



2021年入選第十三批四川省學術和技術帶頭人後備人選,2019年獲四川省科技進步二等獎(2/8),2019年獲全國徐芝綸優秀力學教師獎,2018年獲國家級教學成果二等獎(8/11),2018年獲四川省教學成果一等獎(8/10),2017年入選西南交通大學“揚華學者”,2017年獲中核集團科學技術三等獎,2016年獲四川省傑出青年基金,2014年入選唐立新優秀學者和竢實之星,2012 年獲四川省優秀博士論文,2011 年獲澳大利亞“奮進研究獎”在蒙納士大學進行學術訪問,2011 年獲教育部自然科學二等獎(5/8)。




工程結構模擬利用有限元軟體ABAQUS-Standard/explicit和ANSYS Multiphysics和LS/DYNA等對工程結構,如壓力容器、橋樑、結構防護等強度和疲勞失效行為進行分析,為結構件的設計、強度評估和壽命預測提供指導。致力於利用力學基礎理論和數值方法解決實際工程問題的同學。


[25] 四川省傑出青年基金(2017JQ0019) ,2017.1-2019.12,高速鐵路輪軌接觸熱損傷研究,主持
[24] 四川省國際科技合作項目(2017HH0038) ,2017.1-2019.12,高速列車車輪滾動接觸疲勞研究,主研
[23] 牽引動力國家重點實驗室資助研究課題(2017TPL_T04),2017.1-2019.12,高速列車輪軌接觸熱損傷機理研究,主持
[22] 國家重點研發計劃(2016YFB1102601), 2016.1-2020.12,激光強化技術在航空航天和軌道交通領域的工業示範應用子課題,主研
[21] 國家自然科學青年基金(11602203),2017.1-2019.12,鐵磁形狀記憶合金熱力磁多場耦合循環變形行為的實驗及本構模型研究,主研
[20] 國家自然科學基金應急項目(11642003), 2016.5-2016.6,第三屆全國計算力學青年學術研討會,主持
[19] 國家自然科學基金( 11572265) ,2016.1-2019.12 ,有限變形下熱致形狀記憶聚合物熱-力耦合循環變形行為及其本構描述,主持
[18] 校級青苗計劃(2682015QM01) ,2015.7-2018.7,先進材料的複雜熱力學行為及其工業應用,主研
[17] 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金重點項目培育專題(A0920502051516-11),2015.1-2016.12 重載輪軌滾動接觸疲勞研究,主持
[16] 西安交通大學機械結構強度與振動國家實驗室開放基金 (SV2014-KF-11), 2014.1-2015.12 有限變形下熱力耦合循環本構模型研究,主持
[15] 國家自然科學基金(11212014) ,2012.1-2012.12,基於第一性原理對氟化石墨烯納米帶性能的研究,參研
[14] 國家自然科學基金(11272269),2012.1-2016.12,熱塑性聚合物材料的濕-熱-力耦合循環本構關係研究,參研
[13] 四川省科技廳項目(2013TD0004) ,2013.1-2015.12,結構安全與服役力學基礎四川省青年科技創新研究團隊,參研
[12] 教育部博士點新教師基金( 2012018420012), 2013.1-2015.12,NiTi形狀記憶合金非比例多軸應力疲勞失效模型研究,主持
[11] 國家自然科學基金( 11202171),2013.1-2015.12,考慮內部熱效應的形狀記憶循環本構模型研究,主持
[10] 中央高校基本科研業務費專項基金(SWJTU12CX044 ), 2012.1-2014.12,大變形下的熱力耦合循環本構模型研究,主持
[09] 國家自然科學基金(11172249),2012.1-2015.12,基於多軸載入粘彈塑性本構模型的高分子材料刮擦破壞機理,主研
[08] 國家自然科學基金(11002119) ,2011.1-2013.12,泡沫鋁循環變形行為及本構模型研究,參研
[07] 國家傑出青年基金(11025210), 2011.1-2014.12,先進材料本構關係,主研
[06] 中央高校專項基金西南交通大學百人計劃(A0920502051001-171) 2009-2012 超彈性NiTi合金低周疲勞實驗研究及其失效模型研究,主持
[05] 國家自然科學基金(10772153),2009.1-2012.12,基於微觀機理的非比例多軸棘輪行為本構模型研究,主研
[04] 國家自然科學基金(10402037) ,2008.1-2011.12,考慮棘輪效應的非比例多軸應力疲勞失效模型研究,參研
[03] 西南交通大學博士創新基金(2008),2008.1-2009.12,超彈性NiTi合金相變棘輪行為本構模型研究,主持
[02] 新世紀人才支持計劃(NCET05-0796) ,2005-2008 形狀記憶合金熱-機械棘輪行為的本構描述,主研
[01] 國家自然科學基金(50305029),2005.1-2008.12,鎳鈦合金應力誘發相變下的微磨損機理研究,主研
[22] 2013 ******反應器器體換熱管和管板優化設計 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 闞前華 康國政
[21] 2013 高速公路路基回彈模量模型研究 湖南省交通廳設計院 闞前華,梅作舟
[20] 2011 地方道路及高壓電力線上跨高鐵安全防護措施研究 上海鐵路局 李小珍,康國政,闞前華,陳哲
[19] 2011 斜拉索錨具強度有限元分析 上海建築科學院 闞前華,朱一林
[18] 2011 大跨度橋樑監管模糊綜合評判法研究 上海建築科學院 闞前華
[17] 2011 ******換熱器有限元分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 闞前華 康國政
[16] 2011 ******二氧化碳液體儲槽弔帶支座溫度場分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 闞前華 康國政
[15] 2011 ******反應器器體有限元靜強度分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 闞前華 康國政
[14] 2009 ******研究 中國核動力設計院 康國政,闞前華,郭素娟
[13] 2009 ******二氧化碳液體儲槽關鍵部位的溫度場有限元分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 闞前華 康國政
[12] 2008 ******反應器換熱管強度有限元分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 闞前華 康國政
