共找到5條詞條名為王師的結果 展開
- 漢語詞語
- 中國海洋大學教授
- 清代官吏
- 江西省撫州市東鄉區離休幹部
- 江蘇省張家港市中醫醫院醫務人員
在海洋無脊椎生物的高通量低成本SNP分型技術開發,高精度遺傳連鎖圖譜構建,共表達基因網路研究,以及基因組進化等方向上均有開創性工作及標誌性的研究成果。研究成果陸續發表在國際知名期刊上,如Nature Methods,Journal of Neuroscience,Genome Biology等。迄今為止,已在主流SCI學術刊物上發表SCI論文30餘篇,文章被他引230餘次,其中第一或通訊作者SCI論文15篇(SCI1區收錄2篇,2區收錄7篇)。
(1) Wang S,Meyer E,McKay JK & Matz MV.(2012) 2b-RAD:a simple and flexible method for genome-wide genotyping. Nature methods.(IF:20.7,In press).
(2)Ponomarev I, Wang S,Zhang L,Harris RA&Mayfield RD.(2012) Gene co-expression networks in human brain identify epigenetic modifications in alcohol dependence. Journal of Neuroscience.32:1884-1897.(IF:7.3).
(3)Zhang L,Hou R,Su H,Hu X, Wang S&Bao Z.(2012)Network analysis of oyster transcriptome revealed a cascade of cellular responses during recovery after heat shock. PLoS ONE.7:e35484(IF:4.4).
(4) Du H,Bao Z,Hou R,Wang S,Su H,Yan J,Tian M,Li Y,Wei W,Lu W,Hu X, Wang S&Hu J.(2012) Transcriptome sequencing and characterization for the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka,1867). PLoS ONE.7:e33311.(IF:4.4).
(5) Hou R,Bao Z,Wang S,Su H,Li Y,Du H,Hu J, Wang S & Hu X.(2011) Transcriptome sequencing and de novoanalysis for Yesso scallop(Patinopecten yessoensis)using 454 GS FLX. PLoS ONE.6:e21560.(IF:4.4).
(6)Wang S,Zhang L,Hu J,Bao Z&Liu Z.(2010)Molecular and cellular evidence for biased mitotic gene conversion in hybrid scallop. BMC Evolutionary Biology.10:6.(IF:3.7).
(7)Wang S,Zhang L,Meyer E&Matz MV.(2010)Characterization of a group of MITEs with unusual features from two coral genomes. PLoS ONE.5:e10700.(IF:4.4).
(8)Wang S,Zhang L,Meyer E&Bao Z*.(2010)Genome-wide analysis of transposable elements and tandem repeats in the compact placozoan genome. Biology Direct. 5:18.(IF:3.7).
(9)Wang S,Zhang L,Meyer E&Matz MV.(2009)Construction of a high-resolution genetic linkage map and comparative genome analysis for the reef-building coral Acropora millepora. Genome Biology. 10:R126.(IF:6.6).
(10)Wang S,Zhang L,Zhan A.,Wang X,Liu Z,Hu J&Bao Z.(2007)Patterns of concerted evolution of the rDNA family in a natural population of Zhikong scallop, Chlamys farreri. Journal of Molecular Evolution.65:660-667.(IF:3.2).