





孫慧曾主持香港大學博士后基金一項,作為主要研究人員,參與多項香港特別行政區創新科技基金、廣東-香港技術合作基金、香港大學基礎研究種子基金以及香港大學應用研究種子基金的科研工作。特別是2006年8月至2010年12月在香港大學做協作研究員和博士后研究期間,完成了香港特別行政區創新科技基金(ITS/108/06)項目,開發研製出了用於檢測/鑒別食品、飲料中致味物質的“電子舌”微流控系統,該研究成果參加香港科技展覽時,受到香港媒體的廣泛關注,正申請美國專利。同時,主持完成了一項香港大學基金項目:基於分子印跡和微流控技術的壓電感測器在環境和臨床醫學中的應用。參加國際會議20次,做口頭報告5次,曾參與Encyclopedia of Sensors 著作編寫,並在Biosens. Bioelectro., Electrophoresis,J. Chromatogr. A,Analyst,Sens. Actuat. B, Anal. Chim. Acta, Encyclop. Sens., Chem. Sens.等雜誌上發表研究性論文近30篇。



6.基於分子印跡和微流控技術的壓電感測器在環境和臨床中的應用研究(香港大學博士后基金項目, 200807176235,2009-2010,主持)
16.基於分子印跡識別和石英微天平感測器的“電子舌”技術研究(香港特別行政區創新科技基金,ITS/108/06,2006- 2007,參與)


(1) Hui Sun, Jiaping Lai, Dongsheng Lin, Xuexia Huang, Yunling Li, A novel fluorescent multi- functional monomer for preparation of silver ion-imprinted fluorescent on-off chemosensor. Sens. Actuat. B, 2016, 224: 485-491.(SCI影響因子5.401)
(2) Hui Sun, Jiaping Lai, Fang Chen, Derong Zhu. Molecularly imprinted microspheres synthesized by a simple, fast and universal suspension polymerization for selective extraction of topical anesthetics benzocaine in human serum and fish tissues. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2015, 407: 1745-1752.(SCI影響因子3.431)
(3) Hui Sun, Jiaping Lai, Yingsing Fung, Simultaneous determination of gaseous and particulate ambient carbonyls by coupling micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography with molecular imprinting solid-phase extraction. J. Chromatogr. A, 2014, 1358: 303-308.(SCI影響因子3.981)
(4) Hui Sun,Kwokman Lau, Yingsing Fung, A new capillary electrophoreSis buffer for determining organic and inorganic anions in electroplating bath with surfactant additives, J. Chromatogr. A, 2010, 1217: 3244-3250.(SCI影響因子3.981)
(5) Hui Sun,Zhou Nie, Yingsing Fung. Determination of free bilirubin and its binding capacity by HSA using a microfluidic chip-capillary electrophoresis device with a multi-segment circular-ferro fluid-driven micromixing injection. Electro- phoresis, 2010, 31(18): 3061-3069.(SCI影響因子2.744)
(6) Hui Sun,Yingsing Fung. DNA biosensor based on quartz crystal microbalance and polymerase chain reaction for detecting E. Coli. in environmental water. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2009, 24:1405-1411.(SCI影響因子7.780)
(7) Hui Sun,Kingyee Chan, Yingsing Fung. Determination of gaseous and particulate carbonyls in air by gradient-elution micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography. Electrophoresis, 2008, 29: 3971-3979.(SCI影響因子2.744)
(8) Hui Sun,Zhihong Mo, Jacqueline T. S. Choy, Derong Zhu,Yingsing Fung. Development of piezoelectric quartz crystal sensor array for sensing taste-causing compounds in food. Sens. Actuat. B, 2008, 131: 148-158.(SCI影響因子5.401)
(9) Hui Sun,Yingsing Fung,Flowanalysis coupled with PQC/DNA biosensor for assay of E. coli based on detecting DNA products from PCR amplification.Biosens. Bioelectron.,2006, 22: 506-512. (SCI影響因子7.780)
(10) Hui Sun,Yingsing Fung.Piezoelectric quartz crystal sensor for rapid analysis of pirimicarb residues using molecularly imprinted polymers as recognition elements. Anal. Chim. Acta, 2006, 576: 67-76. (SCI影響因子4.950)
(11) Hui Sun,Youyu Zhang, Shihui Si, Derong Zhu,Yingsing Fung.Piezoelectric quartz crystal (PQC) with photochemically deposited nano-sized Ag particles for determining cyanide at trace levels in water. Sens. Actuat. B-Chem.2005, 108: 925-932. (SCI影響因子5.401)
(12) Hui Sun, Shihui Si, Youyu Zhang, Derong Zhu, Yingsing Fung. Piezoelectric quartz crystal (PQC) with photochemically deposited nano-sized Ag particles for determining cyanide at trace levels in water. Chem. Sens.2004,20: 500-501.
(13)Yunling Li, Hui Sun*, Jiaping Lai*, Xiangyang Chang, Ping Zhang, Shili Chen Determination of carbonyl pollutants adsorbed on ambient particulate matter of type PM2.5 by using magnetic molecularly imprinted microspheres for sample pretreatment and capillary electrophoresis for separation and quantitation, Microchimica Acta 2018, 185 (2):122-134. (SCI影響因子4.580)
(14) Yanhui He, Jiaping Lai*, Hui Sun*, Zhiming Chen, Sheng Lan. A fast, sensitive and stable fluorescent fiber-optic chemosensor for quantitative detection of Fein real water and HepG2 living cells. Sens. Actuat. B, 2016, 225:405-412. (SCI影響因子5.401)
(15) Shan FS, Lai JP*, Sun H, Zhang P, Luo C, He YH, Feng HR. A facile, fast responsive and highly selective mercury(II) probe characterized by the fluorescence quenching of 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline and two new metal-organic frameworks. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 66215-66223. (SCI影響因子3.108)
(16) Jiaping Lai, Yue Zuo, Hui Sun*, Ying Yu. Hydrophilic molecularly imprinted microspheres functionalized with amino and carboxyl groups for highly selective recognition of human hemoglobin in aqueous solution,RSC Advances,2015,5(63):51392-51398.
(17) Jiaping Lai, Fang Chen, Hui Sun*, Li Fan, Yue Zuo. Molecularly imprinted microspheres for anti-cancer drug aminoglutethimide: synthesis, characteri- zation and solid-phase extraction application in human urine sample. J. Sep. Sci., 2014, 37:1170-1176. (SCI影響因子2.557)
(18) Dongsheng Lin, Jiaping Lai *, Hui Sun*, Zhou Yang, Yue Zuo. A turn-on fluorescein spirolactam derivative as a high selective fluorescence probe for detection of silver ion (I) in water. Anal. Methods, 2014, 6: 1517-1522. (SCI影響因子1.900)
(19) Jiaping Lai, Li Xie, Hui Sun*, Fang Chen. Synthesis and evaluation of molecularly imprinted polymeric microspheres for highly selective extraction of an anti-AIDS drug emtricitabine. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2013,405: 4269-4275. (SCI影響因子3.431)
(20)顧航,潘彥光,黃振堅,朱德榮,黃艷梅,曾青松,孫慧*.分子印跡光子晶體凝膠感測器檢測食品中的防腐劑,分析測試學報,2017, 36(8): 1023-1028
(21)朱德榮, 孫慧*,劉紅菊,何明華。液相微萃取-氣質聯用法在增塑劑測定中的應用和對比,分析化學, 2013,41(10):1582-1586. (SCI影響因子0.795)
(22)賴家平,孫慧*,陳芳,樊莉,劉桂伶,林東升,楊洲。分子印跡微米微球的合成方法及在固相萃取中的應用研究進展,分析測試學報,2012, 31(9): 1161-1169.
(23)朱德榮, 孫慧*,潘文龍,陳泳納米銀修飾的壓電晶體感測器用於水中痕量氰化物測定的研究,分析測試學報,2008, 27: 686-690.


