




盧虹冰,教授,博士生導師,1988年、1991年畢業於西安交通大學生物醫學工程專業,分別獲學士及碩士學位,1998年於清華大學電機系獲生物醫學工程專業博士學位,1999-2002年在紐約州立大學石溪分校IRIS實驗室從事博士后研究,現在第四軍醫大學生物醫學工程系計算機應用教研室工作,為IEEE EMBS學會、SPIE中國生物醫學工程學會等學會會員,擔任教育部醫藥類計算機基礎課程教學指導分委會委員、陝西省圖形圖象學會常務理事、陝西生物醫學工程學會理事、《醫學信息》雜誌編委,IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging及IEEE Trans. On Nuclear Science等雜誌論文評閱人,享受軍隊優秀專業技術人才崗位津貼,2005年獲軍隊院校“育才獎”銀獎。主要從事醫學圖像圖形處理技術方面的研究,包括胸部及腦部單光子發射斷層成像的定量重建、低劑量CT/ECT成像系統的雜訊抑制、基於錐形束CT乳腺三維成像及醫學可視化與計算機輔助診斷(CAD)等工作。目前負責國家自然科學基金資助項目二項(No. 30470490及30170278),教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金一項,軍隊“十一五”面上項目一項,省市科技計劃項目二項,參加美國NIH資助項目(R01 CA82402)一項,曾參與國家自然科學基金資助項目、國防科工委預研基金、軍隊“九五”指令性課題的研究工作,申請美國專利一項。已發表論文五十餘篇(被SCI、EI等收錄20篇以上),主編教材一部,參編專著二部。
1. H. Lu, LF Zhang, J Bai et al. Mathematical Modeling of High G Protection Afforded by Various Anti-G Equipment and Techniques, Aviat. Space Environ. Med. (Accepted)
2. 王東明,盧虹冰,張軍英等,基於統計的小波雜訊抑制在低劑量CT中的應用,中國圖象圖形學報(通訊作者,已接收)
3. Y. Fan, H. Lu, Z. liang, et al. Fast analytical reconstruction of gated cardiac SPECT with non--uniform attenuation compensation. International Journal of Image and Graphics. 7(1): 87-104, 2007 (通訊作者).
4. Z. Liang, H. Lu, Medical imaging informatics — an information processing from image formation to visualization. International Journal of Image and Graphics. 7(1): 1-16, 2007
5. Y. Fan, H. Lu, Z. Liang, et al. Analytical reconstruction of 4D dynamic cardiac SPECT with noise-reduction and non-uniform attenuation compensation. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 2007 (通訊作者, accepted)
6. J. Wang, T. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2006), “Penalized Weighted Least-Squares Approach to Sinogram Noise Reduction and Image Reconstruction for Low-Dose X-Ray Computed Tomography”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 25(10): 1272 – 83. (SCI)
7. J. Wang, T. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang, Noise Reduction for Low-Dose Single-Slice helical CT Sinograms, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 53(3), Part 2: 1230 – 7, 2006. (SCI)
8. J. Wang, T. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2006), “Penalized Weighted Least-squares Approach to Sinogram Noise Reduction and Image Reconstruction for Low-dose X-ray Computed Tomography”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.6142, 614247(1-12).
9. J. Wang, T. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2006), “Noise Reduction of Low-dose Helical CT by 3D Penalized Weighted Least-squares Sinogram Smoothing”, Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol.6142, 61424E(1-8).
10. Y. Fan, H. Lu, C. Hao, and Z. Liang (2006), “Fast Analytical Reconstruction with Non-Uniform Attenuation Compensation for Dynamic Cardiac SPECT Imaging” (abstract), Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol.47, no.5, Supplement 1, pp.122).
