
English Journal
• 2010:
• Huang J., Q. Fu, W. Zhang, X. Wang, R. Zhang, Y. Hao, S. Warren, 2010: Dust and Black Carbon in Seasonal Snow across Northern China, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi: 10.1175/2010BAMS3064.1.
• Wang X., J.P. Huang, R.D. Zhang, B. Chen, J.R. Bi, 2010: Surface measurements of aerosol properties over northwest China during ARM China 2008 deployment, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D00K27, doi:10.1029/2009JD013467.
• Huang, Z., J. Huang, J. Bi, G. Wang, W. Wang, Q. Fu, Z. Li, S.-C. Tsay, and J. Shi, 2010: Dust aerosol vertical structure measurements using three MPL lidars during 2008 China-U.S. joint dust field experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D00K15, doi:10.1029/2009JD013273.
• Li C., S.C. Tsay, J. Fu, R. Dickerson, Q. Ji, S. Bell, Y. Gao, W. Zhang, J. Huang,Z. Li, H. Chen, 2010: Anthropogenic air pollution observed near dust source regions in northwestern China during springtime 2008, J. Geophys. Res., 115,D00K22, doi:10.1029/2009JD013659.
• Wang W., J. Huang, P. Minnis, Y. Hu, J. Li, Z. Huang, J. K. Ayers, T. Wang, 2010: Dusty cloud properties and radiative forcing over dust source and downwind regions derived from A‐Train data during the Pacific Dust Experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 115, doi:10.1029/2010JD014109.
• Li J., Y. Yi, P. Minnis, J. Huang, H. Yan, Y. Ma, W. Wang, J. K. Ayers, 2010: Radiative effect differences between multi-layered and single-layer clouds derived from CERES, CALIPSO, and CloudSat data, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 112, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2010.10.006.
• Bi J., J. Huang, F. Qiang, X. Wang, J. Shi, W. Zhang, Z. Huang, B. Zhang, 2010: Toward characterization of the aerosol optical properties over Loess Plateau of Northwestern China, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 112, D00K17,doi:10.1029/2009JD013372.
• Wang, G., J. Huang, W. Guo, J. Zuo, J. Wang, J. Bi, Z. Huang, and J. Shi, 2010: Observation analysis of land‐atmosphere interactions over the Loess Plateau of northwest China, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D00K17,doi:10.1029/2009JD013372.
• Xie J., J. Huang, G. Wang, K. Higuchi, J. Bi, Y. Sun, H. Yu, and T. Wang, 2010:The effects of clouds and aerosols on net ecosystem CO2 exchange over semi-arid Loess Plateau of Northwest China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 8205-8218.
• Xudong Li, Hua Fu, Ding Guo, Xiaodong Li and Changgui Wan. Partitioning soil respiration and assessing the carbon balance in a Setaria italica (L.) Beauv. Cropland on the Loess Plateau, Northern China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. Volume 42, Issue 2, February 2010, Pages 337-346
• Huang Z., N. Sugimoto, J. Huang, T. Hayasaka, T. Nishizawa, J. Bi, and I. Matsui, 2010: Comparison of depolarization ratio measurements with Micro-pulse Lidar and a linear polarization lidar in Lanzhou, China, Proc. of 25th International Laser Radar Conference, 1, pp.528-531.
• Ge, J., Su, J., T. P. Ackerman, Fu, Q., Huang, J., and Shi, J., 2010: Dust aerosol optical properties retrieval and radiative forcing over northwestern China during the 2008 China-U.S joint field experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D00K12, doi: 10.1029/1009JD013263.
• Zhang, L., Cao, X., Bao, J., Zhou, B., Huang, J., Shi, J., and Bi, J., 2010: A case study of dust aerosol radiative properties over Lanzhou, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 4283-4293.
• Huang, J., P. Minnis, Yan, H., Yi, Y., Chen, B., Zhang, L., and J. K. Ayers, 2010: Dust aerosol effect on semi-arid climate over Northwest China detected from A-Train satellite measurements, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 6863-6872.
• Chen, B. Huang, J., P. Minnis, Hu, Y., Yi, Y., Liu, Z., Zhang, D., and Wang, X., 2010: Detection of dust aerosol by combining CALIPSO active lidar and passive IIR measurements, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 4241-4251.
