








留歐/留英中國經濟學會主席,中國系統工程學會社會經濟系統工程專業委員會常務理事,英文SSCI期刊Structural Change and Economic Dynamics編委,英國倫敦大學學院巴特萊特學院榮譽副教授。





● ● 《全球價值鏈視角下中國地區及行業真實增加值與真實生產率核算及其決定因素與政策分析框架研究》,國家自然科學基金面上項目,2018
● ● 《新時代中國關稅水平及對應發展階段研究》,財政部關稅司,2017
● ● 《全球價值鏈視角的真實生產率核算:基於增值稅大數據的分析》,清華大學自主科研青年教師基礎研究專項項目,2016
● ● 《綠色生產率視角的地區與行業經濟增長質量投入產出核算分析》,清華大學人文社科振興基金研究項目,2015
● ● 《追溯全球價值鏈中的中國碳排放》,清華大學產業發展與環境治理研究中心,2013
● ● 《重大突發公共衛生事件對產業供應鏈的影響及對策》,國家自然科學基金“新冠肺炎疫情等公共衛生事件的應對、治理及影響”專項項目,2020,課題負責人:裴建鎖
● ● 《全球價值鏈視角下的國內區域分工與市場一體化研究》,國家自然科學基金重點項目,2018,課題負責人:李善同
● ● 《國內有關省份貿易增加值核算諮詢項目》,商務部,2018,課題負責人:李善同
● ● 《聯合國可持續發展議程評估體系建設及實現路徑研究》,國家社科基金重點項目,2017,課題負責人:王燦
● ● 《中央企業參與“一帶一路”建設現狀、問題及對策》,國家開發銀行,2015,課題負責人:胡鞍鋼
● ● 《國有企業綜合價值研究》,國務院國有資產監督管理委員,2013,課題負責人:胡鞍鋼
● ● 《國有企業競爭力評價研究》,國務院國有資產監督管理委員,2012,課題負責人:胡鞍鋼
● ● 《環境因素對中國省際生產率的影響》,清華大學產業發展與環境治理研究中心,2008,課題負責人:鄭京海



● ● Yuning Gao, China as the Workshop of the World: An Analysis at the National and Industrial Level of China in the International Division of Labour, London and New York: Routledge, 2012. (ISBN 978-0-415-60405-5 Hardback 978-1-138-81685-5 Paperback).
● ● Yuning Gao and D’Maris Coffman, Renminbi Internationalization: Economic Forecasting and Policy Scenarios Analysis, Searching Finance, 2014. (ISBN 978-1-907720-80-2).
● ● 孟渤,高宇寧,《全球價值鏈、中國經濟增長與碳排放》,社會科學文獻出版社,2017(ISBN 9787520107365)。
● ● Yuning Gao and Qizhen Wang, “China’s Global Investment: Structure, Route and Performance”, in Anna Jaguaribe ed., Direction of Chinese Global Investments: Implications for Brazil, Alexandre de Gusm?o Foundation Press, 2018 (ISBN 9788576317234).
● ● Yuning Gao, “China’s Investment to the Euro Zone: Structure, Route and Performance”, in Roberto Scazzieri ed., The Political Economy of the Eurozone, Cambridge University Press, 2017 (ISBN 9781107124011).
● ● Yuning Gao and Junyi Zhang, “Emerging China and Its Impact on ASEAN Economies”, in Young-Chan Kim ed. China and her Global production networks in Asia, Springer, 2016 (ISBN 9783319242309).
● ● Prince C. Cruz, Yuning Gao and Leilei Song, “Is China’s Financial Market Liquid Enough for RMB Internationalization?”, in Berry Eichengreen and Masahiro Kawai ed. Renminbi Internationalization: Achievements, Prospects, and Challenges, Brooking Institution Press and Asian Development Bank, 2015 (ISBN: 9780815726111).
