

陳建設, 男,1961年10月生,浙江省蒼南縣人。浙江大學化學系本科(1983)和碩士(1986)。1991年獲包兆龍包玉剛獎學金和英國政府海外研究基金獎學金赴英國利茲大學學習, 1995年獲食品科學博士學位。多年在英國利茲大學從事食品科學的教學與科研,已指導培養了十多名博士研究生,1名博士后研究員,和多名高級訪問學者。


1983.7 – 1991.12 杭州商學院(現浙江工商大學)食品系助教,講師
1995.2 – 1996.12 英國赫爾大學博士后,糖表面活性劑的理化性質與應用
1997.1 – 2000.5英國利茲大學博士后,食品凝膠的結構與流變動力學
2000.6 – 2001.6 英國國民澱粉公司研究員,生物薄膜塗層的開發研究
2001.6 – 2013.12 英國利茲大學食品與營養學院, 講師,高級講師和副教授
2014.1- 浙江工商大學食品與生物學院,教授


英國食品科技學院(Institute of Food Science and Technology)院士
英國皇家化學會 (Royal Society of Chemistry) 食品委員會委員
國際吞咽障礙者膳食標準化協會 (International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative) 創始委員
“國際食品口腔加工學術會議” (Food Oral Processing: Physics, Physiology and Psychology of Eating)科學委員會主委;國際“食品結構與功能論壇”(Food Structure and Function Forum)科學委員會委員
SCI雜誌“質構研究雜誌”(Journal of Texture Studies) 副主編;“食品結構” (Food Structure), “食品消化”(Food Digestion), 和“食品科學與人類健康”(Food Science and Human Wellness)等多份國際雜誌的編委


陳建設教授主要從事食品物性與質構的研究,領域包括食品膠體, 食品流變,食品感官,食品口腔加工與吞咽等。在英工作其間主持完成了多項英國物理與工程基金(EPSRC),生物與生物技術基金(BBSRC),和歐共體框架7(FP7)資助的研究項目。近年來,結合交叉了食品物理學,口腔生理學,感官心理學等學科,首先開展了食品口腔加工與食品吞咽的研究,並於2010年主持召開了首屆“食品口腔加工國際學術會議”。編寫出版有“Food Oral Processing: Fundamentals of Eating and Sensory Perception”(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012)。致力於揭示食品與人體相互作用的物理學,生理學,以及心理學的原理,並為食品工業的產品設計與加工提供理論指導與技術支持。已發表八十餘篇科研論文,論文平均被引用率達19.5。並榮邀多次在國際學術會議上作主題演講。
· 食品質構與食品物性學
· 食品口腔加工與感官的物理學與口腔生理學原理
· 食品膠體與食品乳狀液的設計與消化控制機理
· 食品吞咽控制理論與老年食品的開發


Chen, J. (2014). Food oral processing: some important underpinning principles of eating and sensory perception. Food Structure, accepted for publication.
Chen, J., Liu, Z. and Prakash, S. (2014). Development of a simple experimental technique for lubrication studies of fluid food. Food Hydrocolloids, in press. DOI:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2014.01.003.
Alsanei, W.A. and Chen J. (2014). Studies of the capability of bolus swallowing: the maximum tongue pressure, the bolus size and the bolus consistency. Journal of Texture Studies, 45,1-12. DOI: 10.1111/jtxs.12042.
Cichero, J., Steele, C., Duivestein, J., Clavé, P., Chen, J., Kayashita, J., Dantas, R., Lecko, C., Speyer, R. and Lam, P. (2013). The need for international terminology and definitions for texture modified foods and thickened liquids used in dysphagia management: Foundations of a global initiative. Current Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Reports, 1, 280-291.
Prakash, S., Tan, D. D. Y. and Chen, J. (2013). Applications of tribology in studying food oral processing and texture perception. Food Research International, 54, 1627-1635.
Chen, J., Khandelwal, N., Liu, Z. and Funami, T. (2013). Influences of food hardness on the particle size distribution of food boluses. Archives of Oral Biology, 58, 293-298.
Chen, J. and Eaton, L. (2012). Multimodal mechanisms of food creaminess sensation. Food & Function, 3, 1265-1270.
Chen, J. and L. Engelen (2012). Food Oral Processing: Fundamentals of Eating and Sensory Perception, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
Gonzalez Espinosa, Y. and Chen, J. (2012). Application of electromyography (EMG) technique for eating studies. In Food Oral Processing: Fundamentals of Eating and Sensory Perception, Chap. 13. (Eds. J. Chen and L. Engelen), Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
Chen, J. (2012). Bolus formation and swallowing. In Food Oral Processing: Fundamentals of Eating and Sensory Perception, Chap. 7. (Eds. J. Chen and L. Engelen), Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
Chen, J. and Stokes, J. (2012). Rheology and tribology: two distinguish regimes of food texture sensation. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 25, 4-12.
Chen, J., Gaikwad, V., Holmes, M., Murray, B., Povey, M., Wang, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2011). Development of a simple model device for in vitro gastric digestion investigation. Food and Function, 2, 174-182.
Chen, L., Chen, J., Ren, J.& Zhao, M. (2011) Effects of ultrasound pre-treatment on the enzymatic hydrolysis of soy protein isolates and on the emulsifying properties of hydrolysates. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59, 2600-2609.
Chen, J. & Lolivret, L. (2011). The determining role of bolus rheology in triggering a swallowing. Food Hydrocolloids, 25, 325-332.
Keijbets, E. Chen, J. & Vieira, J. (2010). Chocolate demoulding and effects of processing conditions. Journal of Food Engineering, 98, 133-140.
Chen, J. & Rosenthal, A. (2009). Food processing. In Food Science and Technology, G. Campbell-Platt (Ed.), Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 207-246.
Chen, J., Ettelaie, R., Yang, H. & Yao, L. (2009). A novel technique for in situ measurements of stress development within a drying film. Journal of Food Engineering, 92, 383-388.
Keijbets, E., Chen, J., Dickinson, E. & Vieira, J. (2009). Surface energy investigation of chocolate adhesion to solid mould materials. Journal of Food Engineering, 92, 217-225.
Chan, P., Chen, J. Ettelaie, R., Alevisopoulos, S., Day, E. & Smith S. (2009). Filaments stretchability of biopolymer fluids and controlling factors. Food Hydrocolloids, 23, 1602-1609.
Chen, J. (2009). Food oral processing, a review. Food Hydrocolloids, 23, 1-25.