[11] 2007 ******液化天然氣罐式集裝箱有限元靜強度分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 闞前華 康國政
[10] 2007 ******低溫液體罐式集裝箱有限元靜強度分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 闞前華 康國政
[9] 2007 ******滅菌器器體有限元靜強度分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 闞前華 康國政
[08] 2007 ******滅菌器器體有限元靜強度分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 闞前華 康國政
[07] 2007 機械傳動軸組合體全接觸分析 西南交通大學材料學院 闞前華,康國政
[06] 2006 ******低溫液體罐式集裝箱有限元靜強度分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 闞前華 康國政
[05] 2006 ******低溫液體罐式集裝箱有限元靜強度分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 闞前華 康國政
[04] 2005 ******液化天然氣罐式集裝箱有限元靜強度分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 重慶中容石化機械有限公司
[03] 2005 ******液化天然氣罐式集裝箱有限元靜強度分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 闞前華 康國政
[02] 2005 ******低溫液體儲槽靜強度和穩定性分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 康國政,闞前華,張娟
[01] 2005 ******液化石油天然氣罐式集裝箱有限元靜強度分析 重慶中容石化機械有限公司 康國政,闞前華,張娟
[15]2016 西南交通大學重點實驗室開放項目 等 重載鋼軌溫度相關棘輪行為研究
[14]2016 西南交通大學重點實驗室開放項目 等 形狀記憶聚合物的熱力耦合循環變形為研究
[13]2016 國創 丁立等 客貨混運線路鋼軌選型有限元分析
[12]2015 省創 周廷等 NiTi形狀記憶合金熱力耦合循環相變的實驗和數值模擬
[11]2015 SRTP 龐興等 重載鋼軌在往複循環載荷下的棘輪行為有限元分析
[10]2015 SRTP 王孝文等 形狀記憶合金板裂尖場有限元分析
[09]2014 SRTP 吳佳佳等 形狀記憶合金增韌混凝土結構機理分析
[08]2014 西南交通大學重點實驗室開放項目 陶如等 形狀記憶合金各向異性屈服面實驗研究
[07]2013 西南交通大學重點實驗室開放項目 劉豐嘉等 形狀記憶合金熱力學循環相變的表徵
[06]2013 研究生創新實踐 結構分析軟體技術
[05]2013 SRTP 劉 月等 超彈性NiTi合金眼鏡框優化設計
[04]2013 SRTP 胡冰洋等 鈦合金TA19高溫棘輪行為實驗研究
[03]2012 SRTP 宗凌瀟等 形狀記憶合金相變演化過程的有限元模擬
[02]2011 國家大學生創新創業訓練計劃 趙佳敏等 NiTi形狀記憶合金微管的非比例多軸變形行為研究(協助指導)
[01]2009 國家大學生創新創業訓練計劃 李姿林等 鈦合金材料和構件循環變形行為研究(協助指導)
[01]徐祥,闞前華等,一種形狀記憶合金熱機械疲勞實驗裝置,實用新型專利(201520754667.0), 2015.


[8] Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan. Cyclic plasticity of Engineering Materials: Experiments and Models, Wiley, 2017.
[7] Zhu Yilin, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua. A new kinematic hardening rule describing different plastic moduli in monotonic and cyclic deformations, In: From Creep Damage Mechanics to Homogenization Methods, H. Altenbach et al. (eds.), Advanced Structured Materials, 2015, 64, 587-601 (Chapter 27, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-319-19439-4).
[6] 康國政,蔣晗,闞前華。連續介質力學基礎及其應用。科學出版社,2015.
[5] 康國政,闞前華. 工程材料的棘輪行為及棘輪-疲勞交互作用, 西南交通大學出版社,2014.
[4] Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Otto T. Bruhns, Chuanzeng Zhang. A cyclic crystal plastic model considering both dislocation slip and deformation twinning
for Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Advanced Structured Materials, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
[3] 康國政,闞前華,張娟。大型有限元程序的原理、結構與使用(第二版). 西南交通大學出版社,2008.
[2] 闞前華,常志宇。MSC.MARC工程應用實例分析及二次開發. 中國水利水電出版社,2006。
[1] 闞前華,康國政,譚長建,張娟,董城。ANSYS高級工程應用實例分析及二次開發。電子工業出版社,2006.
發表期刊論文和會議論文130多篇,書籍和章節8部。其中,SCI論文47篇,EI論文80篇,Google Scholar引用840次, SCI他引387次。
[140]Kan Qianhua, Kang Guozheng, Qiu Bo, Zhang Xu, Yan Wenyi. The accuracy in measuring elastic modulus of elastic-plastic solids by spherical indentation,
Philosophical Magazine, 2016, revised.
