




1981.08-1986.07 第一軍醫大學軍醫系,獲學士學位
1986.08-1989.07 第一軍醫大學生物化學專業,獲碩士學位;
1991.08-1994.07 第四軍醫大學微生物學專業,獲博士學位。


1989.08-1991.07 第一軍醫大學生物化學教研室助教;
1991.08-1994.11 第一軍醫大學免疫學教研室講師;
1994.12-1998.03 第一軍醫大學生物技術中心副教授;
1995.01-1996.01 加拿大卡爾加里大學(University of Calgary)博士后;
1996.02-1997.01 美國托馬斯。傑弗遜大學(Thomas Jefferson University)博士后;
1997.02-2000.07 美國德州大學西南醫學中心(UT Southwestern)博士后;
2000.08-2005.02 美國德州大學西南醫學中心(UT Southwestern)講師;
2005.03-2007.03 南方醫科大學生物技術學院生物治療研究所教授,主任;
2007.03-至今 溫州醫學院生命科學學院細胞與分子醫學研究所教授,主任。




曾獲國家II類新葯證書一個,擁有發明專利三項、已申報發明專利12項。出國留學前,曾承擔過國家863分題、國家自然科學基金、廣東省重大項目、軍隊和廣東省自然科學基金各一項。發表SCI研究論文40餘篇,其中作為第一或責任(含共同責任)作者發表SCI論文20篇。在生物技術製藥領域,取得了如下成績: 1. 作為主要研發者成功研製了“重組人粒細胞集落刺激因子注射液”(於1998年獲新葯證書),並實現產業化。該產品1998年列入國家火炬計劃,2000年被評定為江蘇高新技術產品,已實現利稅近億元。
3. 利用脂聯素球部可自發聚集形成三聚體的特性,將其與可溶性腫瘤壞死因子受體II連接形成雙功能融合蛋白,研製成功了一種新型高效的TNFα拮抗劑(申請發明專利2項,已授權1項), 有可能成為治療類風濕性關節炎肥胖症II型糖尿病冠心病脂肪肝的新葯[國家“重大新葯創製”科技重大專項項目(2009ZX09103-649)]。
現主持省部級以上科研課題6項:國家863計劃重大項目“前列腺治療性疫苗”(2012AA02A407)、國家自然科學基金重大研究計劃培育項目“連接B[a]P/B[a]PDE誘導的肺慢性炎症微環境至肺癌發生髮展的分子機制” (9102970)、國家自然科學基金面上項目JNK1經VHL-非依賴途徑調節HIF-1α蛋白降解的新功能及其機制研究” (30971516)和DGKα和ζ協同調控T 細胞無能和調節性T 細胞功能的分子機制(31270958)、國家自然科學基金海外及港澳學者合作基金“砷暴露下p50調控細胞凋亡的分子機制研究”(81229002,中方負責人)等。
1. Zhang F, Wu J, Xu C, Lin X, Zhao H, Lu J, Zhang Y, Lu J, Zhang X, Ma J, Shu Y, Lou Y, Gao J*, Wang Y*. Infectivity of pseudotyped particles pairing hemagglutinin of highly pathogenic avian influenza a H5N1 virus with neuraminidases of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 and a seasonal H3N2. Journal of Bioterrorism & Biodefense 2011 (in press)
2. Zhang Z, Xu X, Zhang X, Chen X, Chen Q, Dong L, Hu Z, Li J, Gao J*.The therapeutic potential of SA-sCD40L in the orthotopic model of superficial bladder cancer. Acta Oncologica 2011 Jan 19. [Epub ahead of print]
3. He Q, Li J, Yin W, Song Z, Zhang Z, Yi T, Tang J, Wu D, Lu Y, Wang Z, Liu D, Zhang X, Hu Z, Gao J*. Low-dose paclitaxel enhances the anti-tumor efficacy of GM-CSF-surface-modified whole-tumor-cell vaccine in mouse model of prostate cancer. Cancer Immunol Immunother 2011;60:715-30.