● ● 高宇寧,於淼,“技術變化與可持續發展:中國產業用電量視角的分析”,薛進軍、蔣慶哲編《中國低碳經濟發展報告2019》,對外經濟貿易大學出版社,2019年。
● ● 高宇寧,鄭雲峰,胡鞍鋼,於淼,“中國工業行業的真實生產率:基於真實儲蓄率方法的分析”,薛進軍、趙忠秀編《中國低碳經濟發展報告2016》,社科文獻出版社,2015年。
● ● 高宇寧、鄭雲峰、胡鞍鋼,“投入產出視角的工業真實增加值核算分析(1995-2010)”,薛進軍、趙忠秀編《中國低碳經濟發展報告2015》,社科文獻出版社,2015年。


● ● Yuning Gao, Meng Li, Yufeng Lu, “What Can Be Learned from Billions of Invoices? The Construction and Application of China’s Multiregional Input-Output Table Based on Big Data from the Value-Added Tax”, Emerging Market Finance and Trade (SSCI), 2020, (online DOI:10.1080/1540496X.2019.1684254)
● ● Yuning Gao, Meichen Zhang, Xinran Liu, “Study on the Efficiency Measurements and Influence Factors of Development Financial Institutions”, Emerging Market Finance and Trade (SSCI), 2020, (online DOI: 10.1080/1540496X.2019.1685975)
● ● MengLi, YuningGao, ShenglongLiu, “China’s Energy Intensity Change in 1997-2015: Non-vertical adjusted Structural Decomposition Analysis Based on Input-Output Tables”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (SSCI), 2020, (online DOI:10.1016/j.strueco.2020.03.001)
● ● Xintong Zhao, Miao Yu, Yuning Gao, “Factor Decomposition of China’s Industrial Electricity Consumption Using Structural Decomposition Analysis”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (SSCI), 2019, Vol.51, pp.67-76
● ● Yuning Gao, Meichen Zhang, “An Analysis of China’s Provincial Level Technical Efficiency with Carbon Emission Factored in and its Structural Determinants”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (SSCI), 2019, Vol.49, pp.120-129.
● ● Yuning Gao, Wenyin Cheng and Quanxi Yuan, “Understanding the Global Imbalance through Outsourcing Activity in China”, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Review, 2018, Vol. 16, No.4, pp. 337-356.
● ● Bo Meng, Yu Liu, Robbie Andrewe, Meifang Zhou, Klaus Hubacek, Jinjun Xue, Glen Peters, Yuning Gao, “More than half of China’s CO2 emissions are from micro, small and medium sized enterprises”, Applied Energy (SCI), 2018, Vol. 230, pp.712–725.
● ● Yuning Gao, Miao Yu, “Analysis on the Economic Impact of South-to-North Water Diversion on Industrial Sectors in Beijing”, Journal of Economic Structures, 2018, Vol.7, Iss.4, pp.1-17.
● ● Yuning Gao, Yunfeng Zheng, Angang Hu, “Input-Output-Based Genuine Value Added and Genuine Productivity in China's Industrial Sectors (1995-2010)”, Singapore Economic Review (SSCI), 2018, Vol.63, No.2, pp. 213–228.
● ● Yu Liu, Bo Meng, Klaus Hubacek, Jinjun Xue, Kuishuang Feng, Yuning Gao, “’Made in China: A Reevaluation of Embodied CO2 Emissions in Chinese Exports using Firm Heterogeneity Information”, Applied Energy (SCI), 2016, Vol.184, pp.1106-1113.
● ● Yuning Gao and Angang Hu, “China as the Workshop of the World: Perspective of Processing Activities and Foreign Invested Enterprises”, Emerging Market Trade and Finance (SSCI), 2014, Vol. 50, No. 5.
● ● Angang Hu, Yuning Gao, Yilong Yan and Xing Wei, “China’s Role in the Rising of the South:Vision for 2030”, IDS Bulletin (SSCI), 2014, Vol.45, No. 4.
● ● Yuning Gao, “China’s Changing Workplace: Dynamism, Diversity and Disparity”, The China Journal (SSCI), No. 71, January 2014.
● ● Yuning Gao and D’Maris Coffman, “Renminbi Internationalization as a Response to the Global Imbalance”, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Review, 2013, Vol. 11, No.2.
