


近10年承擔973、863、NSFC、國家重大新葯創製專項等國家級研究課題15項,發現新化合物400餘個,在《Journal of American Chemical Society》、《Organic Letters》、《Journal of Natural Products》、《Tetrahedron》等知名學術期刊上發表SCI收錄的研究論文130篇,1篇學術論文被評為Marine Drugs“2015最佳論文獎(Best Paper Award 2015)”。


1、從海洋等來源的特境微生物“talented strains”資源中發掘創新藥物先導化合物:
利用生物學與化學相結合的集成篩選方法,從海洋等特殊環境微生物中篩選並發現具有重要生物活性的藥物先導化合物及葯源微生物“talented strains”新資源。
2、非“talented strains”向“talented strains”的轉化研究:


滸苔附生微生物及其含氮、鹵代等克生活性產物研究”(No. 41376148, 2014–2017,國家自然科學基金
“環境脅迫增加海洋真菌的化學多樣性研究”(No. 21172204, 2012–2015,國家自然科學基金)
“深海微生物活性物質的發現及其生物合成技術”(No. 2012AA092104-1, 2012–2015,863子課題)
海洋微生物次生代謝產物的生理活性及其機制”(No. 2010CB833804, 2010–2014, 973子課題)
“逆轉多葯耐葯抗乳腺癌化合物HDZ-137成藥性評價”(No. 2011AA09070106, 2011–2014,863課題)。






