1、胃溶:00#、0#、1#、2#、3#、4#、5# 2、腸溶:0#、1#、2#0

5、庫存溫度應保持在15 - 25℃;相對濕度保持在35–65%。
鬆緊度 取本品10粒,用拇指和食指輕捏膠囊兩端,旋轉拔開,不得有粘結、變形或破裂,然後裝滿滑石粉,將帽、體套合,逐粒在1m的高度處直墜於厚度為2cm的木板上,應不漏粉;如有少量漏粉,不得超過2粒。如超過,應另取10粒複試,均應符合規定。
崩解時限:取本品6粒,裝滿滑石粉,照崩解時限檢查法(附錄Ⅹ A),膠囊劑項下的方法檢查,各粒均應在10分鐘內全部溶化或崩解。如有1粒不能全部溶化或崩解,應另取6粒複試,均應符合規定。
亞硫酸鹽(以SO<>計):取本品5.0g,置長頸圓底燒瓶中,加熱水100ml使溶化,加磷酸2ml與碳酸氫鈉0.5g,即時連接冷凝管,以0.1mol/L碘溶液15ml為接收液,收集餾出液50ml,加水至100ml,搖勻,量取50ml,置水浴上蒸發,隨時補充水適量,蒸至溶液幾乎無色,加水至40ml,照硫酸鹽檢查法(附錄Ⅷ B)檢查,如顯渾濁,與標準硫酸鉀溶液3.75ml製成的對照液比較,不得更濃(0.01%)。
照氣相色譜法(附錄Ⅴ E)檢查:用15%聚乙二醇-1500(或10%聚乙二醇-20M)柱,柱長2M,在柱溫110℃下測定。供試品溶液中氯乙醇的峰面積或峰高不得超過對照溶液峰面積或峰高(此項適用於環氧乙烷滅菌工藝)。
熾灼殘渣:取本品1.0g,依法檢查(附錄Ⅷ N),遺留殘渣分別不得過2.0%(透明)、3.0%(半透明或一節透明、另一節不透明)、4.0%(一節半透明,另一節不透明)、5.0%(不透明)。
重金屬:取熾灼殘渣項下遺留的殘渣,依法檢查(附錄Ⅷ H第二法),含重金屬不得過百萬分之五十。
黏度:取本品4.50g,置已稱定重量的100ml燒杯中,加溫水20ml,置60℃水浴中攪拌,使溶化。取出燒杯,擦乾外壁,加水使膠液總重量達到下列計算式的重量(含乾燥品15.0%),將膠液攪勻后倒入乾燥的具塞錐形瓶中,密塞,置40℃±0.1℃水浴中,約10分鐘后,移至平氏黏度計內,照黏度測定法(附錄Ⅵ G第一法,毛細管內徑為2.0mm),於40℃±0.1℃水浴中測定,本品運動黏度不得低於60mm<2>/s。
Empty (Vacant) capsule is one of the most common choices for medicine filling, and it has acquired an important position in the industry of medicine manufacture. Since the quality and material of the vacant capsules directly affects the effect and safety in medicine usage, our factory has always been searching for new and good material to improve the quality of the capsule shells, and try to make the best products to our customers.
The empty capsule is a kind of capsule shell with designated colors (prepared at the specific requirement of the customer) and shape made of gelatin as main material. It is usually used as the special packing for those medicines or health products with bad smell, light sensitiveness or labialisation in wet or hot conditions. No bond or additional pressure is required in producing capsules with vacant capsules. In addition, the specific capsules are easy to disintegrate in the gastric juice. Compared with tablets and pills, the capsules can offer a better bioavailability and other advantages in convenient preparation, carriage and usage and safe airproof packing.
Vegetable(cellulose) capsules(植物膠囊), different from the traditional glutin capsules, are made of HPMC(hydroxy, propyl, methyl and cellulose) with the basic elements of polysaccharides and plant cell wall. In addition to its advantage in natural concept, it can also promote the absorption and digestion of albumen, fat and carbohydrate, which absent in the traditional glutin capsules. Along with the growing of vegetarianism and the sense of health protection, as well as the influence of the religion etc., the natural vegetable capsule products are rising to the leading position in its industry.
Vegetable capsule is made of HMPC by new technique, it’s a natural high-tech product.
Unlike gelatin capsules, vegetable capsules are made from natural plant cellulose in order to satisfy vegetarian and cultural lifestyle needs. While retaining all the advantages of traditional gelatin capsules, vegetable capsules also starch-free, gelatin-free and contains no preservatives. It does not need to be sterilized with ethyleneoxide.
HPMC(hydroxy, propyl, methyl and cellulose) is made of plant cellulose. It has been widely applied in food, cosmetics and pharmaceutics industries all over the world. HPMC used to produce veg-capsules meet USP/BP standard.
Veg-capsule can also be colored by natural edible colorants, and imprinted with natural printing inks to identify your products in the market. Besides, veg-capsules run smoothly on all kinds of hgh speed and semi-automatic filling machines.
The gastric coated capsules (胃溶膠囊) is a kind of capsule shell with designated colors (prepared at the specific requirement of the customer) and shape made of gelatin and gastric coating as main material. It is a capsule designed with specific target, it’s disintegrating quickly in the gastric juice. It's usually used in the packing of the medicines or health products with excitation to the stomach, labialisation in acid environment or specific requirement to disintegrate in the gastric juice to take effect. The specific gastric-oriented capsules help to promote the effect with a less dosage while reducing the adverse reaction, which is convenient for the patients. In addition, it helps to reduce the degradation to the medicine or health products caused by oral application and supply the best place for absorption.