



姓 名: 陳 立
學 科: 昆蟲學
通訊地址: 北京市朝陽區北辰西路1號院5號
中國科學院動物研究所 農業蟲害鼠害綜合治理研究國家重點實驗室 100101
更多信息: 森林害蟲化學生態研究組 個人頁面 English




1991 - 1995,湖北農學院(現“長江大學”);植物保護專業學士學位。
1995 - 1998,華南農業大學;昆蟲學專業碩士學位,指導教師:趙善歡院士,徐漢虹教授。
1998 - 2001,華南農業大學;農業昆蟲與害蟲防治專業博士學位,指導教師:趙善歡院士,徐漢虹教授。
2000,3 - 12,中國科學院昆明植物研究所植物化學與西部植物資源國家重點實驗室;聯合培養,指導教師:邱明華研究員。
2001,8 - 2004,1,中國科學院上海有機化學研究所生命有機和天然產物化學國家重點實驗室;有機化學專業博士后,指導教師:吳毓林研究員。
2004,2 – 2008,12,Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University (Auburn, Alabama, U.S.A); Research Fellow I, supervisor: Prof. Henry Fadamiro.
2009,1 – 2009,8,北京林業大學林學院,副教授
2011,10 – 2011,12,Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University (Auburn, Alabama, U.S.A); Visiting Scholar, supervisor: Prof. Henry Fadamiro.
2009,9 – present, 中國科學院動物研究所,副研究員
2013,1 – present, Auburn University, Affiliate Associate Professor


昆蟲嗅覺儀和風洞技術;昆蟲電生理EAG 和 GC-EAD 技術;昆蟲神經生理單感受器記錄SSR技術;用於氣味物質鑒定的GC 和GC/MS 技術;電子顯微鏡(掃描和透射電鏡)技術;寄生天敵昆蟲的生理學;昆蟲毒理學;生物活性成分的提取、分離、結構鑒定和化學合成;生物活性測定,等等。


任The Entomological Society of America,The Overseas Chinese Entomologists Association會員。任Physiological Entomology 編委。審稿雜誌有:昆蟲學報,農藥學學報,四川動物,北京林業大學學報,Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Biocontrol Science & Technology, Florida Entomologist, Insect Science,International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Journal of the Entomological Research Society, Microscopy Research and Technique, Physiological Entomology, The Canadian Entomologist。






Chen L.*, Ochieng S. A., He X.-F., Fadamiro H. Y. Comparing electroantennogram and behavioral responses of two Pseudacteon phorid fly species to body extracts of black, red and hybrid imported fire ants, Solenopsis spp. Journal of Insect Physiology
Chen L., Lu Y.-Y., Hu Q.-B., Fadamiro H.Y. Similarity in venom alkaloid chemistry of alate queens of imported fire ants: implication for hybridization between Solenopsis richteri and S. invicta in the southern United States. Chemistry & Biodiversity
Das P., Chen L., Sharma K. R., Fadamiro H. Y. Abundance of antennal chemosensilla in two parasitoid wasps with different degree of host specificity, Microplitis croceipes and Cotesia marginiventris may explain sexual and species differences in their response to host-related volatiles. Microscopy Research and Technique
Chen L., Hu Q.-B., Fadamiro H.Y. Venom alkaloids in Solenopsis richteri ´ Solenopsis invicta hybrid: an attempt to identify new alkaloidal components. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Ngumbi E., Chen L., Fadamiro H.Y. Electroantennogram (EAG) responses of Microplitis croceipes and Cotesia marginiventris and their lepidopteran hosts to a wide array of odor stimuli: correlation between EAG response and degree of host specificity? Journal of Insect Physiology
Fadamiro H. Y., Chen L., Akotsen-Mensah C., Setzer W. N. Antennal electrophysiological responses of the giant swallowtail butterfly, Papilio cresphontes, to the essential oils of Zanthoxylum clava-herculis and related plants. Chemoecology
Chen L., Sharma K., Fadamiro H. Y. Fire ant venom alkaloids act as key attractants for the parasitic phorid fly, Pseudacteon tricuspis (Diptera: Phoridae). Naturwissenschaften
Ngumbi E., Chen L., Fadamiro H.Y. Comparative GC-EAD responses of a specialist (Microplitis croceipes) and a generalist (Cotesia marginiventris) parasitoid to cotton volatiles induced by two caterpillar species. Journal of Chemical Ecology
Fadamiro H. Y., He X.-F., Chen L. Intra- and interspecific aggression in red, black, and hybrid Solenopsis fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): does aggressiveness explain shifts in their spatial distribution in southern United States? Ecological Entomology
Chen L., Fadamiro H. Y. Re-investigation of venom chemistry of Solenopsis fire ants. II. Identification of novel alkaloids in S. invicta. Toxicon
Chen L., Fadamiro H. Y. Re-investigation of venom chemistry of Solenopsis fire ants. I. Identification of novel alkaloids in S. richteri. Toxicon
Chen L., Fadamiro H. Y. Antennal sensilla of the decapitating phorid fly, Pseudacteon tricuspis (Diptera: Phoridae). Micron
Chen L., Fadamiro H. Y. Differential electroantennogram response of females and males of two parasitoid species to host-related green leaf volatiles and inducible compounds. Bulletin of Entomological Research
Chen L., Fadamiro H. Y. Behavioral and electroantennogram responses of phorid fly Pseudacteon tricuspis (Diptera: Phoridae) to red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta odor and trail pheromones. Journal of Insect Behavior
Yin B.-L., Chen L., Xu H.-H., Zhang J.-C., Wu Y.-L. Synthesis and bio-activities of pyrazolyl or pyridinyl substituted Tonghaosu analogs. Chinese Journal of Chemistry
Yin B.-L., Chen L., Xu H.-H., Hu T.-S., Wu Y.-L. Synthesis and insecticidal structure-activity relationships of novel tonghaosu analogs. Chinese Journal of Chemistry
Chen L., Fadamiro H. Y. Comparing the effects of five naturally occurring monosaccharide and oligosaccharide sugars on longevity and carbohydrate nutrient levels of a parasitic phorid fly, Pseudacteon tricuspis. Physiological Entomology
Fadamiro H. Y., Chen L., Onagbola E. O., Graham L. ‘Fudd’. Lifespan and patterns of accumulation and mobilization of nutrients in sugar fed phorid fly Pseudacteon tricuspis. Physiological Entomology
Chen L., Onagbola E. O., Fadamiro, H. Y. Effects of temperature, sugar availability, gender, mating, and size on the longevity of phorid fly Pseudacteon tricuspis (Diptera: Phoridae). Environmental Entomology
Fadamiro H. Y., Chen L. Utilization of aphid honeydew and floral nectar by Pseudacteon tricuspis (Diptera: Phoridae), a parasitoid of imported fire ants, Solenopsis spp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Biological Control
Chen L., Xu H.-H., Hu T.-S., Wu Y.-L. Synthesis of spiroketal enol ethers related to tonghaosu and their insecticidal activities. Pest Management Science
Chen L., Xu H.-H., Xiao C., Yin B.-L., Hu T.-S., Wu Y.-L. Synthesis and antifeeding activity of Tonghaosu analogues. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry


1. 尹標林, 吳毓林, 陳立. 2003. 茼蒿素類似物、合成方法及其用途
2. 尹標林, 陳立, 吳毓林. 2003. 茼蒿素類似物、合成方法及其用途