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王瑋明,男,1968年6月生於甘肅慶陽,理學博士。1986.9—1990.7 蘭州大學數學系基礎數學專業,獲理學學士學位,2005.9—2008.7 華東師範大學軟體學院系統科學專業獲博士學位,2008.11 —2010.11 復旦大學應用數學博士后流動站工作。
1)美國數學會《數學評論》(Mathematical Reviews)評論員
1) 王瑋明,李鎮清,李敏權,甘肅省中青年科技基金《高山草原生態系統綴塊動態研究》(ZQ-95-014),1995-1998,經費1.2萬元,已結題;
2) 王瑋明,李鎮清等,甘肅省自然科學基金《草地資源與草食動物分佈研究》(ZS-96-045),1996-1998,經費1.0萬元,已結題;
3) 王瑋明,李鎮清等,甘肅省自然科學基金《植物有性生殖和無性生殖投資分配對策及生活史進化研究》(ZS991-A21-035-N),1999-2004,經費3.9萬元,已結題;
4) 王瑋明,王幼斌,李忠月,林望,浙江省自然科學基金《非線性種群動力系統時空複雜性研究》(Y7080041),2009-2010,經費5.0萬元,已結題;
5) 王瑋明,浙江省新世紀151人才工程專項基金《反應擴散種群動力系統》, 2007-2011,經費4.0萬元;
6) 王瑋明,上海市博士后科研資助計劃面上項目(A類)《計算機輔助斑圖動力學研究》(09R21410700),2009-2010,經費:4.0萬元,已結題;
7) 王瑋明,李鎮清,植被與環境變化國家重點實驗室開放課題《種間相互作用對群落結構和空間格局的影響》,2011-2012,經費7.0萬元,在研;
8) 王瑋明,王幼斌,應裕林,浙江省自然科學基金《空間傳染病模型研究及應用》,2012-2014,經費6.0萬元,在研;
9) 陸征一,王瑋明,陳文海,國家自然科學基金《非線性種群動力系統》(10371090),2004-2006,經費:14.0萬元,已結題;
11) 趙敏,王瑋明,董新嬌,浙江省自然科學基金《藍藻水華種群營養動力學模型的混沌現象及應用研究》(Y505365),起止年限2006-2007,經費5.0萬元,已結題。
1) 王瑋明,柳維璽,宋衛信,高等院校大學生數學素質教育研究與實踐,1999年獲甘肅省教委級教學成果獎;
2) 王瑋明,李鎮清,李敏權,草地資源與草食動物分佈研究,2001年獲甘肅省科技進步三等獎;
3) 王瑋明,曾振柄,積分方程求解及其一類機械化演演算法研究,2008年獲浙江省高校科研成果三等獎。
1) Weiming Wang, Yongli Cai, Mingjiang Wu, Kaifa Wang, Zhenqing Li, Complex dynamics of a reaction-diffusion epidemic model, Nonlinear Analysis-B: RWA, 13(2012) 2240-2258. (SCI,一區)
2) Xiaona Guan, Weiming Wang, Yongli Cai, 2011. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of a Leslie-Gower Predator-Prey Model Incorporating a Prey Refuge, Nonlinear Analysis Series B: RWA, 12 (2011) 2385-2395. (SCI,一區,通訊作者)
3) Weiming Wang, Quanxing Liu, Zhen Jin, Spatiotemporal complexity of a ratio -dependent predator-prey system, Physical Review E, 75(2007)051913. (SCI-top,二區)
4) Weiming Wang,Hailing Wang, Zhenqing Li, The dynamic complexity of a three-species Beddington-type food chain with impulsive control strategy, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 32(2007)1772-1785. (SCI,二區)
5) Weiming Wang,Hailing Wang, Zhenqing Li, Chaotic behavior of a three-species Beddington-type system with impulsive perturbations, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 37(2008)438–443. (SCI,二區)
6) Weiming Wang, Xiaoqin Wang and Yezhi Lin, Complicated dynamics of a predator- prey system with Watt-type functional response and impulsive control strategy, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 37(2008)1427-1441. (SCI,二區)
7) Weiming Wang, Yezhi Lin, Feng Rao, Lei Zhang, Yongji Tan, Pattern selection in a ratio-dependent predator-prey model, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2010(2010)P11036. (SCI,二區)
8) Yongli Cai, Weiming Wang, Spatiotemporal dynamics of a reaction-diffusion epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2011(2011) P02025. (SCI, 二區,通訊作者)
9) Xiaoqin Wang, Weiming Wang and Xiaolin Lin,Chaotic behavior of a Watt-type predator–prey system with impulsive control strategy,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 37(2008)706-718. (SCI, 二區,通訊作者)
10) Xiaoqin Wang, Weiming Wang,Xiaolin Lin, Dynamics of a periodic Watt-type predator-prey system with impulsive effect, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 39(2009) 1270-1282. (SCI, 二區,通訊作者)
