共找到5條詞條名為張樹清的結果 展開
先後完成國家、科學院及地方相關科技項目近十項,建立了我國第一個沼澤濕地資料庫。目前主持的與本研究內容相關的項目有: 國家自然科學基金“基於粗集的多源遙感濕地空間分類知識發現研究”;國家“十一五”科技支撐重點項目課題“濕地資源監測與評估技術研究”專題“三江平原濕地變化遙感監測研究”;科學院知識創新工程項目群課題“濕地景觀變化模擬與預測”。
與美國The University of Oklahoma 的May Yuan 教授; 加拿大 University of Calgary的M. L. Gavrilova 教授;以及澳大利亞Griffith University 的Pat Dale 教授和 Roger Crop教授有著密切合作研究關係。
在多源遙感分類方法、GIS空間格局分析、GIS幾何建模等領域做出了突出成績: 提出了空間格局矢量分析理論,並基於數學形態理論,提出了自然條件下濕地格局消長模擬方法,這為景觀格局形成與演化的矢量分析提供了理論依據,該理論發表在國際SCI期刊《Ecological Modelling》;拓展了著名的歐拉公式,建立了GIS拓撲關係廣義歐拉公式,闡明了拓撲要素中點、線、面和群的定量關係和性質,為空間格局景觀要素關係計算奠定了重要理論基礎,該成果發表在SCI期刊《中國科學》上;發展和深化了目前多源遙感分類領域常用的決策樹、粗集、證據推理方法,並已經有很多相關成果發表在SCI期刊《Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing》、《Computers & Geoscience》上。目前已經出版專著2本,發表學術論文超過90篇,其中21篇為SCI檢索論文。
百年濕地,century wetlands,吉林大學出版社,2004
Li, H.P., Zhang, S.Q., Sun, Y., Gao, J. (2011). Land cover classification with multi-source data using evidential reasoning approach. Chinese Geographical Science,21(3): 312-321.
Zhang, Y.H., Zhang, S.Q., Su, L.Y., Yu, W.H. (2010). Ayalysis of dessication trend at zhalong wetland in heilongjiang, China. In, 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2010, June 18, 2010 - June 20, 2010 (p. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; Sichuan University; Wuhan University). Chengdu, China: IEEE Computer Society.
Chen, C., Liu, C.Y., Zhang, S.Q.(2010). Atmospheric Correction of Remote Sensing Imagery Based on the Surface Spectrum's Vector Space. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences (Accepted),.
Chen, C., Liu, C.Y.,Zhang, S.Q., Gao, J.Y. (2010). Atmospheric Adjacency Effect Correction of ETM Images. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,30(9): 2529-2532.
Na, X.D., Zhang, S.Q., Li, X.F., Yu, H.A.,Liu, C.Y. (2010). Improved Land Cover Mapping using Random Forests Combined with Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery and Ancillary Geographic Data. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing,76(7): 833-840.
Liu, L.F., Zhang, S.Q.(2010). Three-dimensional flight path planning by artificial immune algorithm. In, 2010 6th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC'10, August 10, 2010 - August 12, 2010 (pp. 2876-2880). Yantai, Shandong, China: IEEE Computer Society.
Yu, H., He, Z.W., Pan, X., Zhang, S.Q., Kong, B. (2010). Wetlands spatial-temporal evolution simulation using Multi-Agent System: A case study in China. In, Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI), 2010 3rd International Conference on (pp. 2438 - 2441). Yantai.
Zhang, S.Q., Zhang, J.Y. (2010). Theoretical analytics of stereographic projection on 3D objects' intersection predicate. International Journal of Geographical Information Science,24(1): 25-46.
Pan, X., Zhang, S.Q., Zhang, H.Q., Na, X.D., Li, X.F. (2010). A variable precision rough set approach to the remote sensing land use/cover classification. Computers & Geosciences,36(12): 1466-1473.
Li, X.F., Zhang, S.Q., Pan, X., Dale, P., Cropp, R. (2010). Straight road edge detection from high-resolution remote sensing images based on the ridgelet transform with the revised parallel-beam Radon transform. International Journal of Remote Sensing,31(19): 5041-5059.
Liu, C.Y., Zhang, S.Q., Jiang, H.X., Hou, Y.Q., Su, L.Y., Li, X.F., Pan, X., Wen, Z.F. (2010). Habitat Changes for Breeding Waterbirds in Yancheng National Nature Reserve, China: A Remote Sensing Study. Wetlands,30(5): 879-888.
Yu, H., Zhang, S.Q., Kong, B. (2009). Vector Distance Algorithm for Optimal Segmentation Scale Selection of Object-oriented Remote Sensing Image Classification.