• Chen, Y., Peng, K., Huang, J., Kang, Y., Zhang, H., Jiang, X., 2010: Seasonal and regional variability of cloud liquid water path in northwestern China derived from MODIS/CERES observations, Ineternational Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(4),1037-1042 2009:
• Guan X., J. Huang, N. Guo, J. Bi, and G. Wang, 2009: Variability of soil moisture and its relationship with surface albedo and soil thermal parameters over the Loess Plateau, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 26(9), 692-700.
• Wang, T., J. Huang, 2009: A method for estimating optical properties of dusty cloud, Chinese Optics Letters, 7(5), 368-372.
• YU Xingna, ZHU Bin, FAN Shuxian, YIN Yan, BU Xiaoli. Ground-based observation of aerosol optical properties in Lanzhou, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2009.
• Zuo J., J. Huang, J. Wang, W. Zhang, J. Bi, G. Wang, W. Li, and P. Fu, 2009: Surface turbulent flux measurements over the Loess Plateau for a semi-arid climate change study, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 26(4), 679-691.
• Huang J., Q. Fu, J. Su, Q. Tang, P. Minnis, Y. Hu, Y. Yi, and Q. Zhao, 2009: Taklimakan dust aerosol radiative heating derived from CALIPSO observations using the Fu-Liou radiation model with CERES constraints, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 4011–4021.
• Ren H., J. Chou, J. Huang, and P. Zhang, 2009: Theoretical Basis and Application of an Analogue-Dynamical Model in the Lorenz System, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 26(1), 67–77.
• Fu Q., T. J. Thorsen, J. Su, J. Ge, and J. Huang, 2009: Test of Mie-based single-scattering properties of non-spherical dust aerosols in radiative flux calculations, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2009.03.010.
• Shigong Wang, Xinyuan Feng, Xiaoqing Zeng, Yuxia Ma, Kezheng Shang, 2009: A study on variations of concentrations of particulate matter with different sizes in Lanzhou, China, Atmospheric Environment, 43 (2009) 2823–2828.
• TIAN Wenshou, Martyn P. CHIPPERFIELD, and L LV Daren, 2009: Impact of Increasing Stratospheric Water Vapor on Ozone Depletion and Temperature Change, ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, VOL. 26, NO. 3, 2009, 423–437. 2008:
• Huang, J., Z. Huang, J. Bi, W. Zhang, and L. Zhang, 2008: Micro-pulse Lidar measurements of aerosol vertical structure over the Loess Plateau, Atmos. and Oceanic Sci. Lett., 1, 8-11.
• Huang, J., W. Zhang, J. Zuo, J. Bi, J. Shi, X. Wang, Z. Chang, Z. Huang, S. Yang, B. Zhang, G. Wang, G. Feng, J. Yuan, L. Zhang, H. Zuo, S. Wang, C. Fu and J. Chou, 2008: An overview of the Semi-Arid Climate and Environment Research Observatory over the Loess Plateau, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 25(6), 1-16.
• Huang, J., P. Minnis, B. Chen, Z. Huang, Z. Liu, Q. Zhao, Y. Yi, and J. K. Ayers, 2008: Long-range transport and vertical structure of Asian dust from CALIPSO and surface measurements during PACDEX, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D23212, doi:10.1029/2008JD010620.
• Zhang, L., C. Qiu, and J. Huang, 2008: A three-dimensional satellite retrieval method for atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 25(5), 897-904.
• Ge, J., J. Huang, F. Weng, and W. Sun, 2008: Effects of dust storms on microwave radiation based on satellite observation and model simulation over the Taklamakan Desert, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 4903-4909.
• Chen, Y., H. Bai, J. Huang, H. Zhang, J. Ge, X. Guan, and X. Mao, 2008: Seasonal variability of cloud optical depth over northwestern China derived from CERES/MODIS satellite measurements, Chinese Optics Letters, 6(6), 454-457.
• Fu, P., J. Huang, C. Li, and S. Zhong, 2008: The properties of dust aerosol and reducing tendency of the dust storms in northwest China, Atmos. Environ., 42, 5896-5904.
• Su, J., J. Huang, Q. Fu, P. Minnis, J. Ge, and J. Bi, 2008: Estimation of Asian dust aerosol effect on cloud radiation forcing using Fu-Liou radiative model and CERES measurements, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8, 2763-2771.
