共找到42條詞條名為徐健的結果 展開









1、2017 生命早期維生素A暴露對嬰幼兒神經發育的影響 高峰高原計劃 2017-07~2020-06 課題負責人
2、201640363 鉛和精神壓力複合暴露對育齡女性生殖功能的影響及易感性研究 上海市衛計委 2017-01~2019-12 課題負責人
3、81673189 BDNF-TrkB-ERK通路在妊娠期鉛和精神壓力複合暴露影響子代認知發育中的作用機制研究 國家自然基金面上項目 2017-01~2020-12 課題負責人
4、81373016 基於鉛的骨血轉化模式探討不同年齡段鉛中毒兒童治療的差異性 國家自然基金面上項目 2014-01~2017-12 課題負責人
5、124119a1400 KXRF技術測定骨鉛在鉛中毒兒童診療中的應用探討 上海市科委 2012-10~2015-09 課題負責人
6、SQ2010CB053224 我國兒童鉛中毒機制及防治策略研究 國家973計劃 2012-03~2016-09 課題參與人
7、10QA1405700 妊娠期過度壓力對仔鼠學習記憶的影響及影響機制的研究 上海市科委 2010-04~2012-04 課題負責人
8、20901205 妊娠期壓力對子代神經發育影響的流行病學及相關基礎研究 國家自然基金青年基金 2010-01~2012-12 課題負責人
9、06BZ002 青少年網路成癮的神經生物學機制探討 上海市教委,發展基金 2007-01~2008-12 課題負責人


