







• 并行計算(計算機學院本科);
• 并行演演算法(計算機學院研究生);
• 演演算法設計與分析(軟體學院研究生);
• 多核并行計算(軟體學院研究生) 。


• 高性能計算;
• 大規模生物序列分析與數據挖掘
• 性能優化與分散式演演算法。


近幾年主要研究多核并行理論和方法、并行應用系統開發、生物文獻挖掘與生物信息學等。至今主持國家自然基金面上項目、國家重點自然基金子課題、973子課題、863子課題、中科院軟體所開放基金項各1項,國家精品課程“并行計算”網路教學建設應用項目的主要參加人,並作為骨幹參與了863、973、發改委、工信部等國家級課題省部級科研項目10多項。在Bioinformatics、BMC Bioinformatics、計算機學報和軟體學報等刊物和國際學術會議上發表學術論文50餘篇。


• 受邀參與《演演算法導論》第三版翻譯工作 2011.1 - 2011.11
• 并行計算模型和性能優化,國家863重大項目子課題,2010.1-2010.12
• 單體型問題及其演演算法研究,國家自然基金面上項目,2010-2012
• 基於龍芯3號的通信與數學庫的研製,“核心電子器件,高端通用晶元及基礎軟體產品”科技重大專項,2009-2012
• 多核并行編程模型,華為基金項目,2011.1-2011.12
• BWDSP100 C編譯器實現,核心電子器件,高端通用晶元及基礎軟體產品”科技重大專項,2009-2010
• 多核龍芯處理器系統軟體移植與開發,國家863重點項目子課題,2008-201


1.Jiaoyun Yang, Yun Xu, Yi Shang. "A new progressive algorithm for multiple longest common subsequences problem and its efficient parallelization". IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2012. DOI: 10.1109/TPDS.2012.202. Preprint
2.Yun Xu, Da Teng, Yiming Lei. "MinePhos: a literature mining system for protein phoshphorylation information extraction". IEEE Trans. on Comput. Biology & Bioinformatics, 2012, 9(1): 311-315
3.Yan Li, Jianping Wang, Chunming Qiao, Ashwin Gumaste, Yun Xu, Yinlong Xu. "Integrated Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Access Networks Supporting Inter-ONU Communications". IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2010, 28(5): 714-724
4.Yun Xu, ZhiHao Wang, YiMing Lei, YuZhong Zhao and Yu Xue. "MBA: A Literature Mining System for Extracting Biomedical Abbreviations". BMC Bioinformatics, 2009, 10:14
5.Zhi-Hui Hu, Yun Xu, Liu-Sheng Huang and Howard Leung. "A Chinese Handwriting Education System with Automatic Error Detection". The Journal of Software (JSW), 2009, 4(2): 101-106
6.Guoliang Chen, Guangzhong Sun, Yun Xu and Bai Long. "Integrated research of parallel computing: Status and Future", Chinese Sci Bull, 2009, 54: 1845-1853
7.Yuzhong Zhao, Yun Xu, Zhihao Wang, Hong Zhang and Guoliang Chen. "A Better Block Partition and Ligation Strategy for Individual Haplotyping". Bioinformatics, 2008, 24(23): 2720-2725
8.Yun Xu, Bingfeng Yan, Guoliang Chen. "Core Management and Algorithms in all-to-all Multicast". Chinese Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2008, 45(6): 923-929 (In Chinese)
9.Kunpeng Zhang, Yun Xu, Guoliang Chen. "PECB: Prediction of Enzyme Catalytic Residues Based on Naïve Bayes Classification". Int. J. of Bioinformatics Research and Application, 2008, 4(3):295-305
10.Yuzhong Zhao, Yun Xu, Qiangfeng Zhang, Guoliang Chen. "An Overview of the Haplotype Problems and Algorithms". Frontiers of Computer Science in China, 2007, Vol.1, No3 : 272-282
11.Zhang, Qiangfeng, Xu, Yun, Chen, Guoliang, Che, Haoyang. "Haplotyping and Haplotype Frequency Estimates on Trio Genotype Data". Chinese Journal of Software, 2007, Vol.18, No.9:2090-2099
12.Qiangfeng Zhang, Yuzhong Zhao, Guoliang Chen, Yun Xu. "Estimate haplotype frequencies in pedigrees". BMC Bioinformatics, 2006, 7 (S4):S5
13.Yun Xu, Guoliang Chen, Qiangfeng Zhang, Jun Gu. "Efficiency Analysis of Asynchronic Parallelization of Randomized Algorithms". Chinese Journal of Software, 2003, Vol.14, No.5:871-876. (In Chinese)
14.Yun Xu, Guoliang Chen, Guoyi Zhang. "A Modified DP Algorithm for Solving Hard SAT Problems". Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 2002, Vol.32, No.3:358-362. (In Chinese)
15.Yun Xu, Guoliang Chen, Yinlong Xu, Jun Gu. "O(m^2) Time Randomized Algorithms for SAT Problem". Chinese Journal of Computers, 2001, Vol.24, No.11:1136-1141. (In Chinese)
16.Haitao Jiang, Yun Xu, Yin Liao, Guojie Jin, Guoliang Chen. UKCF A New Graphics Driver Cross-platform Translation Framework for Virtual Machines. NPC2012, Accepted.
17.Yun Xu, Yan Li. “ONU Patching for Efficient VoD Service over Integrated Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Access Networks”. The 6th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2011), August 17-19, 2011, Harbin, China. (Invited Paper)
18.Bo Chen, Yun Xu, Jiaoyun Yang, Haitao Jiang. "A New Parallel Method of Smith-Waterman Algorithm on a Heterogeneous Platform". The 10th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP2010), Busan, Korea on May 21 ~ 23, 2010, Page(s): 79-90
19.Jiaoyun Yang, Yun Xu, Yi Shang. "An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Longest Common Subsequence Problem on GPUs". Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering (WCE 2010), 2010, June 30 - July 2, 2010, London, U.K., Page(s): 499-504
20.Yun Xu, Mingzhi Shao, Da Teng. "Optimization of Triangular Matrix Functions in BLAS Library on Looson2F". IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2010), Zhengzhou, China, 13-15, Sept. 2010. Page(s): 35-45
21.Yu, Linbin, Xu, Yun. "A parallel gibbs sampling algorithm for motif finding on GPU". IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications(ISPA 2009), Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 2009, pp555-558
22.Zhang, Hong; Xu, Yun; Zhao, Yuzhong. "Discovery of motif pairs from protein-protein interaction networks". Proceedings. International Joint Conference on Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent Computing(IJCBS 2009), Shanghai, China, August, 2009, pp293-296
23.Z. H. Hu, H. Leung and Yun Xu. Stroke Correspondence Based on Graph Matching for Detecting Stroke Production Errors in Chinese Character Handwriting. 8th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), 2007, p734-743