4. Chen Y, Nie X, Cui X, Wu W, Zhang J, Wen C, Gao J* and Jinxin Lu*. Direct Colorimetric Biosensors from Polydiacetylenes. Current Organic Chemistry 2011;15: 518-533.
5. Wen B, Deng Y, Guan J, Yan W, Wang Y, Tan W, Gao J*. Signal peptide replacements enhance expression and secretion of hepatitis C virus envelope glycoproteins. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2011 ;43:96-102.
6. Wu W, Hu H, Li F, Wang L, Gao J, Lu J, Fan C. A graphene oxide-based nano-beacon for DNA phosphorylation analysis. Chem Commun (Camb).2010;47:1201-3.
7. Wu J, Zhang F, Wang M, Xu C, Song J, Zhou J, Lin X, Zhang Y, Wu X, Tan W, Lu J, Zhao H, Gao J, Zhao P, Lu J, Wang Y. Characterization of Neuraminidases from the Highly Pathogenic Avian H5N1 and 2009 Pandemic H1N1 Influenza A Viruses. PLoS One. 2010;5:e15825.
8. Wei B, Gao J, Huang XP, Ji G, Jin JP. Mutual rescues between two dominant-negative mutations in cardiac troponin I and cardiac troponin T. J Biol Chem. 2010; 285:27806-16.
9. Zhou Y, Huang Q, Gao J, Lu J, Shen X, Fan C.A dumbbell probe-mediated rolling circle amplification strategy for highly sensitive microRNA detection. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010; 38(15):e156.
10. Huang X, Yu HS, Chen Z, Li JL, Hu ZM, Gao J*. A novel immunotherapy for superficial bladder cancer by the immobilization of streptavidintagged bioactive IL2 on the biotinylated mucosal surface of the bladder wall. Chinese Journal of Cancer 2010; 29:611-6.
11. Yin W, Hu Z, He Q, Chen Z, Mao Q, Song Z, Qu Z,Nie Xi, Li J, Gao J*. A novel therapeutic vaccine of GM-CSF/TNFα surface-modified RM-1 cells against the orthotopic prostate cancer. Vaccine 2010; 28: 4946-4953.
12. Zhang D, Li J, Costa M, Gao J*, Huang C*. JNK1 mediates degradation HIF-1alpha by a VHL-independent mechanism that involves the chaperones Hsp90/Hsp70. Cancer Res. 2010; 70:813-23.
13. Hu Z, Tan W, Zhang L, Liang Z, Xu C, Su H, Lu J, Gao J*. A novel immunotherapy for superficial bladder cancer by intravesical immobilization of GM-CSF. J Cell Mol Med. 2010; 14:1836-44.
14. Zhang D, Gao J*, Huang C*. c-Jun/AP-1 pathway-mediated cyclin D1 expression participates in low dose arsenite-induced transformation in mouse epidermal JB6 Cl41 cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2009; 235(1):18-24.
15. Zhang D, Li J, Song L, Ouyang W, Gao J*, Huang C*. A JNK1/AP-1-Dependent, COX-2 Induction Is Implicated in 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetate-Induced Cell Transformation through Regulating Cell Cycle Progression. Mol Cancer Res. 2008; 6(1):165-74.
16. Ouyang W, Luo W, Zhang D, Jian J, Ma Q, Li J, Shi X, Chen J, Gao J, Huang C. PI-3K/Akt pathway-dependent cyclin D1 expression is responsible for arsenite-induced human keratinocyte transformation. Environ Health Perspect. 2008; 116(1): 1-6.
17. J. Gao*, S. Huang, M. Li, R. Luo, X. Wang and A. Takashima. GM-CSF- modified mouse B16.F10 melanoma whole cell vaccine. Vaccine 2006; 24: 5265-5268.
