







學院在學生培養過程中注重與國際接軌,強調實踐環節。在課程體系設置中引入埃因霍溫科技大學DCL(Design Centered Learning)教學設置框架,建立“以項目為中心的學習”的全新教學模式,在各學期教學安排中既設置了基礎理論課程,又安排了一線工程技術人員指導的實踐環節;同時,部分專業課程由荷蘭教授講授,其餘專業課程採用中英文雙語授課,專業課使用英文原版教材。優秀學生可進入本碩連讀班,成績優異者可以到荷蘭埃因霍溫科技大學攻讀碩士學位,並獲得荷蘭埃因霍溫科技大學提供的獎學金,成績合格者可獲得荷蘭埃因霍溫科技大學碩士學位和東北大學碩士學位;對於優秀碩士生學院優先推薦其到荷蘭埃因霍溫科技大學繼續攻讀博士學位。此外,學院不定期組織國內外著名專家、學者來我院講學,並為學院師生搭建全方位、國際化的交流平台;對於在校期間表現優秀的學生,學院為其提供各類外出學習交流的機會,並優先推薦其到學院的合作企業及企業合作夥伴處工作。



東北大學中荷生物醫學與信息工程學院(Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Information Engineering School of Northeastern University
開設專業或課程 本科專業:生物醫學工程(專業代碼為:080607H)
頒發證書 中方:普通高等學校本科畢業證書學士學位證書;普通高等學校碩士研究生畢業證書、碩士學位證書


On September 15, 2005, the Sino-Dutch Biomedical and Information Engineering School BMIE was founded based on the former Information Science and Engineering School of NEU and with the approval of the PRC Ministry of Education. BMIE was jointly established by the Northeastern University (NEU) in China and the Technology University of Eindhoven (TU/e) in the Netherlands. BMIE also received great help and active support from Royal Philips Electronics and Neusoft Group. NEU is a top Chinese university in the field of Information Science and Engineering. TU/e is one of the nine public universities in the Netherlands, a top 100 university in the world and is the number 1 University of BioMedical Technology in the Netherlands. Philips is a leading international electronics company and has a top 3 world position in medical imaging technology and equipment. Neusoft is the largest and most famous public software company of PRC. Jointly Philips and Neusoft have established a Joint Venture for Medical Systems in Shenyang.
BMIE will develop into an international teaching and research school, relying on the leading advantages of information science and engineering of NEU and the biomedical technology of TU/e. Practical work at the founding industries and teaching by experts from these industries as well as cooperation with these industries will help to educate and cultivate the practical and international top professionals in the field of Medical Technology. BMIE graduates, both bachelors, masters , will be creative and innovative and will meet the requirements for internationally advanced scientists as well as for industrial and hospital engineers and managers.Moreover, the graduates will be familiar with international rules and practice, be proficient in both basic science and professional medical technology knowledge and will be strong in foreign languages and communication.
The school is led by an internationally respected dean and supervised by an International Joint Management Committee under the leadership of the President of NEU. Moreover, the school is helped by an international advisory board, which has gathered famous experts both domestic and abroad. Faculty of the school consists of own (BMIE) teachers and researchers, top teachers of NEU and teachers from the industry.
BMIE is qualified to award the doctoral degrees in biomedical engineering, including amongst others biomedical instruments research, medical image analysis and disposal, and biomedical information analysis and disposal. The school is building a Medical Imaging Laboratory for Research, and works together with the BioMedical Technology Center of TU/e, the Netherlands. BMIE has also several teaching laboratories. Next to this Neusoft, Philips and the Philips-Neusoft JV provide strong bases for the practical work on medical systems and system integration. BMIE also has a multimedia classroom and an activity center. Education employs electronic learning and education at a distance.
BMIE can count on various well-knows professors and leaders. A famous medical image expert, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor Liu Yuqing serves as the academic leader of the school. Other professors like famous expert in Neuroradiology Prof. Dai Jianping, medical image expert Prof. H Romeny and biomedical information expert Prof. P Hilbers give courses in the school.
With regard to talent development, the school aims to be in line with international teaching methods, emphasizing on practice. The school is introducing DCL (Design Centered Learning) as established at TU/e as a totally new and innovative teaching mode in China. That is to say, in each semester, there will be both basic science and specialty courses that focus on practical application and integration of the learned knowledge. Some of the courses are given by professors from the Netherlands. Several courses are bilingual and use English textbook material.
The outstanding undergraduate students will have the opportunity to take graduate and postgraduate courses.And some of them will be recommended to take the graduate study in TU/e, and enjoy the scholarship for the masters program kindly provided by TU/e. It is also possible to obtain a joint master degree from NEU and TU/e.Of course, the school will also recommend an excellent student to take courses at TU/e.BMIE invites regularly famous experts and scholars, both domestic and abroad, to visit our university and give lectures. An all-directional and international communication platform is being set up by the school for both faculty and students. For students with good performance in the university, BMIE provides them with various opportunities for example to go abroad for exchange and study and recommendations for them to work in the enterprises that BMIE cooperates with.