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- 南開大學生命科學學院副教授
- 西安市第一醫院眼科主任醫師
所屬部門:微 生物學系
曾獲“南開十傑”榮譽稱號。研究方向為石油微生物學及大分子生物聚合物,“微生物提高石油採收率技術”獲天津市科技進步一等獎。現主持國家“863”重點項目課題1項,國家自然科學基金1項,天津市應用基礎研究重點項目1項,教育部博士點基金項目1項。作為主要研究人員參與或完成國家“863”計劃探索導向類課題、“九?五”天津市重點攻關項目、“十?五”國家攻關項目、國家自然科學基金、天津市自然科學基金項目等多項課題。申請發明專利9項(3項已經授權)。發表論文30多篇,其中SCI/EI收錄論文10餘篇,參與編寫高等學校教材2部,參譯1部。獲天津市教學成果一等獎1項,天津市精品課 1項。現為中國微生物學會、中國石油學會、中國生物工程學會會員。擔任Applied of Environmental Microbiology 、 Journal of Biotechnology、Marine Pollution Bulletin、《微生物學通報》、《環境科學》、《石油學報》等期刊的審稿人。
馬挺; 王仁京; 李國強; 梁鳳來;劉如林. De-emulsion after diesel oil biodesulfurization. Huagong Xuebao/Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China) v 56-n 4-p 694-698. 2005-1-1
馬挺;李國強;李劍;李珊珊;李紅;梁鳳來;劉如林. Desulfurization of diesel fuel by co-immobilized cells with sodium alginate and polyvinyl alcohol. Huagong Xuebao/Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering (China) v 57-n 11-p 2705-2713. 2007-1-1
李國強;馬挺;李珊珊;李紅;梁鳳來;劉如林(註:這篇文章為SCI,IF 1.247). Improvement of dibenzothiophene desulfurization activity by removing the gene overlap in the dsz operon. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry v 71-n 4-p 849-854. 2007-1-1
Ma, T; Li, GQ; Li, J; Liang, FL; Liu, R. Desulfurization of dibenzothiophene by Bacillus subtilis recombinants carrying dszABC and dszD genes. BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS 28-14-1095. 2006-1-1
Li GQ, Li SS, Zhang ML, Wang J, Zhu L, Liang FL, Liu RL, Ma T. Genetic Rearrangement Strategy for Optimizing the Dibenzothiophene Biodesulfurization Pathway in Rhodococcus erythropolis. Applied and environmental microbiology 74-4-971-976. 2008-2-1
宋存江,王淑芳,李國強,馬挺,蔡峻,馮露,劉方. 理科院校“微生物發酵工程”精品課建設的探索與實踐. 第五屆“高校生命科學教學論壇”報告論文集 5--215-218. 2010-10-22
黃海東,王薇,馬挺*,李國強,梁鳳來,劉如林. Sphingomonas sanxanigenens sp nov., isolated from soil. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY 59-pt4-719-723. 2009-1-1
Li, Guo-Qiang; Li, Shan-Shan; Qu, Shi-Wei; Liu, Qing-Kun; Ma, Ting; Zhu, Lin; Liang, Feng-Lai; Liu, Ru-Lin. Improved biodesulfurization of hydrodesulfurized diesel oil using Rhodococcus erythropolis and Gordonia sp.. BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS 30-10-1759. 2008-1-1
Wang, Jun; Ma, Ting; Zhao, Lingxia; Lv, Jinghua; Li, Guoqiang; Zhang, Hao; Zhao, Ben; Liang, Fenglai; Liu, Rulin. Monitoring exogenous and indigenous bacteria by PCR-DGGE technology during the process of microbial enhanced oil recovery. JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY 35-6-619. 2008-1-1
Huang, Lei; Ma, Ting; Li, Dan; Liang, Feng-lai; Liu, Ru-Lin; Li, Guo-qiang. Optimization of nutrient component for diesel oil degradation by Rhodococcus erythropolis. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN 56-10-1714-1718. 2008-1-1
Wang, Jun; Ma, Ting; Zhao, Lingxia; Lv, Jinghua; Li, Guoqiang; Liang, Fenglai; Liu, Rulin. PCR-DGGE method for analyzing the bacterial community in a high temperature petroleum reservoir. WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY 24-9-1981. 2008-1-1
Boyang Cao, Ting Ma, Yan Ren, Yi Ren, Guoqiang Li,Ping Li, Xi Guo, Peng Ding, and Lu Feng. Complete Genome Sequence of Pusillimonas sp. T7-7, a Cold-Tolerant Diesel Oil-Degrading Bacterium Isolated from the Bohai Sea in China. JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY 193-15-4021–4022. 2011-8-1
齊義彬, 王大威, 吳萌萌, 李國強, 呂鑫, 馬挺. 膠質降解和生物乳化在稠油降黏中的作用 . 石油學報 33-4-670-675 . 2012-7-1
趙玲俠, 高配科, 曹美娜, 高夢黎, 李國強, 朱旭東, 馬挺. 大慶聚驅后油藏內源微生物群落結構解析與分佈特徵研究 . 環境科學 33-2-625-632 . 2012-2-15
梁凱強, 李國強, 李世強, 江邵靜, 馬挺. 原油降解菌株Pseudomonas sp. 6-1B趨油性遷移特徵 . 化工學報 2012-7-1
Zhao L, Ma T, Gao M, Gao P, Cao M, Zhu X, Li G.. Characterization of microbial diversity and community in water flooding oil reservoirs in China . World J Microbiol Biotechnol . 2012-10-1
Ma T, Ji K, Wang W, Wang J, Li Z, Ran H, Liu B, Li G.. Cellulose synthesized by Enterobacter sp. FY-07 under aerobic and anaerobic conditions . Bioresour Technol 2012-12-1
Huang H.,Ma T.,Li G., Wang W., Liang F., Liu R.. Medium optimization and properties of biopolymer Ss from Sphingomonas sanxanigenens . AFR J MICROBIOL RES 2012-2-23