



主要從事植物分子生理與作物種質創新方面的研究。先後克隆了控制擬南芥花粉管在雌體生殖通道中伸長的VGD1基因、控制雌配子體發育的KD96基因等,並作為主要貢獻人之一參與了調控花藥絨氈層細胞分化的TPD1基因的克隆等。其中VGD1是國際上第一個在植物中認定的控制花粉管在雌體生殖通道中泳動的主效基因;該基因的克隆第一次揭示了果膠甲酯酶與花粉管伸長、發育之間的關係,從而明確了花粉管在雌體生殖通道中延長的分子機制,有關論文在Plant Cell雜誌上發表並獲專欄突出介紹。在種質創新領域的貢獻包括甘藍型油菜白菜甘藍等芸苔屬作物裂莢基因的克隆與操縱,在芸苔屬植物中克隆了裂莢控制基因並創造了油菜抗裂莢新種質。其它貢獻包括無花瓣油菜遺傳規律、產量生理與避病機制等的研究;有關係列論文已在國際刊物上發表,種質材料被多家國際育種公司引用。
• Wang Z, Chen M, Chen T, Xuan L, Li Z, Du X, Zhou L, Zhang G, Jiang LX (*). 2014. TRANSPARENT TESTA2 regulates embryonic fatty acid biosynthesis by targeting FUSCA3 during the early developmental stage of Arabidopsis seeds. The Plant Journal (in press, online available at doi: 10.1111/tpj.12426)
• Chen MX, Maodzeka A , Zhou LH, Ali E, Wang Z, Jiang LX. 2014 (*). Removal of DELLA repression promotes leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Plant Science (in press, online available at .doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2013.11.016)
• Hussain N, Li H, Jiang Y, Jabeen Z, Shamsi IH, Ali E, Jiang LX (*). 2014. Response of seed tocopherols in oilseed rape to nitrogen fertilizer sources and application rates. Journal of Zhejiang University-Sciences B 15:181-193
• Hussain N, Irshad F, Jabeen Z, Shamsi IH, Jiang LX (*).2013. Biosynthesis, Structural, and Functional Attributes of Tocopherols in Planta; Past, Present, and Future Perspectives. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 26:6137-6149
• Hussain N, Jabeen Z, Li Y, Chen M, Shamsi I, Jiang LX (*). 2013. Detection of Tocopherol in Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) Using Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detector. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 12: 101-108
• Li Y, Hussain N, Zhang LM, Chen XY, Ali E, Jiang LX (*). 2013. Correlations between Tocopherol and fatty acid components in germplasm collections of Brassica oilseeds. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 61:34-40
• Li Y, Zhang L, Zhou L, Jiang LX (*). 2013. Progresses in molecular breeding towards the improvement of vitamin E content and composition in oilseeds. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology 21:987-983
• Chen MX, Wang Z, Zhu Y, Li ZL, Hussain N, Zhang GP, Jiang LX (*). 2012. Effect of TRANSPARENT TESTA 2 on Seed Fatty Acid Biosynthesis and Tolerance to Environmental Stresses during Young Seedling Establishment in Arabidopsis.Plant Physiology, 160: 1023-1036
• Chen MX, Du X, Zhu Y, Wang Z, Hua SJ, Li ZL, Guo WL, Zhang GP, Peng JR, Jiang LX (*). 2012. Seed Fatty Acid Reducer acts downstream of gibberellin signaling pathway to lower seed fatty acid storage in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell & Environment 35: 2155-2169
• Zhu YN, Cao ZY, Xu F, Huang Y, Chen MX, Guo WL, Zhou WJ, Zhu J, Meng JL, Zou J, Jiang LX (*). 2012. Analysis of gene expression profiles of two near-isogenic lines differing at a QTL region affecting oil content at high temperatures during seed maturation in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Theoretic Applied Genetics 124:515-531