[139]Kan Qianhua, Yang Qiangjun, Kang Guozheng, Yu Chao. Temperature dependent dissipation energy of shape memory alloy under cyclic loading. Materials
Letter, 2016.(SCI,EI)
[138]Kan Qianhua, Zhu Yilin, Kang Guozheng, Xie Ruili, Zhang Xu, Yan Wenyi. Modelling of thermo-mechanically coupled cyclic plasticity at finite strain, International
Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016, revised.(SCI,EI)
[137]Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Xu Xiang. Physical mechanism based crystal plasticity model of NiTi shape memory alloy addressing the thermo-
mechanical cyclic degeneration of shape memory effect,International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016, submitted.
[136]Zhu Yilin, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Bruhns T. Otto, Liu Yujie. Thermo-mechanically coupled cyclic elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model of metals: theory and application,International Journal of Plasticity, 2016, 79, 111-152.
[135] Song Di, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Yu Chao, Zhang Chuanzeng. Study on the microstructure and stress fatigue failure mechanism of super-elastic NiTi
shape memory alloy micro-tubes,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 665, 17-25.
[134] Xie Xi, Kan Qianhua,Kang Guozheng, Fucong Lu, Kaijuan Chen. Observation on rate-dependent cyclic transformation domain of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy,Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 671, 32-47.
[133] Xie Xi, Kan Qianhua, Li Jian, Qiu Bo, Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng. Observation on the transformation domains of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy and their
evolutions during cyclic loading,Smart Materials and Structures, 2016, 25, 045003 (11pp).
[132] Kan Qianhua, Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Li Jian, Yan Wenyi. Experimental observations on rate-dependent cyclic deformation of super-elastic NiTi shape
memory alloy,Mechanics of Materials, 2016, 97, 48-58.
[131]康國政,於超,闞前華。NiTi形狀記憶合金熱-力耦合循環變形行為宏微觀實驗和理論研究進展。固體力學學報,2016, 36, 461-480.
[130]李志勇, 鄒靜蓉, 董城, 梅作舟, 闞前華。路基含水量對水泥混凝土路面疲勞壽命的影響分析。中外公路,2016, 35, 41-46.
[128] Di Song, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu. Observation on the residual martensite phase of NiTi shape memory alloy micro-tubes under unaxial and multiaxial fatigue loadings. IMECE2016, Phoenix, America.
[127] Chao Yu, Qianhua Kan, Kaijuan Chen, Guozheng Kang. Creep deformation of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy micro-tubes. International Symposium on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, 2016, Chongqing.
[126] Tian Jun, Yang Yu, Zhang Liping, Tao Fang, Kan Qianhua. Ratcheting behaviors of SA508-3 steel at elevated temperature: experimental observation and simulation, 9th China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on High Temperature Strength of Materials, 2016, Changsha.
[125] Kan Qiahua, Qiubo, Li Jian, Kang Guozheng, Yan Wenyi. Experimental observation on creep-ratcheting interaction of Ti-6242S alloy at elevated temperature, 9th China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on High Temperature Strength of Materials, 2016, Changsha.
[124] Kan Qianhua, Jiang Han, Kang Guozheng. An Improved Thermal Ratcheting Boundary of Pressure Pipeline, AEPA2016, 2016, submitted.
[123] Fang tao,Kan Qianhua, Kang Guozheng, Yan Wenyi,. Uniaxial ratcheting and low-cycle fatigue failure of U75V rail steel, ISSI2016, 2016, submitted.
[122] Kan Qianhua, Guo Sujuan, Li Jian, Kang Guozheng, Yan Wenyi. Numerical investigation on plastic strain correction factor in simplified elastic-plastic fatigue analysis, ISSI2016, 2016, submitted.
[121] Li Jian, Dong Shiyu, Kan Qianhua, Kang Guozheng,Yan Wenyi. A thermo-mechanical constitutive model of glassy shape memory polymers, ISSI2016, 2016,
[120] Zhang Ruyuan, Zhang Juan, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua. Simulation of crack propagation in particle-reinforced bulk metallic glass composites, ISSI2016, 2016,
[119] 張澤斌,闞前華,董詩玉,李建,康國政。基於時溫等效的熱致形狀記憶聚合物模型,四川理工大學學報(2016年四川省力學大會會議論文)。
[116] Chung Lun Pun, Qianhua Kan, Peter J Mutton, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan. A Comprehensive Approach to Evaluate the Ratcheting Performance of Rail Steels
under Cyclic Rolling Contact in Service. International Journal Mechanical Science, 2015.(SCI,EI)
[115] Song Di, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Yu Chao, Zhang chuangzhen. Non-proportional multiaxial transformation ratcheting and life of super-elastic NiTi shape
memory alloy with incomplete transformations. International Journal of Fatigue, 2015, 80,372-380.(SCI,EI)
[114]Song Di, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Yu Chao, Zhang chuangzhen.Damage-based life prediction model for uniaxial low-cycle stress fatigue of superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy microtubes. Smart Materials and Structures, 2015, 24, 0850074(8pp).(SCI,EI)
[113] Song Di, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Yu Chao, Zhang Chuanzeng. Experimental observations on uniaxial whole-life transformation ratchetting and low-cycle
stress fatigue of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy micro-tubes, Smart Materials and Structures, 2015, 24, 075004 (10pp).(SCI,EI)
[112]Mingxing Shi, Yonghong Cao, Zhendong Sha, Qianhua Kan, Yongwei Zhang, Guozheng Kang. First-principles investigation of the edge-related properties of
fluorographene nanoribbons, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2015, 82, 041007-1-7.(SCI,EI)
[111] Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua. New micromechanical constitutive model for anisotropic cyclic deformation of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy
single crystal, Journal of Mechanics and Physics in Solids, 2015, 82, 97-136.(SCI,EI)
[110] Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Zhu Yilin. Rate-dependent cyclic deformation of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy: thermo-mechanical coupled and
physical mechanism-based constitutive model, International Journal of Plasticity, 2015, 72, 60-90.
