



1984年于吉林大學化學系本科畢業,1987年獲吉林大學理學碩士學位,1994年在日本京都大學藥學部留學獲京都大學藥學博士學位,1994年和2000年分別在日本Takara生物研究所和美國Burnham 研究所從事博士后研究各一年, 2001-2002年到美國加州大學分校做博士后研究工作一年。








1. Heparin Inhibits P388D1 Cells Adherence and Metastasis to Peripheral Lymph nodes in Vitro and in Vivo,Lymphology, 2009 Mar;42(1):10-8
2. Silencing CD147 inhibits tumor progression and increases chemosensitivity in murine lymphoid neoplasm P388D1 cells, Annals of Hematology, Ann Hematol.2009,88,753-760
3. Knockdown of caveolin-1 by siRNA inhibits the transformation of mouse hepatoma H22 cells in vitro and in vivo, Oligonucleotides, 2009, 19(1): 81-88.
4. Expression of CD147 mediates tumor cells invasion and multidrug resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma.Cancer Investigation 2008,26,977-983
5. Caveolin-1 promotes the transformation and anti-apoptotic ability of mouse Hepatoma cells. IUBMB Life(2008) 60,693-699 (通訊作者)
6. CD147 regulates vascular endothelial growth factor-A expression, tumorigenicity and chemosensicity to curcumin in heptacellular carcinoma IUBMB Life(2008) 60,57-63
7. CD147 depletion down-regulates MMP-11, VEGF-A expression and the metastatic ability of murine Hepatocarcinoma cell Hca-F to peripheral lymph nodes,The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology (2007) 39,2135-2142
8. siRNA targeted against matrix metalloproteinase 11 inhibits the metastatic capability of murine Hepatocarcinoma cell Hca-F to lymph nodes,The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology (2007) 39,2049-2062
9. Silencing L-selectin expression by RNAi attenuated dissemination of murine lymphoid neoplasm cell p388D1 to peripheral lymph nodes Leukemia (2007) 21,180-183
10. Functional expression of CXC chemokine recepter-4 mediates the secretion of matrix metalloproteinases from mouse hepatocarcinoma cell lines with different lymphatic metastasis ability, The International Journal of Biochemistry & cell Biology (2007) 39,197-205