共找到7條詞條名為劉劍峰的結果 展開
在赴美的四年中,劉劍峰以GPA接近滿分的成績畢業於伊利諾理工大學(IIT),獲得了風險管理方向的金融碩士。后受聘於美國房利美集團,(Fannie Mae),任職高級分析師,主管美洲銀行(Bank of America)的抵押組合管理及證券化,掌管的證券金額超過3億美金,並幫助房利美創建了客戶風險批量評估的工具。
1.JianFeng provided the highlyprofessional service in suppliers risk management for my procurement team from2005 to 2007 when I worked in a Johnson & Johnson China company.
He is a result-oriented conslutant and alwaystake customers' needs into his business consideration, my supplier relationshipmanagement system has been benefited from his valued-add work during thatperiod
---胡中明 原西安楊森(中國)有限公司採購部經理,曾在西安楊森任職期間同劉劍峰合作
2. Jianfeng and ihave worked together since Jan 2002 on three consecutive projects in Chinesebanks implementing SME and Microcredits programs.
He is a true team player, with highly developedcommunication skills and has a very friendly nature.
In all three projects i was impressed by theproject management skills, the superior customer relationship he maintained,with all levels of the banks management as well as with all related staffincluding Loan Officers, Back Officers and other bank departments staff.
Jianfeng showed great composure and staminathrough three waves of recruitment leading the selection of over sixty stafffrom a total of nearly three thousand applicants leading to the employment of ayoung, strong, smart, and extremely harmonious functioning team.
Apart from being technically competent he isalso is a very energetic hands-on practitioner who is not afraid of gettinginto the field and working with the customers when needed.
While leading the largest of the Micro creditprograms in Chinaof our company from acquisition to the conclusion and phase out with greatsuccess, he satisfied the bank as a customer and his colleagues as well.
It has been a real pleasure to work withJianfeng and it would be a privilege to have the opportunity to do so in thefuture
---IlanWolkov 法蘭克福財經管理大學外籍專家,在法蘭克福財經管理大學任職期間同劉劍峰合作
4. 設立微貸中心(設計微貸業務的管理構造、草擬微貸員工的職位描述、設立風險管理委員會、建立薪酬激勵體系、設定審貸會的貸款審批許可權)
5. 審貸會(組織審貸會、召開高效率的審貸會會議)
7. 協助銀行制定商業計劃及營銷計劃(根據銀行的年度目標制定微貸中心的商業計劃、根據商業總計劃設計針對員工、分支擴張、貸款支付、貸款餘額、利潤、預算等方面的計劃與策略)
9. 提供微型貸款操作政策及流程(微貸業務管理辦法、貸款審批過程、員工管理及培訓、調整微貸流程及方針)
11. 信貸員的在職指導(產品營銷、貸款申請流程、現場客戶和風險評估、財務分析、審貸會陳述)
12. 市場調研(市場調研計劃、市場調查表、分析目標客戶融資需求、分析其他金融機構微貸產品、分析市場特徵)
13. 協助改進銀行風險管理及早期預警體系(設立對個人或小組貸款早期預警信號系統、識別操作風險、提供微貸組合管理報告格式)
14. 提供並調整銀行評估及貸款工具(微貸的客戶評估工具、在銀行內部IT系統內實施評分模型)