



2004-09 / ------- 中國農業大學,農學與生物技術學院,教授, 博士生導師
2002-09 / 2004-08 日本農業研究院,日本學術振興會研究員(JSPS)
2000-05 / 2002-09 TURKU大學,生物系,博士后研究學者
1996-03 / 2000-05 TURKU大學,生物系,研究助理,獲哲學博士學位
1995-09 / 1996-03 HELSINKI大學,作物育種系,碩士課程
1994-11 / 1995-12 芬蘭農業研究中心,育種研究所,研究學者
1990-07 / 1994-11 北京市海淀植物組織培養技術實驗室,助理農藝師
1986-09 / 1990-07 北京農學院,園藝系,本科學習,獲學士學位




(1) 蔬菜生物技術 (研究生)
(2) 植物生物技術導論及實驗 (本科生)
(3) Crop Applied Biotechnology(國外留學生英文課程)
(4) Sustainable Horticulture (中國-荷蘭國際班英文授課)
(5) Modern Horticultural Sciences and Biotechnology (英文授課)


(1) 重要蔬菜生長發育逆境生理學分子生物學研究:包括重要蔬菜作物在乾旱、弱光等亞適宜脅迫條件下的光合生理、生長發育、碳素同化等的變化及其機理;重要蔬菜作物抗乾旱、低溫等逆境相關基因(ProDH、PEPC等)克隆與功能分析研究。
(2) 重要蔬菜品質相關生理學和分子生物學研究:包括十字花科蔬菜CesA基因的克隆與功能驗證;重要蔬菜花青素代謝相關基因的克隆與功能驗證,花青素合成的機理及其調控原理。結合實驗動物技術和醫學細胞及分子生物學技術手段開展蔬菜中花青素生理活性和功能對代謝綜合症細胞學及分子生物學研究等。
(3) 種子萌發生理學和分子生物學研究:研究種子萌發過程中低溫、乾旱、高鹽等逆境條件誘導的基因表達;開展外源活性物質對逆境脅迫下種子活力的誘導作用及機制研究;開展種子萌發過程中DNA甲基化特徵的研究。
(4) 草坪草逆境生理及分子生物學研究:草坪草逆境生理及分子生物學研究:黑麥草質膜型水通道蛋白基因LpPIP響應乾旱脅迫作用機制研究;黑麥草與羊茅遠緣雜交功能基因定位及遺傳調控研究。
(5) 開展棉花油醯卵磷脂基因(ghFAD2-1)RNAi載體的構建以及大規模轉化研究。
迄今在“New Phytologist”、“Plant Physiology”、“中國農業科學”等刊物發表科研論文90多篇,其中SCI收錄30篇。十項第一署名專利申請公開中。




(1) Fu Q S, Zhao B, Wang X W, Wang Y J, Ren S X, Guo Y-D(2011)The responses of morphological trait, leaf ultrastructure, photosynthetic and biochemical performance of tomato to differential light availabilities. Agricultural Sciences in China (Accepted)
(2) Fu QS, Cheng L, Guo Y-D, Turgeon R (2011) phloem loading, xylem water transport, and the evolution of herbs. Plant physiology (Accepted)
(3) Liu L-S, Li R, Zhao Y-Q, Wen C-L, Ren SX, Guo Y-D (2011) High efficiency REGENERATION and genetic stability analysis of somatic clones in Gynura bicolor DC. Afri. J. Biotechnol. (Accepted)
(4) Niu JH; Guo QX; Jian H; Chen CL; Yang D; Liu Q; Guo Y-D (2011) Rapid detection of Meloidogyne spp. by LAMP assay in soil and roots. Crop protection 30 (8): 1063-1069
(5) Fu Q.S., Zhao B., Wang Y.J., Ren S., Guo Y.-D. (2010) Stomatal development and associated photosynthetic performance of capsicum in response to differential light availabilities. Photosynthetica 48:189-198
(6) Liu XW, Liu LY, Guo Y-D, Ren HZ (2011) Alleviating Effect of Exogenous Nitric Oxide in Cucumber seedling against Chilling Stress. African Journal of Biotechnology 10: 4380-4386
(7) Niu JH, Jian H, Xu JM, Guo Y-D, Liu Q (2010) RNAi technology extends its reach: Engineering plant resistance against harmful eukaryotes. African Journal of Biotechnology. 9: 7573-7582
(8) Ya Yu, Yong-Qin Zhao, Bing Zhao, Shuxin Ren, Y-D Guo (2011) Influencing factors and structural characterization of hyperhydricity of in vitro regeneration in Brassica oleracea var. italica. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 91:1-7
(9) Yu Y, Liu L-S, Zhao Y-Q, Yang P, Zhao B, Guo Y-D(2010)A highly efficient in vitro plant regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Brassica oleracea var. botrytis. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 38: (4) 1-11
(10) Xing Y., Yu Y., Luo X., Zhang J.-N., Guo Y.-D.(2010)High efficiency organogenesis and analysis of genetic stability of the regenerants in Solanum melongena. Biologia Plantarum 54 (2): 231-236
(11) Guo Y-D, Hisano H, Shimamoto Y, Yamada T (2009) Transformation of androgenic-derived Festulolium plants (Lolium perenne L. x Festuca pratensis Huds.) by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 96: 219-227
(12) Yuan AP, Hou AB, Zhang FY, Guo Y-D (2008) Inheritance and effects of the photoperiod sensitivity in foxtail millet (Setaria italica P. Beauv). Hereditas 145: 147-153
(13) Qin Y., Li H.L., Guo Y.-D. (2007) High-frequency embryogenesis, regeneration of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) and analysis of genetic stability by RAPD. Scientia Horticulturae 111: 203-208
(14) Qin Y., Gao L.H., Pulli S., Guo Y.-D. (2006) Shoot differentiation, regeneration of cauliflower and analysis of somaclonal variation by RAPD. Hereditas 143: 91-98
(15) Guo Y.-D., Mizukami Y, Yamada T. (2005) Genetic characterization of androgenic progeny derived from Lolium perenne x Festuca pratensis cultivars. New Phytologist 166: 455-464