共找到2條詞條名為王愛莉的結果 展開






2007年7月王愛莉畢業於合肥工業大學 食品科學與工程專業,獲學士學位
2011年7月畢業於中國農業大學 糧食、油脂與植物蛋白工程專業,獲碩士學位;
2010-2011年於德國Fritz-Lipmann Institute學習分子生物學專業,交流碩士;
2016年5月畢業於美國弗吉尼亞理工大學 食品科學與工程專業,獲博士學位。


2016年8月- 2019年5月任弗吉尼亞理工大學食品學院Research Associate,
2016年8月- 2019年5月任弗吉尼亞理工大學研究生學院跨學科研究生教育項目主管(Water INTERface interdisciplinary graduate education program),




王愛莉在美國留學期間,曾作為負責人先後與全美奶製品協會、Wake Forest醫學院、以及美國杜邦公司合作完成牛奶蛋白-人體營養、牛奶品質-光化學-包裝材料等多項研究課題。回國後主要從事雜糧植物蛋白飲料、雜糧發酵產品、雜糧功能性食品開發等研究,同時從事雜糧產品口感改良以及味覺提升方面的研究。公開發表SCI論文十餘篇,其中第一作者的SCI論文7篇,多次在全美奶製品年會等國際會議上發表學術報告。目前是Food Research International, Journal of Dairy Science, Journal of Food Science, Oral Disease等雜誌的評審人。


1. Wang, A., Duncan, S.E., Whalley, N.W., O'Keefe, S.F. Interaction effect of LED color temperatures and light-protective additive packaging on photo-oxidation in milk displayed in retail dairy case. Food Chemistry. 2020, p.126699. (Top期刊)
2. Wu, W., Qiu, J., Wang, A., Li, Z. Impact of whole cereals and processing on type 2 diabetes mellitus: a review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2019. DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2019.1574708. (Top期刊)
3. Wang, A., Duncan, S.E., Lesser, G.J., Ray, W.K., Dietrich, A.D. Effect of lactoferrin on taste and smell abnormalities induced by chemotherapy: a proteome analysis. Food & Function. 2018, 9(9), 4948-4958 (SCI一區).
4. Wang, A., Dadmun, C.H., Hand, R.M., O’Keefe, S.F., Phillips, J.B., Anders, K.A., Duncan, S.E. Efficacy of light-protective additive packaging in protecting milk freshness in a retail dairy case with LED lighting at different light intensities. Food Research International. 2018, 114, 1-9.
5. Wang, A., Duncan, S.E., Knowlton, K.F., Ray, W.K., Dietrich, A.D. Milk protein composition and stability changes affected by iron in water sources. Journal of Dairy Science. 2016, 99(6), 4206-4219. (Top期刊)
6. Wang, A., Duncan, S.E., Dietrich, A.D. Effect of iron on taste perception and emotional response of sweetened beverage under different water conditions. Food Quality and Preference. 2016, 54, 58-66.
7. Wang, A., Zhang, J., Li, Z. Correlation of volatile and nonvolatile components with the total antioxidant capacity of tartary buckwheat vinegar: Influence of the thermal processing. Food Research International. 2012, 49, 65-71.
8. Wang, A., Song, H., Ren, C., Li, Z. Key aroma compounds in Shanxi aged tartary buckwheat vinegar and changes during its thermal processing. Flavour and Fragrance Journal. 2012, 27, 47- 53.


1. Wang, A., Dadmun, C.H., Hand, R.M., Duncan, S.E. Controlling milk oxidation during high intensity retail LED light storage requires light-blocking and oxygen-barrier packaging properties. Oral presentation at the American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. Knoxville, TN. June 2018.
2. Wang, A., Duncan, S.E., Lesser, G.J., Ray, W.K., Dietrich, A.D. Effect of Lactoferrin on Metallic Taste Dysfunction and Immunity Induced By Chemotherapy. Oral presentation at the American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA, USA. June 2017.
3. Duncan*, S.E., Wang, A#., Mann, G. 2017. Effect of iron in farm and processing water sources on milk quality. Oral invited presentation at the 5th International Symposium on Dairy Cow Nutrition and Milk Quality, Beijing, China, May 5-7. *presenter; #translator.
4. Wang, A., Duncan, S.E., Dietrich, A.D. Effect of Drinking Water Minerals on Sweetness and Metallic Taste Perception and Emotional Response of Sweetened Beverage. Oral presentation at the 11th International Water Association (IWA) Symposium on Tastes, Odours & Algal Toxins in Water. Sydney, Australia. February, 2017.
5. Wang, A., Duncan, S.E., Dietrich, A.D., Slade,W., Cash,V. Modified Two-dimensional Electrophoresis Technology for Identification and Qualification of Minor Whey Proteins. Interdisciplinary Research Honor Society Research Symposium & Exposition. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. 2015.
6. Wang, A., Duncan, S.E., Dietrich, A.D., Slade,W., Cash,V. Effect of Abomasal Ferrous Lactate Infusion of Dairy Cows on Milk Proteins. American Dairy Science Association & American Society of Animal Science Joint Annual Meeting. Kansas City, MO. June 2014.