[109]Yu C, Kang G Z, Song D, Kan Q H. Effect of martensite reorientation on multiaxial transformation ratchetting of super-elastic NiTi shape memory alloy: new
consideration in constitutive model. International journal of Plasticity, 2015, 67, 69-101.(SCI,EI)
[108]康國政, 於超, 闞前華. NiTi 形狀記憶合金熱-力耦合循環變形行為宏微觀實驗和理論研究進展, 固體力學學報, 2015, 36(6), 461-480.
[107]楊強軍,闞前華,康國政,於超,董詩玉。超彈性NiTi合金功能失效模型研究。功能材料,2015, 10(46), 10018-10022。(EI)
[105]張茹遠,闞前華,康國政,張娟。形狀記憶合金增韌大塊金屬玻璃機理分析。複合材料學報,2015, 32(1), 188-195.(EI)
[103]Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua. A physical mechanism based constitutive model for temperature-dependent transformation ratcheting of NiTi shape
memory alloy: one-dimensional model. Mechanics of Materials, 2014, 78, 1-10.(SCI,EI)
[102]Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua. A cyclic crystal plasticity based constitutive model for rate-dependent cyclic deformation of NiTi shape memory alloy
considering internal heat generation. International Journal Solids and structures, 2014, 51(25-26),4396-4305.(SCI,EI)
[101]Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Song Di. A micromechanical constitutive model considering different mechanisms of inelastic deformation for NiTi shape
memory alloy, International Journal of Plasticity, 2014, 54, 132-162.(SCI,EI)
[100]Yu Chao, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua. Crystal plasticity based constitutive model for the ratchetting of magnesium single crystal and polycrystalline alloys,
Computational Material Science, 2014, 84, 63-73.(SCI,EI)
[99]Yilin Zhu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu. A finite viscoelastic-plastic model for describing the uniaxial ratchetting of soft biological tissues. Journal of
Biomechanics, 2014,47, 996-1003.(SCI,EI)
[98]Pun Chunglun, Kan Qianhua, Mutton J. Peter, Kang Guozheng, Yan Wenyi. Ratchetting behaviour of high strength rail steels under biaxial compression-torsion
loadings, International Journal of Fatigue, 2014,66, 138-154.(SCI,EI)
[97] Chung Lun Pun, Qianhua Kan,Peter J Mutton, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan. A single parameter to evaluate stress state in rail head for rolling contact fatigue
analysis. Fatigue & Fracture ofEngineering Materials & Structures , 2014, 37, 909-919.(SCI,EI)
[96]Zhu Yilin, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Bruhns T. Otto. Logarithmic stress rate based cyclic constitutive model in finite plasticity, International Journal of
Plasticity, 2014, 54, 34-55.(SCI,EI)
[95]Song Di, Kang Guozheng, Kan Qianhua, Yu Chao, Zhang Chuanzeng. Non-proportionally multiaxial transformation ratchetting of super-elastic NiTi shape memory
alloy: experimental observations,Mechanics of Materials, 2014, 70, 94-105.(SCI,EI)
[94]Di Song, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu, Chuanzeng Zhang. Effect of martensite plasticity on cyclic deformation of super-elastic NiTi shape memory
alloy, Smart Materials and Structures, 2014, 23, 015008.(SCI,EI)
[93]任學紅,張娟,康國政,闞前華。典型循環塑性本構模型對316L不鏽鋼單軸棘輪行為的預測結果評估。應用數學與力學,2014, 35s,204-207.
[92]梅作舟,董城,康國政,闞前華,謝瑞麗,邱博。邊界條件對路基動力學響應的影響。應用數學與力學,2014, 35s,257-260.
[91]謝曦,康國政,劉宇傑,於超,闞前華。擠壓AZ31鎂合金高溫棘輪行為實驗研究。應用數學與力學,2014, 35s,160-164.
[90]謝瑞麗,闞前華,康國政,梅作舟,邱博。含碳量對高強軌道鋼塑性變形的影響。應用數學與力學,2014, 35s,127-130.
[89]邱博,闞前華,康國政,謝瑞麗。Ti6242s合金高溫棘輪行為有限元模擬。應用數學與力學,2014, 35s,232-235.
[88]張茹遠,闞前華,張娟,康國政。形狀記憶合金增韌大塊金屬比例複合材料界面失效分析。應用數學與力學,2014, 35s,171-175.
