現為國際園藝學會會員,中國農業工程學會理事,設施園藝工程專業委員會委員,中國園藝學會設施分會常務理事,湖北省園藝學會常務理事,武漢市食品安全專家諮詢委員會委員,全國設施農業科學與工程本科系列教材編寫指導委員會委員,長江大學兼職教授,《長江蔬菜》學術版副主編,《Asian Journal of Plant Science》、《溫室園藝》編委, Biosource Technology、Scientia Horticulturae、Soil Science and Plant Nutrition、應用生態學報、農業工程學報、園藝學報等刊物的審稿專家。
1. 設施農業科學與工程本科專業創新型人才培養模式研究,湖北省教育廳項目(2005-2007),主持
2. 園藝專業實踐教學體系的改革與創新,湖北省教育廳項目(2003-2005),主持
3. 設施園藝學創建國家精品課程建設,校級教學改革項目(2006-2007),主持
4. 無土栽培研究生優質課程建設,校級教學改革項目(2005-2006),主持
5. 設施園藝學研究生人才培養方案的優化,校級教學改革項目(2005-2006),主持
1. Huang Yuan, Bie Zhilong*, Liu Pengyi, Niu Mengliang, Zhen Ai, Liu Zhixiong, Lei Bo, Gu Dongjun, Lu Chao, Wang Baitian. Reciprocal grafting between cucumber and pumpkin demonstrates the roles of the rootstock in the determination of cucumber salt tolerance and sodium accumulation. Scientia Horticulturae, 2013, 149: 47-54
2. Huang Yuan, Li Jing, Hua Bin, Liu Zhixiong, Fan Molin, Bie Zhilong*. Grafting onto different rootstocks as a means to improve watermelon tolerance to low potassium stress. Scientia Horticulturae, 2013, 149: 80-85
3. Lei B., Huang Y., Xie J.J, Liu Z.X, Zhen A., Fan M.L, Bie Z.L*. Pumpkin rootstock grafting in combination with calcium application is a powerful way to increase cucumber salt tolerance. Biologia Plantarum, accepted, in press
4. Fan Molin Fan, Bie Zhilong*, Xie Huiying, Zhang Fang, Zhao Shuang, and Hongyan Zhang. Genotypic variation for potassium efficiency in wild and domesticated watermelons under ample and limited potassium supply. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2013, accepted, in press
5. Liu Zhixiong, Bie Zhilong*, Huang Yuan, Zhen Ai, Niu Mengliang, Lei Bo. Rootstocks improve cucumber photosynthesis through nitrogen metabolism regulation under salt stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2013, accepted, in press
6. Zhen A, Bie ZL*, Huang Y, Liu ZX, Fan ML. Effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid on the H2O2-content and antioxidative enzyme gene expression in NaCl-treated cucumber seedlings. Biologia Plantarum, 2012, 56(3): 566-570
7. Liu Z.X., Bie Z.L.*, Huang Y., Zhen A., Lei B., and Zhang H.Y.. Grafting onto Cucurbita moschata rootstock alleviates salt stress in cucumber plants by delaying photoinhibition. Photosynthetica, 2012, 50(1): 152-160
8. Li Yi-Jie, Yuan Bao-Zhong, Bie Zhi-Long, Kang Yaohu. Effect of drip irrigation criteria on yield and quality of muskmelon grown in greenhouse conditions. Agricultural Water Management, 2012, 109: 30-35
9. Tang Mi, Zhang Bao-cai, Xie Jun-jun, Bie Zhi-long*, Wu Ming-zhu, Yi Hong-ping, Feng Jong-xin. Sucrose and citric acid accumulations in melon genotypes with different sugar and acid contents. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 2012, 10(3&4): 225-231
10. Huang Y, Bie ZL, Liu ZX, Zhen A and Jiao XR. Improving cucumber photosynthetic capacity under NaCl stress by grafting onto two salt-tolerant pumpkin rootstocks. Biologia Plantarum, 2011, 55(2): 285-290
11. Fan Molin, Bie Zhilong*, Angelika Krumbein, Dietmar Schwarz. Salinity stress in tomatoes can be alleviated by grafting and potassium depending on the rootstock and K-concentration employed. Scientia Horticulturae, 2011, 130: 615-623