1.Fandong Kong,et al, Weiming Zhu. New a-glucosidase inhibitors from a marinesponge-derived fungus,Aspergillussp. OUCMDZ-1583. RSC Adv.2015, 5(84), 68852–68863.(影響因子3.84)
2.Liping Wang,et al, Weiming Zhu.Biomimetic semi-synthesis of fradcarbazole A and its analogues.Tetrahedron2015, online, DOI: 10.1016/j.tet.2015.08.06
3.CuitingLv, et al, Kui Hong, Weiming Zhu,Ruohua Chen,Caiguo Huang,Ophiobolin O isolated fromAspergillusustusinduces G1 arrest of MCF-7 cells through interaction with AKT/GSK3β/Cyclin D1 signaling. Mar Drugs2015, 13(1): 431–443.
1.Peng Fu, et al, Weiming Zhu.Acyclic Congeners fromActinoalloteichuscyanogriseusProvide Insights into Cyclic Bipyridine Glycoside Formation. Org Lett2014, 16(16): 4264–4267. (影響因子6.32)
2.Peng Fu,et al, Weiming Zhu.Cyanogramide with a NewSpiro[indolinonepyrroloimidazole]Skeleton fromActinoalloteichuscyanogriseus. Org Lett2014,16(14): 3708–3711.
3.Fandong Kong,et al, Weiming Zhu*.Thiodiketopiperazines from the marine-derived fungusPhomasp. OUCMDZ-1847. J NatProd2014, 77 (1): 132–137.
4.Kunlai Sun,et al, Weiming Zhu*. Indolediterpenoids and isocoumarin from the fungus,Aspergillusflavus, isolated from the prawn,Penaeusvannamei. Mar Drugs2014, 12(7): 3970–3981.
5.Yi Wang,et al, Weiming Zhu*. Phenolic Polyketides from the Co-Cultivation of Marine-DerivedPenicilliumsp. WC-29-5 andStreptomycesfradiae007. Mar Drugs2014, 12(4): 2079–2088.
6.Pei Wang,et al,Weiming Zhu*.Alkaloids from the mangrove-derived actinomyceteJishengellaendophytica161111. Mar Drugs2014, 12(1):477–490.
7.Tonghan Zhu,et al, Weiming Zhu*. New rubrolides from the marine-derived fungusAspergillusterreusOUCMDZ-1925. J Antibiot(Tokyo). 2014, 67(4): 315–318.
8.王立平,庄以彬,孫坤來, 朱偉明. PKC-412鹵代衍生物的合成及細胞毒活性研究. 有機化學, 2014, 34(8): 1603–1608.
1.Yiguang Zhu, et al, Weiming Zhu, and Changsheng Zhang, Insights into caerulomycin A biosynthesis: atwo-component monooxygenase CrmH-catalyzed oxime formation.J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135(50): 18750–18753 (影響因子10.68)
2.Yaqin Fan, et al, Weiming Zhu,Indole-diterpenoids with anti-H1N1 activity from the aciduric fungusPenicillium camembertiOUCMDZ-1492. J Nat Prod2013, 76(7): 1328–1336. (影響因子3.17)
3.Wenxia Sun, et al, Weiming Zhu,and Caiguo Huang, Ophiobolin-O reverses adriamycin resistance via cell cycle arrest and apoptosis sensitization in adriamycin-resistant human breast carcinoma (MCF-7/ADR) cells. Mar Drugs2013, 11(11): 4570–4584.
4.Pei Wang, et al, Weiming Zhu,Diketopiperazine derivatives from the marine-derived actinomyceteStreptomycessp. FXJ7.328. Mar Drugs2013, 11(4): 1035–1049. (影響因子3.98)
5.Liping Wang, Weiming Zhu, Versicolactones A and B: total synthesis and structure revision. Tetrahedron Lett2013, 54(49): 6729–6731 (影響因子2.68)
6.Peng Fu, et al, Weiming Zhu, α-Pyrones from the marine-derived actinomyceteNocardiopsisdassonvillei subsp.dassonvilleiXG-8-1. RSC Adv2013, 3(43): 20726–20731. (影響因子2.56)
7.Jinkai Zheng, et al, Weiming Zhu, Antimicrobial ergosteroids and pyrrole derivatives from halotolerantAspergillus flocculosusPT05-1 cultured in a hypersaline medium. Extremophiles2013, 17(6): 963-971. (影響因子2.20)
8.Yi Wang, et al, Weiming Zhu, Developments around the bioactive diketopiperazines: a patent review. Expert OpinTher Pat.2013, 23(11): 1415–1433. (影響因子3.52)
9.趙成英,朱統漢, 朱偉明. 2010—2013之海洋微生物新天然產物. 有機化學, 2013,33(6): 1195–1234.
1.Peng Fu, et al, Weiming Zhu, New indolocarbazoles from a mutant strain of the marine-derived actinomyceteStreptomyces fradiae007M135. OrgLett2012, 14(24): 6194–6197. (影響因子6.14)
2.Peng Fu, et al, Weiming Zhu,Streptocarbazoles A and B, two novel indolocarbazoles from the marine-derived actinomycete strainStreptomycessp. FMA. OrgLett2012, 14(9): 2422–2425.
3.Yiguang Zhu,et al, Weiming Zhu,Changsheng Zhang, Identification of Caerulomycin A Gene Cluster Implicates a Tailoring Amidohydrolase. Org. Lett.2012, 14(11):2666–2669.
4.Junfeng Wang, et al, Weiming Zhu, Cytotoxic Polyphenols from the FungusPenicillium expansum091006 endogenous with Mangrove PlantExcoecaria agallocha. Planta Med2012,78(17): 1861–1866. (影響因子2.15)
1.Peng Fu,et al, Weiming Zhu,Cyclic bipyridine glycosides from the marine-derived actinomyceteActinoalloteichuscyanogriseusWH1-2216-6, OrgLett2011, 13(22): 5948–5951.
2.Yibin Zhuang, et al, Weiming Zhu. New quinazolinone alkaloids within rare amino acid residue from coral-associated fungus,Aspergillus versicolorLCJ-5-4, OrgLett2011, 13 (5): 1130–1133.
3.Peng Fu, et al, Weiming Zhu,α-Pyrones and diketopiperazine derivatives from the marine-derived actinomyceteNocardiopsis dassonvilleiHR10-5, JNatProd2011, 74(10):2219–2223.
4.Hui Wang,et al, Weiming Zhu, Anti-influenza virus polyketides from the acid-tolerant fungusPenicillium purpurogenumJS03-21, JNatProd2011, 74(9):2014–2018.
5.Peng Fu, et al, Weiming Zhu, Cytotoxic bipyridines from the marine-derived actinomyceteActinoalloteichus cyanogriseusWH1-2216-6, JNatProd2011, 74(8): 1751–1756.
6.Yibin Zhuang, et al, Weiming Zhu, Cyclopeptides and polyketides from coral-associated fungus,Aspergillus versicolorLCJ-5-4, Tetrahedron, 2011, 67(37): 7085–7089.
7.Zhihong Xu, et al, Weiming Zhu.Antifungal quinazolinones from marine-derivedBacillus cereusand their preparation, BioorgMedChemLett2011, 21(13): 4005–4007.
8. 朱偉明 ,王俊鋒,海洋真菌生物活性物質研究之管見,菌物學報, 2011, 30(2): 218–228.
9.Jinkai Zheng, et al, Weiming Zhu,Cyclic tripeptides from the halotolerant fungusAspergillus sclerotiorumPT06-1, JNatProd2010, 73(6): 1133–1137.
10.Zhenyu Lu,et al,Kui Hong, Weiming Zhu.Cytotoxic polyphenols from the marine-derived fungusPenicillium expansum, J NatProd2010, 73(5): 911–914.
1.Jinkai Zheng,et al, Weiming Zhu, Novel cyclic hexapeptides from marine-derived fungus,Aspergillus sclerotiorumPT06-1, Org Lett2009, 11(22): 5262–5265.
2.Zhenyu Lu, et al, Weiming Zhu, Sesquiterpenoids and benzofuranoids from the marine-derived fungusAspergillus ustus094102, JNatProd2009, 72(10): 1761–1767.
3.Lin Duan, et al, Weiming Zhu. Cytotoxic and antioxidative phenolic compounds from the traditional Chinese medicinal plant,Myristica fragrans, Planta Med2009, 75(11): 1241–1245.
1.Hongwen Tao, et al, Weiming Zhu, Resin glycoside constituents ofIpomoea pes-caprae(beach morning glory), JNatProd2008, 71(12): 1998–2003.
2.Min Zhang, et al, Weiming Zhu, Cytotoxic alkaloids and antibiotic nor-dammarane triterpenoids from marine-derived fungusAspergillus sydowi. JNatProd2008, 71 (6): 985–989.
3.Zhenyu Lu, et al, Weiming Zhu, Citrinin dimers from the halotolerant fungusPenicillium citrinumB-57, JNatProd2008,71 (4): 543–546.
4.Zhenjian Lin, et al, Weiming Zhu, Polyketides fromPenicilliumsp.JP-1, anendophytic fungus associated withthe mangrove plantAegiceras corniculatum, Phytochemistry2008, 69(5): 1273–1278. (影響因子3.35)
5.Fazuo Wang, et al, Weiming Zhu, Seven new prenylated indole diketopiperazine alkaloids from holothurian-derived fungusAspergillus fumigatus, Tetrahedron2008, 64(34): 7986–7991.(影響因子3.02)
6.Fazuo Wang, et al, Weiming Zhu, Six new ergosterols from the marine-derived fungusRhizopussp. Steroids2008,73(1): 19–26.( (影響因子2.83))
7.Yapeng Zhang, et al, Weiming Zhu,Isolation, structure elucidation, and antimycobacterial properties of dimeric naphtho-gamma-pyrones from the marine-derived fungusAspergillus carbonarius, Chem Biodiversity2008, 5(1):93–100.