[87]董詩玉,闞前華,楊強軍,康國政。保持時間對鎳鈦形狀記憶合金循環相變的影響。應用數學與力學,2014, 35s,151-155.
[86]唐偉文,闞前華,康國政。穿山甲鱗片力學性能和微結構特徵。應用數學與力學,2014, 35s,117-220.
[85]張旭,王旻嘉,康國政,闞前華。基於晶體塑性有限元的多晶銅單調拉伸和循環塑性行為研究。北京理工大學學報,2014, 34(1),86-89.(EI)
[84]闞前華,楊強軍,康國政,劉宇傑,張旭。鈦合金Ti6242S高溫棘輪行為實驗研究。北京理工大學學報,2014, 34(1),90-93.(EI)
[83]強斌,劉宇傑,闞前華。考慮粘結界面的泡沫鋁夾心板三點彎曲失效的數值模擬。材料科學與工程,2014, 17, 97-101.(EI)
[82]楊強軍,闞前華,康國政。超彈性NiTi合金溫度相關的相變棘輪行為研究。功能材料,2014, 45(7), 7089-7093.(EI)
[81]杜鵑,邵雪嬌,張麗屏,闞前華,郭素娟。鈦合金彈塑性塑性修正因子研究。核動力工程,2014,35(1), 101-105.(EI)
[79]朱一林,康國政,闞前華,於超。描述生物軟組織單軸棘輪行為的大變形粘彈-塑性本構模型。 2014年全國固體力學大會,2014,成都。
[78]於超,康國政,闞前華。基於物理機理的NiTi形狀記憶合金溫度相關相變棘輪本構模型。 2014年全國固體力學大會,2014,成都。
[77]闞前華,康國政,於超,宋迪,楊強軍。NiTi形狀記憶合金循環變形行為的試驗和模擬。 2014年全國固體力學大會,2014,成都。
[76]宋迪,康國政,闞前華,於超。生物醫用NiTi形狀記憶合金非比例多軸應力疲勞失效行為研究。 2014年全國固體力學大會,2014,成都。
[75]楊強軍,闞前華,康國政,於超,董詩玉。應變率相關的NiTi形狀記憶合金超彈性退化預測模型。 2014年全國固體力學大會,2014,成都。
[74]Wenyi Yan, Qianhua Kan, Ramesh R. Natural frequency analysis of rat whiskers. the Asian-Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength 2014 (APCFS-
2014) and the International Conference on Structural Integrity and Failure (SIF-2014), 2014, Sydney.
[73]Qianhua Kan, Kang Guozheng, Zhang Juan, Zhang Ruyuan. Effect of shape memory alloys on the toughening of bulk metallic glass matrix
composites. 1st conference on Computational and experimental methods for composite materials and structures, 2014, Haerbin.
[72]Qianhua Kan,Yang, Qiangjun, Guozheng Kang, Chao Yu. Temperature-dependent dissipation energy of shape memory alloy under cyclic loading.
International Conference of Functional Materials, 2014, Singapore.
[71]Kan, Qianhua; Kang, Guozheng; Yang, Qiangjun, Jiang, Han, Yu, Chao. Numerical investigation on strain rate dependent phase transition
localization of NiTi strip. International Conference of Functional Materials, 2014, Singapore.
[70] Chung Lun Pun, Qianhua Kan,Peter J Mutton, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan. Stress analysis in rail head for rolling contact fatigue
analysis. International conference of Fatigue, 2014, Melbourne. (EI, ISTP)
[69]Pun Chunglun, Kan Qianhua, Mutton J. Peter, Kang Guozheng, Yan Wenyi. Multi-axial ratchetting of high strength rail steel: Experimental
results and numerical modelling, International conference of Fatigue, 2014, Melbourne. (EI, ISTP)
[68] Abbas Amini, Chun Cheng, Qianhua Kan, Minoo Naebe, Haisheng Song. Phase transformation evolution in NiTi shape memory alloy
under cyclic nanoindentation loadings at dissimilar rates. Scientific reports, 2013, 3, 3412.(SCI,EI)
[67]Qianhua Kan, Wenyi Yan, Guozheng Kang, Qingping Sun. Application of Oliver-Pharr indentation method in phase transformation material---shape memory alloy,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2013, 61, 2015-2033. (SCI,EI)
[66]Wenyi Yan, Qianhua Kan, Ramesh Rajan, Kenan Kergrene, Guozheng Kang, Xiqiao Feng. A truncated conical beam model for the vibration
analysis of rat whiskers, Journal of Biomechanics, 2013, 46, 1987-1995.(SCI,EI)
[65]Qianhua Kan, Ramesh Rajan, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan. Elastic modulus of rat whisker---A key biomaterial in rat whisker sensory system,
Material Research Bulletin, 2013, 48(12), 5026-5032. (SCI,EI)
[64]Xiangjun Jiang, Yongsheng Zhu, Youyun Zhang, Qianhua Kan. Constitutive model for time-dependent ratchetting of SS304 stainless steel:
simulation and finite element analysis, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2013, 51, 63-73. (SCI, EI)
[63]Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Di Song. A cyclic micromechanical model for NiTi shape memory alloy. International Journal of
Plasticity, 2013, 44: 161-191.(SCI,EI)
[62] Sujuan Guo, Guozheng Kang, Juan Zhang, Qianhua Kan. Effects of tangent operators on prediction accuracy of meso-mechanical
constitutive model of elasto-plastic composites, International Journal of Computational Methods, 2013, 11(2) .(SCI, EI)
[61]強斌,劉宇傑,闞前華。拉壓彈性模量差異對泡沫鋁夾芯板三點彎曲模擬的影響,功能材料,2013(18), 1-5.(EI)
[60]羅海波,張娟,康國政,孫亞芳,闞前華。SS304不鏽鋼單軸全壽命棘輪行為的粘塑性本構描述。西南交通大學學報(s), 2013, 48, 146-149.
