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2. Song Chunhui, Fang Xiaomin, Gao Junping, Nie Junsheng, Yan Maodu, Xu Xianhai & Sun Dong. Magnetostratigraphy of Late Cenozoic fossil mammals in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin,2003, 48(1):188-193
3. Fan Majie, Song Chunhui, Dettman D L, Fang Xiaomin, Xu Xianhai. Intensification of the Asian winter monsoon after 7.4 Ma: Grain-size evidence from the Linxia Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, 13.1 Ma to 4.3 Ma. Earth Plant. Sci. Lett., 2006, 248: 186-197
4. Li Jijun, Zhang Jun, Song Chunhui, Zhao Zhijun, Zhang Yong, Wang Xiuxi, Zhang Jianming & Cui Qiaoyu. Miocene Bahean stratigraphy in the Longzhong Basin, northern central China and its implications in environmental change. Science in China (Series D), 2006, 49(12): 1270-1279
5. Fan Majie, Dettman David L, Song Chunhui, Fang Xiaomin, Garzione C N. Climatic variation in the Linxia basin, NE Tibetan Plateau, from 13.1 to 4.3 Ma: The stable isotope record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,2007, 247: 313–328,
6. Wang Xiuxi, Li Jijun, Song Chunhui, Zhang Jun, Zhao Zhijun, Gao Junping, Pan Meihui. Cenozoic Uplift of West Qinling, Northeast Margin of Tibetan Plateau - a detrital apatite fission track record from the Tianshui Basin. Front. Earth Sci. China, 2007, 1(3): 304-308
7. Miao Yunfa, Fang Xiaomin, Song Zhichen, Wu Fuli, Han Wenxia, Dai Shuang, Song Chunhui. Late Eocene pollen records and palaeoenvironmental changes in northern Tibetan Plateau. Science in China (Series D), 2008, 51(8): 1089-1098
8. A.M. Alonso-Zarza, Z.J. Zhao, C.H. Song, J.J. Li, J. Zhang, A. Martín-Pérez, R. Martín-García, X.X. Wang, Y. Zhang, M.H. Zhang. Mudflat/distal fan and shallow lake sedimentation (upper Vallesian–Turolian) in the Tianshui Basin, Central China: Evidence against the late Miocene eolian loess. Sedimentary Geology, 2009, 222: 42–51
9. Fang, X.M., Zhang, W.L., Meng, Q.Q., Gao, J.P., Wang, X.M., King, J., Song, C.H., Dai, S. Miao, Y.F.. High resolution magnetostratigraphy of the Neogene Huaitoutala section in the eastern Qaidam Basin on the NE Tibetan Plateau, Qinghai Province, China and its implication on tectonic uplift of the NE Tibetan Plateau. Earth Plant. Sci. Lett., 2007, 258, 293–306
10. Dai, S., X. Fang, G. Dupont-Nivet, C. Song, J. Gao, W. Krijgsman, C. Langereis, and W. Zhang. Magnetostratigraphy of Cenozoic sediments from the Xining Basin: Tectonic implications for the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. J. Geophys. Res., 2006, 111, B11102, doi:10.1029/2005JB004187
