in the mechanism of blood island formation since there certainly is the advantage using early chick embryo combined to the transgenic mice. In addition, chick yolk sac membrane (YSM) and chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) provide brilliant models for studying the anti-tumor drugs or screening potential interesting compounds, especially very useful to investigate the correlation between angiogenesis and tumor growth since the visible angiogenesis in YSM and CAM.
3. Heart tube formation: The primary heart tube derives from the cell migration and differentiation of cardiogenic mesoderm cells under the precise regulation of related gene expressions, which located next to the pericardial cavity. We are interested in the early heart formation since it does not only reveal the physiological process of early heart formation but also supply more information for studying ethnology of congenital cardiopathy in various pathological conditions including diabetes, over-consuming caffeine and 2,5-HD exposure etc. in pregnancy. Additionally, we also intend to carry on the study about the employment of MSC and neural crest cells to induce cardiac progenitor cells for generative medicine via their paracrine function.
4. Neural tube closure and neural crest generation: Using our mature early chick embryo model combined with transgenic mice, we explore the related genes and crucial molecules in the process of neural tube fusion. Vertebrate neurulation is the process that occurs just following gastrulation in embryonic development. Neurulation starts from neural plate bend dorsally, closes up and heals to form neural tube at the midline, and eventually central nerve system take shape. Failure of neural tube closing in the one of most important reasons for neural tube defects in clinic. Using the Slit2/Robo1 or BRE gene transfection in early chick embryos and Robo1/2 or BRE deficiency mice, we plan to manipulate the those gene levels including over-expression and knock-down with siRNA to study Slit/Robo and BRE gene functions in the neurulation and generation of neural crest cells. Similarly, those normal developmental biological studies could be utilized for exploring the mechanism of neural tube defects and the congenital disorders related with dysplasia of neural crest in clinic.
Selected publications (chronologically)
1. Zheng-lai Ma, Guang Wang, Xin Cheng, Manli Chuai. Hiroshi Kurihara, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee, Xuesong Yang. Excess caffeine exposure impairs eye development during chick embryogenesis. J CELL MOL MED. 2014, in print. (影響因子: 4.75, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
2. Xin Cheng, Guang Wang, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee, Xuesong Yang. Dexamethasone use during pregnancy: potential adverse effects on embryonic skeletogenesis. Curr Pharm Des. 2014, in print. (影響因子: 3.31, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
3. Yan Li, Xiao-yu Wang, Zheng-lai Ma, Manli Chuai, Andrea Münsterberg, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee, Xuesong Yang. Endoderm contributes to endocardial composition during cardiogenesis. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, accepted. (影響因子: 1.3, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
4. Xiao-yu Wang, Yan Li, Guang Wang, Li-jing Wang, Andrea Münsterberg, Manli Chuai, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee, i-jing Wang, Xuesong Yang. Combinational electroporation and transplantation approach of studying gene functions in avian embryos. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, in print. (影響因子: 1.3, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
5. Yan-qing He, Yan Li, Xiao-yu Wang, Xiao-dong He, Li Jun, Manli Chuai, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee, Ju Wang, Li-jing Wang , Xuesong Yang, Dimethyl phenyl piperazine iodide (DMPP) induces glioma regression by inhibiting angiogenesis. Experimental Cell Research 2014, 320(2), 354–364 (影響因子: 3.6, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
6. Ping Li, Wei-jie Zhu, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee, Xuesong Yang. Reply: the inflammatory regulation of tubal β-catenin expression in human ectopic pregnancy: is it too early to propose a cause-and-effect relationship? Human Reproduction. 2013, 28(12):3381. (影響因子: 4.4, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