• Wang, X., J. Huang, M. Ji, and K. Higuchi, 2008: Variability of East Asia dust events and their long-term trend, Atmos. Environ., 42, 3156-3165.
• Tian, W. S, M. P. Chipperfield, and Q. Huang, 2008: Effects of the Tibetan Plateau on total column ozone distribution, Tellus, 60B, 4, 622-635, doi:10.1111/j.16000889.2008.00338.x. 2007:
• Zhang, L., M. Chen and L. Li, 2007, Dust aerosol radiative effect and influence on urban atmospheric boundary layer, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 7, 15565-15580.
• Huang, J., J. Ge, and F. Weng, 2007: Detection of Asia dust storms using multisensor satellite measurements, Remote Sensing of Environment, 110, 186-191.
• Huang, J., P. Minnis, Y.Yi, Q.Tang, X. Wang, Y. Hu, Z. Liu, K. Ayers, C. Trepte, and D. Winker, 2007: Summer dust aerosols detected from CALIPSO over the Tibetan Plateau, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L18805, doi:10.1029/2007GL029938. 2006:
• Huang, J., P. Minnis, B. Lin, Y. Yi, S. Sun-Mack, T.-F. Fan, and J. R. Ayers, 2006: Determination of ice water path in ice-over-water cloud systems using combined MODIS and AMSR-E measurements, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L21801, doi:10.1029/2006GL027038.
• Huang, J., B. Lin, P. Minnis, T. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Hu, Y. Yi, and J. R. Ayers, 2006: Satellite-based assessment of possible dust aerosols semi-direct effect on cloud water path over East Asia, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, doi: 10.1029/2006GL026561.
• Huang, J., Y. Wang, T. Wang, and Y. Yi, 2006: Dusty cloud radiative forcing derived from satellite data for middle latitude regions of East Asia, Progress in Natural Science. 16(10), 1084-1089.
• Huang, J., P. Minnis, B. Lin, T. Wang, Y. Yi, Y. Hu, S. Sun-Mack, and K. Ayers, 2006: Possible influences of Asian dust aerosols on cloud properties and radiative forcing observed from MODIS and CERES, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L06824, doi: 10.1029/2005GL024724.
• Huang, J., 2006: Analysis of ice water path retrieval errors over tropical ocean, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 23(2),165–180.
• Huang, J., M. Ji, K. Higuchi, and A.Shabbar, 2006: Temporal structure of North Atlantic Oscillation and its impacts on the regional climate variability, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 23(1), 23-32.
Chinese Journal (中文期刊)
• 李霞, 張鐳, 曹賢潔, 2010, 2008中國大範圍雨雪天氣期間蘭州氣溶膠輻射特徵,蘭州大學學報(自然科學版), 46(5), 56-62.
• 王澄海,王蕾迪. 西北半乾旱區感、潛熱通量特徵及近50年來的變化趨勢[J]. 高原氣象,2010,29(4):849-854.
• 黃建平,何敏,閻虹如,等. 利用地基微波輻射計反演蘭州地區液態雲水路徑和可降水量的初步研究. 大氣科學,2010, 34(3): 548-558.
• 王鑫. 黃土高原地區沙塵氣溶膠的綜合觀測研究. 蘭州大學博士論文,2009
• 王天河. 利用MFRSR反演西北混合相和沙塵雲光學及物理特性的研究. 蘭州大學博士論文,2009
• 馮鑫媛. 蘭州不同粒徑顆粒物污染特徵及沙塵天氣對其影響的研究. 蘭州大學博士論文,2009
• 白鴻濤, 陸地沙塵氣溶膠光學厚度的衛星反演試驗研究. 東華大學碩士論文,2009
• 張文煜,宋嘉堯,胡文超, 等. 激光雷達對半乾旱地區雲層的觀測. 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版), 2009年第5期: 53-56頁.