11. Fang Xiaomin, Yan Maodu, Van der Voo R., Rea D.K., Song Chunhui, Pares, J.M., Nie Junsheng, Gao Junping, Dai Shuang. Late Cenozoic deformation and uplift of the NE Tibetan plateau, evidence from high-resolution magnetostratigraphy of the Guide Basin, Qinghai Province, China. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2005, 117:1208-1225
12. Fang, X.M., Zhao, Z.J., Li, J.J., Yan, M.D., Pan, B.T., Song, C.H. and Dai, S. Magnetostratigraphy of the late Cenozoic Laojunmiao anticline in the northern Qilian Mountains and its implications for the northern Tibetan Plateau uplift. Science in China(Series D), 2005, 48, 1040-1051
13. Song, C H, Fang, X M, Li, J J, et al., Tectonic uplift and sedimentary evolution of the Jiuxi Basin in the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau since 13 Ma BP. Science in China(Series D), 2001, 44 Suppl., 192-202
14. Zhao, Z.J., Fang, X.M., Li, J.J., Yan, M.D., Pan, B.T. and Song, C.H. Late Cenozoic magnetic polarity stratigraphy in the Jiudong Basin, Northern Qilian Mountain. Science in China(Series D), 2001, 44 Suppl., 243-250
15. Yang Shengli, Fang Xiaomin, Yan Maodu, Shi Zhengtao, Song Chunhui, Han Yongxiang. Grain size profiles in the Chengdu Clay, eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Implications for significant drying of Asia since 500 ka B.P. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2010,38: 57–64
16. Yang Shengli, Fang Xiaomin, Shi Zhengtao, Frank Lehmkuhl, Song Chunhui, Han Yongxiang, Han Wenxia. Timing and provenance of loess in the Sichuan Basin, southwestern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2010,doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.03.039
17. Wang X., Zattin, M., Li, J., Song, C., Peng, T., Liu, S., Liu, B. Eocene to Pliocene exhumation history of the Tianshui-Huicheng region determined by Apatite fission-track thermochronology: Implications for evolution of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau margin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2011, 42:97-110.
18. Wang, X., Li, J., Song, C., Zattin, M., Zhang J., Zhao, Z., Zhang, Y. Late Cenozoic orogenic history of Western Qinling inferred from sedimentation of Tianshui basin, northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2011,
19. Hui Zhengchuang, Li Jijun, Xu Qinghai, Song Chunhui, Zhang Jun, Wu Fuli, Zhao Zhijun. Miocene vegetation and climatic changes reconstructed from a sporopollen record of the Tianshui Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2011, 308: 373–382
