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殷 雷:武漢大學生命科學學院教授。教授學科專業:細胞發育生物學研究方向:生物大分子結構與功能,免疫疾病和免疫療法



學習經歷: 2002 - 2007 博士 中國科學院生物物理研究所生物大分子國家重點實驗室 導師:王大成教授 中國科學院院士 1998 - 2002 學士 武漢大學生命科學學院 主要工作經歷與任職:中組部第六批青年項目入選者 2013 - 至今 教授武漢大學生命科學學院 2007 - 2013 研究助理 美國霍華德休斯醫學研究所(HHMI)導師:John Kappler 美國科學院院士 Philippa Marrack 美國科學院院士 英國皇家學會會系
病原識別是免疫應答中的極其重要的事件,若有效識別外源病菌或腫瘤抗原則能產生免疫保護作用,若異常識別自身或移植體抗原則又可造成機體組織的免疫損害,與感染性疾病的免疫防治、腫瘤免疫防治、自身免疫性疾病過敏性疾病治療以及器官移植排斥等直接緊密關聯。我們從病原抗原如何被T細胞受體(TCR)識別和如何才能充分活化T細胞的角度出發,綜合了蛋白質結構測定、分子識別動力學分析、細胞水平、小鼠模型等多個層次手段進行了細緻研究。近三年已在《Immunity》、《Immunological Reviews》、《PNAS》等國際權威雜誌上以第一作者(含並列)已發表文章5篇,其中兩篇入選科學論文專業評價系統Faculty of 1000,受到科學界廣泛關注。
1.Yang, J., Cheng, Z., Zhang, S., Xiong, W., Xia, H., Qiu, Y., Wang, Z., Wu, F., Qin, CF.,Yin, L., Hu, Y., Zhou, X. A cypovirus VP5 displays the RNA chaperone-like activity that destabilizes RNA helices and accelerates strand annealing.Nucleic Acids Res.2013 Dec 6 online
2.Yin,L., Jordan, K., Crawford,F., Marrack, P., Dai, S., Kappler,J. The structural based changes of the natural tumor antigen peptide vaccination breakdown the immunotolerance and evoke corssreactive T cells to protect from tumor. 2013. (In preparation)
3.Yin,L., Scott-Browne,J., Kappler,J., Huseby, E., Marrack,P., Dai, S. Cross recognition of T Cell Receptor. 2013Amino Acids(Invited Review, in preparation)( Corresponding)
4.Yin,L., Dai,S., Clayton, G.,Gao, W., Wang,Y., Kappler,J., Marrack P. Recognition of self and altered self by T cells in autoimmunity and allergy.Protein & cell2013 Jan;4(1):8-16 (Invited Review)( Corresponding)
5.Yin,L., Crawford,F., Marrack,P., Kappler,J., Dai, S. T-cell receptor(TCR) interaction with peptides that mimic nickel offers insight into nickel contact allergy.PNAS(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)2012 Nov 6;109(45):18517-22
Recommended by Faculty of 1000.
6.Yin,L., Scott-Browne,J., Kappler,J., Gapin, L., Marrack,P. T cells and their eons-old obsession with MHC.Immunological Reviews2012 Nov; 250(1):49-60. (Invited Review)
7.Yin,L.*, Huseby, E.*, Scott-Browne,J., Rubtsova,K., Pinilla,C., Crawford,F., Marrack, P., Dai, S., Kappler,J. A Single T Cell Receptor Bound to Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I and Class II Glycoproteins Reveals Switchable TCR Conformers.Immunity. 2011 Jul 22;35(1):23-33(* Contributed equally)
Comment in Immunity 35:1-3,2011. Recommended by Faculty of 1000.
8.Hu Y*, Gai Y*,Yin L*, Wang X, Feng C, Feng L, Li D, Jiang XN, Wang DC. Crystal structures of a Populus tomentosa 4-coumarate:CoA ligase shed light on its enzymatic mechanisms.Plant Cell. 2010 Sep;22(9):3093-104.(* Contributed equally)
9.Yin,L.,Xiang,Y.,Zhu,D.Y.,Yan,N.,Huang,Q.H., Wang,D.C. Crystal structure of human SH3BGRL protein: the first structure of the human SH3BGR family representing a novel class of thioredoxin fold proteins.Proteins.2005 61:213-216
10.Yin,L.,Zhu,D.Y.,Yan,N.,Huang,Q.H., Wang,D.C. Expression, purification, and crystallization of a human protein SH3BGRL with atomic resolution.Acta Cryst. F.2005 61, 384-386
11.Zhu,Y.Q., Zhu,D.Y.,Yin,L., Zhang,Y., Vonrhein,C., Wang,D.C. Crystal structure of human spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase (hSSAT): The first structure of a new sequence family of transferase homologous superfamily.Proteins.2006 63:1127-1131.