[59]趙佳敏,闞前華,康國政,於超,蔣晗。超彈性NiTi合金血管支架自擴張行為的有限元模擬。西南交通大學學報(s), 2013, 48, 133-136.
[58]付仁,闞前華,康國政. 循環熱機械載荷下薄壁圓筒的熱棘輪邊界分析。西南交通大學學報(s), 2013, 48, 11-14.
[57]Zhiwu Zhu, Haidong Zhang, Han Jiang, Qianhua Kan. Impact dynamic mechanics behavior and constitutive model of soil, ICF2013, Beijing.(EI)
[56]Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan, Yilin Zhu, Han Jiang. A thermo-mechanically coupled cyclic plasticity model at large
deformations considering inelastic heat generation. ICF2013, Beijing.(EI)
[55]Yilin Zhu , Guozheng Kang , Qianhua Kan, Chao Yu. Cyclic plasticity models at finite deformations describing the Bauschinger effect and
ratchetting behaviour. ICF2013, Beijing.(EI)
[54]Chung Lun Pun, Qianhua Kan, Peter Mutton, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan. Experimental investigation on ratchetting behaviour of high
strength rail steel under the uniaxial and compression-torsion cyclic loadings. ICF2013, Beijing.(EI)
[53]闞前華,康國政,於超,宋迪。NiTi形狀記憶合金率相關相變棘輪行為研究。 2013年西部實驗力學青年學者學術研討會,綿陽。
[51]王昊嘉,張旭,康國政,闞前華。基於晶體塑性的多晶材料單拉和循環塑性行為研究。 2013全國塑性力學大會,揚州.
[50]闞前華,楊強軍,康國政,劉宇傑,張旭。鈦合金Ti6242S高溫棘輪行為實驗研究。 2013全國塑性力學大會,揚州.
[49] Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan. Cyclic Deformation Behavior and Low-cycle Fatigue Failure Behavior of TA16 Titanium alloy.
Advanced Science Letters, 2012, 15(1), 465-468.(SCI)
[48] Q.H. Kan, G.Z. Kang, S.J. Guo, Finite element implementation of a super-elastic constitutive model for transformation ratcheting of
NiTi alloy. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2012, 9(1), 1240022.(SCI,EI; SCI他引3次)
[47] Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang, Di Song, Qianhua Kan. Micromechanical constitutive model considering plasticity for super-elastic NiTi shape
memory alloy, Computational Materials Science, 2012, 56, 1-5.(SCI,EI; SCI他引3次)
[46] Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan, Yu Chao. An Energy-based Fatigue Failure Model of Super-elastic NiTi Alloy under Pure
Mechanical Cyclic Loading. Proc. Of SPIE, 8409, 8409DF-1.(EI)
[45] Wenyi Yan, Gopesh Tilvawala, Qianhua Kan. Numerical investigation of the mechanical behaviour of shape memory bulk metallic glass
composites. Proc. Of SPIE, 8409, 84090E-1.(EI, ISTP)
[44] Guozheng kang, Qianhua Kan, Yu Chao, Song Di, Liu Yujie. Whole-life Transformation Ratchetting and Fatigue of Super-elastic NiTi Alloy
under Uniaxial Stress-controlled Cyclic Loading. Material Science and Engineering A, 2012, 535, 228-234.(SCI,EI, SCI他引1次)
[43] Jun Ding, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Yujie Liu. Constitutive model for uniaxial time-dependent ratcheting of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy.
Computational Materials Science, 2012, 57: 67-72.(SCI, EI, SCI他引4次)
[42]闞前華,康國政,宋迪,於超,張娟。殘餘應變對鎳鈦形狀記憶合金超彈性抑制效應的實驗研究。四川大學學報工程科學版(s), 2012, 44(2), 72-75.(EI)
[41]張建偉,王成橋,闞前華,蔣晗。高分子塗層材料碰撞剝落機制的有限元分析。四川大學學報工程科學版(s), 2012, 44(2), 122-125.(EI)
[40]Qianhua Kan, Wenyi Yan, Guozheng Kang, Sujuan Guo. Experimental observation on the uniaxial cyclic deformation behaviour of TA16
titanium alloy, ICCM2012, 2012, 415-417, 2318-2321.(EI, ISTP)
[39]Han Jiang, Jianwei Zhang, Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Yonghua Li. Effects of stress-triaxiality and surface fraction on scratch
behaviors of polymeric materials, ICTAM2012, Beijing.
[38]Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan, Han Jiang, Yujie Liu. An enhanced method for predicting elastic modulus of elastic-plastic
materials by spherical indentation, the 9th conference of MTS test technology, 2012, Xi'an.