7. Zhou Q, Qi CL, Li Y, He XD, Li JC, Zhang QQ, Tian L, Zhang M, Han Z, Wang H, Yang X, Wang LJ. A novel four-step system for screening. Mol Med Rep. 2013;8(6):1734-40. (影響因子: 1.2, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
8. Elve Chen, Mei Kuen Tang, Yao Yao, Winifred Wing Yiu Yau, Lok Man Lo, Xuesong Yang,Yiu Loon Chui, John Chan, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee. Silencing BRE Expression in Human Umbilical Cord Perivascular (HUCPV) Progenitor Cells Accelerates Osteogenic and Chondrogenic Differentiation. Plos one.2013 8(7): e67896 (影響因子: 4.2, 暨南大學)
9. Ping Li, Wei-jie Zhu, Zheng-lai Ma, Guang Wang, Hui Peng, Yao Chen, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee,Xuesong Yang. Enhanced beta-catenin expression and inflammation correlate with human ectopic tubal pregnancy. Human Reproduction, 2013, 28 (9):2363-2371. (影響因子: 4.4, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
10. Yao Chen, Jian-xia Fan, Zhao-long Zhang, Guang Wang, Xin Cheng, Manli Chuai, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee, Xuesong Yang. The negative influence of high-glucose ambience on neurogenesis in developing quail embryos. Plos one, 2013, 8(6) :e66646 (,影響因子: 4.2, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
11. Yan Li, Xiao-yu Wang, Ting Wu, Manli Chuai, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee, Li-jing Wang, Xuesong Yang. PTEN is involved in modulation of vasculogenesis in early chick embryos. Biology Open. 2013. 2(6): 587-95(暨南大學, 通訊作者)
12. Yi-mei Jin, Shu-zhu Zhao , Zhao-long Zhang, Yao Chen, Xin Cheng, Manli Chuai, Guo-sheng Liu, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee, Xuesong Yang. High glucose level induces cardiovascular dysplasia during early embryo development. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes. 2013. 2013. 121(8):448-54.(影響因子: 1.8. 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
13. Rong-Rong He, Yan Li, Xiao-Di Li, Ruo-Nan Yi, Xiao-Yu Wang, Bun Tsoi, Keiichi Abe, Xuesong Yang, Hiroshi Kurihara. A new oxidative stress model, 2,2-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride induced cardiovascular damages in chicken embryo. Plos one, 2013, 8(3): e57732. (影響因子: 4.2, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
14. Guang Wang, Yan Li, Xiao-yu Wang, Zhe Han, Manli Chuai, Li-jing Wang, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee, Jian-guo Geng, Xuesong Yang. Slit/Robo1 signaling regulates neural tube development by balancing neuroepithelial cell proliferation and differentiation. Experimental Cell Research. 2013, 319: 1083–1093. (影響因子:3.6, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
15. Xiao-yu Wang, Yan Li, Zheng-lai Ma, Li-jing Wang, Manli Chuai, Andrea Münsterberg, Jian-guo Geng, Xuesong Yang. Retention of Stem Cell Plasticity in Avian Primitive Streak Cells and the Effects of Local Microenvironment. The Anatomical Record. 2013 296:533–543. (影響因子:1.5, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
16. Rui-Rong Tan, Yi-Fang Li, Xiao-Tan Zhang, Yi-Hua Huang, Yan-Ping Wu, Shu-Hua Ouyang, Bun Tsoi, Ruo-Nan Yi, Xuesong Yang, Hiroshi Kurihara, Rong-Rong He. Glucose metabolism disorder is a risk factor in ethanol exposure induced malformation in embryonic brain. . Food Chem Toxicol. 2013 (6): 238–245 (影響因子:2.9, 暨南大學)
17. Scott A. Nelson, Zhouyu Li, Ian P. Newton, David Fraser, Rachel E. Milne, David M. A. Martin, David Schiffmann, Xuesong Yang, Dirk Dormann, Cornelis J. Weijer, Paul L. Appleton, Inke S. N?thke. Tumorigenic fragments of APC cause dominant defects in directional cell migration in multiple model systems. Dis Model Mech. 2012 Nov;5(6):940-7. (影響因子: 4.9, 暨南大學)
18. Zheng-lai Ma, Yang Qin, Guang Wang, Xiao-di Li, Rong-rong He, Manli Chuai, Hiroshi Kurihara, Xuesong Yang. Exploring the Caffeine-Induced Teratogenicity on Neurodevelopment Using Early Chick Embryo. Plos one,2012,7(3):e34278 (影響因子: 4.2, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
19. Xiao-Di Li, Rong-Rong He, Yang Qin, Bun Tsoi, Zheng-Lai Ma, Xuesong Yang, Hiroshi Kurihara. The effects of caffeine on the development of serotonergic system in chicken embryo. Food Chem Toxicol. 2012 Jun; 50(6):1848-53 (影響因子:2.9, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
20. Xin Cheng, Guang Wang, Zheng-lai Ma, Yun-yu Chen, Jing-jing Fan, Zhao-long Zhang, Kenneth Ka Ho Lee, Huan-min Luo, Xuesong Yang. Exposure to 2,5-hexanedione can induce neural malformations in chick embryos. Neurotoxicology 2012 Oct;33(5):1239-47. (影響因子:2.9, 暨南大學, 通訊作者)