11) Xiaoqin Wang, Weiming Wang,Yezhi Lin, Xiaolin Lin, The dynamical complexity of an impulsive Watt-type prey-predator system, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 40(2009) 731-744. (SCI, 二區,通訊作者)
12) Xiaoqin Wang, Weiming Wang,Xiaolin Lin, Dynamics of a two-prey one-predator system with Watt-type functional response and impulsive control strategy, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 40(2009) 2392-2404. (SCI, 二區,通訊作者)
13) Rao Feng, Wang Weiming, Li Zhenqing, Spatiotemporal complexity of a predator–prey system with the effect of noise and external forcing, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 41(2009)1634-1644. (SCI, 二區,通訊作者)
14) Ling Li, Wang Weiming, Dynamics of a Ivlev-type predator-prey system with constant rate harvesting, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 41(2009) 2139-2153. (SCI, 二區,通訊作者)
15) Weiming Wang,An algorithm for solving the high-order nonlinear Volterra–Fredholm integro-differential equation with mechanization, Applied Mathematics and Compu- tation, 172(1) (2006) 1–23. (SCI)
16) Weiming Wang,A new mechanical algorithm for solving the second kind of Fredholm integral equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 172(2)(2006)946-962. (SCI)
17) Weiming Wang,A mechanical algorithm for solving the Volterra integral equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 172(2) (2006) 1323-1341. (SCI)
18) Weiming Wang,Mechanical algorithm for solving the second kind of Volterra integral equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 173(2)(2006) 1149-1162. (SCI)
19) Weiming Wang, Lei Zhang, Hailing Wang, Zhenqing Li, Pattern formation of a predator-prey system with Ivlev-type functional response, Ecological Modelling, 221(2010)131-140. (SCI)
20) Weiming Wang, Yezhi Lin, Lei Zhang, Feng Rao, Yongji Tan, Complex patterns in a predator–prey model with self and cross-diffusion, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16(2011)2006-2015.(SCI)
21) Weiming Wang, Yezhi Lin, Feng Yang, Lei Zhang, Yongji Tan, Numerical study of pattern formation in an extended Gray–Scott model, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16(2011)2016-2026.(SCI)
22) Weiming Wang, Wenjuan Wang, Yezhi Lin, Yongji Tan, Pattern selection in a predation model with self and cross diffusion, Chinese Physics B. 20(2011)034702.(SCI)
23) Weiming Wang, Yezhi Lin, Hailing Wang, Houye Liu, Yongji Tan, Patterns selection in a epidemic model with self and cross-diffusion, Journal of Biological Systems, 19(2011)19-31. (SCI)
24) Weiming Wang, Houye Liu, Yongli Cai, Zhenqing Li, Turing Patterns Selection in a Reaction-Diffusion Epidemic Model, Chinese Physics B. 20(2011)074702. (SCI)
25) Yongli Cai, Weiming Wang, Jinfeng Wang, Dynamics of a diffusive predator-prey model with additive Allee effect, International Journal of Biomathematics, 5(2012) 1250023. (SCI, 通訊作者)
26) R.K. Upadhyay, Weiming Wang, N. K. Thakur, Spatiotemporal Dynamics in a Spatial Plankton System, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 5(2010)101-121. (SCI)
27) Weiming Wang, Yezhi Lin, Zhenbing Zeng, A New Mechanical Algorithm for Solving System of Fredholm Integral Equation Using Resolvent Method, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5226(2008) 744-754. (EI)
1) 王瑋明,計算機代數系統與符號計算,甘肅科學技術出版社,2004.2
2) 王瑋明,積分方程求解及其數學機械化,甘肅科學技術出版社,2008.12