[37]Wenyi Yan, Qianhua Kan, Ramesh Rajan, Guozheng Kang. Elastic modulus of rat whisker---A key biomaterial in rat whisker sensory system,
ISFM2012, Perlin.
[36] Chao Yu, Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Otto T. Bruhns, Chuanzeng Zhang. A cyclic crystal plastic model considering both dislocation slip
and deformation twinning for Ti-6Al-4V alloy. IUTAM symposium advanced materials modelling for structures, 2012, Germany.
[35] Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Wenyi Yan, Jun Ding, Yilin Zhu. A study of cyclic thermal-mechanical response between wheel and
railbased on fully coupled thermo-elastic-plastic analysis, 9th International conference contact mechanics and wear of
rail/wheel systems, 2012, 31.1.
[34] Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Damage-coupled super-elastic constitutive model for uniaxial ratchetting and fatigue failure of NiTi
alloy, Plasticity 2011. The 17th international symposium on plasticity&its current applications:31-33.
[33] Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang. Constitutive model study on transformation ratcheting of superelastic NiTi alloy, International Journal
ofPlasticity, 2010, 26(3):441-465. (SCI,EI; 他引11次)
[32] Qianhua kan, Guozheng Kang, Linmao Qian. A super-elastic constitutive model considering plasticity and its finite element
implementation. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2010, 23(1), 1-11.(SCI,EI;SCI他引4次)
[31] 羅海波,張娟,闞前華. 304不鏽鋼在高溫下的單軸棘輪與蠕變交互作用行為實驗研究. 四川大學學報(工程科學版),2010(42)增刊2:165-169. (EI)
[30] 闞前華,康國政. 超彈性NiTi合金在球形壓痕下的臨界載荷分析. 四川大學學報(工程科學版),2010(42)增刊2:128-131. (EI)
[29] Q.H. Kan, G.Z. Kang, S.J. Guo, Finite element implementation of a super-elastic constitutive model for transformation ratchetting of
NiTi alloy, ICCM2010, 19-21 Nov, 2010, Zhangjiajie, Hunan, China.
[28] 劉宇傑,康國政,闞前華.SS304不鏽鋼考慮棘輪-疲勞交互作用的疲勞壽命模型. 2010年海峽兩岸材料破壞/斷裂學術會議, 2010, 西安.
[27] 闞前華,史智,康國政,張娟.SS304不鏽鋼非比例多軸時相關棘輪行為的本構描述. 核動力工程,2009.29(3), 51-61.(EI)
[26] Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan, Linmao Qian, Yujie Liu. Ratchetting Deformation of Superelastic and Shape memory NiTi Alloys. Mechanics
of Materials, 2009 ,41(2), 139-153.(SCI, EI; 他引6次)
[25] Guozheng Kang, Qianhua Kan. Scaling relationship of shape memory alloy. Proc. of SPIE V. 7493 74930K-1.(EI)
[24] 闞前華,康國政。超彈性NiTi合金相變棘輪行為的本構模型研究. 中國力學學會學術大會2009論文摘要集,2009年8月,鄭州,中國.
[23] 闞前華,康國政,錢林茂,王海林.NiTi超彈性合金的相變棘輪行為的實驗研究. 金屬學報,2008(8):945-955.(SCI, EI)
[20] 郭素娟,康國政,闞前華。顆粒形狀對複合材料單軸棘輪行為及其細觀塑性變形特徵的影響. 複合材料學報,2008(1),153-160.(EI)
[19] 王海林,康國政,闞前華。形狀記憶NiTi合金的應力循環變形行為的實驗研究. 四川大學學報(工程科學版),2008(6):228-230.
[21] Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang. Threshold load analysis in spherical indentation of super-elastic niti alloy. CCM2008, yichang, China.
[22] 闞前華,康國政。一個用於血管支架分析的NiTi合金三維超彈性本構模型. 2008年全國博士生學術會議-生物醫學工程與人類健康論文摘要彙編.2008.7.上海.
[18] 丁俊,康國政,闞前華,劉宇傑. 6061-T6 鋁合金時間相關棘輪行為的本構模型研究, 全國塑性力學會議, 2008 年11 月,廣西南寧.
