共找到168條詞條名為李傑的結果 展開






1. Li-Peng Sun, Jie Li, Long Jin, and Bai-Ou Guan,
"Structural microfiber long-period gratings"
Optics Express, Vol. 20, No. 16, pp. 18079-18084, July 30, 2012.
2. Yongliang Chang, Hao Liang, Jie Li, Linghao Cheng, and Bai-Ou Guan,
"Brillouin scattering of a photonic crystal fiber core-offset spliced to a single mode fiber",
Proc. SPIE 8421, OFS2012, doi:10.1117/12.975176.
3. Yang Ran, Long Jin, Li-Peng Sun, Jie Li, and Bai-Ou Guan,
"Bragg grating in rectangular microfiber for temperature independent refractive index sensing,"
Optics Letters, Vol. 37, No. 13, pp. 2649-2651, July 1, 2012.
4. Li-Peng Sun, Jie Li, Yanzhen Tan, Xiang Shen, Xiaodong Xie, Shuai Gao, and Bai-Ou Guan,
"Miniature highly-birefringent microfiber loop with extremely-high refractive index sensitivity,"
Optics Express, Vol. 20, No. 9, pp. 10180-10185, Apr. 23, 2012.
5. Yang Ran, Yan-Nan Tan, Li-Peng Sun, Shuai Gao, Jie Li, Long Jin, Bai-Ou Guan,
"High-efficiency UV-inscription of Bragg gratings in microfibers,"
IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 181-186, Feb 2012.
6. Jie Li, Li-Peng Sun, Shuai Gao, Zhan Quan, Yong-Liang Chang, Yang Ran, Long Jin, Bai-Ou Guan,
"Ultrasensitive refractive index sensors based on rectangular silica microfibers,"
Optics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 18, pp. 3593-3595, Sept. 15, 2011.
7. Yang Ran, Yan-Nan Tan, Li-Peng Sun, Shuai Gao, Jie Li, Long Jin, Bai-Ou Guan,
"193nm excimer laser inscribed Bragg gratings in microfibers for refractive index sensing,"
Optics Express, Vol. 19, No. 19, pp. 18577-18583, Sept. 12, 2011.
8. Chuang Wu, Jie Li, Xinhuan Feng, Bai-Ou Guan, Hwa-Yaw Tam,
"Side-hole photonic crystal fiber with ultrahigh polarimetric pressure sensitivity,"
IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 943-948, April 1, 2011.
9. Jie Li, Yuan Mao, Chao Lu, Hwa Yaw Tam, and P. K. A. Wai,
"Polarization splitting of photonic crystal fiber with hybrid guidance mechanisms",
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 23, no. 18, ISSN: 1041-1135, pp. 1358-1360, Sep.15. 2011.
10. Jie Li, Yuan Mao, Chao Lu, Hwa Yaw Tam, and P. K. A. Wai,
"Polarizing properties of photonic crystal fibers with high-index cladding defects",
Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 1608-1614, Jun.1. 2010.