





2013.3.1,去英國The Roslin Institute,University of Edinburgh高級訪問學者一年。


1. 動物分子與表觀遺傳學
3. 招生專業:動物遺傳育種與繁殖;生物學




1.Jiang Caode, Yang Yongsheng, Huang Chenchen, Whitelaw Bruce. Promoter characterization 1 and functional association with placenta of porcine MAGEL2. Gene, 2014.
2. Li Shun, Li Juan,Tian Jiawei, Dong Ranran,Wei Jin, Qiu Xiaoyan,Jiang Caode (corresponding author). Characterization, tissue expression and imprinting analysis of the porcine CDKN1C and NAP1L4 genes. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2012.
3. 魏晉, 牟曉寧,馬躍,蔣曹德(通訊作者).一種新的分化心肌細胞篩選策略:穩定表達αMHC-Blar-2A-EGFP-Rex- mCherry-2A-neo融合基因的人胚胎幹細胞系的建立及其向心肌細胞定向分化的鑒定。中國生物化學與分子生物學學報,2012, 28 (3): 276-282.
4.Jiang C, Liu Y. A novel porcine gene, LIPC, differentially expressed in the liver tissues from Meishan and Large White pigs. J Appl Genet, 2011, 52:219-223.
5.Jiang CD, Li S, Deng CY. Assessment of genomic imprinting of PPP1R9A, NAP1L5 and PEG3 in pigs. Russian Genetics, 2011, 47(4):467-472.
6.Jiang Caode, Li Shun, Shi Ping, Dong Ranran, Tian Jiawei, Deng Changyan. Characterization and imprinting analysis of COPG2 and MEST genes in pigs. Animal Science Papers and Reports, 2011, 29(3):247-256.
7.Jiang Caode, Liu Yonggang and Xia Xueshan. Molecular cloning, sequence identification and tissue expression profile of three novel sheep (Ovis aries) genes-ARL2, ARL3 and ARL4C. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 2011,10(21):2772-2778.
8.Jiang Caode, Liu Yonggang. Molecular cloning, sequence identification and tissue expression profile of three novel sheep (Ovis aries) genes-ARF3,ARF4 AND ARF5. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances,2011, 10(20): 2642-2648.
9.Jiang Caode, Liu Yonggang, Xia Xueshan. Molecular cloning, sequence identification and tissue expression profile of three novel sheep (Ovis aries) genes-RAB1A, RAB4A and RAB5A. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2011, 10(20): 2659-2665.
10.Jiang Caode, Liu Yonggang, Xia Xueshan. Molecular cloning, sequence identification and tissue expression profile of three novel sheep (Ovis aries) genes-SLC39A2 and SLC39A7. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2011, 10(20): 2669-2705.
11.Jiang Caode, Liu Yonggang. Isolation, sequence identification and tissue expression profile of a novel sheep gene-SERPINF1. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances,2011,10(19):2593-2598.
12.Jiang Caode Liu Yonggang. cDNA cloning, sequence identification and tissue expression profile of three novel duck genes MJD1, RHOG and RB11A. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2011, 10(12): 1526-1532.
13.Jiang C, Shi P, Li S, Dong R, Tian J, Wei J, Luo S. Gene expression profiling of skeletal muscle of nursing piglets. Int J Biol Sci, 2010, 6(7): 627-638.
14. Jiang Cao-De, Yang Zong-lin. Characterization, imprinting status and tissue distribution of porcine GTL2 gene. Agricultural Science in China, 2009, 8(2): 101-105.
15. Yang Zong-Lin, Cheng Huan-Chen, Jiang Cao-De (corresponding author), Deng Chang-Yan, Li Yue-Min. Imprinting analysis of RTL1 and DIO3 genes and their association with carcass traits in pigs (Sus scrofa). Agricultural Sciences in China, 2009, 8(5): 613-619.
16. Cheng HC, Zhang FW, Jiang CD, Li F E, Xiong YZ, Deng CY. Isolation and imprinting analysis of the porcine DLX5 gene and its association with carcass traits. Anim Genet, 2008, 39(4): 395-399.
17. Cheng HC, Zhang FW, Deng CY, Jiang CD, Xiong YZ, Li FE, Lei MG. NNAT and DIRAS3 genes are paternally expressed in pigs. Genet Sel Evol, 2007, 39: 599-607.
18. Zhang FW, Cheng HC, Jiang CD, Deng CY, Xiong YZ, Li FE, Lei MG. Imprinted status of pleiomorphic adenoma gene-like I and paternal expression gene 10 genes in pigs. J Anim Sci, 2007, 85:886-890.
19. Cheng HC, Zhang FW, Deng CY, Jiang CD(corresponding author), Xiong YZ, Li FE, Lei MG. ASCL2 gene expression analysis and its association with carcass traits in pigs. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci, 2007, 20(10):1485-1489.
20. Jiang Cao-de, Deng Chang-yan, Xiong Yuan-zhu. Pattern of cytosine methylaion in parental lines and their hybrids of Large White and Meishan reciprocal crosses. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2004, 3(1): 57-63.
21. Jiang Cao-De, Deng Chang-Yan, Xiong Yuan-Zhu. Differences of cytosine methylation in parental lines and hybrid F1 of Large White×Meishan and their effects on F1 performance.農業生物技術學報, 2005, 13(1): 46-51.
22. Jiang Cao-De, Deng Chang-Yan, Xiong Yuan-Zhu. Relationship between individual DNA methylation percentage differences and carcass traits in pigs. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 2005, 2(3):187-193.
23. Jiang Cao-De, Deng Chang-Yan, Xiong Yuan-Zhu. Differences of cytosine methylation in parental lines and F1 hybrids of Large White×Meishan crosses and their effects on F1 performance. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 2005, 2(3):195-200.
24. 蔣曹德,鄧昌彥,熊遠著。豬個體DNA甲基化百分差異與胴體性狀的關係。農業生物技術學報,2005, 13(2):179-185.
25. 蔣曹德, 鄧昌彥, 熊遠著. DNA甲基化差異對豬生長性狀的影響。畜牧獸醫學報,2005, 36(2): 105-110.