1) MBA: A Literature Mining System for Extracting Biomedical Abbreviations - BMC Bioinformatics - 2009 - 10:14
2) Improved Voting Algorithms For Planted (l, d) Motif Search - Information Sciences - 2013
3) Integrated research of parallel computing: Status and Future - Chinese Sci Bull - 2009 - 54: 1845-1853
4) FNphasing: A novel fast heuristic algorithm for haplotype phasing based on flow network model - IEEE Trans. on Comput. Biology & Bioinfo - 2013
5) A Better Block Partition and Ligation Strategy for Individual Haplotyping - Bioinformatics - 2008 - 24(23): 2720-2725
6) MinePhos: a literature mining system for protein phoshphorylation - IEEE Trans. on Comput. Biology & Bioinfo - 2012
7) Core Management and Algorithms in all-to-all Multicast - Chinese Journal of Computer Research and Developme - 2008 - 45(6): 923-929
8) WinHAP: an Efficient haplotype phasing algorithm based on scalable sliding windows - PLOS One - 2012
9) PECB: Prediction of Enzyme Catalytic Residues Based on Naïve Bayes Classification - Int. J. of Bioinformatics Research and Application - 2008 - 4(3):295-305
10) A new progressive algorithm for multiple longest common subsequences problem and its efficient parallelization - IEEE Trans. on Para. and Distrib. Systems - 2012
11) Depth Mapping for Stereoscopic Videos - International Journal of Computer vision - 2012
12) Integrated Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Access Networks Supporting Inter-ONU Communications - IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology - 2010
13) MBA: A Literature Mining System for Extracting Biomedical Abbreviations - BMC Bioinformatics - 2009
14) A Better Block Partition and Ligation Strategy for Individual Haplotyping - Bioinformatics - 2008
15) Optimization of Triangular Matrix Functions in BLAS Library on Looson2F - International Conference on NPC 2010 - 2010


4. 中國科大王寬誠育才一等獎,2008。