共找到42條詞條名為劉國慶的結果 展開
- 青島恆星職教集團執行總裁
- 河南省駐馬店市委原書記
- 沈丘縣縣長
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- 河南省第十三屆人大代表
- 內蒙古科技大學教授、碩士生導師
- 山西省宗教事務局(省民委)局長(主任)
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- 湖南省郴州市永興縣政協副主席
- 北京石景山區政協黨組副書記、副主席
- 重慶市合川市行知職業中學教師
- 合肥工業大學副教授
- 吉林省大安市第一人民醫院主任醫師
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- 山東理工大學第三屆 “十佳大學生”
- 鄭州杞源食品科技有限公司董事長
- 大同市衛生和計劃生育委員會主任
- 安徽省池州市人大副主任
- 甘肅平涼市書法家
- 河南省焦作市人大常委會副秘書長
- 河南科技成果評審專家
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- 原衡東縣德圳鄉黨委委員
- 武漢市衛生和計劃生育委員會巡視員
- 湖南省湘鄉籍烈士
- 中國人民解放軍火箭軍工程大學副校長
- 新疆自治區人民政府外事辦公室副巡視員
- 丹東市中醫院副院長
- 宜昌市人民檢察院原副檢察長
- 定西市廣播電台副台長
- 廣西壯族自治區第二律師事務所律師
- 北京市骨幹教師
- 安徽農業大學副教授
- 齊齊哈爾市碾子山區第十八屆人大常委會主任
- 第十四屆全運會男子棒球季軍
- 廣東技術師範大學財經學院副院長
- 濰坊工商職業學院校委會委員、副校長、黨委副書記
2000.9-2004.7 內蒙古師範大學,物理系,本科
從事生物信息學、表觀遺傳學領域的研究。主要研究內容包括減數分裂同源染色體的重組機制(meiotic recombination),假基因演化規律(pseudogene evolution)、以及染色體結構相關的研究,例如原核染色體包裝機制(chromosome packing)、真核染色質組裝機制(如nucleosome positioning)。
1.國家自然科學基金,減數分裂重組的位置偏好性及其相關問題的理論研究(61102162),2012.1-2014.12 (主持人)
4.內蒙古大學創新基金,染色體重組對基因組進化的影響,2008.7-2009.7 (主持人)
6.內蒙古科技大學創新基金,酵母組蛋白組合修飾的貝葉斯網路分析(2009NC064),2010.3-2012.3 (參加人)
1.Guoqing Liu*, Fen Feng, Xiujuan Zhao, Lu Cai*. Nucleosomeorganization around pseudogenes in the human genome. BioMed ResearchInternational, 2015:821596
2.Guoqing Liu*, Yongqiang Xing, Lu Cai*. Using weighted featuresto predict recombination hotspots in Saccharomyce scerevisiae. Journal of TheoreticalBiology, 2015: 382:15–22
3.BingjieZhang,Guoqing Liu*.Predicting recombination hotspots in yeast based on DNA sequence andchromatin structure. Curr Bioinformatics, 2014, 9(1):28-33 (SCI,IF:2.04)
4.GuoqingLiu,Jia Liu, Bingjie Zhang. Compositional bias is a major determinant of thedistribution pattern and abundance of palindromes in Drosophila melanogaster. JMol Evol, 2012, 72:130-140(SCI, IF: 3.23)
5.WangJian-Ying, Wang Jingyan,Liu Guoqing*. Calculation of nucleosomalDNA deformation energy: its implication for nucleosome positioning. ChromosomeResearch, 2012, 20(7): 889-902 (SCI)
6.Guoqing Liu,Jia Liu, Xiangjun Cui, Lu Cai. Sequence-dependentprediction of recombination hotspots in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Theor Biol,2012, 293: 49-54 (SCI, IF:2.32)
7.Guoqing Liu,Hong Li, Lu Cai. Processed pseudogenes are locatedpreferentially in regions of low recombination rates in the human genome.J Evol Biol, 2010, 23(5):1107-1115 (SCI, IF:3.47)
8.Guoqing Liu, Hong Li. The correlation betweenrecombination rate and dinucleotide bias inDrosophila melanogaster.Journal of Molecular Evolution, 2008, 67(4):358-367 (SCI, IF: 3.23)
9.劉國慶,白音寶力高,邢永強。假基因研究進展。生物化學與生物物理進展,2010,37(11):1165-1174 (SCI)
10.劉國慶,羅遼復。人類基因組信息量的擴增速率受重組的影響。生物化學與生物物理進展,2012, 39:368-377 (SCI)
11.Yong-qiangXing,Guo-qing Liu, Xiu-juan Zhao, et al.Genome-wide characterization andprediction of Arabidopsis thaliana replication origins. BioSystems 124 (2014)1–6.
