共找到2條詞條名為楊國生的結果 展開



性 別 男,職 稱 教授(碩導),研究類別 分析化學,工作單位 分析化學研究所。先後講授過大一基礎課“無機及分析化學”、大四選修課“色譜技術”、碩士生學位課“色譜及聯用技術”。


性 別 男
職 稱 教授(碩導)
研究類別 分析化學
工作單位 分析化學研究所


1979.9--1983.6 於中山大學化學系,獲學士學位
1987.9--1990.6 於河北大學理化分析中心,獲理學碩士學位。
1992.9--1995.6 於南開大學化學系,獲理學博士學位
1995年7月 分配至山東大學化學學院任教。
2000年2月--2000年6月受國家基金委和德國DFG資助在德國Tübingen大學與B. Koppenhoefer教授合作,進行藥物中間體的合成及手性藥物分離研究。
2001年2月—2001年8月在法國Bordeaux第一大學與G. Felix教授進行多環芳烴分離研究。
2002年2月—2003年1月受西班牙教育部資助,在西班牙Almeria大學與P. Parrilla教授進行農藥殘留分析和農藥對映體分離研究。




色譜分析, 色譜固定相的合成和色譜分離機理的研究,計算化學在色譜分析中的應用, 天然藥物有效成分的分離分析,農殘分析,環境污染物分析。


(1) 楊國生,嚴波,雷林,王文剛,劉成卜, “三唑稀醇手性識別的分子力學研究” 《高等學校化學學報》21(11)1745-1747(2000)(SCI)
(2) Guo-Sheng Yang,Mu-Bin Huang,Qin Dai,Ru-Yu Gao, Qin-Sun Wang,Gao-Lan Li,“Influence of the structure of Organic Phosphonate Compounds on Chiral separation on the Pirkle Type Chiral Stationary Phase” Chromatographia 53(2001)93 (SCI)
(3) Guo-Sheng Yang, Lan Zhou,Wei Du,Qin Dai,Gao-Lan Li,G. Felix, “HPLC enantiomeric separation of o,o-dialkyl-2-2benzyloxycarbonyl-aminoarlmethyl-phosphonates on cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphrnyl carbamate) and N-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl) leucine CSPs” J. Liq. Chrom. & Rel. Technol., 24(19), 3037-3048(2001) (SCI)
(4) 李高蘭,黃幕斌,楊國生等,“用薄層色譜法拆分手性芳香醇胺類藥物”,山東大學學報,36(4)429(2001)
(5) 杜偉,楊國生,張強,B. Koppenhoefer,“以環糊精為手性添加劑對藥物對映體的毛細管電泳手性拆分”,山東大學學報,36(4)433(2001)
(6) Guo-Sheng Yang,Lan Zhou,Wei Du,Gao-Lan Li,P. Piedad Vazquez, A. Garrido Frenich,“Effect of the Structure of Organic Phosphonate Compounds on Chiral Separations on Derivatized Cellulose Chiral Stationary Phase” Chromatographia 56(3/4) 143-145(2002) (SCI)
(7) 劉永軍,劉成卜,楊國生,“6, 7, 8, 9-四氫-吩嗪並[2, 3]C60衍生物的結構、電子光譜和二階非線性光學性質的理論研究”結構化學 21(2) 191 (2002) (SCI)
(8) Guo-Sheng Yang, Wei Du,Lan Zhou,P. Piedad Vazquez, A. Garrido Frenich,J. L. Martine Vidal, Hassan Y.Aboul-Enein,“Influence of the alcoholic modifier on the enantioseparation of organophosphate derivatives on cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) chiral stationary phase under normal phase mode” Anal. Lett. 36(7) 1423-1435 (2003) (SCI)
(9)Wei Du,Guo-Sheng Yang,Xin-Qiang Wang,Shi-Ling Yuan,Lan Zhou,Dong Xu,Cheng-Bu Liu,“Enantioseparation of 15 organic phosphonate esters on the cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenyl carbamate) chiral stationary phase by HPLC”,TALANTA,Vol 60/6 1187-1195 (2003)(SCI)
(10) Guo-Sheng Yang,P. Piedad Vazquez, A. Garrido Frenich,J. L. Martine Vidal, Hassan Y.Aboul-Enein,“Chiral Separation Of Organic Phosphonate Compounds On Cellulose CSP(Chiral Stationary Phese) Under Reversed Phase Mode” Analytical Science 19(August)1157-1161(2003) (SCI)
