1979.9-1983.7 :湖南農學院茶學專業學習獲學士學位
1995.9-1996.9 :國際水稻研究所博士后
⑴ 光呼吸分子調控與抗逆性:C3植物光呼吸不但與光合效率密切相關,而且在其抗逆性(高溫/乾旱、光氧化、病害)中起重要作用。⑴採用代謝工程手段分流光呼吸乙醛酸形成草酸,以期由此降低光呼吸CO2釋放造成的損耗、提高光合效率,另一方面通過促進草酸積累改善植物抗逆性,產生“雙贏效果”;⑵構建一條葉綠體中的光呼吸代謝“捷徑”,以期提高葉綠體中的CO2濃度,從而提高Rubisco的羧化效率同時降低光呼吸速率;⑶採用過表達、反義、干涉等分子技術上/下調光呼吸代謝關鍵基因(如GLO,SGAT,GGAT,HPR)等關鍵酶的基因表達,以期獲得抗逆性、光合功能改善的轉基因植株。
⑴ 省基金重點項目“多基因轉化改造光呼吸代謝途徑提高水稻耐熱抗旱性研究”(10251064201000005,2011.1-2013.12)
⑵ 國家基金“水稻草酸合成與調控的分子機理”(30971710,20010.1-2012.12)
⑶ 國家基金“GLO調控水稻光合作用的機理”(30870184,2009.1-2011.12)
⑸ 教育部博士點基金“水稻GO的定量調控及其與光合功能的關係”(2007.1-2009.12)
⑹ 省自然科學基金重點“水稻光呼吸速率的分子調控及其與超高產潛力的關係研究”(05103574,2006.1-2008.12)
⑺ 國家基金“植物乙醇酸氧化酶生理功能的分子生物學研究” (30470152,2005.1- 2007.12)
⑻ 省科技計劃國際合作“耐酸鋁基因的克隆及其在龍眼抗鋁性分子改良中的應用”(2004B50201017,2005.1-2007.12)
⑼ 省自然科學基金“乙醇酸氧化酶在植物信號調節及其抗逆性中的作用”(04020572, 2005.1-2006.12)
⑽ 國家基金“水稻草酸代謝調控的分子機理研究”(30270799,2003.1-2005.12)
(* 表示通訊作者)
⑴Yang Q,He H,Li H,Tian H,Zhang J,Zhai L,Chen J,Wu H,Yi G,He Z,Peng X* . (2011) NOA1 functions in a temperature-dependent manner to regulate chlorophyll biosynthesis and Rubisco formation in rice. PLoS ONE 2011,6⑸: e20015. Epub 2011 May 23. (IF 4.351)
⑵ Zhang J,Yin Y,Wang Y,Peng X*. Identification of rice Al-responsive genes by semi-quantitative polymerase chain reaction using sulfite reductase as a novel endogenous control. J Integr Plant Biol. 2010,52: 505-514 (IF1.395)
⑶胥華偉,姜敬哲,彭新湘*. 光呼吸突變體研究進展. 植物學報. 2010,45: 393-403
⑷Yu L,Jiang J,Zhang C,Jiang L,Ye N,Lu Y,Yang G,Liu E,Peng C,He Z,Peng X*. 2010. Glyoxylate rather than ascorbate is an efficient precursor for oxalate biosynthesis in rice. J Exp Bot,2010,61: 1625-1634 (IF 4.274)
⑸ Xu H,Zhang J,Zeng J,Jiang L,Liu E,Peng C,He Z,Peng X*. Inducible antisense suppression of glycolate oxidase reveals its strong regulation over photosynthesis in rice. J Exp Bot,2009,60: 1799-1809 (IF 4.274)
⑹ Zhu G,Zhang J,Chen J,Peng X* Characterization of a rice metallothionein type 3 gene with different expression profiles under various nitrogen forms. Biol Plant,2008: 52: 668-673 (IF 1.259)
⑺Tian H,Jiang L,Liu EE,Peng X*. Dependence of nitrate-induced oxalate accumulation on nitrate reduction in rice leaves. Physiol Plant. 2008,133⑵: 180-189 (IF2.569)
⑻ Zhang J,He Z,Zhu G,Tian H,Peng X*. Identification of aluminum-responsive genes in rice cultivars with different aluminum sensitivities. J Exp Bot,2007,58 ⑻: 2269-2278 (IF 3.917)
⑼ Yang Q,Wang Y,Zhang J,Shi W,Qian C,Peng X*. Identification of aluminum- responsive proteins in rice roots by a proteomic approach: Cysteine synthase as a key player in Al response. Proteomics,2007,7⑸: 737-749 (IF 5.735)
⑽Xu H,Ji X,He Z,Shi W,Zhu G,Niu J,Li B,Peng X*. Oxalate accumulation and regulation is independent of glycolate oxidase in rice leaves. J Exp Bot,2006,57⑼:1899-1908 (IF 3.630)
⑾Zhu G,Zhuang C,Jiang L,Peng,X*. Differential expression of rice genes under different nitrogen forms and their relationship with sulfur metabolism. J Integr Plant Biol,2006,48⑽: 1177-1184 (IF 0.432)
⑿Wang Y,Zhang J,Zhu G,Peng X*. Differential expression of proteins in rice leaves cultivated with different forms of nitrogen nutrients. J Plant Phyiosl Mol Biol,2006,32⑷: 403-410