18. N. Mizumoto, J. Gao, Y.Ogawa1, H. Matsushima and A. Takashima. Discovery of novel immunostimulants by dendritic cell-based functional screening.Blood 2005: 106:3082- 3089.
19. Z. Urban, J.Gao, F.M. Pope and E.C. Davis. Autosomal dominant Cutis Laxa with severe lung disease: Synthesis and matrix deposition of mutant tropoelastin.Journal of Investigational Dermatology 2005; 124: 1193-1199.
20. J. Gao and A. Takashima. Cloning & Characterization of Actin, Tr 2 and Tr 4 genes of Trichophyton rubrum. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2004, 42: 3298-3299.
21. J.P. Jin, D. Wu, J. Gao, R. Nigam and S. Kwong. Expression and purification of the h1 and h2 isoforms of calponin . Protein Expression and Purification 2003; 31: 231-39.
22. C.E. Patterson, J.Gao, Alejandro P. Rooney and E.C. Davis. Genomic organization of mouse and human 65 kDa FK506-binding protein (FKBP65) genes and evolution of the FKBP multigene family. Geneomics 2002; 79: 881-889.
23. J. Gao, L. Waber, M.J. Bennett, K.M. Gibson and J.C. Cohen. Cloning and mutational analysis of human malonyl coenzyme A decarboxylase.J. Lipid Research. 1999; 40:178-182.
24. G.L. Vega, J. Gao, T.P. Bersot, R.W. Mahley, R. Verstraaete, S.M. Grundy, A. White and J.C. Cohen. The -514 polymorphism in the hepatic lipase gene (LIPC) does not influence androgen- mediated stimulation of hepatic lipase activity.Journal of Lipid Research 1998, 39: 1520-1524.
25. Li S. Choksi S. Shan S. Hu X. Gao J. Korngold R. Huang Z. Identification of the CD8 DE Loop as a Surface Functional Epitope: Implication For MHC Class I Binding and CD8 Inhibitor Design.J. Biolo. Chemistry.1998; 273:16442-16445.
26. S. Huang, X Linlai, X Fang, J. Gao, X. Wang and X Liu. Cloning and sequencing of huamn IL2-GM-CSF fusion gene.Chinese J. Cell Mol. Immunol. 1998, 14: 83-85.
27. X Fang, J Gao, X Linlai , M Li and X Wang. Recombination and Identification of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (hG-CSF) structural gene.Chinese Journal of Immunology 1998;14:375-377.
28. X.Fang, L. Ma, J. Gao, S. Huang and X. Wang. Recombination and Identification of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in E. coli.Chinese Journal of Biochemical Pharmaceutics. 1998;19: 1-5.
29. T. Satoh, J. Aramini, S. Li, T. Friedman, J. Gao, A. Edling, R.Townsend,U. Koch, S. Choksi, M. Germann, R. Korngold and Z. Huang. Bioactive peptide design based on protein surface epitopes. A cyclic heptapeptide mimics CD4 domain 1 CC' loop and inhibits CD4 biological function.J. Biol. Chem.1997; 272:12175-12180.
30. S. Li, J. Gao, T. Satoh, T. Friedman, A. Edling, U. Koch, S. Choksi, X. Han, R. Korngold and Z. Huang. A computer screening approach to immunoglobulin superfamily structures and interactions: discovery of small non-peptidic CD4 inhibitors as novel immunotherapeutics.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1997; 94:73-78.
31. X Fang, X Linlai, J Gao, and X Wang. Purification and characterization of recombinant huamn G-CSF expressed in E. coli.Chinese Journal of Biologicals. 1997;10: 1-4.
32. X Fang, J Gao , M Li, J Zhou, S Huang, Z Chen and X Wang. Expression of human G-CSF structural gene by using a two-plasmid system.Acta. of the First Medical Collegeof PLA. 1997; 17: 253-257.
33. J. Gao, J.M. Hwang and J.P. Jin. Complete nucleotide sequence and structural organization of mouse h1-calponin gene.Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1996; 218: 292-297.

