共找到43條詞條名為張清的結果 展開
- 《水滸傳》中角色
- 白銀市委原秘書長
- 雲南省煤炭產業集團有限公司副總經理
- 上海市虹口區副區長、虹口公安分局局長
- 中國骨腫瘤科專家
- 四川農業大學副教授
- 海南涉黑案首犯
- 戴為眾
- 內地演員
- 體育總局水上運動管理中心主任
- 滄州市人民政府原副市長
- 北大口腔醫院牙體牙髓科主任醫師
- 廣安市財政局紀檢組長、黨組成員
- 上海仁濟醫院院心內科副主任醫師
- 華南理工大學西區體育館教師
- 湖南工藝美術職業學院副教授
- 榆林市人大常委會副秘書長
- 榆林市人事代表工作委員會主任
- 岩石力學專家
- 武漢精神病診療基地精神科專家
- 醫生
- 溫州市鹿城區委常委、副區長(掛職)
- 瀘州職業技術學院教師
- 遼寧省興城籍烈士
- 張掖二中高三年級支部書記兼政教處副主任
- 瑞麗市人民政府副市長
- 香港藝人
- 內科醫師
- 中國電影家協會書記處書記
- 貴州大學中國文化書院副院長
- 武漢大學經濟與管理學院講師
- 河北省行唐籍烈士
- 山東省煙台市第一中學一級教師
- 甘肅省人大常委會法制工作委員會副主任
- 敦煌市人民檢察院副檢察長
- 首都師範大學外國語學院講師
- 中國政法大學副教授
- 《創造營2020》選手
- 福建省市場監督管理局原副巡視員
- 唐肅宗女郯國駙馬
- 山南市行政學校副校長
- 男演員
- 曾任淮安市國有聯合投資發展集團有限公司(淮安市城市資產經營有限公司)副總經理
2014.07-至 今,四川農業大學,主要從事教學科研工作。
Qing Zhang, ShangLin,JieLi,YuntaoLiu,WenQin,QunShen, Application of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the analysis of compounds in deep-fat frying oil. Food Analytical Methods, 2016, 9(8): 2352-2363. (IF: 2.167, 2015)
Qing Zhang, A.S.M. Saleh, Qun Shen, Monitoring of changes in composition of soybean oil during deep-fat frying with different food types, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 2016, 93(1): 69-81. (IF: 1.505, 2015)
Qing Zhang, Wen Qin, Derong Lin, Qun Shen, and Ahmed S.M. Saleh, The changes in the volatile aldehydes formed during the deep-fat frying process, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2015, 52(12): 7683-7696. (IF: 2.203, 2014)
Qing Zhang, Wen Qin, Meiliang Li, Qun Shen, and Ahmed S.M. Saleh, Application of chromatographic techniques in the detection and identification of constituents formed during food frying: A review, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2015, 14(5): 601-633. (IF: 4.182, 2014)
Qing Zhang, A.S.M. Saleh, Jing Chen, Peiran Sun, Qun Shen, Monitoring of thermal behavior and decomposition products of soybean oil. An application of synchronous thermal analyzer coupled with Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and quadrupole mass spectrometry, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014, 115(1): 19-29. (IF: 2.206, 2013)
Qing Zhang, A.S.M. Saleh, Qun Shen, Discrimination of edible vegetable oil adulteration with used frying oil by low field nuclear magnetic resonance, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2013, 6(9): 2562-2570. (IF: 4.115, 2012)
Qing Zhang, A.S.M. Saleh, Jing Chen, Qun Shen, Chemical alterations taken place during deep-fat frying based on certain reaction products: A review, Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 2012, 165(6): 662-681. (IF: 2.571, 2011)
Qing Zhang, Cheng Liu, Zhijian Sun, Xiaosong Hu, Jihong Wu, Qun Shen, Authentication of edible vegetable oils adulterated with used frying oil by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Food Chemistry, 2012, 132(3): 1607-1613. (IF: 3.655, 2011)
JingChen, XinRen,QingZhang, XianmingDiao, QunShen, Determination of protein, total carbohydrates and crude fat contents of foxtail millet using effective wavelengths in NIR spectroscopy, Journal of Cereal Science, 2013, 58(2): 241-247. (IF: 2.088, 2012)
A. S. M. Saleh,QingZhang, QunShen, Recent research in antihypertensive activity of food protein-derived hydrolyzates and peptides, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2016, 56(5): 760-787.(IF: 5.492, 2015)
A. S. M. Saleh,QingZhang, JingChen, QunShen, Millet grains: Nutritional quality, processing, and potential health benefits, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2013,12(3): 281-295.(IF: 5.053, 2012)
PeilingLiu,QingZhang, QunShen, XiaosongHu, JihongWu, Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on modified noncrystalline granular starch of starches with different granular type and amylase content, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2012,47(2): 450-458. (IF: 2.545, 2011)
WenhaoLi, YunfeiBai, A. S. M. Saleh,QingZhang, QunShen, Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on physicochemical and structural properties of rice starch, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2012, 5(6): 2233-2241. (IF: 3.703, 2011)