[17] Qianhua kan, Guozheng Kang, Linmao Qian, Sujuan Guo. A temperature-dependent three dimensional super-elastic constitutive model
considering plasticity for NiTi Alloy. Proc. Of SPIE, 2009, V.7375, 73755U.(EI)
[15] 闞前華,康國政,張娟.SS304不鏽鋼單軸時相關棘輪行為的本構描述. 核動力工程,2007.28(4), 66-71.(EI)
[14] Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Juan Zhang. Uniaxial time-dependent ratchetting:Visco-plastic Constitutive Model and Finite
ElementApplication. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2007,47(2), 113-144.(SCI,EI;他引3次)
[13] Kang, G.Z., Kan, Q.H. Constitutive models for uniaxial time-dependent ratcheting of SS304 stainless steel, Mechanics of Materials,
2007,39(5),488-499. (SCI,EI;他引26次)
[12] Kang, G.Z., Zhang, J., Sun, Y.F., Kan, Q.H. Experimental study on uniaxial time-dependent ratcheting of SS304 stainless steel at
elevated temperatures, Journal of Iron and Steel, International, 2007, 14(1), 53-59. (SCI; 他引1次)
[11] Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang, Linmao Qian. Mechanical characterization of shape memory alloy with nanoindentation measurements and
finite element analysis, Proceedings of the international conference on mechanical engineering and mechanics, 2007
[10] Kang, G.Z., Kan, Q.H., Zhang, J., Liu, Y.J. Constitutive models for uniaxial time-dependent ratcheting of SS304 stainless steel, Key
Engineering Materials, 2007,340-341, 817-822(EI)
[9] Kang G.Z., Kan, Q.H., Zhang, J., Sun, Y.F. Time-dependent ratcheting experiments of SS304 stainless steel. International Journal of Plasticity, 2006, 22(5), 858-894. (SCI, EI; 他引63次)
[8] Kang, G.Z., Li, Y.G., Gao, Q., Qianhua Kan., Zhang, J. Uniaxial ratchetting in steels with different cyclic softening/hardening
behaviours, Fatigue &Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures,2006,29(2),93-103.(SCI, EI;他引4次)
[7] 闞前華,康國政,張娟,孫亞芳.SS304不鏽鋼室溫非比例多軸時相關棘輪行為的實驗研究. 核動力工程,2006,27(2), 59-63. (EI)
[6]Kang, G.Z., Kan, Q.H., Zhang, J. Constitutive modeling for uniaxial time-dependent ratcheting of SS304 stainless steel, AEPA2006,
2006, Nagoya, Japan. (ISTP)
[5] Qianhua Kan, Guozheng Kang. A Unified Constitutive Model for Time-Dependent Ratchetting of SS304 Stainless Steel and Its Finite
Element Implementation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Fracture Mechanics and Applications. (ISTP)
[4] 闞前華,康國政,張娟。一個粘塑性-蠕變疊加的時相關本構模型. 西南交通大學110周年校慶研究學術論壇,2006.
[3] 闞前華, 康國政等.SS304不鏽鋼高溫非比例多軸時相關循環變形行為的實驗研究。金屬學報,2005, 41(9), 963-968. (SCI, EI)
[2] Kang,G.Z., Kan, Q.H., Zhang, J. Experimental study on the uniaxial cyclic deformation of 25CDV4.11 steel. Journal of Materials
Scienceand Technology, 2005, 21(1), 5-9. (SCI,EI;他引12次)
[1] 康國政, 孫亞芳, 張娟, 闞前華. SS304不鏽鋼的室溫單軸時相關棘輪行為研究, 金屬學報, 2005, 41(3), 277-281.(SCI,EI)


[26] 2014.12 唐立新優秀學者 闞前華
[25] 2014.06 西南交通大學竢實之星 闞前華
[24] 2012.01 四川省優秀博士論文 超彈性NiTi合金本構模型研究及其有限元應用 闞前華
[23] 2011.05 西南交大第二屆青年教職工計算機操作技能比賽二等獎
[22] 2011.01 教育部自然科學二等獎 工程材料非比例多軸棘輪-疲勞交互作用研究 康國政,劉宇傑,楊顯傑,高慶,闞前華,蔡力勛,張娟,孫亞芳
[21] 2010.12 澳大利亞政府奮進研究獎 Endeavour Research Fellowship 闞前華
[20] 2010.12 西南交通大學優秀博士論文 超彈性NiTi合金本構模型研究及其有限元應用 闞前華
[19] 2009.08 西南交通大學百人計劃 闞前華
[18] 2009.08 四川省第17屆青年教師師資培訓優秀學員 闞前華
[17] 2008.12 中鐵電氣化專項獎學金 闞前華
[16] 2008.12 西南交通大學綜合一等獎學金 闞前華
[15] 2007.12 中鐵電氣化專項獎學金 闞前華
[14] 2007.12 四川省優秀碩士論文 SS304不鏽鋼時相關本構模型研究及其有限元實現 闞前華
[13] 2007.12 西南交通大學優秀研究生稱號 闞前華
[12] 2007.12 西南交通大學綜合一等獎學金 闞前華
[11] 2007.12 西南交通大學博士創新專項基金 闞前華
[10] 2007.06 四川省三好學生 闞前華
[09] 2007.03 西南交通大學校優秀碩士論文 SS304不鏽鋼時相關本構模型研究及其有限元實現 闞前華
[08] 2006.12 西南交通大學優秀學生幹部 闞前華
[07] 2006.04 四川省優秀畢業研究生 闞前華
[06] 2005.12 西南交通大學綜合一等獎學金
[05] 2005.09 西南交通大學董事會獎學金 闞前華
[04] 鄭州大學三等人民獎學金
[03] 鄭州大學二等人民獎學金
[02] 鄭州大學三等人民獎學金
[01] 鄭州大學三等人民獎學金


[1]四川省青年科技創新團隊 結構的服役安全及力學基礎
付 仁2010級核動力工程壓力管道的熱棘輪邊界研究(協助指導)廈門建築科學研究院
周子源2008級Sprague Dawley鼠鬍鬚的振動性能分析重慶大學研究生院優秀


1. 形狀記憶合金熱力耦合疲勞與斷裂
3. 高溫鈦合金循環變形行為研究
4. 高速重載輪軌接觸關係研究
5. 高速公路路基結構設計