共找到3條詞條名為丁洪斌的結果 展開
- 青島建設集團公司總裁
- 大連理工大學教授
- 漯河市宏泰集團實業總公司經理
2003.10——2005.10:博士后研究員(Post-DocResearchAssistant),瑞士巴塞爾大學 2005.10——2007.06:博導級高級科學家(SeniorScientist),瑞士巴塞爾大學
1.美國化學會會員 (2005-)
2.美國高級科學促進會 (AAAS) 會員 (2003)
3.國際光學工程學會會員 (1993)
4.Chinese Physics Letters 特邀審稿人
8. 遼寧省物理學會付會長(2012-)
1. 等離子體激光光譜和分子束質譜診斷研究;
2. Tokamak邊緣等離子體與第一材料相互作用及雜質產生和輸運過程研究;
5. 激光光譜學(含LIF、CRDS、CARS、REMPI等方法);
1.“Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopic characterization of tungsten plasma using the first, second, and third harmonics of an Nd:YAG laser” Nazar Farid, Cong Li, Hongbei Wang, Hongbin Ding, Journal of Nuclear Materials (IF-2.016) 433 (2013) 80–85被引13次;
2.“Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopic characterization of impurity deposition on the first wall of a magnetic con fined fusion device: Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak” Ran Hai, Nazar Farid, Dongye Zhao, Lei Zhang, Jiahong Liu, Hongbin Ding, Jing Wu, Guang-Nan Luo, Spectrochimica Acta Part B (IF-3.150) 87 (2013) 147–152 被引7次
3.“Effect of background gases at reduced pressures on the laser treated surface morphology, spectral emission and characteristics parameters of laser produced Mo plasmas” Nazar Farid, Hongbei Wang, Cong Li, Xingwei Wu, Hassan Yousefi Oderji, Hongbin Ding,Guang-Nan Luo, Journal of Nuclear Materials (IF-2.016) 438 (2013) 183–189被引6次;
4.“Application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for characterization of material deposits and tritium retention in fusion devices” Q. Xiao, A. Huber, G. Sergienko, B. Schweer, Ph. Mertens, A. Kubina, V. Philipps, H. Ding, Fusion Engineering and Design (IF-1.149) 88(2013)1813-1817 被引5次
6.“Dynamics of ultrafast laser plasma expansion in the presence of an ambient” N. Farid, S. S. Harilal, H. Ding, and A. Hassanein, Applied Physics Letters (IF-3.515) 103(2013)191112被引5次
7.“Characterization and removal of co-deposition on the first mirror of HL-2A by excimer laser cleaning” Ran Hai, Qingmei Xiao, Lei Zhang, Hongbin Ding, Yan Zhou, Longwen Yan, Journal of Nuclear Materials (IF-2.016) 436 (2013) 118–122被引4次
8.“Characterization of Li deposition on the first wall of EAST using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy” Ran Hai, Cong Li, Hongbei Wang, Hongbin Ding, Haishan Zhuo, Jing Wu, Guang-Nan Luo, Journal of Nuclear Materials (IF-2.016) 438 (2013) S1168–S1171被引4次
9.“Determination of melting mechanism of Pd24Pt14 nanoalloy by multiple histogram method via molecular dynamics simulations” Hassan Yousefi Oderji, Hongbin Ding, Chemical Physics (IF-2.028) 388 (2011) 23–30被引3次
10.“Synthesis and characterization of Ag–Ni bimetallic nanoparticles by laser-induced plasma” Qingmei Xiao, Zhi Yao, Jiahong Liu, Ran Hai, Hassan Yousefi Oderji, Hongbin Ding, Thin Solid Films (IF-1.867) (2011) 519, 7116–7119. 被引3次
11.“Calculation of the second self-diffusion and viscosity virial coefficients of Lennard-Jones fluid by equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations”, Hassan Yousefi Oderji, Hongbin Ding, and Hassan Behnejad,Physics Review E (IF-2.326) (2011) 83, 61202-61208 被引2次
12.“Evolution of metastable state molecules N2(A3Σu+) in a nanosecond pulsed discharge: a particle in cell /Monte Carlo collisions simulation” Liang Gao, Jizhong Sun, Chunlei Feng, Jing Bai, and Hongbin Ding, Physics of Plasmas (IF-2.249)(2012) 19, 13505 -13511. 被引2次
13.“Kinetics of ion and prompt electron emission from laser-produced plasma” N. Farid, S. S. Harilal, H. Ding, and A. Hassanein, Phys. Plasmas (IF-2.249) 20(2013) 073114被引2次
14.“Diagnosis of Active Species in Reactive acetylene Plasma by Laser-ionization Molecular-Beam Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry” Chunlei Feng, Liping Wang, Yan Wang, Liang Gao, Hongbin Ding, Plasma Chem Plasma Process (IF-1.599) (2011) 31, 405–415. 被引1次
