






● ● 郭夢橋,郭撿,張大維,張憲春,劉保東.2012.掃描電鏡下9種卷柏葉表皮特徵的系統學意義.電子顯微學報31(2):163—167.
● ● 張憲春,2012.《中國石松類和蕨類植物》.北京大學出版社.(ISBN978-7-301-20973-8).
● ● 秦仁昌,2011.《中國蕨類植物圖譜》.北京大學出版社.(ISBN978-7-301-19475-1).再版重印,對分類和名稱變化進行了補充.
● ● 齊新萍,張憲春.2011.中國瓦韋屬三種植物的細胞分類學研究.廣西植物31:181-183.
● ● 張憲春.2011.亞洲熱帶植物研究的搖籃—萊頓標本館.生命世界263:38-39.
● ● 張憲春.石雷,2011.中國蕨類植物研究進程.中國花卉園藝243:8.
● ● 胡宗剛,張憲春.2011.秦仁昌與植物標本館.生命世界263:44-49.
● ● 李中陽,張憲春.2011.跟著RalfKnapp的鏡頭尋找台灣蕨類植物.生命世界264:92-93.
● ● 張憲春,2011.第十八屆國際植物新大會植物命名分會情況簡介.仙湖10(2):29.
● ● 郭志友,劉紅梅,張憲春,劉保東,2010.粗齒黔蕨配子體發育的研究.熱帶亞熱帶植物學報18(1):54-58.
● ● 衛然,張憲春,齊新萍,2010.腸蕨屬和同囊蕨屬的系統位置—基於葉綠體rbcL基因和rps4+rps4-trnS基因間隔區序列的證據,雲南植物研究,增刊17:46-54
● ● 齊新萍,張憲春,衛然,2010中國瓦韋屬革質葉組的分類學修訂。雲南植物研究,增刊17:55-64.
● ● 張憲,2008.中國蕨類植物志中兩色鱗毛蕨學名的糾正.植物研究,28(1):5–6.
● ● 張憲春等,2008.石松科石杉科卷柏科,水韭科科,木賊科車前蕨科書帶蕨科蹄蓋蕨科鹿角蕨科槲蕨科劍蕨科禾葉蕨科等,《中國高等植物》第二卷,青島:青島出版社。
● ● 張開梅石雷李東,張憲春.2008.西南鳳尾蕨(PteriswallichianaAgardh.)發育過程及其孢子的無菌繁殖.園藝學報,35(1):94-98.
● ● 劉紅梅,王麗,張憲春,曾輝.2008.石松類和蕨類植物研究進展:兼論國產類群的科級分類系統.植物分類學報,46:808-829.
● ● 許為斌,梁永延,張憲春,劉演.2008.水龍骨科一新記錄屬——高平蕨屬.植物分類學報,46:916-918.
● ● 劉全儒,明冠華,葛源,張憲春.2008.中國瓦韋屬薄葉組的分類學修訂.植物分類學報,46:906-915.
● ● 嚴岳鴻,張憲春,馬克平,2007.中國珍稀瀕危蕨類植物的現狀及保護.In馬克平(主編),《中國生物多樣性保護與研究進展VII》,77-86.北京:氣象出版社
● ● 劉紅梅,張憲春,陳之端,董仕勇,仇寅龍,2007.叉蕨科是一個多系類群:基於葉綠體rbcL和atpB基因的分析.中國科學C輯,37(5):575-584.
● ● 張巧艷,劉曉瑞,朱玉瓊,張憲春,劉家熙.2007.中國蕗蕨屬膜蕨科)的分類學修訂.首都師範大學學報(自然科學版)28(1):44-49.
● ● 王金娟,張憲春,劉保東,成曉.2007.桫欏科三種植物配子體發育的研究.熱帶亞熱帶植物學報,15(2):115-120.
● ● 邵文,張憲春,劉保東.2007.海金沙胚胎髮育的研究.植物研究27(2):141-144.
● ● 王麗,張憲春.2007.我國的水生蕨類.大自然138:54-55.
● ● 張憲春,王麗.2007.蕨類植物.In李振宇、石雷主編.《峨眉山植物》.39-43,161-208.廣州:百通集團,北京科學技術出版社.
● ● 張憲春,2007.卷柏科等,《中國高等植物》第二卷,青島:青島出版社.
