陶明信, 1953年出生,甘肅白銀人,男,漢族,教授,博士生導師,北京師範大學資源學院學術委員會主任、北京師範大學油氣資源研究中心主任、“985”工程平台首席科學家。
陶明信, 1953年出生,甘肅白銀人,男, 漢族,教授,博士生導師,北京師範大學資源學院學術委員會主任、北京師範大學油氣資源研究中心主任、“985”工程平台首席科學家。
長期從事構造地質學與氣體地球化學及其交叉(構造地球化學)研究,先後主持完成國家“973”課題、國家攻關/支撐計劃子專題、國家自然科學基金、中國科學院國際合作與教育部重大項目等一系列研究工作,在包括《Nature》等國內外刊物上發表各類論著百餘篇(部), 有關成果獲國家科技進步二等獎、中國科學院自然科學一等獎(綜合性重大成果)等多項獎勵。
1984 年考入中國科學院蘭州地質研究所,先後獲構造地質學專業碩士與地球化學專業博士學位並曾 長期在該所工作;
1. Ralf Hetzel, Samuel Niedermann, Mingxin Tao, Peter W. Kubik, Susan Ivy- Ochs, Bo Gao. Manfred R. Strecker,Low slip rates and long-term preservation of geomorphic features in Central Asia. Nature, 2002, 417(23) : 428—432.
2. Mingxin Tao,et al.. Secondary biological coalbed gas in the Xinji area, Anhui province, China: Evidence from the geochemical features and secondary changes. International Journal of Coal Geology, 71(2007): 358-370.
3. TAo Mingxin, et al.. Secondary biogenic coalbed gas in some coal fields of China. Chinese Science Bulletin,2005 Vol. 50 Supp. I,24—29.
4. TAO Mingxin, et al.. Tectonic and Geochemical Characteristics and Reserved Conditions of a Mantle Source Gas Accumulation Zone in Eastern China. Science in China(Series D), 1997,40(1):73--80.
5. Ralf Hetzel, Mingxin Tao, et al.. Late Pleistocene/Holocene slip rate of the Zhangye thrust (Qilian Shan, China) and implications for the active growth of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Tectonics,2004,23,1~17.
6. XU Yongchang, SHEN Ping, TAO Mingxin, et al.. Industrial Accumulation of Mantle Source Helium and the Tancheng-Lujiang Fracture Zone. Chinese Science Bulletin , 1991,36(6): 494--498.
7. TAO Mingxin, et al.. Characteristics of Helium Isotope in CO2 Gas in the Yao-jie Coalfield and Its Significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1992, 37(2):126—130.
8. TAO Mingxin. Characteristics of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic stress fields of the Urumqi-Usu region, Xinjiang. Acta Geologica Sinica, 1993,6(1):17--31.
9. XU Yongchang, SHEN Ping, TAO Mingxin, et al.. Distribution of the Helium Isotopes in Natural Gases from Oil-gas-bearing Basins in China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 1994,39(22):1905—1911.
10. XU Yongchang, SHEN Ping, TAO Mingxin, et al.. Geochemistry on mantlederived volatiles in natural gases from eastern China oil/gas provinces(Ⅰ)- A novel helium resource-commercial accumulation of mantle-derived helium in the sedimentary crust , Science in China(Series D),1997,40(2):120--129.
11. XU Yongchang, SHEN Ping, TAO Mingxin, et al.. Geochemistry on mantlederived volatiles in natural gases from eastern China oil/gas provinces(Ⅱ)- Helium, argon and hydrocarbons in mantle volatiles, Science in China(Series D) ,1997,40(3):315--321.
12. TAO M. X., XU Y. C.. The tectonogeochemical divisions and noble gases in China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 1998,43, supp.128.
13. XU Yongchang, SHEN Ping, CHEN Jianfa, TAO Mingxin. Upper Precambrian Oil/Gas Potential and Sinian Gasfield in China. The Search for Deep Gas. Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe D, Heft 107. 1999, 83-98.
14. Ralf Hetzel, Samuel Niedermann, Susan Ivy-Ochs, Peter W. Kubik, Mingxin Tao, Bo Gao. 21Ne versus 10Be and 26Al exposure ages of fluvial terraces: the influence of crustal Ne in quarts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2002, 201, 575—591.
15. R. Hetzel, S. Niedermann, Mingxin Tao, M.R. Strecker, S. Ivy-Ochs, P.W. Kubik. SELF-SIMILAR GROWTH OF MOUNTAIN RANGES: EXAMPLES FROM THE BROKEN FORELAND OF NE-TIBET. European Geophysical Society, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2003,Vol. 5, 01981.