(1) Hui Sun, Yingsing Fung, (Chapter 6) sample cleanup and analyte enrichment -integrating MIP/SPE with ME/MC-CE device to enhance sample cleanup and multi-dimension analyte enrichment for hourly determination of atmospheric carbonyl compounds, Microfluidic Chip-Capillary Electrophoresis (MC-CE) Devices -Integrating techniques to achieve intended applications, CRC press, 2015
(2) Yingsing Fung, Youyu Zhang, Shihui Si, Hui Sunand Shouzhuo Yao, DNA Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal Biosensor, Encyclopedia of Sensors, American Scientific Publishers, CA, USA. 2006


(1)Yingsing Fung, Hui Sun, Zhihong Mo, Derong Zhu, Jacqueline Tszshan Choy, Yinyee Lee, Electronic Tongue Sensor, 2011.9, US Patent, 8,004,152。
(2)賴家平,左悅,林東升,孫慧,何燕惠,一種熒光多功能單體及其合成方法與應用,發明專利,2015.4.30,中國,ZL 201510217322.6。
(3)馮應升; 孫慧;莫志宏;朱德榮;蔡紫珊;李賢意。電子舌感測器,2013.4,中國, CN101836107A。
(4)陳永亨;張平;陳綺潔;姚焱;吳穎娟;黃雪夏;李祥平;孫慧。一種以鉛鋅礦冶鍊廢水為原料製備碘化亞鉈的方法,2014,中國, CN103818947A。
(5)孫慧, 李韻靈,常向陽2,4-二硝基苯胺磁性分子印跡複合材料的製備方法和應用,發明專利,中國,201610928664.3。