• 張文煜, 張宇, 陸曉靜, 郭振海, 王曉妍. 黃土高原半乾旱區非均一下墊面粗糙度分析. 高原氣象,2009年04期
• 張北斗, 靳秦建, 黃建平. 半乾旱氣候與環境綜合觀測站(SACOL)儀器通訊集成研究. 乾旱氣象, 2009年01期
• 黃忠偉, 黃建平. 一種激光雷達反演氣溶膠光學特性的有效演演算法。第26屆中國氣象學會年會人工影響天氣與大氣物理學分會場論文集, 2009年
• 王天河, 黃建平, 基於輻射觀測的透射率比值雲量反演方法驗證。第26屆中國氣象學會年會人工影響天氣與大氣物理學分會場論文集, 2009年
• 白鴻濤, 馮建東, 陳勇航, 黃建平, 郭鈮, 潘鵠, 王洪強. 沙塵氣溶膠光學厚度衛星反演試驗研究——以黃土高原半乾旱地區SACOL為例。第26屆中國氣象學會年會人工影響天氣與大氣物理學分會場論文集, 2009年
• 解靜, 黃建平, 王國印. 雲和氣溶膠對黃土高原地區碳交換的作用。第26屆中國氣象學會年會人工影響天氣與大氣物理學分會場論文集, 2009年
• 曹賢潔, 張鐳, 周碧, 鮑婧, 史晉森, 閉建榮, 利用激光雷達觀測蘭州沙塵氣溶膠輻射特性. 高原氣象. 2009.5.
• 王鑫, 黃建平, 閉建榮, 史晉森, 張北斗, 黃土高原地區大氣氣溶膠物理特徵及其光學屬性研究。第26屆中國氣象學會年會人工影響天氣與大氣物理學分會場論文集, 2009年
• 張玉潔, 張武, 陳艷, 苑文華, 史晉森, 黃土高原半乾旱地區氣溶膠光學厚度變化特徵的初步分析第26屆中國氣象學會年會人工影響天氣與大氣物理學分會場論文集, 2009年
• 白鴻濤, 陳勇航, 黃建平, 郭鈮, 潘鵠, 毛曉琴, AERONET SACOL站冬春季氣溶膠光學特性變化特徵. 第26屆中國氣象學會年會大氣成分與天氣氣候及環境變化分會場論文集, 2009年 2008:
• 閉建榮, 黃土高原半乾旱區地表能量平衡的觀測試驗研究. 蘭州大學碩士論文,2008
• 史晉森, 半乾旱地區近地面臭氧特性的觀測研究. 蘭州大學碩士論文,2008
• 張玉潔, 張武, 陳艷, 常倬林, 史晉森, 黃土高原半乾旱地區氣溶膠光學厚度變化特徵的初步分析. 高原氣象, 2008年06期
• 黃忠偉, 微脈衝激光雷達探測黃土高原氣溶膠光學特徵。中國氣象學會2008年年會大氣物理學分會場論文集, 2008年
• 常倬林, 張武, 史晉森, 陳艷, 唐傑, 黃土高原半乾旱地區氣溶膠特性. 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版), 2008年02期
• 閉建榮, 黃建平, 劉玉芝, 張武, 史晉森, 黃忠偉, 黃土高原半乾旱區地表輻射特徵. 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版), 2008年03期
• 管曉丹, 黃建平, 郭鈮, 黃土高原地區土壤濕度變化特徵的觀測研究. 中國氣象學會2008年年會幹旱與減災——第六屆乾旱氣候變化與減災學術研討會分會場論文集, 2008年
• 閉建榮, 黃建平, 蘭州大學氣候災害移動監測系統介紹. 中國氣象學會2008年年會幹旱與減災——第六屆乾旱氣候變化與減災學術研討會分會場論文集, 2008年
• 張燕, 張鐳, 鮑婧, 梁捷寧, 梯度觀測資料計算動量通量和感熱通量. 中國氣象學會2008年年會幹旱與減災——第六屆乾旱氣候變化與減災學術研討會分會場論文集, 2008年
• 李春為, 中國黃土高原半乾旱地區地表能量收支分析. 蘭州大學碩士論文,2008 2007:
• 陳勇航,陳艷,黃建平,鄭志海,蘇婧,黃鶴,2007:中國西北地區雲的分佈及其變化趨勢,高原氣象,26(4),741-748.
• 閉建榮, 黃建平, 張武, 隴中黃土高原地表輻射平衡年變化規律. 中國氣象學會2007年年會氣候變化分會場論文集, 2007年