共找到79條詞條名為張潔的結果 展開





姓 名: 張潔
通訊地址: 廈門市集美大道1799號






1.Jie Zhang, Gerard M. Cooke, Ivan H.A. Curran, Cynthia G. Goodyer, Xu-Liang Cao, GC–MS analysis of bisphenol A in human placental and fetal liver samples, Journal of Chromatography B
2.Jie Zhang (Correspondent), Lijuan Yan, Lin Lin, Wengui Chen, Xiuyu Song, Xiaomei Yan, Wei Hang, Benli Huang, Metabonomics research of diabetic nephropathy and type 2 diabetes mellitus based on UPLC-oaTOF-MS system, Analytica Chimica Acta
3.Jinchun Xing, Lijuan Yan, Jie Zhang (Correspondent), Lin Lin, Yao Gao, Wengui Chen, Xiuyu Song, Xiaomei Yan, Wei Hang, Benli Huang. A Comparative Study of Elution Gradients in UPLC-TOF-MS-Based Metabonomics Research, Chromatographia
4.Liang Gao, Jie Zhang, Weibing Zhang, Yichu Shan, Zhen Liang, Lihua Zhang, Yushu Huo, Yukui Zhang, Integration of normal phase liquid chromatography with supercritical fluid chromatography for analysis of fruiting bodies of Ganoderma lucidum, Journal of Separation Science
5.Liangpo Liu, Huaqiong Bao, Feng Liu, Jie Zhang, Heqing Shen, Phthalates exposure of Chinese reproductive age couples and its effect on male semen quality, a primary study, Environment International
6.Jie Zhang, Jun Yang, Jicheng Duan, Zhen Liang, Lihua Zhang, Yushu Huo, Yukui Zhang. Quantitative and qualitative Analysis of flavonoids in leaves of Adinandra nitida by high performance liquid chromatography with UV and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry detection. Analytica Chimica Acta
7.Jie Zhang, Dingyin Tao, Jicheng Duan, Zhen Liang, Weibing Zhang, Lihua Zhang, Yushu Huo, Yukui Zhang, Separation and identification of compounds in Adinandra Nitida by comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source ion trap tandem mass spectrometer, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
8.Je Zhang, Lihua Zhang, Jicheng Duan, Zhen Liang, Weibing Zhang, Yushu Huo, Yukui Zhang, On-line Hyphenation of Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Two-Dimensional High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometer for the Analysis of Ganoderma Lucidum, Journal of Separation Science
9.Lingyi Zhang, Jie Zhang, Hui Wang, Lihua Zhang, Weibing Zhang, Yukui Zhang, Analysis of flavonoids in leaves of Adinandra nitida with monolithic columns of capillary electrochromatography under stepwise gradient elution. Journal of Separation Science
10.Lijuan Yan, Qinghe Zhang, Jie Zhang, Lingyi Zhang, Tong Li, Yuqi Feng, Lihua Zhang, Weibing Zhang, Yukui Zhang, Hybrid organic–inorganic monolithic stationary phase for acidic compounds separation by capillary electrochromatography, Journal of Chromatography A
11.Chun Yang, Weibing Zhang, Jie Zhang, Jicheng Duan, Yukui Zhang, Protocol of capillary isoelectric focusing to separate extremely acidic and basic proteins, Journal of Separation Science
12.Jicheng Duan, Zhen Liang, Chun Yang, Jie Zhang, Lihua Zhang, Weibing Zhang, Yukui Zhang, rapid Protein Identification Using Monolithic Enzymatic Microreactor and Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Proteomics
13.Jicheng Duan, Liangliang Sun, Zhen Liang, Jie Zhang, Lihua Zhang, Weibing Zhang, Yukui Zhang ,Rapid protein digestion and identification using monolithic enzymatic microreactor coupled with nano-liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography A
14.張潔,嚴麗娟,林琳,陳文貴,宋秀宇,顏曉梅,杭緯,黃本立, 基於UPLC-oaTOF-MS的糖尿病及糖尿病腎病的代謝組學研究 (快報), 《高等學校化學學報》
15.張潔,段繼誠,梁振,張維冰,張麗華,霍玉書,張玉奎,一種新型超臨界流體萃取-高效液相色譜在線聯用系統的構建, 《高等學校化學學報》
16.張潔,段繼誠,梁振,張維冰,張麗華,霍玉書,張玉奎,超臨界流體萃取-高效液相色譜離線聯用分析靈芝中三萜類化合物, 《分析化學
17.張潔,張麗華,張維冰,張玉奎,蛋白質組學研究中的多維液相分離系統, 《現代儀器》
18.張潔,段繼誠,梁振,張維冰,張麗華,霍玉書,張玉奎, 東北紅豆杉及其傷愈組織粗提物中紫杉醇的HPLC-ESI-MS/MS分析研究,《藥學學報》
19.張潔,梁振,張麗華,張維冰,霍玉書,張玉奎,并行捕集柱SFE-HPLC在線聯用系統的構建及應用研究, 《高等學校化學學報》
20.張潔,段繼誠,梁振,張維冰,張麗華,霍玉書,張玉奎, 六味地黃丸的精細指紋圖譜分析及模式識別分類研究, 《分析化學》
21.張玉奎,張潔, CO2-SFE在提取靈芝子實體中三萜類物質上的應用
23.張玉奎,段繼誠,張麗華, 張維冰,梁振,張潔. 一種微型快速蛋白水解酶反應器及其製備
24.杭緯,張潔,顏曉梅,何堅. 基質輔助激光解吸-粒子束碰撞解離飛行時間質譜儀
25.杭緯,何堅,顏曉梅,張潔. 基質輔助激光解吸-激光誘導熒光飛行時間質譜儀


【1】中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目,基於聯合組學的全氟辛烷類污染物的人類肝臟細胞毒性研究,項目負責人,60萬 RMB。
【2】廈門市科技計劃項目,乳及乳製品中有機污染物的高通量篩查檢測技術研究,項目負責人,25萬 RMB。