● ● 劉生龍,張君憶,高宇寧,“跨省移民與犯罪:來自中國的實證證據”,《學術研究》,2018年第5期。
● ● 胡鞍鋼,任皓,高宇寧,“國際金融危機以來美國製造業迴流政策評述”,《國際經濟評論》,2018年第2期。
● ● 胡鞍鋼,張君憶,高宇寧,“對外援助與國家軟實力:中國的現狀與對策”,《武漢大學學報(人文科學版)》,2017年第3期。
● ● 胡鞍鋼,地力夏提·吾布力,杭承政,高宇寧,“一帶一路“先行軍”與“主力軍”——對央企的調研與分析”,《清華大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》,2017年第2期。
● ● 胡鞍鋼,張新,高宇寧,“國有企業:保障國家財政能力的重要基礎”,《國家行政學院學報》,2016年第2期。
● ● 胡鞍鋼,鄭雲峰,高宇寧,“中國高耗能行業真實全要素生產率研究(1995-2010)——基於投入產出的視角”,《中國工業經濟》,2015年第5期。
● ● 胡鞍鋼,鄭雲峰,高宇寧,“對中美綜合國力的評估(1990—2013年)”,《清華大學學報(哲學社會科學)》,2015年第1期。
● ● 劉生龍,高宇寧,胡鞍鋼,“電力消費與中國經濟增長”,《產業經濟研究》,2014年第3期。
● ● 胡鞍鋼,高宇寧,鄢一龍,“從落伍者、追趕者到超越者:中國工業百年發展之路(1913-2013)”,《浙江社會科學》,2013年第9期。
● ● 胡鞍鋼,魏星,高宇寧,“中國國有企業競爭力評價(2003—2011):世界500強的視角”,《清華大學學報(哲學社會科學)》,2013年第1期。
● ● Yuning Gao,Meng Li,Jinjun Xue,Yu Liu,“Evaluation of Effectiveness of China’s Carbon Emissions Trading Scheme in Carbon Mitigation and Leakage”,2019 Chinese Economic Association Europe/UK Annual Conference,Stockholm, September, 2019.
● ● Yuning Gao, Meng Li, Bo Meng, “Carbon footprint inequality and its driving forces: Evidence from Chinese household survey data”, 2019 International Conference on Resource Sustainability – Cities, Sydney, July, 2019.
● ● Yuning Gao, Meng Li, Bo Meng, Yu Liu, “Managing the Mitigation: Analysis of China’s Provincial Carbon Transfer and Effectiveness of Mitigation Polices”, 10th International Conference on Industrial Ecology, Beijing, 7th July, 2019.
● ● Quanrun Chen, Yuning Gao, Jiansuo Pei, Gaaitzen de Vriesa, Fei Wang, “Formerly Assembled, But Now Designed in China? Assessing the Domestic Value-Added of Activities in Gross Exports”, GGDC Research Memorandum, Vol. 180.
● ● Yuning Gao, Yufeng Lu, Miao Yu and Angang Hu, “Energy Depletion, Carbon Damage and Genuine Productivity of China’s Provinces: A Multiregional Input–Output Accounting”, The 40th International Association for Energy Economic Annual Conference, 21st June, 2017.
● ● Jinghai Zheng and Yuning Gao, “Production Function Estimation for China”, Chinese Economic Association UK / Europe 25th Annual Conference, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden, August, 2014.
● ● 高宇寧、靳天宇、李萌,中國區域間貿易隱含就業創造與轉移——基於時間序列投入產出模型的分析,全面開放新格局下的區域經濟發展學術研討會,東北財經大學大連, 2019年10月。
● ● 高宇寧、李萌、孟渤,全球價值鏈中的隱含就業創造與轉移:路徑分解與影響因素分析,第十九屆中國青年經濟學者論壇年,武漢大學,武漢,2019年9月。
● ● 程文銀、高宇寧、胡鞍鋼,“專利數據誤用與中國專利質量之謎”,第一屆“中國工業經濟學會青年杯”,首都經貿大學,北京,2019年4月。
● ● 高宇寧、程耕耘、馬英鈞,“‘競爭中性’與‘所有制中立’之辯:中央企業綜合效率分析及其決定因素研究”,“中國道路:經濟發展與國家治理”學術研討會,清華大學,北京,2018年11月。
● ● 高宇寧、程文銀、胡鞍鋼,“從全球價值鏈審視中美貿易失衡——基於加工貿易增加值的兩步調整法的估計”,“中美貿易摩擦與全球價值鏈重構”研討會,對外經濟貿易大學,北京,2018年7月。

