共找到3條詞條名為劉建濤的結果 展開
- 西南交通大學講師
- 公安部通緝重大文物犯罪在逃人員
- 巴宜區魯朗鎮派出所副教導員
[2]2014.1-2017.12,面向對象的跨系統計算力學軟體平台與圖形用戶界面的研發(資助編號:11372260),自然科學基金面上項目(第一主研)。 (在研課題)
[3]2013.1-2017.12,微創器械生理相容與交互作用機理研究(資助編號:51290291),重大項目。 (在研課題)
[1]JianTao Liu, ShuiTao Gu, E. Monterio, QiChang He*. A versatile interface model for thermal conduction phenomena and its numerical implementation by XFEM. Computational Mechanics, 2014, 53: 825-843. (SCI)
[2]JianTao Liu, ShuiTao Gu, QiChang He*. A computational approach for evaluating the effective elastic moduli of nonspherical particle reinforced composites with interfacial displacement and traction jumps. Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 2015, 13(2): 123-143. (SCI)
[3]BingRui Wang, JianTao Liu*, ShuiTao Gu, QiChang He*. Numerical evaluation of the effective conductivities of composites with interfacial weak and strong discontinuities. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2015, 93: 1-20. (SCI)
[4]JianTao Liu*, PingAn Du, ZhenYu Zhang. A general model of fatigue crack growth under variable amplitude loading. Science China: Technological Sciences, 2012, 55(3): 673-683. (SCI)
[5]JianTao Liu*, PingAn Du, XiaoBao Liu, Qiang Du, Mingjing Huang, Yaobing Xiao. Modeling of the fatigue crack growth rates considering the integrative effect of cyclic stress ratio, specimen thickness and poisson's ratio. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2012, 25(4): 816-825.(SCI)
[6]JianTao Liu*, PingAn Du, MingJing Huang, Qing Zhou. New model of propagation rates of long crack due to structure fatigue. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2009, 30(5):575-584.(SCI)
[7]ShuiTao Gu, JianTao Liu, QiChang He*. Size-dependent effective elastic moduli of particulate composites with interfacial displacement and traction discontinuities. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014, 51: 2283-2296.(SCI)
[8]ShuiTao Gu*, JianTao Liu, QiChang He. The strong and weak forms of a general imperfect interface model for linear coupled multifield phenomena. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2014, 85: 31-46. (SCI)
[9]ShuiTao Gu*, JianTao Liu, QiChang He*. Piezoelectric composites: imperfect interface models, weak formulations and benchmark problems. Computational Material Science, 2014, 94: 182-190. (SCI)
[10]SiCong Ren, JianTao Liu, ShuiTao Gu, QiChang He*. An XFEM-based numerical procedure for the analysis of poroelastic composites with coherent imperfect interface. Computational Material Science, 2014, 94: 173-181.(SCI)
[14]杜平安*,劉建濤,劉孝保. 電子器件振動特性有限元模型參數的等效計算方法. 電子學報, 2010, 38(8):1867-1873.(EI)
[15]劉建濤*,杜平安,黃明鏡,石崢. 曲面薄殼有限元離散誤差分析和修正方法研究. 系統模擬學報, 2010, 22(10):2281-2286.
[16]劉建濤*,杜平安,黃明鏡,肖耀兵. 連續體簡諧基礎振動的一種有限元數值計算方法. 電子科技大學學報, 2009, 38(6):1052-1056.(EI)
[1]JianTao Liu*, Tian Du. An efficient computational procedure of fatigue crack growth under variable amplitude loading via XFEM. The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology, 2012, Zhuhai: 3012-3020.(EI)
[2]JianTao Liu*, HaeChang Gea, PingAn Du. DRAFT: Robust structural design optimization under non-probabilistic uncertainty. ASME2011 International Design Engineering Technical conferences & Computers and information in Engineering Conference, 2011.9.(EI)
[3]JianTao Liu*, PingAn Du, MingJing Huang, etc. Buckling analysis on finte-sized shell structures. IEEE2009 International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 2009: 4267-4271.(EI)
[4]JianTao Liu*, PingAn Du, Ming-jing Huang, etc. Effective discrete methods for intersections of finite-sized curved shell structures. IEEE2008 International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 2008:1099-1105.(EI)
[5]馮志強,劉建濤.計算力學軟體平台與圖形用戶界面的研發. CSTAM2013-A31-0061.
[1]劉建濤,宗志方,秦娜. 多層纖維只能材料內過渡層和非完美界面響應的模擬軟體. 計算機軟體著作權,2016SR011028(2016).
[2]劉建濤. 基於擴展有限元法(XFEM)的一般過渡層誘導複合材料界面效應和材料有效模量的數值模擬方法及程序實現. 成都:西南交通大學(博士后出站報告),2014.
[3]劉建濤. 薄壁結構響應特性有限元數值模擬和疲勞壽命預測方法研究. 成都:電子科技大學(博士畢業論文),2011.
[1]2010. 4至今,《科技創新導報》編輯部特約編委;
[2]擔任International Journal of Mechanical Science、Journal of Machinery Manufacturing and Automation,Scientific Journal of Architecture、ASME IDETC/CIE會議等審稿人。
[1]2008.12,榮獲2008年Intel Fellowship獎學金;
何 兵(研二):Porous材料內通用非完美界面描述方法和數值實現;