• Li ZL, Jiang YX, Hua SJ, Ren Y, Jiang CY, Zhou L, Chen XY, Jiang LX (*). 2012. Characterization of seed fatty acid accumulation in DELLA mutant lines of Arabidopsis.Plant Growth Regulation 70:27-37
• Meng HB, Jiang S, Hua SJ, Lin XY, Li Y, Guo WL, Jiang LX (*).2011. Comparison between a Tetraploid Turnip and its Diploid Progenitor (Brassica rapa L.) for the Adaptation to Salinity Stress.Agricultural Sciecnes in China 10: 363-375
• Shi CG, Zhu Y, Li Y, Guo WL, Chen KM, Shamsi I, Hua SJ, Zhong ZF, Zhou WJ, Jiang LX (*).2010. DNA allelic variations at the loci putatively implicated in seed oil formation among Brassica oilseed cultivars.Molecular Breeding 26:51-64
• Shamsi I, Jiang S, Hussain N, Lin XY, Jiang LX(*). 2010. Coordinate role of ascorbate-glutathione in response to abiotic stresses. In Anjum N (eds) Ascorbate-Glutathione Pathway and Stress Tolerance in Plants.Springer. pp: 323-336
• Pak H, Guo Y, Chen M, Chen KM, Li Y, Hua SJ, Shamsi I, Meng HB, Shi CG, Jiang LX (*).2009. The effect of exogenous methyl jasmonate on the flowering time, floral organ morphology and transcript levels of a group of genes implicated in the development of oilseed rape flowers (Brassica napus L.). Planta 231: 79-91
• Hua SJ, Shamsi I, Pak H, Chen MX, Guo Y, Jiang LX(*). 2009. Sequence and expression divergence among the homologous genes in Brassica napus that are orthologous to the Arabidopsis ALCATRAZ. Planta 230: 493-503
• Jiang LX (*). 2007. Breeding for apetalous rape. Advances in Botanical Research45: 218-233
• Shamsi I, Jiang LX, Wei K, Jilani H, Hua SJ, Zhang GP (*), 2010. Alleviation of cadmium toxicity in soybean by potassium supplementation. Journal of Plant Nutrition 33: 1926-1938.
• Shamsi I, Hussian N, Jiang LX (*). 2010. Agro-industrial by-products utilization in animal nutrition. In Gupta SK (eds) Technological Innovations in Breeding Major World Oil crops Vol-2.Springer. pp: 105-122
• Shamsi I, Shamsi B, Jiang LX (*). 2010. Biochemistry of fatty acids. In In Gupta SK (eds) Technological Innovations in Breeding Major World Oil crops Vol-2. Springer. PP;209-220
• Meng HB, Hua SJ, Shamsi I, Jilani G, Li Y, Jiang LX (*). 2009. Cadmium-induced stress on the seed germination and seedling growth of Brassica napus L., and its alleviation through exogenous plant growth regulators. Plant Growth Regulation30: 881-890
• Duan Z, Bai B, Zhao ZG, Zhang GP, Cheng FM, Jiang LX, and Chen KM (*). 2009. Drought-Stimulated Activity of Plasma Membrane Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase and Its Catalytic Properties in Rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 51: 1104-1115
• Hua SJ, Wang, XD, Shao S, Zhao M, Zhu SJ, Jiang LX (*).2007. Characterization of pigmentation and cellulose synthesis in colored cotton fibers. Crop Science 47: 1540-1546.