● ● 孫稚穎,張憲春,崔紹梅,周鳳琴,2006.中國29種和泰國1種卷柏科植物的葉形態學研究及其分類學意義.植物分類學報44(2):148-160.
● ● 董仕勇,張憲春,2006.海南產鱗始蕨屬(鱗始蕨科)的分類學修訂.植物分類學報44(3):258-271.
● ● 戴紹軍,王全喜,包文美,張憲春,張大維.2006.中國蕨類植物孢子形態的研究IV.金星蕨科-II.植物分類學報43(3):233-245.
● ● 董仕勇,陳珍傳,張憲春*.2005.深圳梧桐山蕨類植物區系.熱帶亞熱帶植物學報.13(4):358-362.
● ● 高卉劉保東張憲春*.2005.中國書帶蕨科植物的分類和名稱變化.植物研究,25(1):30-33.
● ● 張憲春,2000.劍蕨科,in林尤興(編輯),《中國植物志》6(2):323-335.北京:科學出版社
● ● 張憲春,2000.禾葉蕨科,in林尤興(編輯),《中國植物志》6(2):297-322.北京:科學出版社
● ● 張憲春,2000.鹿角蕨科,in林尤興(編輯),《中國植物志》6(2):293-296.北京:科學出版社
● ● 張憲春,2000.槲蕨科,in林尤興(編輯),《中國植物志》6(2):267-292.北京:科學出版社
● ● 張憲春,1999,書帶蕨科,in朱維明(編輯),《中國植物志》3(2),北京:科學出版社
● ● 張憲春,1999,車前蕨科、書帶蕨科,in朱維明(編輯),《中國植物志》3(2),北京:科學出版社
● ● 張憲春,邢公俠(編),1999.紀念秦仁昌論文集――紀念秦仁昌100周年誕辰蕨類植物學研究論文集.北京:中國林業出版社
● ● 張憲春,1996.中國蹄蓋蕨屬軸果蹄蓋蕨系植物的分類.植物分類學報34(2):180-193.
● ● 張憲春,石雷,1994.中國粉背蕨屬一些種類的增訂.植物分類學報32(1):93-97.
● ● 張憲春,1994.蕨類植物,李振宇主編,《龍棲山植物》,北京:中國林業出版社
● ● 張憲春,1993.蕨類植物,李振宇等主編,《廣西九萬山植物資源考察報告》.北京:中國林業出版社
● ● 張憲春,1992.雲南蹄蓋蕨亞屬植物的分類.植物分類學報30(3):245-255.
● ● 張憲春,1991.國產蹄蓋蕨屬軟刺蹄蓋蕨組植物的研究.植物研究11(3):1-15


《中國植物志》第六卷3分冊 主編
《馬來西亞植物志》蕨類第三卷 編者
《中國高等植物》第二卷 編者
《中國植物志》第六卷2分冊 編者
《中國植物志》第三卷2分冊 編者
《中國植物志》第三卷2分冊 編者


Shalimov AP and Zhang XC.2021. A taxonomic revision of Selaginella monospora Spring (Selaginellaceae).Turczaninowia. 24(3): 172-193.
Zhang MH, Wei R, Xiang QP, Ebihara A and Zhang XC. 2021. Integrative taxonomy of the Selaginella helvetica group based on morphological, molecular and ecological data. Taxon. 70(6): 1163-1187.
Wei R, Zhao CF, Xiang QP and Zhang XC. 2021. Ellipinema and ×Ellipisorus? Just Lepisorus (Polypodiaceae)! Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 161: 107176.
Li XJ, Zhang XC and Li JX. 2021. pores morphology of the family Pteridaceae from Shandong Province, China. Microscopy Research and Technique. https://doi.org/10.1002/jemt.23926.
Wei ZY, Xia ZQ, Zhang XC, Cao JG and Yan YH. 2021. Finding missing diversity from synonyms of Haplopteris (Pteridaceae). Phytokeys. 178: 81-94.
Wei R, Yang J, He LJ, Liu HM, Hu JY, Liang SQ, Wei XP, Zhao CF and Zhang XC. 2021. Plastid phylogenomics provides novel insights into the infrafamilial relationship of Polypodiaceae. Cladistics. 37: 717-727.
Huang EF,Yao G,Jiang RH, Yang LL, Xi W, Zhang ZS and Zhang XC. 2021. Hoya pyrifolia (Apocynaceae), a new species from south-western Yunnan, China. Phytokeys. 174: 95-106.