Zhang, S.Q., Na, X.D., Kong, B., Wang, Z.M., Jiang, H.X., Yu, H., Zhap, Z.C., Li, X.F., Liu, C.Y., Dale, P. (2009). Identifying Wetland Change in China's Sanjiang Plain Using Remote Sensing. Wetlands,29(1): 302-313.
Na, X.D., Zhang, S.Q., Zhang, H.Q., Li, X.F., Yu, H., Liu, C.Y. (2009). Integrating TM and Ancillary Geographical Data with Classification Trees for Land Cover Classification of Marsh Area. Chinese Geographical Science,19(2): 177-185.
Li, X.F., Zhang, S.Q., Liu, Q., Zhang, B., Liu, D.W., Lu, B.B., Na, X.D. (2009). Fast Segmentation Method of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,28(2): 146-150.
Liu, L.F., Zhang, S.Q.(2009). Voronoi Diagram and GIS-based 3D Path Planning. 2009 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Vols 1 and 2: 1100-1104.
Chen, C., Liu, C.Y., Zhang, S.Q.(2009). Research on Pixel Decomposition of Quick Bird-Spectrum Band Images. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,29(11): 3117-3120.
Pan, X., Zhang, S.Q., Li, X.F., Liu, C.Y. (2009). Classification of remote sensing images based on -torrent rough set. Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/ Geomatics and Information Science of WuhanUniversity,34(Compendex): 1240-1244.
Fu, X.Y., Dale, P.E.R., Zhang, S.Q.(2008). Evolving neural network using variable string genetic algorithm for color infrared aerial image classification. Chinese Geographical Science,18(2): 162-170.
Yu, H., Zhang, S.Q.(2008). Application of high resolution satellite imagery for wetland cover classification using object-oriented method. In, Proceedings of the international conference of society for photogrmmetry and remote sensing, Beijing, China (pp. XXXVII: 521-526).
Na, X.D., Zang, S.Y., Zhang, S.Q.(2008). Grassland degradation track based on remote sensing technology in Daqing, northestern China. Beijing Linye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of BeijingForestryUniversity,30(Compendex): 108-115.
Li, X.F., Zhang, S.Q., Han, F.W., Qin, X.W., Yu, H. (2008). Road extraction from high-resolution remote sensing images based on multiple information fusion. Cehui Xuebao/Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica,37(Compendex): 178-184.
Zhang, Y.H., Zhang, S.Q., Su, L.Y., Ning, J. (2008). Temporal changes in landscape of Zhalong Wetland. In, 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2008, May 16, 2006 - May 18, 2006 (pp. 4426-4430). Shanghai, China: Inst. of Elec. and Elec. Eng. Computer Society.
Lu, X.N., Deng, W., Zhang, S.Q.(2007). Multiple time-scale characteristics of runoff variations in middle reaches of HuolinRiver and their effects. Chinese Geographical Science,17(2): 143-150.
Duan, H.T., Zhang, B., Song, K.S., Wang, Z.M., Zhang, S.Q.(2006). Hyperspectral remote sensing of chlorophyll-a in the Chagan Lake, China. Huanjing Kexue/Environmental Science,27(Compendex): 503-507.
Li, J.P., Zhang, B., Zhang, S.Q., Wang, Z.M. (2006). An algorithm on extraction of saline-alkalized land by image segmentation based on ETM+ image. Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2006, Pt 1,3980: 885-894.
Wang, Z.M., Zhang, B., Li, X.Y., Song, K.S., Liu, D.V., Zhang, S.Q.(2006). Using CropSyst to simulate spring wheat growth in black soil zone of northeast China. Pedosphere,16(3): 354-361.
Zhang, S.Q., Zhang, J.Y., Li, F.,Cropp, R. (2006). Vector analysis theory on landscape pattern (VATLP). Ecological Modelling,193(3-4): 492-502.
Wang, Z.M., Zhang, B.,Zhang, S.Q., Li, X.Y., Liu, D.W., Song, K.S., Li, J.P., Li, F., Duan, H.T. (2006). Changes of land use and of ecosystem service values in Sanjiang Plain, northeast China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,112(1-3): 69-91.
Wang, Z.Q., Zhang, B., Yang, G., Wang, Z.M., Zhang, S.Q.(2005). Responses of Wetland Eco-Security to Land Use Change in Western Jilin Province, China. Chinese Geographical Science,15(4): 330-336.
Zhang, S.Q., Zhang, J.Y., Zhang, B. (2004). Deduction and application of generalized Euler formula in topological relation of geographic information system (GIS). Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences,47(8): 749-759.