(11) Guo-Sheng Yang,P. Piedad Vazquez, A. Garrido Frenich,J. L. Martine Vidal, Hassan Y.Aboul-Enein,“Enantioseparation of Organophosphonate Derivatives on Amylose Tris(3,5-Dimethylphenylcarbamate) Chiral Stationary Phase by HPLC” J. Liq. Chrom. & Rel. Technol., 26, 3073-3082 (2003) (SCI)
(12)Guo-Sheng Yang, Shi-ling Yuan, Xian-Jie Lin, Zhong-Nan Qi, Cheng-Bu Liu, Guy Félix, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein,“The Study of ?-? Interaction in High Performance Liquid Chromatography by Molecular Modeling” Anal. Lett. 37(3) 529 - 543 (2004) (SCI)
(13) Guo-Sheng Yang, Piedad Parrilla Vázquez, Antonia Garrido Frenich, Jose L. Martínez Vidal, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein “Chiral separation of several pyrethroids on polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases under normal and reversed phase modes” J. Liq. Chrom. & Rel. Technol., Vol. 27, No. 10, pp. 1507–1521, (2004)(SCI)
(14) Guo-Sheng Yang, Shi-Ling Yuan, Xian-Jie Lin, Zhong-Nan Qi, Cheng-Bu Liu, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein, Guy Félix, “study of chiral discrimination of organophosphonate derivatives on pirkle type chiral stationary phase by molecular modeling” TALANTA,64,320-325(2004) (SCI)
(15) Guo-Sheng Yang, Chang-Yu Zhan, Gui-Hua Fu, Piedad Parrilla Vazquez, Antonia Garrido Frenich, Jose L. Martinez Vidal, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein “chiral separation of organic phosphonate compounds on polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases” Chromatographia 59, 631–635 (2004) (SCI)
(16)Guo-Sheng Yang, Piedad Parrilla Vázquez, Antonia Garrido Frenich, José Luis Martínez Vidal, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein “Separation and Simultaneous Determination of Enantiomers of Tau-fluvalinate and Permethrin in Drinking Water” Chromatographia 60(9/10) (2004)523-526 (SCI)
(17) Hua-Bin Zou, Guo-Sheng Yang, Zheng-Ren Qin, Wen-Qiang Jiang, Ai-Qin Du,Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein, “Progress in quality control of herbal medicine with IR fingerprint spectra” Anal. Lett. 38:1457-1475(2005) (SCI)
(18) Guo-Sheng Yang, Dong-Mei Chen, Yong Yang, Bo Tang, Jing-Jing Gao, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein, Bernhard Koppenhoefer, “Separation of enantiomers of drugs by capillary electrophoresis with sulfated Na-salt β-Cyclodextrin as chiral agent” CHROMATOGRAPIA Vol.62 (7/8), 441–445 (2005) (SCI)
(19) Huabin Zou, Guosheng Yang, Aiqin Du, Jiurong Yuan, Zhengran Qin, Yingying Xia and Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein “Combinational numeral fingerprint spectra of Glycyrrhiza and analysis of common peak ratio invariableness in HPLC” Biomed. Chromatogr. 20: 642–655 (2006) (SCI)


(1)計算機輔助新型手性固定相的研究 (編號: 29705002) 項目負責人
計算機輔助手性分離機理研究和新型手性固定相的研製 (編號: Q97B01121 ) 項目負責人
4,山東省科委項目1項: 甲氨喋呤等藥物對映體的製備性分離 項目負責人