Liang SQ, Viane RLL, Zhang XC and Wei R. 2021. Exploring the reticulate evolution in the Asplenium pekinense complex and the A. varians complex (Aspleniaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 59: 125-140.
Wei XP and Zhang XC. 2021. Phylogeography of the widespread fern Lemmaphyllum in East Asia: species differentiation and population dynamics in response to change in climate and geography. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1111/jse.12718.
Kang JS, Zhang HR, Wang YR, Liang SQ, Mao ZY, Zhang XC and Xiang QP. 2020. Distinctive evolutionary pattern of organelle genomes linked to the nuclear genome in Selaginellaceae. Plant Journal. 104(6): 1657-1672.
Zhao CF, Wei R, Xiang QP and Zhang XC. 2020. Backbone phylogeny of Lepisorus (Polypodiaceae) and a novel infrageneric classification based on the total evidence from plastid and morphological data. Cladistics. 36(3): 235-258.
Wei R and Zhang XC. 2020. Phylogeny of Diplazium (Athyriaceae) revisited: Resolving the backbone relationships based on plastid genomes and phylogenetic tree space analysis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 143 (2020) 106699.
Zhang HR, Wei R, Xiang QP and Zhang XC. 2020. Plastome-based phylogenomics resolves the placement of the sanguinolenta group in the spikemoss of lycophyte (Selaginellaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 147 (2020) 106788.
Zhao CF, Xiang QP and Zhang XC. 2020. The origin of allotetraploid Lepisorus inaequibasis (Polypodiaceae) and paternal bias in its morphology and abiotic niche. Taxon. 69(1): 43-55.
Jiang RH, Wang YR and Zhang XC. 2020. Lepisorus youxingii (Polypodiaceae), a new fern species from Guangxi China. Phytotaxa. 437(2): 97-104.
Skaptsov MV, Vaganov AV, Kechaykin AA, Kutsev MG, Smirnov SV, Dorofeev VI, Borodina-Grabovskaya AE, Seregin AP, Sinitsina TA, Friesen NV, Zhang XC and Shmakov AI. 2020. The cytotypes variability of the complex Selaginella sanguinolenta s.l.. Turczaninowia. 23(2): 5-14.
Zhang XC, Shalimov AP, Kang JS and Zhang MH. 2020. Selaginella subvaginata (Selaginellaceae), a new spikemoss from China. Journal of Species Research. 9(3): 221-232.
Wang JP, Yu JG, Sun PC, Li C, Song XM, Lei TY, Li YX, Yuan JQ, Sun SR, Ding HL, Duan XQ, Shen SQ, Shen YS, Li J, Meng FB, Xie YQ, Wang JY, Hou Y, Zhang J, Zhang XC, Li XQ, Paterson AH and Wang XY. 2020. Paleo-polyploidization in Lycophytes. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics. https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.gpb.2020.10.002.
Zhang HR, Xiang QP and Zhang XC. 2019. The unique evolutionary trajectory and dynamic conformations of DR and IR/DR-coexisting plastomes of the early vascular plant Selaginellaceae (Lycophyte). Genome Biology and Evolution. 11(4): 1258–1274.
Zhang HR, Zhang XC and Xiang QP. 2019. Direct repeats co-occur with few short dispersed repeats in plastid genome of a spikemoss, Selaginella vardei (Selaginellaceae, Lycopodiopsida). BMC Genomics. 20: 484.
Shalimov AP, Wu YD and Zhang XC. A Taxonomic revision of the genus Selaginella (Selaginellaceae) from Nepal. PhytoKeys, 133: 1-76.
Shalimov AP, Zhu YM, Zhang MH and Zhang XC. 2019. Selaginella dianzhongensis (Selaginellaceae), a new spikemoss from China. PhytoKeys. 118: 75–87.
Shao YZ, Chen Y, Zhang XC, Xiang QP. 2019. Species delimitation and phylogeography of Abies delavayi complex: Inferred from morphological, molecular, and climatic data. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1111/jse.12500.
Liang SQ, Viane RLL, Zhang XC, Wei R. 2019. Exploring the reticulate evolution in the Asplenium pekinense complex and the A. varians complex (Aspleniaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1111/jse.12530.
Li ZY, Zhang XC, Liang ZL and Li J. 2019. A Taxonomic revision of fern genus Pseudocyclosorus (Thelypteridaceae) from China and the Pan-Himalaya region, with special reference to the identity of Pseudocyclosorus stramineus. Phytotaxa. 424(4):197-216.
