2010申報的《整數和分數階偏微分方程數值方法研究》獲甘肅省高校科技進步三等獎,2014申報的《分數階偏微分方程的建模和高階數值演演算法研究》獲甘肅省高校科技進步三等獎,2014年指導學生獲得全國大學生數學建模競賽甘肅賽區一等獎,2016年申報的《反常擴散方程的建模及其高階快速演演算法研究》獲甘肅省高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(科學技術)三等獎。2016年獲天水師範學院‘三育人’先進個人和優秀共產黨員稱號。教學方面,主要講授泛函分析、數值分析、高等數學、數學分析、偏微分方程數值解、MATLAB及中學數學與研究等課程。科研方面,目前主要從事整數和分數階微分方程的建模,分數階導數和分數階微分方程的高階數值演演算法以及應用研究工作。近年來,在<>, <>, <>,<>, <<Computer, Mathematics with Applications>>, <>,<>和<>等SCI、EI收錄國際期刊上發表學術論文30餘篇,是SCI期刊《Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society》特刊“Recent Developments of the Discretization of Fractional Differential Equations with Applications”的guest editor(客座編輯),且是期刊Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,Applied Mathematics and Computation,Applied Mathematics Letters,Applied Mathematical Modelling,International Journal of Computer Mathema等的匿名審稿人。已主持完成校級項目一項,目前正主持一項校級項目和一項國家自然科學基金項目《反常擴散方程的高階數值演演算法及其在天水地下水質研究中的應用》(11561060)。
Hengfei Ding, Yuxin Zhang, Parameters spline methods for the solution of hyperbolic equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation,2008.
Guofeng Zhang, Yuxin Zhang, Hengfei Ding, New family of eighth-order methods for nonlinear equation, The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2009.
Hengfei Ding,Yuxin Zhang, A new unconditionally stable compact difference scheme of O(tau^2+h^4) for the 1D linear hyperbolic equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009.
Hengfei Ding,Yuxin Zhang, Sanfu Wang, Xiaoya Yang, A note on some quadrature based three-step iterative methods for non-linear equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009.
Hengfei Ding,Yuxin Zhang, A new fourth-order compact finite difference scheme for the two-dimensional second-order hyperbolic equation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009.
Hengfei Ding,Yuxin Zhang, A new difference scheme with high accuracy and absolute stability for solving convection–diffusion equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009.
Hengfei Ding,Yuxin Zhang, A note on some quadrature based three-step iterative methods for non-linear equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009.
Hengfei Ding,Yuxin Zhang, Notes on Implicit finite difference approximation for time fractional diffusion equations, Computers, Mathematics with Applications, 2011.
Hengfei Ding,Yuxin Zhang, New numerical methods for the Riesz space fractional partial differential equations, Computers, Mathematics with Applications, 2012.
Hengfei Ding,Yuxin Zhang, Jianxiong Cao, Junhong Tian, A class of difference scheme for solving telegraph equation by new non-polynomial spline methods, Applied Mathematical Computation,2012.
Hengfei Ding,Changpin Li, Two Kinds of Numerical Algorithms for the Diffusion-Wave Equation with Reaction Term, Abstract and applied Analysis, 2013.
Hengfei Ding,Changpin Li, Mixed Spline Function Method for Reaction Subdiffusion Equations, Journal of Computational Physics, 2013.
Changpin Li,Hengfei Ding,Higher Order Finite Difference Method for Reaction and Anomalous Diffusion Equation, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014.
Yuxin Zhang,Hengfei Ding,Improved matrix transform method for the Riesz space fractional reaction dispersion equation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2014.
Rifang Wu,Hengfei Ding, Changpin Li,Determination of Coefficients of High-Order Schemes for Riemann-Liouville Derivative, The Scientific World Journal, 2014.
Hengfei Ding,Changpin Li, YangQuan Chen, High-order Algorithms for Riesz Derivative and Their Application (I), Abstract and applied Analysis, 2014.
Yuxin Zhang,Hengfei Ding,Jincai Luo, Fourth-order Compact Difference Scheme For the Riemann-Liouvile and Riesz Derivative, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014.
Hengfei Ding, Changpin Li, YangQuan Chen, High-order Algorithms for Riesz Derivative and Their Application (II), Journal of Computational Physics, 2015.
Changpin Li, Rifang Wu,Hengfei Ding,High-order approximation to Caputo derivatives and Caputo-type advection-diffusion equations, Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 2015.
Hengfei Ding, Changpin Li, High-Order Compact Difference Schemes for the
Modified Anomalous Subdiffusion Equation, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2016.
Hengfei Ding, Changpin Li, High-order Algorithms for Riesz Derivative and Their Application (III), Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 2016.
Hengfei Ding, Changpin Li, High-order Algorithms for Riesz Derivative and Their Application (V), Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2017.
Hengfei Ding, Changpin Li, High-Order Numerical Algorithms for Riesz Derivatives via Constructing New Generating Functions, Journal of Scientific Computing, 2017
Hengfei Ding, General Pade approximation method for time-space fractional diffusion equation,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2016.
Hengfei Ding, Changpin Li, A new second-order midpoint approximation formula for Riemann-Liouville derivative: algorithm and its application, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2017.
Hengfei Ding,Changpin Li,High-order Algorithms for Riesz Derivative and Their Application (IV), Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 2017.
Zhangyuxin,Hengfei Ding,High-order algorithm for the two-dimension Riesz space-fractional diffusion equation,International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 2017.
國家自然科學基金,反常擴散方程的高階數值演演算法及其在天水地下水質研究中的應用(11561060),2016/01-2019/12, 36.88萬元、在研、主持.
獲博士生國家獎學金, 2013.
指導學生獲得全國大學生數學建模競賽甘肅賽區一等獎, 2014.
SCI期刊《Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society》特刊““Recent Developments of the Discretization of Fractional Differential Equations with Applications”的guest editor(客座編輯);
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,Applied Mathematics and Computation,Applied Mathematics Letters,Applied Mathematical Modelling,International Journal of Computer Mathema等的匿名審稿人;
1.SCI期刊《Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society》特刊““Recent Developments of the Discretization of Fractional Differential Equations with Applications”的guest editor(客座編輯);
2.Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,Applied Mathematics and Computation,Applied Mathematics Letters,Applied Mathematical Modelling,International Journal of Computer Mathema等的匿名審稿人;