12.Hong Li,Guoqing Liu, XuhuaXia. Correlations between recombination rate and intron distributions alongchromosomes ofC. elegans.Progressin Natural Science, 2009, 19(4): 517-522.(SCI)
13.Jia Liu,Guo-QingLiu, Xiao-Hong Du.The effect of impurities in a three-qubit Ising spin Model.International Journal of Theoretical Physics,2012,51(4):1509-1517 (SCI)
14.XingYong-qiang,Liu Guo-qing, Zhao Xiu-juan, Cai Lu*.An analysis and prediction ofnucleosome positioning based on information content. Chromosome Res, 2013,21(1):63-74(SCI)
15.Xiang-JunCui, Hong Li,Guo-Qing Liu.Combinatorial patterns of histonemodifications in Saccharomyces.cerevisiae, Yeast, 2011, 28: 683-691 (SCI)
16.TonglagaBao, Hong Li, Xiaoqing Zhao,Guoqing Liu. Predicting nucleosomebinding motif set and analyzing their distributions flanking functional sitesof human genes. Chromosome Research, 2012, 20: 685-698 (SCI, IF:3.08)
26.王芳平,李宏,王志堅,劉國慶。厭氧性粘菌基因組中密碼對的使用。生物信息學,2010, 8: 258-262.
31.牛金艷,李永峰,劉國慶,董玉和。工科院校大學物理中近代物理部分教學嘗試。科技視界,2013, 14:24
33.Shou-HuiGuo, Li-Qin Xu, Wei Chen,Guo-Qing Liu, Hao Lin. Recombination spotsprediction using DNA physical properties in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome.AIP Conf Proc 2012, 1479:1556-1559, doi: 10.1063/1.4756460.
34.GuoqingLiu*, Yongqiang Xing, Lu Cai, Jianying Wang An energetic model for nucleosomepositioning.第一屆國際暨第十三次中國生物物理學術大會2013.10.28-11.1,南昌
35.GuoqingLiu,Jia Liu.Prediction ofrecombination rate in thehumangenome.IEEE, The International Conference on Consumer Electronics,Communications and Networks, CECNet 2012 - Proceedings, 1179-1182 (EI)
36.GuoqingLiu,Jia Liu.Recombination affects thedistribution of palindromes in yeast.The 6th InternationalConference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2012,Proceedings, 169-171
37.GuoqingLiu, HongLi. The effect of recombination rate on dinucleotide bias inDrosophilamelanogaster.第三屆全國生物信息學與系統生物學學術大會論文集, 2008,65-66.武漢
38.GuoqingLiu,Liaofu Luo. Growing of the information quantity of genome and recombination.The 4thChinese Conference on Bioinformatics & Systems Biology.2010.102.
39.劉國慶,劉佳. Compositionalbias is a major determinant of the distribution pattern of palindromes inDrosophila.第五屆全國生物信息學與系統生物學學術大會論文集, 2012:127
40.GuoqingLiu,Jia Liu,Lu Cai.Predicting Recombination HotspotsUsing Principle Composition Analysis Combined with Quadratic DiscriminantFunction,The 17th IUPAB International Biophysics Congress,2011,40
41.張冰潔,劉國慶. Predicting recombinationhotspots in yeast based on DNA sequence and chromatin strucutre.第五屆全國生物信息學與系統生物學學術大會論文集, 2012:190
44.劉國慶,李宏。果蠅基因組中迴文結構對重組率的影響。內蒙古大學首屆博士論壇論文集,2008, 129-130.呼和浩特
45.李敏,劉國慶,蔡祿.Disease-causing alternative splicing influences protein structure stability.第6屆全國生物信息學與系統生物學學術大會論文集,2014,10:P269
46.劉國慶,馮芬,趙秀娟,崔向軍,蔡祿.Nuclesome organization around pseudogenes in the humangenome.第6屆全國生物信息學與系統生物學學術大會論文集,2014,10:P273
47.馮芬,劉國慶. The heterogeneousdistribution of palindromes in the C.elegans genome.第6屆全國生物信息學與系統生物學學術大會論文集, 2014,10:P339
48.LiuGuoqing, Zhao Xiujuan, Cai Lu. Nucleosome organization around ENCODEpseudogenes. The 8th IUPAP International Conference on Biological Physics,2014, 6,18-22,中國北京
1.報告題目:An energetic model fornucleosome positioning.第一屆國際暨第十三次中國生物物理學術大會,2013年10月28-31,南昌
2.報告題目:Meiotic recombination andprocessed pseudogene distribution.The 7th International Bioinformatics Workshop, 2009年6月19-21,蘇州