共找到3條詞條名為宋海清的結果 展開













·“供應鏈網路中的運輸調度研究”, 2006年-2007年,主持
·“現代物流技術與裝備課程的實踐教學探討”, 2008年-2009年,主持
·“廣州空港保稅物流中心(B型)規劃”,廣州白雲國際物流有限公司項目, 2005年,第三成員


1.H-C Huang, H. Song. Modified Base-stock Policies for Semiconductor Production System with Dependent Yield Rates. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 207, 2010, Pages: 206–217(SCI索引)
2.H-C Huang, LH Lee, H. Song, B. Eric, SimMan - A Simulation Model for Workforce Capacity Planning, Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 36, 2009, Pages: 2490--2497(SCI索引)
3. N. Shi, D. Xu1, R.S. Goonetilleke, K. Fu, H. Song. Multivariate Design for Mass Customization of Consumer Products, International Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, Pages: 10-23,2009
4.H. Song, V. Hsu and R.K. Cheung. Distribution Coordination between Suppliers and Customers with a Consolidation Center, Operations Research, Vol. 56, No. 5, 2008, Pages: 1264-1277(SCI索引)
5.H. Song, H.-C. Huang. A Successive Convex Approximation Method for Multistage Workforce Capacity Planning Problem with Turnover, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 188, 2008, Pages: 29–48(SCI索引)
6.N. Shi, R.K. Cheung and H. Song. On Stochastic Programs over Trees with Partially Dependent Arc Capacities, Networks, Vol. 50, Issue 2, 2007, Pages: 157-163(SCI索引)
7.H. Song, Dynamic Vehicle Allocation Problem in Drayage Operation,Proceedings of International Conference of Production and Operation Management, December 8-10, 2008, Xiamen, ChinaEI索引)
8.N. Wang, H. Song. A Shipping Route Designing and Price-setting Problem for Forwarders, The First POMS-HK International Conference, 2009, Hong Kong.
9.H. Song. H.-C. Huang, N. Shi, K. K. Lai. A Dynamic Stochastic Network Model for Asset Allocation Problem. International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization. Volume 2,Page(s):597 – 601, 2009. (ISTP、EI索引)
10.H. Song. An Optimization Model and Its complexity on Liner Scheduling Problem with Customer Choice, 2010 International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management, page(s): 775 - 778 , 9-10 Jan. 2010
11.H. Song and G. Chen, Minimum Cost Delivery Problem in Intermodal Transportation Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec. 2-5, 2007, Singapore. (EI索引)
12.H. Song and H.-C. Huang, Dynamic Stochastic Programming for Asset Allocation, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec. 2-5, 2007, Singapore.(EI索引)
13.H. Song. Activity Modes Selection in Project Management, Proceedings of the International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, vol. 1-3: 2086-2091 Lille, France, October 6-7, 2006. (ISTP、EI索引)
14.X. Hei and H. Song, Stochastic relay routing in peer-to-peer networks, Proceedings of 41th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2006), Istanbul, Turkey, 11-15 June 2006. (EI索引)
15.H. Song. Dynamic Ordering Policy for a Variation of the Newsvendor Problem, Proceedings of the International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, Inchon, South Korea,July 20-22, 2005.(ISTP索引
16.H. Zhang and H. Song. Information Sharing in a Supply Chain with Consolidation Center, Proceedings of the International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, Inchon, South Korea,July 20-22, 2005.(ISTP索引)
17.D. Mo, K. Cheung, H. Song, R.K Cheung. Routing strategies in large-scale automatic storage and retrieval systems, IERC 2005 Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, US, May 14-18, 2005.(EI索引)


“A Study on The Dynamic Network Flow Problems”, VDM Verlag Publishing, ISBN 978-3-639-20194-9 [book]