12. Zhen Ai, Bie Zhilong*, Huang Yuan, Liu Zhixiong, Lei Bo. Effects of salt-tolerant rootstock grafting on ultrastructure, photosynthetic capacity, and H2O2-scavenging system in chloroplasts of cucumber seedlings under NaCl stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2011, 33: 2311-2319
13. Huang Yuan, Bie Zhilong*, He Sanpeng, Hua Bin, Zhen Ai, Liu Zhixiong. Improving cucumber tolerance to major nutrients induced salinity by grafting onto Cucurbita ficifolia. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2010, (69): 32-38
14. Huang Xingxue, Bie Zhilong. Cinnamic acid-inhibited ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activity is mediated through decreased spermine and changes in the ratio of polyamines in cowpea. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2010, (167): 47-53
15. Tang Mi, Bie Zhilong*, Wu Mingzhu, Yi Hong-ping, Feng Jong-xin.Changes in organic acids and acid metabolism enzymes in melon fruit during development. Scientia Horticulturae, 2010, (123): 360-365
16. Lee Jung-Myung, Kubota C., Tsao S.J., Bie Z., Hoyos Echevarria P., Morra L., and Oda M.. Current status of vegetable grafting (diffusion, grafting techniques, automation). Scientia Horticulturae, 2010, 127: 93-105
17. Colla Giuseppe, Rouphael Youssef, Leonardi Cherubino, Bie Zhilong. Role of grafting in vegetable crops grown under saline conditions. Scientia Horticulturae, 2010, 127: 147-155
18. Zhen Ai, Bie Zhilong*, Huang Yuan, Liu Zhixiong, Li Qi. Effects of scion and rootstock genotypes on the antioxidant defense systems of grafted cucumber seedlings under NaCl stress. Soil Science & Plant Nutrition. 2010, (56): 263-271
19. Huang Xingxue, Bie Zhilong*, Huang Yuan.Identification of autotoxins in rhizosphere soils under the continuous cropping of cowpea. Allelopathy Journal, 2010, 25(2): 383-392
20. Huang Yuan, Bie Zhilong*, Liu Zhixiong, Zhen Ai, Wang Weijuan. Protective role of proline against salt stress is partially related to the improvement of water status and peroxidase enzyme activity in cucumber. Soil Science & Plant Nutrition, 2009, (55): 698-704
21. Huang Yuan, Bie Zhilong*, Zhu Jin, Zhen Ai, Chen Liang. Improving the fruit yield and quality of cucumber by grafting onto the salt tolerant rootstock under NaCl stress. Scientia Horticulturae, 2009, (122): 26-31
22. Huang Yuan, Zhu Jin, Zhen Ai, Chen Liang, Bie Zhilong*. Organic and inorganic solutes accumulation in the leaves and roots of grafted and ungrafted cucumber plants in response to NaCl stress. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2009, 7(2): 703-708
23. Zeng Chunzhi, Bie Zhilong, Yuan Baozhong. Determination of optimum irrigation water amount for drip-irrigated muskmelon ( Cucumis melo L.). Agricultural Water Management, 2009, (96): 595-602
24. Zhu Jin, Bie Zhilong*, Li Yana. Physiological and growth responses of two different salt sensitive cucumber cultivars to NaCl stress.Soil Science & Plant Nutrition, 2008, (54): 400-407
25. Zhu Jin, Bie Zhilong*, Huang Yuan, Han Xiaoyan. Effect of grafting on the growth and ion contents of cucumber seedlings under NaCl stress. Soil Science & Plant Nutrition, 2008, (54): 895-902
6、實用新型專利“一種育苗海綿塊切割器”,專利授權號ZL 200720300023.X
1. 主持建設的“設施園藝學”課程被評為國家精品課程,2008年
2. 主持建設的“設施園藝學”課程被評為湖北省精品課程,2008年
3. 中國農業工程學會第五屆青年科技獎,2008年
4. 湖北省傑出青年基金獲得者,2008年
5. 主持完成的“園藝專業實踐教學研究與改革”獲得學校教學成果一等獎,2008年
6. 副主編的教材“普通園藝學”被評為國家精品教材,2007年
7. 華中農業大學教師先進工作者,2007年
8. 華中農業大學教學研究與改革獎,2007年
9. 華中農業大學教學質量三等獎,2006年