



張洪生教授,工學博士學位,曾在河口海岸學國家重點實驗室和University of South Alabama進行博士后研究,University College LondonUniversity of Delaware訪問學者。主要研究方向為水波動力學的理論及其應用,河口海岸動力學和水資源的規劃與利用。先後給博士研究生講授了《The applied dynamics of Ocean surface waves》,給碩士研究生講授了《海洋環境流體力學》、《高等流體力學》、《海洋水文學》和《河口海岸動力學》,給本科生講授了《工程水文學》和《流體力學》等7門課程。主持了四項國家自然科學基金、作為主要人員參加了一項國家自然科學基金項目;主持了兩項上海市科技攻關項目和一項上海市自然科學基金;參加了一項“863”重點研究項目;主持或參加完成了“近海颱風和颱風浪計算方法研究項目”、“江蘇海門冷家沙海域海洋水文、氣象、波浪分析”、“太湖風浪預測系統應急完善”、“濰坊港和魯遼陸海聯運通道風場及風浪場數值模擬及統計分析”、“波流相互作用的數學模型及其應用”和“煙台市水資源工程規劃模型”等近40項企事業單位委託的研究項目。已在國內外重要學術期刊和學術交流會議上發表60餘篇學術論文。博士畢業后,在河口海岸學國家重點實驗室進行博士后研究,2005年在University of South Alabama進行博士后研究,2010年在University College London、2017-2018年在University of Delaware進行學術訪問。已指導了50餘名博士和碩士研究生。


Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B》編委


ZHANG H.S.,ZHOU E.X.,DAI S.,et al., 2016.Comparison of the Calculated and Measured Wave Heights in Inland Lakes. Journal of Coastal Research,32(4):814-828(SCI;EI).
YANG X.Y., ZHANG H.S.,LI H.T.,2017.Wave radiation and diffraction by a floating rectangular structure with an opening at its bottom in oblique seas. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B,,29(6):1054-1066 (SCI;EI).
ZHANG H.S.,ZHENG B.F.,YANG X.Y.,2017. Interaction of oblique waves and a rectangular structure with an opening near a vertical wall. China Ocean Eng., 31(2):220-229 (SCI;EI).
WANG Y.H.,WANG H.,DONG H.H., ZHANG H.S.,et al.,2018.Interaction solutions for a reduced extended (3+1)-dimensional Jimbo-Miwa equation. Nonlinear Dynamics,92:487-497 (SCI).
WANG Y.H.,WANG H., ZHANG H.S.,et al.,2017.Exact Interaction Solutions of an Extended (2+1)-Dimensional Shallow Water Wave Equation. Communications in theoretical physics, 68(2):165-169 (SCI)
ZHANG H.S., ZHAO J.C.,LI P.H.,et al.,2016. The change characteristics of the calculated wind wave fields near lateral boundaries with SWAN model. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(1):96-105 (SCI;EI).
ZHANG H.S., ZHU L. S., YOU Y.X., 2005. A numerical model for wave propagation in curvilinear coordinates. Coastal Engineering, Vol.52:513-533( SCI;EI).
ZHANG H.S., ZHAO H.J., DING P.X.,2007.On the modeling of wave propagation on non-uniform currents and depth. Ocean Engineering,Vol. 34(10):1393-1404 (SCI;EI).
ZHANG H.S., WANG Y., XU C.H., et al.,2013. Tests and applications of an approach of absorbing the reflected waves towards incident boundary, China Ocean Engineering, 27(6):703-718(SCI;EI).
ZHANG H.S., JIA H.Q., GU J.B.,et al.,2014. Numerical simulation of the international wave propagation in continuously density-stratified ocean. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B,26(5):770-779( SC;EI).
ZHANG H.S., ZHOU W.,2013.Wave radiation and diffraction by a two dimensional floating body with an opening near a side wall. China Ocean Eng.,Vol.27(4):437-450.(SCI;EI)
ZHANG H. S., WU P.F., LIU W.B.,2014. The analysis of second-order sloshing resonance in a 3-D tank. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B,26(2):309-315(SCI;EI).
ZHOU H.W., ZHANG H.S.,2013. Radiation and diffraction analysis of a cylindrical body with a moon pool, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B,25(2):196-204(ESI;SCI;EI).
ZHANG H.S., WANG W.Y., FENG W. J., et al.,2010.A numerical model for nonlinear wave propagation on non-uniform current. China Ocean Engineering,Vol. 24(1):15-28 (SCI;EI).
ZHOU H.W.,WU G.X., ZHANG H.S.,2013.Wave radiation and diffraction by a two dimensional floating rectangular body with a bottom opening, Journal of Eng.Math., Vol.83(1):1-22(ESI;SCI;EI).
ZHOU H.W., ZHANG H.S.,2010.A numerical model of nonlinear wave propagation in curvilinear coordinates. China Ocean Engineering,Vol. 24(4):597-610(SCI;EI).
ZHANG H.S., WANG W.Y., FENG W.J., et al. 2010. Tests and applications of a Boussinesq model with ambient current. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B, Vol. 22(4):526-536 (SCI;EI).
ZHANG H.S., ZHAO, SHI Z.,2007. A finite-difference approach to the time-dependent mild-slope equation. China Ocean Engineering, Vol.21(1): 65-76(SCI;EI).
Chen X.H., ZHU L.S., ZHANG H.S., 2007.Numerical simulation of summer circulation in the east China sea and its application in estimating the sources red tides in the Changjiang River estuary. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B,Vol.19(3), 272-281(EI)
WANG Y.L., ZHANG H.S., MIAO G.P. et al., 2005. A new approach to high-order Boussinesq-type equations with ambient currents. China Ocean Engineering, Vol.19(1):49-60 (SCI;EI).
ZHANG H.S., DING P.X., PAN J.N., et al., 2003. Numerical simulation of a mathematical model for wave propagation on non-uniform current and depth. Journal of Hydrodynamics,Ser.B, Vol. 15(2): 43-50(EI).
Z HANG H.S., HONG G.W., DING P.X., 2001.Numerical Modelling of Standing Waves with Three-Dimensional Non-Linear Wave Propagation Model. China Ocean Engineering, Vol.15(4),521-530 (SCI;EI).
HONG G.W., ZHANG H.S., FENG W.B., 1998. Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Three-Dimensional Waves in Water of Arbitrary Varying Topography, China Ocean Eng., 12(4), 383-404(SCI;EI).
ZHU L.S., LI M.Q., ZHANG H.S., et al., 2004.Wave attenuation and friction coefficient on the coral-reef flatareas. China Ocean Engineering, Vol.18(1),129-136(SC; EI).
ZHAO H.J., SONG Z.Y., ZHANG H.S., 2008.Comparison of four numerical models for the time-dependent mild-slope equations. Proceedings of the Chinese -German joint symposium on hydraulic and ocean Engineering,565-570(ISTP).
徐妲莉,陳方磊,張洪生,2017.同倫分析方法在橢圓餘弦波相互作用上的應用. 水動力學研究與進展,A輯,32(6):395-402 (核心期刊).
張洪生,2017.流體力學課程教學方法的幾點探討. 高教學刊,2017年第14期,91-93.
鄭碧芳,張洪生,楊小岩,2016.直牆前矩形月池水波振蕩,海洋工程,34(5),40-50 (核心期刊).
楊小岩,張洪生,吳鵬飛,2015. 液艙三維晃蕩運動二階共振的理論解及特性分析,海洋工程,33(2),72-78 (核心期刊).
張洪生,岳文翰,王真祥,等,2014. SWAN模型模擬風浪場側邊界失真範圍研究,海洋工程,32(6):91-97(核心期刊).
張洪生,辜俊波,王海龍王樂銘, 2013,利用WAVEWATCH和SWAN嵌套計算珠江口附近海域的風浪場,熱帶海洋學報,第32卷第1期,8-17 (核心期刊)。
周華偉,張洪生,2013. 波浪在半球上繞射的解析研究. 上海交通大學學報,47(10):1597-1600( EI)。
張洪生,辜俊波,賈海青,古彪. 連續分層海洋中內波傳播的一種數值模式. 力學學報, 2012,44(5):896-903 (EI).
張洪生,戴甦,張怡。太湖風浪場的計算與比較. 海洋工程,2012,第30卷第4期,68-81 (核心期刊).
張洪生,文武鍵,辜俊波,2011.用兩種不同方法計算澱山湖風浪. 海洋工程,29(1):122-129(核心期刊).
張洪生,于小偉,楊建民,等,2009.改進的非線性波傳播數值模型的驗證和應用. 水動力學研究與進展A輯,24(3):364-373(核心期刊).
張洪生,商輝,2008. 對波浪入射邊界上反射波的消波及其驗證. 上海交通大學學報,第42卷第4期:674-678(EI).
張洪生,馮文靜,商輝,2007. 非線性波傳播的新型數值模擬模型及其實驗驗證-引入變換速度變數. 海洋學報,第29卷第5期:161-173 (核心期刊).
張洪生,馮文靜,王亞玲,等,2007.非線性波傳播的新型數值模擬模型及其實驗驗證. 海洋學報,2007,第29卷第4期:137-147 (核心期刊).
王亞玲,張洪生,2007. 非均勻水流中非線性波傳播的數值模擬. 力學學報,39(6):732-740(EI) .
趙紅軍,張洪生,丁平興,2006. 一種求解時間關聯性緩坡方程的數值方法. 上海交通大學學報,2006,第40卷第6期:1050-1054(EI).
張洪生,丁平興,吳中,等,2003. 曲線坐標系下非均勻水流中波浪傳播的數值模擬. 上海交通大學學報,第37卷第8期:1261-1265(核心期刊).
張洪生,丁平興,趙海虹,2003.一般曲線坐標系下波浪傳播的數值模擬. 海洋學報, Vol.25(1): 100-108(核心期刊).
張軍,張洪生,繆國平,2005.計算域中存在直立島式結構物時波浪傳播的數值模擬. 水動力學研究與進展A輯,20(2):241-250(核心期刊).
洪廣文,馮衛兵,張洪生,1999,海岸河口水域波浪傳播數值計算,河海大學學報,27(2),1-9 (核心期刊)。
洪廣文,張洪生,任意水深變化水域非線性波傳播的數值模擬. 海洋工程(核心期刊),1999,17(4),64-73。
劉長余,張洪生,1993.用模糊綜合評判方法優選引黃供水工程沉沙方案. 水利經濟(核心期刊),第3期,29-35.