共找到7條詞條名為王曉雷的結果 展開
性 別:男
職 稱:副教授
學 歷:博士
1999年至2003年 南開大學物理學院 本科。
2003年至2005年 南開大學信息學院光學所 碩士。
2005年至2008年 南開大學信息學院光學所 博士。
天津市自然科學基金 10萬。
瞬態光學國家重點實驗室開放基金 5萬。
江蘇省光電技術重點實驗室開放研究基金 3萬。
2010年第八屆本科百項創新基金 一 0.3萬。
2010年第八屆本科百項創新基金 二 0.2萬。
2010年第九屆本科生百項創新基金 0.4萬。
1. Xiaolei Wang, Hongchen Zhai, Guoguang Mu, “Pulsed digital holography system recording ultrafast process of the fe mtosecond order”, Optical Letters, 2006, 31, 1636
2. Xiaolei Wang, Hongchen Zhai, “Pulsed digital micro-holography of femto-second order by wavelength division multiplexing”, Optics Communications, 2007, 275, 42
3. WANG Xiaolei, WANG Yi, et al “Pulsed digital holographic recording of ultra-fast processesof the order of femto-second ”, Proceeding of SPIE 2006, 6027, 60272A
5. 王曉雷,翟宏琛,王毅,母國光,“超短脈衝數字全息術中的立體角分復用技術”,物理學報,2006,55,1137
7. Wang Yi, Wang Xiaolei, Zhai Hongchen, et al. Study of ambient air ionization with femtosecond laser pulses,Proceedings of SPIE, 5627, 105, 2005
8. Nan Zhang, Xiaonong Zhu, Jianjun Yang, Xiaolei Wang, et al Time-Resolved Shadowgraphs of Material Ejection in Intense Femtosecond Laser Ablation of Aluminum,Physical Reveiw Letters, 99, 167602 (2007)1
10. ZHAI Hong-chen, WANG Xiao-lei, Wang Yi, Mu Guo-guang, “Pulsed digital holography for recording ultra fast events ”, Optoelectronics Letters, 2005, 1, 72
11. WANG Ming-wei, WANG Xiao-lei, ZHAI Hong-chen, “Pulsed digital micro-holography of femto second order by double wavelength recording” Optoelectronics Letters, 2007, 3, 133
12. Caojin Yuan, Hongchen Zhai, Xiaolei Wang, Lan Wu,“Lensless digital holography with short-coherence light source for three-dimensional surface contouring of reflecting micro-object”, Optics Communications, 2006
13. Yuan Cao-jin, Zhai Hong-chen, Wang Xiaolei, “Robust three dimensional surface contouring method with digital holography”, Optoelectronics Letters, 2006,2,468
14. 袁操今,翟宏琛,王曉雷,吳蘭, “採用短相干光數字全息術實現反射型微小物體的三維形貌測量”,物理學報,2007,56,218
16. 張楠,楊建軍,王曉雷等. 激光與光電子學進展. 2008,45(2):9
18. 胡浩豐,王曉雷等,2008年全息委員會年會,哈爾濱,2008
19. Hongchen Zhai, Xiaolei Wang, and Haofeng Hu, “Diagnosis of Transparent Ejected Material in Femtosecond Laser Ablation ”, International conference of CLEO, Shanghai, China, 2009(invited paper)
20. Hongchen Zhai, Caojin Yuan, and Xiaolei Wang, “Pulsed Digital Holography with High Spatial Resolution”, International conference of CLEO, Shanghai, China, 2009(invited paper)
21. Xiaolei Wang, Hongchen Zhai, "Recording plane division multiplexing (RDM) in pulsed digital holography for optical metrology", Fringe 2009, The 6th international Workshop on advanced optical metrology
22. 胡浩豐,王曉雷*,李智磊,張楠,翟宏琛,飛秒激光燒蝕鋁靶產生噴射物的超快脈衝數字全息診斷,物理學報,58,7662,2009
23. 高麗娟,楊曉蘋,李智磊,王曉雷等,“一種單通道彩色圖像加密方法”,物理學報 2009 58(2)
24. 楊曉蘋,高麗娟,王曉雷等“基於雙相位編碼的單通道彩色圖像加密”,物理學報,2009.58(3)
25. 王曉雷,李智磊,翟宏琛,王明偉 "Fourier頻率域隨機譜隱秘信息載入與增量補償系統",物理學報,vol 59, No. 10, 6994-7001
26. Mingwei Wang, Xiaolei Wang, Zhilei Li, "Recognition of multibreak patterns by 8-neighborhood-based General Hough Transform", Optik,( Accept date : 15.09.2009,Receipt date: 04.05.2009,Reference : 09-233)
28. Hu Haofeng, Wang Xiaolei*, Zhai Hongchen “Thermal analysis of intense femtosecond laser ablation of aluminum” Chinese Physics B, Vol. 20, No. 4 (2011) 044204
29. Lujie Li, Xiaolei Wang*, and Hongchen Zhai, “Single-shot measurement of the full spatiotemporal field of terahertz pulse”, 2010 SOPO, 2010.06 Chengdu, China
30. Haofeng Hu, Xiaolei Wang*, et al, "Generation of multiple stress waves in silica glass in high fluence femtosecond laser ablation", Applied Physics letters, 97, 061117, 2010
31. Haofeng Hu, Xiaolei Wang*, Nan Zhang, Hongchen Zhai, and Pan Wang, “Shock induced phenomena in high fluence femtosecond laser ablation of silica glass,” SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, Beijing, China, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7843, pp. 784324 (2010)
32. Xiaolei Wang, Hongchen Zhai, Lujie Li, “Real-time measurement of the full spatiotemporal field of an single Terahertz pulse by pulsed digital holography” SPIE/COS Photonics Asia, Beijing, China, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7851, pp. 785119 (2010) invited paper
33 Haofeng Hu, Xiaolei Wang*, Hongchen Zhai, Neutrals ejection in intense femtosecond laser ablation, Optics Letters, 36(2), 124, 2011
34 Haofeng Hu, Xiaolei Wang*, Hongchen Zhai, “High-fluence femtosecond laser ablation of silica glass: effects of laser-induced pressure” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2011, 44, 135202
35 Xiaolei Wang, Hongchen Zhai, Zhilei Li, Qi Ge, "Double random-phase encryption based on discrete quaternion Fourier-Transforms", Optik, 2011,51413
37 蓋琦, 孫雲峰, 王曉雷等 基於離散四元數餘弦變換的彩色圖像數字水印技術 光電子激光, 20(9), 2009
38 . Lujie Li, Xiaolei Wang*, Hongchen Zhai, “Single-shot diagnostic for the three-dimensional field distribution of a terahertz pulse based on pulsed digital holography”, Optics Letters, 36(14), 2737-2739.講授課程:本科生:原子物理學 碩士生:信息光學
2008 南開大學優秀畢業生。
2007 南開大學校級優秀學生幹部。
2007 南開大學三等獎學金。。
2006 南開大學研究生三等獎學金。
2003 南開大學校級三好學生。
2002 南開大學一等獎學金。
2002 南開大學校級優秀學生幹部。
2001 南開大學二等獎學金。
2001 南開大學校級優秀學生幹部。
2000 南開大學一等獎學金。
2000 南開大學校級優秀學生幹部。
1999 南開大學二等獎學金。