21. Wei-Jie Zhou, Zhen H Geng, Shan Chi, Wenli Zhang, Xiao-Feng Niu, Shu-Jue Lan, Li Ma, Xuesong Yang, Li-Jing Wang, Yan-Qing Ding, Jian-Guo Geng: Slit-Robo signaling induces malignant transformation through Hakai-mediated E-cadherin degradation during colorectal epithelial cell carcinogenesis. Cell Res. 2011, 21(4): 609-26 (影響因子: 9.4, 暨南大學)
22. Xiaoye Lu, Fangfang Lin, Huijuan Fang, Xuesong Yang, Li Qin: Expression of a putative stem cell marker Musashi-1 in endometrium. Histology and Histopathology, (2011) 26: 1127-1133 (影響因子: 2.502, 暨南大學)
23. Xiaoye Lu, Shaohua Chen, Lijian Yang, Xianfeng Zha, Xuesong Yang, Yangqiu Li: The expression pattern of CD3 chain genes in fetal/maternal interface. Hematology. 2011, 16(3): 185-9 (影響因子: 1.336, 暨南大學)
24. Li-Jing Wang, Xinlei Zhou, Weizhang Wang, Futian Tang, Cui-Ling Qi, Xuesong Yang, Siqi Wu, Yan-qiang Lin, Jin-tao Wang, Jian-guo Geng: Andrographolide inhibits oral squamous cell carcinogenesis through NF-κB inactivation. J Dent Res. 2011 Oct; 90(10):1246-52. (影響因子: 3.773, 暨南大學)
25. L Davidson, H Maccario, NM Perera, Xuesong Yang, L Spinelli, P Tibarewal, B Glancy, A Gray, CJ Weijer, CP Downes and NR Leslie: Suppression of cellular proliferation and invasion by the concerted lipid and protein phosphatase activities of PTEN. Oncogene 2010 Nov 29 (5): 687-697 (影響因子: 7.2, 暨南大學)
26. Rong-Rong He, Nan Yao, Min Wang, Xuesong Yang, Chin-Chin Yau, Keiichi Abe, Xin-Sheng Yao, Hiroshi Kurihara. Effects of Histamine on Lipid Metabolic Disorder in Mice Loaded With Restraint Stress. J Pharmacol Sci. 2009 Oct;111(2):117-23. (影響因子: 2.9, 暨南大學)
27. Xuesong Yang, Holly Chrisman and Cornelis J. Weijer: PDGF signaling controls the migration of mesoderm cells during chick gastrulation by regulating N-cadherin expression. Development 2008 Oct 135 (21): 3521-3530 (影響因子: 7.1, 暨南大學)
28. Qiaoyun Yue, Laura Wagstaff, Xuesong Yang, Cornelis Weijer and Andrea Munsterberg: Wnt3a mediated chemorepulsion controls movement patterns of cardiac progenitors and requires RhoA function. Development 2008 Mar 135 (6): 1029-1037 (影響因子: 7.1, 暨南大學)
29. Tadahiro Iimura, Xuesong Yang, Cornelis J. Weijer, and Olivier Pourquie: Dual mode of paraxial mesoderm formation during chick gastrulation. PNAS 2007 Feb 20; 104(8): 2744-2749. (影響因子: 10.4)
30. Nick R. Leslie*, Xuesong Yang* (*共同第一作者), C.Peter Downes and Cornelis J. Weijer: PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3)-dependent and -independent roles for PTEN in the control of cell migration. Current Biology 2007 Jan 23; 17(2): 115-25. (影響因子: 11.9)
31. Manli Chuai, Wei Zeng, Xuesong Yang, Veronika Boychenko, James Glazier, Cornelis J Weijer: Cell Movement during Chick Primitive Streak Formation. Developmental Biology 2006 Aug 1; 296(1): 137-49. (影響因子: 5.4)
32. Nick R. Leslie, Xuesong Yang, C. Peter Downes, Cornelis J. Weijer: The regulation of cell migration by PTEN. Biochemical Society Transactions 33: 1507-1508, 2005. (影響因子: 2.3)
33. Cheng Cui, Xuesong Yang, Manli Chuai, James A. Glazier and Cornelis J. Weijer: Analysis of tissue flow patterns during primitive streak formation in the chick embryo. Developmental Biology 2005 Aug 1; 284(1): 37-47 (影響因子: 5.4)
34. Xuesong Yang, Dirk Dormann, Andrea E. Munsterberg, Cornelis J. Weijer: Cell Movement Patterns during Gastrulation in the Chick Are Controlled by Positive and Negative Chemotaxis Mediated by FGF4 and FGF8. Developmental Cell 2002 Sep; 3(3): 425-37. (影響因子: 15.4)
35. G. Szalmay, G. Varga, F. Kajiyama. XS Yang, T. Lang, R.M. Maynard, M.C. Steward: Bicarbonate and fluid secretion evoked by cholecystokinin, bombesin and acetylcholine in isolated guinea-pig pancreatic ducts. Journal of Physiology 535(3): 795-807, 2001. (影響因子: 4.3)
36. J. Bruce, XS Yang, C. Ferguson, A.C. Elliott, M.C. Steward, R.M. Case, D. Riccardi: Molecular and functional evidence of a Ca+2 (polyvalent cation)-sensing receptor in rat pancreas. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274(29): 20561-20568, 1999. (影響因子: 6.3)
37. Xuesong Yang, Kohtaro Kamino: Photometric assessment of volume changes coupled with membrane potential in valinomycin-incorporated red blood cell. The Japanese Journal of Physiology. 47(2): 217-230, 1997. (影響因子: 0.8)
38. Yoko Momose-Sato, Katsushige Sato, Akihiko Hirota, Tetsuro Sakai, Xuesong Yang, Kohtaro Kamino: Optical Characterization of a novel GABA response in early embryonic chick brainstem. Neuroscience. 80(1): 203-219, 1997. (影響因子: 3.4)
39. Xuesong Yang, Kohtaro Kamino: Photometric determination of phenomenological correlation between osmotic behavior and haemolysis of red blood cells. The Japanese Journal of Physiology. 45(5): 723-741, 1995. (影響因子: 0.8)