20. 宋春暉,張曼,魏引傑,方小敏,孟慶泉,席黨鵬。塔里木盆地西北緣白堊紀大洋缺氧事件(OAE2). 地球環境學報,2011,2(4):541-548
21. 孟昌,孟慶泉,杜芳芳,楊進雲,張曼,吳小斌,魏引傑,宋春暉。塔里木盆地西北緣海相白堊系—古近系界線沉積物環境指標研究. 沉積學報,2011,29(2):245-254
22. 侯戰方,張軍,宋春暉,李吉均,劉佳,劉善品,惠爭闖,彭廷江. 青藏高原天水盆地中新世沉積物碳氧同位素對古氣候演化的指示. 海洋地質與第四紀地質,2011,31(3):69-77
24. 高軍平,方小敏,宋春暉,李生喜,薛建平. 青藏高原北部中-新生代構造-熱事件:來自柴西碎屑磷灰石裂變徑跡的制約. 吉林大學學報(地球科學版),2011, 41(5):1466-1475
25. 劉棟樑, 宋春暉, 顏茂都, 張偉林, 方小敏, 李海兵. 初探玉門礫岩沉積速率時空變化對氣候-構造相互作用的意義. 大地構造與成礦學, 2011, 35(1):56-63
26. 張濤,胡思虎,劉棟樑,高軍平,孟慶泉,方小敏,宋春暉,柴西紅溝子地區晚新生代岩石磁學特徵對青藏高原隆升的響應,地質科學,2010,45(4):987-996
27. 閆曉麗,張啟波,方小敏,苗運法,昝金波,孟慶泉,宋春暉,張濤,遲雲平. 臨夏盆地黑林頂剖面沉積物在8.6Ma 前後岩石磁學特徵及其意義. 沉積學報,2010, 28(6):1190-1197
28. 王雪鵬,楊進雲,杜芳芳,張曼,吳小斌,宋春暉. 塔里木盆地西緣晚新生代岩石磁學特徵及其對區域構造活動的響應. 甘肅地質,2010,19(4):1-8
29. 宋春暉,孟慶泉,夏維民,徐麗,苗運法,楊用彪,胡思虎. 青藏高原北緣古近紀石英砂表面特徵及其古環境意義. 沉積學報,2009,27(1):94-103
30. 楊用彪,孟慶泉,宋春暉,胡思虎,張平,劉平,陳傳飛. 柴達木盆地東北部新近紀構造旋轉及其意義. 地質論評, 2009, 55(6): 775-784
31. 潘美慧,宋春暉,李吉均,張軍,張平,惠爭闖. 甘肅天水地區中新世古土壤的微形態特徵及其古環境意義. 土壤學報, 2009,46(4): 578-585
32. 徐麗,苗運法,方小敏,宋春暉,夏維民,閆曉麗,韓文霞,張啟波,陳傳飛,戴霜. 青藏高原東北部西寧盆地中始新世-漸新世沉積物顏色與氣候變化. 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版),2009,45(1):12-19
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34. 楊勝利,方小敏,史正濤,宋春暉. 青藏高原東部邊緣“成都黏土”粒度記錄的約500 kaBP 的乾旱化增強事件. 海洋地質與第四紀地質,2008, 28(2): 105-114
35. 宋春暉,魯新川,張震,孟慶泉,夏偉民,劉平,張平. 臨夏盆地晚新生代沉積物元素特徵與古氣候變遷. 沉積學報,2007,25(3)409-416
36. 劉平,張平,夏維民,宋春暉,唐玉虎,張軍,魯新川,潘美慧. 天水地區新近紀沉積物地球化學特徵及其意義. 地球與環境,2007,35(3):239-246
37. 張震,宋春暉,張平,夏維民,邢強,青藏高原昆崙山埡口盆地晚上新世以來沉積物磁化率與氣候變化,資源調查與環境,2007,28(3):205-213
38. 方小敏,宋春暉,戴霜,朱迎堂,高軍平,張偉林. 青藏高原東北部階段性變形隆升:西寧、貴德盆地高精度磁性地層和盆地演化記錄. 地學前沿, 2007, 14(1):230-242
39. 李吉均,張 軍,宋春暉*,趙志軍,張勇,王修喜,張建明,崔巧玉. 隴中盆地灞河期地層的發現及意義. 中國科學(D 輯),2007,37 (1): 52-60
40. 王修喜,李吉均,宋春暉,趙志軍,高軍平,張軍. 天水盆地古近紀地層年代及其意義. 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版),2007,43(5):1-5
41. 張勇,李吉均,趙志軍,宋春暉,張軍,張建明. 中國北方新近系紅土的正構烷烴構成分析. 湖南文理學院學報(自然科學版),2007,19(2):49-58
42. 張勇,李吉均,趙志軍,宋春暉,張軍,張建明. 中國北方新近系紅土碳酸鈣研究及其意義. 湖南理工學院學報(自然科學版),2007,20(2):65-68
43. 袁道陽, 張培震, 方小敏、王志才、宋春暉、鄭德文. 青藏高原東北緣臨夏盆地晚新生代構造變形及過程. 地學前緣, 2007,14(1),243-250。
44. 王修喜,李吉均,宋春暉*,張軍,趙志軍,高軍平,潘美慧. 青藏高原東北緣西秦嶺新生代抬升-天水盆地碎屑顆粒磷灰石裂變徑跡記錄. 沉積學報,2006, 24(6): 782-789
45. 馬文忠,宋春暉,趙彥德,等. 阿爾金山北麓晚新生代沉積特徵及其對構造活動的響應. 甘肅科技, 2006,18(1):30-34
46. 趙彥德,劉洛夫,李燕,宋春暉等. 阿爾金山北麓米蘭河口新近紀以來碎屑沉積特徵及其構造意義. 石油天然氣學報,2006,28(3):161-166
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48. 宋春暉,白晉鋒,趙彥德,金洪波,孟慶泉. 臨夏盆地13-4.4Ma湖相沉積物顏色記錄的氣候變化探討. 沉積學報,2005,23(3):507-513
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