顏崇淮,徐健,沈曉明.第 59 章:鉛中毒性神經系統損害.《小兒神經系統疾病:基礎與臨床》 第 2 版,人民衛生出版社2009專著


徐健(通訊作者妊娠期壓力與子代發育.中華圍產醫學雜誌201821(2) : 90-93.
Zhou L,Xu J(徐健)(通訊作者), Zhang J, Yan C, Lin Y, Jia Y, Hu W.Prenatal maternal stress in relation to the effects of prenatal lead exposure on toddler cognitive development.Neurotoxicology.201759:71-78.
Lin Y,Xu J(徐健)(通訊作者), Huang J, Jia Y, Zhang J, Yan C, Zhang J.Effects of prenatal and postnatal maternal emotional stress on toddlers' cognitive and temperamental development.J Affect Disord.2017207:9-17.
Lin Y, Zhou L,Xu J(徐健)(通訊作者), Luo Z, Kan H, Zhang J, Yan C, Zhang J.The impacts of air pollution on maternal stress during pregnancy.Sci Rep20177:40956.
Lin Y, Hu W,Xu J(通訊作者), Luo Z, Ye X, Yan C, Liu Z, Tong S.Association between temperature and maternal stress during pregnancy.Environ Res.2017158:421-430
Specht AJ, Lin Y, Weisskopf M, Yan C, Hu H,Xu J(通訊作者), Nie LH.XRF-measured bone lead (Pb) as a biomarker for Pb exposure and toxicity among children diagnosed with Pb poisoning.Biomarkers.201621(4):347-52.
Xu J(徐健), Yan CH, Hu H, Wu MQ, Shen XM.Prenatal Maternal Occupational Exposure and Postnatal Child Exposure to Elemental Mercury.Pediatr Emerg Care201632(3):175-9.
Li S,Xu J(徐健)(通訊作者), Liu Z, Yan CH.The non-linear association between low-level lead exposure and maternal stress among pregnant womenNeurotoxicology.20162016 Jul 7. pii: S0161-813X(16)30123-1.
Xu J(徐健)(通訊作者), Hu H, Wright R, Sánchez BN, Schnaas L, Bellinger DC, Park SK, Martínez S, Hernández-Avila M, Téllez-Rojo MM, Wright RO.Prenatal Lead Exposure Modifies the Impact of Maternal Self-Esteem on Children's Inattention BehaviorJ Pediatr2015共同通訊(排第一),167(2):435-41
Cao J, Gao Z, Yan J, Li M, Su J,Xu J(徐健)(通訊作者), Yan CHEvaluation of Trace Elements and Their Relationship with Growth and Development of Young Children.Biol Trace Elem Res2015共同通訊作者(排第一),2015 Oct 19. [Epub ahead of print]
Li MM, Wu MQ,Xu J(徐健), Du J, Yan CHBody burden of hg in different bio-samples of mothers in shenyang city, china.PLoS One.20149(5):e98121-2
Li MM, Cao J,Xu J(徐健), Cai SZ, Shen XM, Yan CH.The national trend of blood lead levels among Chinese children aged 0-18years old, 1990-2012.Environ Int.20144;71C:109-117
Xu J(徐健), Shen LX, Yan CH, Hu H, Yang F, Wang L, Kotha SR, Ouyang F, Zhang LN, Liao XP, Zhang J, Zhang JS, Shen XM.Parent-adolescent interaction and risk of adolescent internet addiction: a population-based study in Shanghai.BMC Psychiatry.20142014 Apr 15;14:112.
Guo BQ, Cai SZ, Guo JL,Xu J(徐健), Wu W, Li H, Zhou X, Kim DS, Yan CH, Lü HD.Levels of prenatal mercury exposure and their relationships to neonatal anthropometry in Wujiang City, China.Environ Pollut.2013182:184-9.
Xu J(徐健)(通訊作者), Yang B, Yan CH, Hu H, Cai S, Liu J, Wu M, Ouyang F, Shen X.Effects of duration and timing of prenatal stress on hippocampal myelination and synaptophysin expressionBrain Res2013共同通訊作者(排第一)1527:57-66
Wu MQ, Yan CH#,Xu J(徐健), Wu W, Li H, Zhou XUmbilical cord blood mercury levels in ChinaJ Environ Sci201325:1–7
Yan CH,Xu J(徐健), Shen XM.Childhood Lead Poisoning in China: Challenges and Opportunities.Environ Health Perspect2013121:294-295
Xu J(徐健), Shen LX, Yan CH, Hu H, Yang F, Wang L, Kotha SR, Zhang LN, Liao XP, Zhang J, Ouyang FX, Zhang JS, Shen XM.Personal characteristics related to the risk of adolescent internet addiction: a survey in Shanghai, China.BMC Public health201212(1):1106
徐 健,顏崇淮,沈曉明.妊娠期壓力對子代神經發育影響的流行病學及相關機制研究.中華預 防醫學雜誌201044(5):455-457
Xu J(徐健), Yan CH,Yang B,Tong SL, Zou XY, Tian Y.Effects of lead exposure on hippocampal metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 3 and 7 in developmental rats.Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine.2009Apr 20;8:5.
Xu J(徐健), Yan CH,Yang B, Xie HF, Zou XY, Zhong L, Gao Y, Tian Y, Shen XM.The role of metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 in developmental lead neurotoxicityToxicology Letters2009191: 223-230.
徐 健, 顏崇淮, 沈曉明, 余高妍, 余曉剛, 張燕萍.小兒中重度鉛中毒25例發病原因及療效分析.中國實用兒科雜誌200823(9): 670-672
徐 健, 沈理笑, 顏崇淮, 吳增強, 馬珍珍, 金星明, 沈曉明.上海市青少年網際網路使用現狀調查.中華預 防醫學雜誌200842(10):735-738
李築英, 顏崇淮,徐健, 黃華, 鄒向宇.妊娠壓力與鉛聯合暴露對大鼠子代空間學習記憶的影響.中華預防醫學雜誌200842(10): 717-721
徐 健, 顏崇淮, 沈曉明基因晶元篩查出生前後鉛暴露對幼鼠海馬基因表達的影響中國公共衛生200824(3): 317-319
Xu J(徐健), Yan CH, Wu SH, Yu XD, Yu XG, Shen XM.Developmental lead exposure alters gene expression of metabotropic glutamate receptors in rat hippocampal neurons.neuroscience lett2007413:222-226