共找到11條詞條名為沈萍的結果 展開
1965年7月 畢業於武漢大學生物學系微生物學專業。
1965年9月-1968年7月 中國科學院上海植物生理研究所微生物室,生化遺傳專業研究生畢業。
1968年7月-1972年6月 中國科學院上海植物生理研究所微生物室助理研究員。
1972年7月-1986年5月 武漢大學生物系,講師,副教授。
1986年5月-1988年6月 美國波士頓生物醫學研究所(BBRI)訪問學者,進修分子生物學。
1988年6月至現在 武漢大學生命科學學院,教授,博導。
(1)Liu Guosheng, Liu Yi, Chen Xiangdong, Liu Peng, Shen Ping*,Qu Songsheng. Study on interaction between T4 phage and Escherichia coli B by microcalorimetric method. Journal of Virological Methods 2003, 112: 137-143
(2)Xuecheng Ye, Jianhong Ou, Lina Ni, Wanliang Shi, Ping Shen*. Characterization of a novel plasmid from extremely Halophilic Archaea: nucleotide sequence and function analysis FEMS Microbiology Letters 2003, 221:53-57
(3)Li Wenhua, Liu Yi, Zhao Ruming, Xie Zhixiong, Shen Ping* , Qu Songsehng. Effects of La3+ on the competence of Escherichia coli as studied by microcalorimetry. Biological Trace Element Research 2003, 91:267-275
(4)Li Wenhua, Zhao Ruming, Xie Zhixiong, Chen Xiangdong, Shen Ping*. Effects of La3+ on growth, transformation, and gene expression of Escherichia coli. Biological Trace Element Research 2003, 94:167-177
(5)Yang Yang, Yu Ping Huang, Ping Shen*. The 492bp RM07 DNA fragment from the Halophilic Archaea confers promoter activity in all three domains life. Current Microbiology 2003
(5)Y.-P. Huang, Y. Liu, P. Shen*, S.-S. Qu. A Microcalorimetric method for studing Halobacterium Halobium Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2003, 74
(6)Liu Peng, Liu Yi, Xie Zhi-Xiong, Chen You-Gui, Zhao Ru-Ming, Shen Ping* Qu Song-Sheng Microcalorimetric studies of the toxic action of La3+ on Halobacterium Halobium R1 growth Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2003, 21:693-697
(7)Zhao Ruming, Liu Yi, Xie Zhixiong,Shen Ping*, Qu Songsheng. Microcalorimetric study of the action of Ce(Ⅲ) ions on the growth of E. coli. Biological Trace Element Research 2002, 86:167-
(8)A.Abderrahmane, L. Yi, G. Wen-Ying, S. Ping*, Q. Song-Sheng. Microcalorimetric studies on the promoter function in E.coli TG1 from P. Maltophilia AT18 Chromosome DNA. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2002, 68:909-916
(9)L. Ruan, Y. Liu, Z. Gao, P. Shen*, Q. S. Sheng. Microcalorimetric study on expression of foreign genes in Bacillus thuringiensis. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2002, 70:521-525
(10)L. Run, Y. Huang, G. Zhang, D. Yu, S Ping*. Expression of the mel gene from Pseudomonas maltophilia in Bacillus thuringiensis. Letter in Applied Microbiology 2002, 34:244-248
(11)Xiangdong Chen, Peiyi Guo, Zhixiong Xie , Ping Shen*. A convenient and rapid method for genetic transformation of E. coli with plasmids. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 2001, 80: 297–300.
(12) Wang, G., Aazaz, A., Peng, Z and Shen, P.* Cloning and overexpression of a tyrosinase gene mel from Pseeudomonas maltophia, FEMS Microbiology Letter 2000,185: 23-27.