16. Stokes, S., Hetzel, R., Bailey, R.M., Mingxin Tao. Combined IRSL-OSL Single Aliquot Regeneration (SAR) Equivalent Dose (De) Estimates from Source Proximal Chinese Loess. Quaternary Science Reviews , 2003,22,975-983.
17. Ralf Hetzel, Mingxin Tao, et al.. Implications of the fault scaling law for the growth of topography: mountain ranges in the broken foreland of north-east Tibet. Terra Nova, 2004,Vol16(3),157—162.
18. TAO Mingxin, et al.. Features of Mantle Degasification and Deep Geological Structure of Different Typical Fracture Zones in China. Science in China(D), 2005,48(7):1074-1088.
19. Duan Yi, Wu Baoxiang, Zheng Chaoyang , Wang Chuanyuan, Zhang Hui, Tao Mingxin, et al.. Studies on kinetics of hydrocarbon generation from coals in Qinshui basin. Chinese Science Bulletin,2005,50 (17): 1904-1911.
20. ZHANG Hong, CUI Yongjun, TAO Mingxin, et al.. Evolution of the CBM reservoir-forming dynamic system with mixed secondary biogenic and thermogenic gases in the Huainan Coalfield, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2005 Vol. 50 Supp. I, 30-39.
21. Yvonne Kustera, Ralf Hetzel, Matthias Krbetscheka, Mingxin Tao. Holocene loess sedimentation along the Qilian Shan (China):Significance for understanding the processes and timing of loess deposition. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2006, 25,114-125.
22. MA Jinlong, TAO Mingxin(通訊作者), YE Xianren. Characteristics and origins of primary fluids and noble gases in mantle-derived minerals from the Yishu area, Shandong Province, China. Science in China(D), 2006,49(1):77-87.
23.TAO Mingxin. Research progress in studies on the coalbed gas geochemistry. Progress in natural science, 2006,16(3):215-220.
24. Ralf Hetzel, Samuel Niedermann, Mingxin Tao, et al.. Climatic versus tectonic control on river incision at the margin of NE Tibet: 10Be exposure dating of river terraces at the mountain front of the Qilian Shan. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2006, VOL.111, 1-13.
25. HU Wenxuan, SONG Yucai, CHEN Xiaoming, TAO Mingxin, et al.. Noble gases in corundum megacrysts from the basalts in Changle, Shandong Province, eastern China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007,52(3) :380~387.
26. Xianren Ye, Mingxin Tao, et al.. Helium and neon isotopic compositions in the ophiolites from the Yarlung Zangbo River, Southwestern China: The information from deep mantle. Science in China(D), 2007, 50(6): 801—802.
27. Li Zhong-Ping, Tao Ming-Xin(通訊作者), et al.. Determination of Isotope Composition of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon by Gas Chromatography-Conventional Isotope-ratio Mass Spectrometry. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 2007, 35(10): 1455-1458.
28. L. Palumbo, R. Hetzel, M. Tao, X. Li. Topographic and lithologic control on catchment-wide denudation rates derived from cosmogenic 10Be in two mountain ranges at the margin of NE Tibet, Geomorphology, 2009, 117, 130–142.
29. L. Palumbo, R. Hetzel, M. Tao, X. Li, J. Guo. Deciphering the rate of mountain growth during topographic presteady state: An example from the NE margin of the Tibetan Plateau. TECTONICS, 2009, 28(2):12-18. TC4017, doi:10.1029.
30. L. Palumbo, R. Hetzel, M. Tao, X. Li. Catchment-wide denudation rates at the margin of NE Tibet from in situ-produced cosmogenic 10Be. Terra Nova, 2010, 23(1): 42–48.
31. TAO Mingxin,LI Jing,LI Xiaobin,et al.. New Approaches and Markers for Identifying Secondary Biogenic Coalbed Gas. Acta Geologica Sinica,2012,86(1):801-810.
1.陶明信. 論地質力學的學術思想及其發展中的問題. 地球科學進展,1989,(5):22-25.
5.陶明信,等. 窯街煤田CO2氣中氦同位素特徵及其意義。科學通報,1991,(12):921-923.
6.陶明信. 新疆烏魯木齊—烏蘇地區中、新生代構造應力場特徵. 地質學報,1992,66(3):206-218.
7.陶明信. 論侵入岩原生構造的形成機制及其分類問題. 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版),1992,28(1):109-116.
9.徐永昌,沈平,陶明信,等. 中國含油氣盆地天然氣中氦同位素分佈. 科學通報,1994,39(16):1505-1508.
10.陶明信. 吐—哈盆地大地構造環境分析—兼論大陸板內盆地與造山帶的成因關係. 沉積學報,1994,12(4):40-49.
11.陶明信,等. 窯街煤田F19斷裂帶地質構造特徵與演化分析。中國煤田地質,1995,7(3):12-16.