Wang YR, Zhao CF, Yu XD and Zhang XC. 2019. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of a typical alpine fern Lepisorus waltonii (Ching) S.L.Yu in Polypodiaceae. Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources. 4(1): 801-803.
Wei R, Ebihara A, Zhu YM, Zhao CF, Hennequin S and Zhang XC. 2018. A total-evidence phylogeny of the lady fern genus Athyrium Roth (Athyriaceae) with a new infrageneric classification. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 119: 25–36.
He LJ, Schneider H, Hovenkamp P, Marquardt J, Wei R, Wei XP, Zhang XC and Xiang QP. 2018. A molecular phylogeny of selligueoid ferns (Polypodiaceae): Implications for a natural delimitation despite homoplasy and rapid radiation. Taxon. 67: 237–249.
Shen H, Jin DM, Shu JP, Zhou XL, Lei M, Wei R, Shang H, Wei HJ, Zhang R, Liu L, Gu YF, Zhang XC and Yan YH. 2018. Large scale phylogenomic analysis resolves a backbone phylogeny in ferns. Giga Science. 7: 1–11.
Xiang QP, Wei R, Zhu YM, Harris AJ and Zhang XC. 2018. New infrageneric classification of Abies in light of molecular phylogeny and high diversity in Western North America. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 56(5): 562-572.
Xie SP, Zhang SH, Chen TY, Zhang XC, Zeng X and Yang Y. 2018. Late Miocene occurrence of monogeneric family Oleandraceae from southwest China and its implications on evolution of eupolypods I. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 256: 13–19.
Wang LJ, Zhang XC and Liu JX. 2018. Studies on the complementary relationship of surface ornamentations between megaspores and microspores. Microscopy Research and Technique. 81:1474–1488.
Zhang XC. 2018. Some new records of Selaginella from China. Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology. 12(1):22-23. 
Zhang XC and Han BC, 2018. In memoriam: Ming-Li Zhang (1959–2017). Turczaninowia. 21 (2): 268–276.
Wei R, Yan YH, Harris AJ, Kang JS, Shen H, Xiang QP and Zhang XC. 2017. Plastid phylogenomics resolve deep relationships among eupolypod II ferns with rapid radiation and rate heterogeneity. Genome Biology and Evolution. 9(6):1646–1657.
Wei XP, Wei R, Zhao CF, Zhang HR, and Zhang XC. 2017. Phylogenetic position of the enigmatic fern genus Weatherbya (polypodiaceae) revisited: evidence from chloroplast, nuclear gene regions, and morphological data. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 178(6): 450–464.
Wei XP, Qi YD, Zhang XC, Luo L, Shang H, Wei R, Liu HT and Zhang BG. 2017. Phylogeny, historical biogeography and characters evolution of the drought resistant fern Pyrrosia Mirbel (Polypodiaceae) inferred from plastid and nuclear markers. Scientific Reports. 7: 12757.
Shao YZ, Zhang XC, Phan LK, and Xiang QP. 2017. Elevation Shift in Abies Mill. (Pinaceae) of Subtropical and Temperate China and Vietnam—Corroborative Evidence from Cytoplasmic DNA and Ecological Niche Modeling. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:578.
New TY and Zhang XC. 2017. Taxonomic studies of lycophytes and ferns from the Pan-Himalaya (I): Hymenophyllum (Hymenophyllaceae). Turczaninowia. 20 (2):75–96.
New TY, Shalimov AP and Zhang XC. 2017. Taxonomic studies of lycophytes and ferns from the Pan-Himalaya (II): Crepidomanes, Didymoglossum and Vandenboschia. Turczaninowia. 20(4): 97–118.
Wu YD, Zhang HR, and Zhang XC. 2017. Selaginella guihaia (Selaginellaceae): A new spikemoss species from southern China and northern Vietnam around the Gulf of Tonkin. PhytoKeys. 80: 41–52.
Shalimov AP, N. Shrestha and Zhang XC. 2017. Taxonomic study of the genus Huperzia Bernh. (Lycopodiaceae) in the Pan-Himalayan region. Indian Fern Journal. 34: 130–168.
