1996 香港中文大學生物系 博士
1985 蘭州大學生物系 碩士
1982 蘭州大學生物系 學士
02/1986-10/1988 蘭州大學生物系 助教
10/1988-01/1993 蘭州大學生物系 講師
02/1989-06/1989 中科院上海植生所 合作科研
02/1997-11/1997 香港中文大學生物化學系 訪問學者
11/1997-08/2000 蘭州大學生物學流動站 工作
05/1999-12/2002 蘭州大學生命科學學院 副教授
07/2004–今 蘭州大學生命科學學院 教授
11/2003–今 蘭州大學生命科學學院 博士生導師
10/2000-03/2001 香港中文大學生物系 合作科研
07/2003-01/2004 香港科技大學生物系 合作科研
10/2004–今 蘭州大學生命科學學院 植物及植物生理研究所所長
02/2007-11/2007 香港科技大學生物系 合作科研
植物呼吸代謝, 植物抗性生理,植物化學及生物活性物質的生理生化活性的研究。
畢玉蓉,梁厚果,1988,煙草愈傷組織多酚氧化酶研究。實驗生物學報,21: 257-262.
Bi YR, Yung KH. 1996. Cytological effect of abscisic acid and narciclasine on excised radish cotyledons growing in light. Proceedings of the Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Electron Microscopy, p301.
Bi YR, Yung KH & Wong YS. 1997. Physiological studies of narciclasine from Narcissus tazetta L bulb. Plant Physiol., 114 (3) : 171
Bi YR, Yung KH & Wong YS. 1998. Physiological effects of narciclasine from the mucilage of Narcissus tazetta L. bulbs. Plant science,135:103-108 (SCI)
Chen YZ, Su YL, Bi YR, Tsang SY and Yu H. 2000. Effect of Baicalein and acetone extract of Scutellaria Baicalensis on canola oil oxidation, JAOCS, 77(1):73-78. (SCI)
Su YL, LK Leung, YR Bi, H Yu and ZY Chen. 2000. Antioxidant activity of flavonoids isolated from Scutellaria rehderiana. J. of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 77(8): 807-812. (SCI)
Zhou G, Y Kong, Y Bi*, and H Liang. 2001. Possible Participation of Active Oxygen Species in the Induction of Cyanide-Resistant Pathway at the Initial Senescence of Tobacco Callus. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 48(5): 588-594. (SCI)
Guo JK, YR Bi*, R Wang, HG Liang and LX Zhang. 2002. Effects of Exogenous Narciclasine on the Accumulation of -aminolevulinic acid. IsraelJournal of Plant Sciences, 50: 207-210. (SCI)
Zhang LX Li WR, YR Bi, JK Guo, JQ Wen and JC Feng, 2002, Water availability affects photosynthetic gene expression in desert plant Ammopiptanthus mongolicus. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 50: 243-250. (SCI)
Bi YR*, JK Guo, LX Zhang and YS Wong. 2003. Changes in some enzymes of microbodies and plastid development in excised radish cotyledons, Journal of Plant Physiology, 160: 1041-1049. (SCI)
Bi YR, JK Guo, LX Zhang*, KH Yung and YS Wong. 2003.Narciclasine alters chloroplast membrane structure and inhibits 5-aminolevulinic acid and chlorophyll binding protein accumulation in wheat ( Triticum aestivum) leaves, New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 31: 335–343. (SCI)
Zhang LX, JK Guo, WR Li, F Zhang, WL He, JC Feng and YR Bi*. 2003. Diural
changes in photosynthetic characteristics of two differently shaped leaves in the desert plant Populus euphratica, Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 51:251-259 (SCI)
Chen G, YR Bi and N Li. 2005. EGY1 encodes a membrane-associated and ATP-independent metalloprotease that is required for chloroplast development, Plant Journal, 41: 364-375. (SCI)
Cui SX, LQ Zhao, MG Zhao, WL He, YR Bi*. 2005. Tolerance of embryogenic suspension cultures from two Phragmites communis (Reed) ecotypes to salt: Changes of respiration pathway, Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 53:11-18. (SCI)
Guo JK, Zhang ZZ, Bi YR, Yang W, Xua YN, Zhang LX, 2005. Decreased stability of photosystem I in dgd1 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, FEBS Letters 579: 3619–3624.
Liu YG, Wu RR, Wan Q, Xie GQ, Bi YR*. 2007. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase plays a pivotal role in nitric oxide-involved defense against oxidative stress under salt stress in red kidney bean roots. Plant and Cell Physiol. 48:511-522. (SCI)
Zhao MG, Liu YG, Zhang LX, Zheng L, Bi YR*. 2007. Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on activity and expression of AOX in red kidney bean leaves. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49: 1320-1326. (SCI)
Wang XM, Ma YY, Huang CH, Wan Q, Li N, Bi YR*. 2008a. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase plays a central role in modulating reduced glutathione levels in reed callus under salt stress. Planta, 227:611-623.
Wang XM, Ma YY, Huang CH, Li JS, Wan Q, Bi YR* . 2008b. Involvement of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in reduced glutathione maintenance and hydrogen peroxide signal under salt stress. Plant Signal & Behavior 3 (6): 394-395.
Wang HH, Liang XL, Wan Q, Wang XM, Bi YR*. 2009 Ethylene and nitric oxide are involved in maintaining ion homeostasis in Arabidopsis callus under salt stress. Planta.
1. 《植物愈傷組織呼吸代謝研究》,獲1987年甘肅省科技 進步三等獎;
2. 《植物發育的物質代謝與有關酶的調節研究》,分別獲 1990年甘肅省教委科技進步一等獎和甘肅省科委科技進步二等獎(6/6);
3. 《植物呼吸代謝多條途經運行的調節及其生理意義》獲 1997年教育部科技步二等獎(3/5);
4. 《植物主要膜系統電子傳遞生理功能與活性調節》,獲 2004年教育部科技步二等獎(11/11);
5. 參加《植物生理學學習指導與題解》一書編寫,華中科技大學出版社,2003,2007年再版;
6. 2009年被評為蘭州大學“巾幗標兵”。