11. 范毅,盧虹冰,郝重陽,劉謹. SPECT解析重建演演算法中衰減補償與雜訊抑制問題,醫療衛生裝備,27(9): 165-167, 2006
12. 熊新,盧虹冰,扇形布源模式在放射性粒子治療計劃系統中的應用,醫療衛生裝備,27(9): 276-277, 2006
13. 劉欣, 程九華, 盧虹冰, 張立藩, 董秀珍. 清醒大鼠動脈血壓信號的預處理及譜分析, 第四軍醫大學學報, 27(11): 1037-9, 2006
14. 馮岱雅,孫喜慶,盧虹冰. 失重對腦血流影響的模擬研究. 航天醫學與醫學工程, 19(3): 163-166, 2006.
15. J. Wang, H. Lu, T. Li, and Z. Liang, An Alternative Solution to the Non-Uniform Noise Propagation Problem in Fan-Beam FBP Image Reconstruction, Medical Physics, 32(11): 3389-3394, 2005 (通訊作者,SCI, EI).
16. J. You, T. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang (2005), “A Preliminary Study on Analytical Inversion of the Attenuated Radon Transform with 180o Acquisition”, The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (JNM, vol.46, no.5, pp.471).
17. 馮岱雅, 孫喜慶, 盧虹冰. 失重對人體血液循環系統影響的模擬研究. 第四軍醫大學學報, 2005; 26(16): 1526-8.
18. 馮岱雅, 孫喜慶, 盧虹冰. 失重對人體心血管系統的影響及模擬. 西安工業學院學報 2005; 25(3): 253-7.
19. 盧虹冰, Z. Liang, J Wen等,平行束單光子發射成像的定量解析重建, 中國生物醫學工程學報, vol. 24, No.5: 524-530, 2005
20. H. Lu, LF Zhang, J. Bai, et al. Combining Protection of Different Anti-G Techniques to +12 Gz: A Computer Simulation Study, Proceedings of IEEE EMBC’05, 2005
21. D. Wang, H. Lu, J. Zhang and J. Liang, A Knowledge-Based Fuzzy Clustering Method with Adaptation Penalty for Bone Segmentation of CT images, Proceedings of IEEE EMBC’05, 2005
22. X. Liu, J. Chen, H. Lu, LF Zhang, Effectiveness of Daily Short-Duration Standing in Preventing Post-Suspension Cardiovascular Dysfunction in Rats Assessed by Cardiovascular Signal Analysis, Proceedings of IEEE EMBC’05, 2005
23. X. Li, L. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang, “Partial volume segmentation of brain magnetic resonance images based on maximum a posteriori probability”, Medical Physics, 32(7): 2337-2345, 2005 (SCI, EI).
24. H. Lu and Z. Liang, “Spatial Resolution Characteristics of K-L Domain Adaptive Wiener Filtering on SPECT Sinogram Poisson Noise”, in The 8th Intl. Proc. of Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. pp. 242-245, 2005
25. B. Li, H. Lu, W. Cai, X. Li, J. meng, Z. Liang (2005), “Computer Aided Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip,” Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 5744: 781-788, 2005 (EI).
26. J. Wang, H. Lu, T. Li, and Z. Liang (2005), “Sinogram Noise Reduction for Low-dose CT by Statistics-based nonlinear Filter,” Proc SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 5747: 2058-2066, 2005 (EI).
27. 劉瑾,盧虹冰,SPECT圖像解析重建演演算法研究現狀,生物醫學工程學雜誌, vol.22, No.3: 641-644, 2005
28. T. Li, J. Wen, G. Han, H. Lu, and Z. Liang, “Evaluation of an Efficient Compensation Method for Quantitative Fan-beam Brain SPECT Reconstruction,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, VOL. 24, NO. 2:170-179,2005 (SCI)
29. J. You, T. Li, H. Lu, and Z. Liang, “A Preliminary Study on Analytical Inversion of the Attenuated Radon Transform with 180o Acquisition (abstract), JNM, vol.46, no.5, pp.471, 2005.
30. T. Li, X. Li, J. Wang, J. Wen, H. Lu, J. Hsieh, and Z. Liang (2004) “Nonlinear Sinogram Smoothing for Low-dose X-ray CT,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 51(5): 2505-2513, 2004 (SCI, EI)