12.陶明信,等. 窯街煤田CO2濃度與δ13C值空間變化的構造地球化學特徵. 科學通報,1995,40(3):260-263 .
13.陶明信. 中國天然氣資源的構造地球化學分區、類型與潛力. 資源、環境與持續發展戰略,北京:中國環境科學出版社,1995,66-70.
15.徐永昌,沈平,劉文匯,陶明信. 東部油氣區天然氣中幔源揮發份的地球化學—Ⅱ幔源揮發份中的氦、氬及碳化合物. 中國科學(D輯),1996,26(2):187-192.
16.陶明信,等. 中國東部幔源氣藏聚集帶的大地構造與地球化學特徵及成藏條件,中國科學(D輯),1996,26(6):531-536.
17.陶明信,等. 蘇北盆地幔源氦氣藏的特徵與形成條件. 天然氣地球科學,1997,8(3):1-8.
18.陶明信,等. 中國煤型氣的構造環境、典型氣藏及勘探方向,Ⅰ—上古生界煤型氣。沉積學報,1998,16(3):25-30.
19.陶明信,等. 中國煤型氣的構造環境、典型氣藏及勘探方向,Ⅱ—中、新生界煤型氣。沉積學報,1999,17(4):620-626.
20.陶明信,等. 煤層氣—新型的能源資源及其災害與環境問題. 礦物岩石地球化學通報,1999,18(3):182-188.
21.陶明信,等. 中國東部幔源流體活動特徵與成藏效應。大地構造與成礦學,2001,3:265-270.
22.陶明信. 論中國含油氣區的構造環境性質、分區及其成油氣專屬性。地球科學進展,2001, 16(6):746-754.
23.陶明信,等. 中國不同類型斷裂帶的地幔脫氣與深部地質構造特徵.中國科學(D輯),2005,35(5):441—451.
25.張泓, 崔永君, 陶明信,等. 淮南煤田次生生物成因與熱成因混合型煤層氣成藏動力學系統演化. 科學通報,2005,50(增刊Ⅰ):19-26.
26.陶明信. 煤層氣地球化學研究現狀與發展趨勢. 自然科學進展,2005,15(6):648—652.
31.陶明信,解光新. 煤層氣的形成演化、成因類型及資源貢獻課題研究進展。天然氣地球科學. 2008,19(6):894-896.
33.王作棟,孟仟祥,陶明信,等. 烴源岩中 C19 ~ C29甾烷系列和25-降藿烷系列的檢出及其地質意義。沉積學報,2009,27(1):180-185.
34.李中平,李立武,陶明信,等. 單體烴氫同位素測試系統高溫熱轉化裝置的研製. 分析化學, 2010,38(9): 1371-1376.
35.陶明信. 論新疆吐哈盆地的兩種構造單元體系。地質通報,2010,29(2~3):297—304.
37.李晶,孫婧,陶明信. 全球油氣探明儲量與大油氣田的分佈及其地質構造背景。天然氣地球科學,2012, 23(2):259-267
1.徐永昌等著。天然氣成因理論及應用,1994,科學出版社, (主要作者之一,未排序).
3.Xu Yongchang, Liu Wenhui, Shen Ping, Tao Mingxin. Geochemistry of Noble Gas in Natural Gases.1996,Science Press.
1. 裂谷模擬實驗及其地質意義, 1986年獲甘肅省首屆青年地學學術交流會優秀論文一等獎,1987年獲中國地質學會首屆全國青年地質學術討論會優秀論文獎(排名第一);
2. 幔源氦的工業聚集與形成條件, 中國科學院自然科學二等獎(92Z-2-018-03);
3. 窯街煤田CO2氣中氦同位素特徵及其意義, 甘肅省地質學會優秀學術論文一等獎(1992,排名第一);
4. 天然氣成因理論及應用, 中國科學院自然科學一等獎, 院綜合重大成果(95Z-1-011-08);
5. 中國含油氣盆地天然氣中氦同位素分佈, 世界華人重大學術成果獎(成果登記號:232490, 1999,排名第三);
6. 煤層氣體地球化學特徵及資源、災害和環境問題研究, 甘肅省科技進步三等獎(2001-3-090-1);
7. 低滲煤儲層煤層氣勘探開發的預測與評價技術研究, 煤炭工業科技進步二等獎(2002-210-R10);
8. 淮南煤田次生生物成因與熱成因混合型煤層氣成藏動力學系統演化,陝西省自然科學優秀學術論文獎,一等獎(證書號:2008101017,排名第三);
9. 中國煤層氣成藏機制及勘探開發技術研究,中國石油和化學工業聯合會科技進步一等獎(證書號:2010JBR0379-1-8);
10. 中國中高煤階煤層氣地質理論、關鍵技術與工業化應用, 國家科技進步二等獎(證書號:2011-J-210-2-06-R10).