Xu CL, Huang J, Su T, Zhang XC, Li SF and Zhou ZK. 2017. The first megafossil record of Goniophlebium (Polypodiaceae) from the Middle Miocene of Asia and its paleoecological implications. Palaeoworld 26: 543–552.
Zhang HR, Kang JS, Viane RLL and Zhang XC. 2017. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Huperzia javanica (Sw.) C.Y. Yang in Lycopodiaceae. Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 2(1): 216-218.
Kang JS,Zhang XC and Kwak M.2017. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for Viola websteri (Violaceae) and cross-species amplification within the genus Viola. Plant Mol Biol Rep. 35: 145-153.
PPG I. 2016. A community based classification of ferns and lycophytes. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 54: 563–603.
Liu HM, Zhang XC, Wang MP, Shang H, Zhou SL, Yan YH, Wei XP, Xu WB and Schneider H. 2016. Phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic fern genus Trichoneuron informs on the infra-familial relationship of Dryopteridaceae. Plant Syst Evol. 302:319–332.
Wu YD, New TY, Sun JQ and Zhang XC. 2016. Additions to the pteridophyte flora of Xizang (V)-Didymoglossum (Hymenophyllaceae), an unrecorded fern genus from Xizang, China. Newsletter of Himalayan Botany. 50: 4-6.
Wei R and Zhang XC. 2016. Athyrium sessilipinnum: A new lady fern (Athyriaceae) from southern China. Brittonia. 68:440-447.
Guo ZY, Zhang HR, Shrestha N and Zhang XC. 2016. Complete chloroplast genome of a valuable medicinal Plant, Huperzia serrata (Lycopodiaceae), and comparison with its congener. Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 4(11): 1600071.
Guo ZY, Zhang HR, Wei R, Li ZY, Yao ZM and Zhang XC. 2016. New Records of Lycopods and Ferns from Maolan Nature Reserve of Libo (Guizhou, China). Indian Fern J. 33: 222-225.
Wei XP and Zhang XC. 2016. Distributional patterns of the monolete and trilete ferns in China. Biodiversity Science. 24 (10): 1129–1134.
Zhou XL, Zhang XC, Sun JQ and Yan YH. 2016. Diversity and distribution of lycophytes and ferns in China. Biodiversity Science. 24 (1): 102–107.
Wei R, Xiang QP, Schneider H, Sundue M A, Kessler M, Kamau PW, Hidayat A and Zhang XC. 2015, Eurasian origin, boreotropical migration and transoceanic dispersal in the pantropical fern genus Diplazium (Athyriaceae). Journal of Biogeography. 42: 1809–1819.
Shrestha N, and Zhang XC. 2015, Recircumscription of Huperzia serrata complex in China using morphological and climatic data. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 53(1):88–103. 
Xiang QP, Wei R, Shao YZ, Yang ZY, Wang XQ and Zhang XC. 2015. Phylogenetic relationships, possible ancient hybridization, and biogeographic history of Abies (Pinaceae) based on datafrom nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrial genomes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 82:1-14.
Shrestha N, and Zhang XC. 2015 On the presence of North American clubmoss Huperzia lucidula (Lycopodiaceae) in China: An intercontinental disjunction or misidentification. Phytotaxa. 219(3): 243–252.
Shao Y, Wei R, Zhang XC and Xiang QP. 2015 Molecular phylogeny of the cliff ferns (Woodsiaceae: Polypodiales) with a proposed infrageneric classification. PLoS One. 10(9): e0136318.
Zhang XC. 2015. Gymnosphaera austroyunnanensis (S. G. Lu) S. G. Lu & Chun X. Li: a new record tree fern from North Vietnam. Indian Fern J. 32: 132-134
Zhu C, Zeng Q, McMichael A, Ebi KL, Ni K, Khan AS, Zhu J, Liu G,Zhang XC, Cheng L and Ziska LH.2015. Historical and experimental evidence for enhanced concentration of artemesinin, a global anti-malarial treatment, with recent and projected increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide.Climatic Change. 132: 295–306.
Zhou SL, Dong WP, Chen XQ, Zhang XC, Wen J and Schneider H. 2014. How many species of bracken (Pteridium) are there? Assessing the Chinese brackens using molecular evidence. Taxon. 63 (3): 509-521.
Wei R and Zhang XC. 2014. Rediscovery of Cystoathyrium chinense Ching (Cystopteridaceae): Phylogenetic placement of the critically endangered fern species endemic to China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 52(4): 450–457. 
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