

徐 恆博士,四川大學生命科學學院教授,博士生導師。






成都市科技局項目(12DXYB087JH-005), 2012-2014,15萬。
6. 果蔬生產環境的農藥污染與重金屬污染的生物修復與示範。
成都市龍泉驛區科技項目(12H1483), 2008-2013,70萬。
7. 養雞糞便的無害化資源化處理研究與示範。
成都市龍泉驛區科技項目(11H1774), 2011-2012,15萬。
8. 食用菌生產載體中重金屬鈍化改良技術研究。
無限極(中國)有限公司(企業應用項目),2013-2014, 60萬。
5項(第一發明人徐 恆):
1. 《長根菇與金福菇聯合修復重金屬污染土壤的辦法》。
2. 《重金屬污染土壤的菌-草修復技術》。
3. 《螯合劑強化蕈菌修復重金屬污染土壤》。
1.Heng Xu, Yuxia Chen, Haiyan Huang, Yingyi Liu, Zhirong Yang*
Removal of lead (II) and cadmium (II) from aqueous solutions using spentAgaricus bisporus.
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering ,(2013),91:421–431。
2. Heng Xu, Jiuzhou Dai, Jinhu Ji, Feng Cen, Zhirong Yang*. Potential ofAgaricus bisporus for extracting copper, zinc or cadmium from the soil .Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, (2011),10(5):665--671。
3. Heng Xu,Peng Song,Wenbo Gu,Zhirong Yang*. Effects of heavy metals on production of thiol compounds and antioxidant enzymes inAgaricus bisporus.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,(2011) 74: 1685–1692。
4. Nan He‡,Yingyi Liu‡, Jiadi Zhang, Jun Tang, Heng Xu. Lead and methylene blue adsorption byOudemansiella radicata.Asian Journal of Chemistry, (in press)。
5.A QICAR Model for Quantifying Connection between Metal Ionic Character and Biosorption Capacity ofPleurotus eryngii.Desalination and Water Treatment, (in press)。
6. Lan Ma, Yuhong Peng, Bo Wu, Daiyin Lei, Heng Xu *.Pleurotus ostreatus nanoparticles as a new nano-biosorbent for removal of Mn(II) from aqueous solution。
Chemical Engineering Journal,(2013),225:59–67。
7. Yuanjia Hu, Ying Lan, Jiuzhou Dai, Lan Ma, Heng Xu*.The biosorption of Pb, Cd, Cu from aqueous solution by fruiting bodies and spores ofOudemansiella radicata。
Desalination and Water Treatment,(2013), 1–11。
8.Xiaobing Jing,Nan he,Ying Zhang,Yanru Cao, Heng Xu*. Isolation and characterization of heavy metal-mobilizing bacteria from contaminated soils and their potential in promoting Pb, Cu and Cd accumulation byCoprinus comatus.Canadian Journal of microbiology,(2012),58:45-53。
9.Linyun Ji, Weiwei Zhang,Dong Yu,Yanru Cao, Heng Xu*.Effect of heavy metal-solubilizing microorganisms on zinc and cadmium extractions from heavy metal contaminated soilwithTricholoma lobynsis.World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology,2012,28:293-301。
10.Yan-ru Cao,Xiyu Zhang,Jiayu Deng,Qiqi Zhao, Heng Xu*. Lead and cadmium-induced oxidative stress impacting mycelial growth ofOudemansiella radicata in liquid medium alleviated by microbial siderophores. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology,2012,28:1727-1737。
11.Jiuzhou Dai, Feng Cen, Jinhu Ji, Weiwei Zhang, Heng Xu*. Biosorption of lead(II) in aqueous solution by spent mushroomTricholoma lobayense. Water Environment Research,2012,84(4):291-298。
12.Feng Cen, Yuanjia Hu, Heng Xu*.Responses of antioxidant defenses inCoprinus comatusexposed to cadmium and mercury toxicity. Asian Journal of Chemistry,2012,24(10):4679-4685。
13.Lan Chen , Feng Cen, Yuanjia Hu, Heng Xu*. Chelator-induced bioextraction of heavy metals from artificially contaminated soil by mushroom (Coprinus comatus). Chemistry and Ecology,2012,28(3):267-280。
14.Weiwei Zhang, Yuanjia Hu, Yanru Cao, Fengguang Huang, Heng Xu. Tolerance of lead by the fruiting body ofOudemansiella radicata.Chemosphere,(2012),88(4):467-475。
15.Xiaobing Jing, Yanru Cao, Xiyu Zhang, Desheng Wang, Xiaozhe Wu, Heng Xu*. Biosorption of Cr(VI) from simulated wastewater using a cationic surfactant modified spent mushroom. Desalination,(2011), 269: 120–127。
16. Yingyi Liu,Qiqi Zhao,Guanglei Cheng, Heng Xu*. Exploring the mechanism of lead(Ⅱ) adsorption from aqueous solution on ammonium citrate modified spent Lentinus edodes。
Chemical Engineering Journal,(2011),173 :792–800。
17.Xiuli Tian,Chuang Li, Heng Xu*.Spent mushroom: A new low-cost adsorbent for removal Congo Red from aqueous solutions. Desalination and Water Treatment,(2011), 27: 319–326。
18.Yan-ru Cao, Zhuan Liu, Guang-lei Cheng, Xiao-bing Jing , Heng Xu*. Exploring single and multi-metal biosorption by immobilized spentTricholoma lobayense using multi-step response surface methodology.
Chemical Engineering Journal,(2010),164:183–195。
19.Jinhu Ji, Jiuzhou Dai, Weiwei Zhang and Heng Xu*. Factors affecting the uptake of lead and copper in five wild mushroom species from Chengdu, China. Food Additives & Contaminants, (2009)26:9, p.1249-1255。
20.Haiyan Huang, Guanglei Cheng, Lan Chen, Heng Xu*. Lead (II) Removal from Aqueous Solution by Spent Agaricus bisporus: Determination of Optimum Process Condition Using Taguchi Method.
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution,(2009), 203: 53-63。
21. Chuang Li, Ying Lan, Jinchun Zhang, Zhengsuo Chen, Dunyi Tang, Heng Xu。
Biodegradation of methidathion bySerratia sp. in pure cultures using orthogonal experiment design and its application in detoxification of the insecticide on crop. Annals of Microbiology,(2013) 63:451–459。
22. Chuang Li, Xiuli Tian, Zhengsuo Chen, Dong Yu, Jiayu Deng, Heng Xu*. Biodegradation of an endocrine-disrupting chemical di-n-butyl phthalate bySerratia marcescens C9 isolated from activated sludge.
African Journal of Microbiology Research,(2012),6(11):2686-2693。
23. Tian Yuan ,Chuang Li ,Ji-Rui Gu,Yue-Jun Fu , Heng Xu*.
Cloning, characterization and expression of the LECT2 gene in grass carp.Fish Physiology and Biochemistry,(2013) 39:829-835。
24.Y. J. Fu, F. G. Huang, T. Yuan, J. R. Gu, G. Q. Luo, H. Xu. Molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of B cell translocation gene 1 in grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella. Journal of Fish Biology,(2012),80:669–678。
25.Tian Yuan, Ji-Rui Gu ,Wen-Bo Gu,Jiang Wu,Shao-Rong Ge , Heng Xu*. Molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of adenylosuccinate lyase gene in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Mol Biol Rep,(2011) 38:2059–2065。