• Jiang LX, Yang S-L, Xie LF, Puah CS, Zhang X, Yang W-C, Sundares V, Ye D (*), 2005. VANGUARD1 that encodes a PME enhances pollen tube growth in the transmitting track of Arabidopsis.The Plant Cell 17: 584-596
• Jiang LX, Yang S-L, Xie L-F, Puah CS, Yang W-C, Sundaresan V, Ye D (*), 2005 TPD1 regulates the cell fates in coordination with EMS1/EXS in Arabidopsis.Plant Physiology 139: 2501-2506
• Yang S-L, Mao H, Xie LF, Yang W-C,Jiang LX, Sundaresan V, Ye D (*), 2003.TAPETUM DETERMINANT 1 is required for cell specialization in the Arabidopsis anther.The Plant Cell 15: 2792-2804


品種資源評估與保存,特別是特異資源的發掘與利用,是育種目標能否實現的基礎與關鍵。浙江省部分的工作是“我國油料作物品種資源的收集、保存、評價與利用”,以及“全國農作物品種資源的收集、保存、評價與利用”全國性 大課題的組成部分,這項基礎工作,豐富了我國國家品種資源庫,分別獲得1994年“農業部科技進步二等獎”與2004年“國家科技進步一等獎”。該項成果的獲獎者是集體,作為地方上主要參加人獲得獎勵證書。


蔣立希,2011. 溫度對甘藍型油菜結莢期油分積累的影響及其分子生物學機制(2011年全國作物學學術年會,成都,2011年10月)
Analysis of gene expression profiles of two near-isogenic lines differing at a QTL region affecting oil content at high temperatures during seed maturation in oilseed rape
Lixi Jiang, 2010. Agricultural Biotechnology. (金日成綜合大學系列講座,朝鮮,平壤
Lixi Jiang, 2010. DNA allelic variations at the loci putatively implicated in seed oil formation among Brassica oilseed cultivars. Brassic 2010 (Saskatoon,Canada)
Lixi Jiang, 2009. From Arabidopsis to Brassica Oilseeds –A Wayfrom Basic Research towards Applicable Goals. Sino-Mexico International Conference of Biotechnolgy (Beijing, April 2009)
蔣立希,2009. 芸苔屬油料作物油脂基因位點的等位多態性與種子油脂品質的相關性 (2009年全國作物學學術年會,廣州,2009年11月)
蔣立希,2009. From Arabidopsis to Brassica Oilseeds – A Way from Basic Research towards Applicable Goals (第二屆長三角作物學博士論壇,杭州,2009年12月)
蔣立希,2009. 植物雄性不育的分子生物學機制及油菜雜種優勢利用新途徑探討(科技部“全國植物分子育種研討會”北京,2009年1月)
Yuanlong Li,Shuijin Hua, Huabing Meng, Lixi Jiang*. 2007. Genetic variation in toleance to salt stress among different species and cultivars in Brassica oilseeds. ( 12 World Rapeseed Congress,WuhanChina, March 2007).
Lixi Jiang, Shu-Lan Yang, Li-Fen Xie, Ching San Puah, Wei-Cai Yang, Venkatesan Sundaresan and De Ye, 2004. Identification and characterization of theKD439 gene that is required for pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. ( 15 International Conference onArabidopsis Research ,Berlin Germany , July 2004)
Lixi Jiang, Shu-Lan Yang, Li-Fen Xie, Ching San Puah, Wei-Cai Yang, Venkatesan Sundaresan and De Ye, 2003. Identification and characterization of theKD96 gene that is required for the female gametophyte formation in Arabidopsis thaliana. ( XIX International Congress of Genetics,MelbourneAustralia, July 2003)
Li Shu-Lan Yang, Li-Fen Xie, Ching San Puah, Wei-Cai Yang, Venkatesan Sundaresan and De Ye, 2003. Identification and characterization of theKD96 gene that is required for the female gametophyte formation in Arabidopsis thaliana. ( XIX International Congress of Genetics,MelbourneAustralia, July 2003
Shulan Yang, Li-Fen Xie, Hui-Zhu Mao, Lixi Jiang, Venkatesan Sundaresan and De Ye, 2003. Isolation and characterization of genes involved in male fertility in Arabidopsis. ( XII International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, SevillaSpain , June 2002)
Qinghua Zhao and Lixi Jiang 2001. Untersuchung zur Anfälligkeit blütenblattloser Rapslinien gegenüberSclerotinia sclerotiorum und anderen Rapsstängelkrank-heitserregern mit Hilfe von serologischen-Verfahren. ( German Plant Protection Conference, GoettingenGermany , July 2001)
Lixi Jiang and Heiko C. Becker, 2000. Inheritance of a mutant with apetalous flowers in oilseed rape ( Third International Symposium on Brassicas and Twelfth Crucifer Genetics Wrokshop,Wellesbourne ,United Kingdom , September 2000)