15.“Simulations and Measurement of Electron Energy and Effective Electron Temperature of Nanosecond Pulsed Argon Plasma” Wen Xueqing, Xin Yu, Ding Hongbin, Plasma Science and Technology (IF-0.596) (2012)14, 40-47被引1次
1.H. Ding, C. Apetrei, L. Chacaga and J. P. Maier,Electronic spectra of MgC2nH (n=1-3) chains in the gas-phaseAstrophys. J, 674,348(2008),SCIIF:6.308
2.C. Apetrei, H. Ding, L. Chacaga and J. P. Maier,Gas-phase electronic spectrum of AlCCHPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 9, 3897-3901 (2007), cover paper.SCIIF:2.519
3. H. Ding, M. D. Morse and J. P. Maier,Vibronic analysis of the B2Pg¬X2Su+ band system of BNB²Mol. Phys., 105, 1251-1261 (2007),SCI-IF:1.351
4.H. Ding and J. P. Maier,Electronic structures of one-dimension carbon nano wires and rings²J. Physics: Conference Series,61,252(2007)
5.J. P. Maier, A. E. Boguslaskiy, H. Ding, G. A. H. Walker and D. A. Bohlender,The gas phase spectrum of cyclic C18 and the diffuse interstellar bandsAstrophys. J, 640, 369-372 (2006),SCI-IF:6.308
6.H. Ding, M. D. Morse, C. Apetrei, L. Chacaga and J.P.Maier,Resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy of BNBJ. Chem. Phys., 125, 194315-194322 (2006),SCI-IF:3.138
7.A.E. Boguslaskiy, H. Ding and J. P. Maier,Gas-phase electronic spectra of C6NH2 and C8NH2²Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 249-250, 317-320 (2006),SCI-IF:2.09
8.H. Ding, A.E.Boguslaskiy and J.P.Maier,Gas phase electronic spectra of two C5H5 radical isomers²Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 7, 888-891 (2005),SCI-IF:2.519
9.A.E.Boguslaskiy, H.Ding and J.P.Maier,Gas phase electronic spectra of C18 and C22 ringsJ. Chem. Phys., 123, 34305-34312 (2005), SCIIF:3.14.
10. M.Araki, H.Linartz, P.Kolek, H.Ding, A.E.Boguslaskiy, A.Denisov, T.W.Schmidt T.Motylewski, P.Cias, and J.P.Maier,New laboratory data of a molecular band at 4429 ÅAstrophys. J,, 616, 1301-1310(2004),SCI-IF:6.308
11.H. Ding, A.E.Boguslaskiy, T.W.Schmidt and J.P.Maier,Gas phase electronic spectrum of the nitrogen terminated nanowire NC16N Chem. Phys. Lett., 392, 225-28(2004),SCI-IF:2.438
12.A.Denisov, T.W.Schmidt, A.E.Boguslaskiy, H. Ding, M.Araki and J.P.Maier,Sulfur terminated nanowires in the gas phase: laser spectroscopy and mass spectrometryInt. J. Mass Spectrom., 233, 131-136(2004)SCIIF:2.09
13.H. Ding, T. W. Schmidt, T. Pino, F. Güthe and J. P. Maier,Towards bulk behaviour of long hydrogenated carbon chains?Phys. Chem.Chem. Phys., 5, 4772-4775,(2003),SCI-IF:2.519
14.T. W. Schmidt, H. Ding, A. E. Boguslaskiy, T. Pino, and J. P. Maier,Methyl substitution in hydrocarbon discharge chemistry: diagnosis by laser spectroscopyJ. Phys. Chem. A, 107, 6550-6553 (2003),SCI-IF:2.898
15.T. W. Schmidt, A. E. Boguslaskiy, T. Pino, H. Ding and J. P. Maier,Optical detection of C9H3, C11H3, C13H3 from a hydrocarbon discharge sourceInt. J. Mass Spectrom., 228, 647-654 (2003),SCI-IF:2.09
16.H. Ding, T. W. Schmidt, T. Pino, A. E. Boguslaskiy, F. Güthe, and J. P. MaierGas phase electronic spectroscopy of the linear carbon chains HC2n+1H (n=3-6,9)J. Chem. Phys., 119, 814-819 (2003),SCI-IF:3.138
17.H. Ding, T. Pino, F. Güthe and J. P. Maier,Isomeric structures and visible electronic spectrum of the C7H3 radicalsJ. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 14626-14630 (2003) SCI-IF:7.419
4.“一種測量材料耐燒蝕特性的裝置”丁洪斌; 李聰; 吳興偉; 張辰飛 ZL201320162119.X
5.“基於反射式太赫茲光譜第一鏡表面雜質分析裝置”海然; 張辰飛; 信裕; 丁洪斌ZL201320040192.X
6.“檢測托卡馬克鎢第一壁灰塵沉積層成分及厚度的裝置”信裕; 海然; 丁洪斌; 哈桑ZL201320051871.7
7.“檢測磁約束聚變裝置偏濾器石墨瓦瞬時溫度的裝置”信裕; 海然; 哈桑; 丁洪斌ZL201220559115.0
8.“紅外紫外雙脈衝激光誘導擊穿光譜在線原位監測裝置”王宏北; 李聰; 丁洪斌; 羅廣南 ZL200120435370.X