







從博士階段開始從事新生代地質與環境研究,側重於從粘土礦物、環境磁學角度獲取氣候變化和人類活動信息,在以下方面取得了創新性成果: (1)通過對現代環境過程的磁學研究,建立了磁學示蹤體系,實現了不同來源的有效區分;(2)基於環境磁學和地球化學研究,實現了重金屬污染程度的定量化分級和高精度污染歷史重建;(3)用粘土礦物和環境磁學手段重建了新生代兩個特徵時期氣候變化的精細過程,在亞洲內陸乾旱化驅動因素方面提出了新認識。在國內外學術刊物發表論文25篇,SCI論文22篇,其中第一作者SCI論文10篇。截止到2015年2月,論文被SCI刊物引用256次(他引201次),第一作者論文被引用151次(他引119次)。




29. Zhang C.X., Z.T. Guo, C.L. Deng, X.P. Ji, H.B. Wu, G.A. Paterson, L. Chang, Q. Li, B.L. Wu, and R.X. Zhu. Clay mineralogy indicates a mildly warm and humid living environment for the Miocene hominoid from the Zhaotong Basin, Yunnan, China
28. 趙秀麗, 張春霞, 吳海斌, 任祥斌, 常琳, 郭正堂. 西寧盆地始新世/漸新世過渡期孢粉植物群特徵及其意義. 第四紀研究
27. Chang, L.,Z.T. Guo, C.L. Deng, H.B. Wu, X.P. Ji, Y. Zhao,C.X Zhang, J.Y. Ge, B.L. Wu, L. Sun, and R.X. Zhu. Pollen evidence of the palaeoenvironments of Lufengpithecus lufengensis in the Zhaotong Basin, southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
26. Zhang C.X., G.Q.Xiao,Z.T. Guo, H.B.Wu and Q.Z.Hao. Evidence of late early Miocene aridification intensification in the Xining Basin caused by the northeastern Tibetan Plateau uplift. Global and Planetary Change
25. 肖國橋, 張春霞, 郭正堂. 晚漸新世-早中新世青藏高原隆升與東亞季風演化. 自然雜誌
24. 喬慶慶, 黃寶春, 張春霞. 華北地區大氣降塵和地表土壤磁學特徵及污染來源. 科學通報
23. Zhang C.X. and Z.T. Guo. Clay mineral changes across the Eocene-Oligocene transition in the sedimentary sequence at Xining occurred prior to global cooling. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology
22. 張岩, 郭正堂, 鄧成龍, 張雙權, 吳海斌, 張春霞, 葛俊逸, 趙得愛, 李琴, 宋揚朱日祥。周口店第1地點用火的磁化率和色度證據。科學通報
21. Qiao Q. Q.,B.Huang,Zhang C.X., J.D.A. Piper and Y. Sun , Assessment of heavy metal contamination of dustfall in northern China from integrated chemical and magnetic investigation. Atomspheric Environment
20. Zhang, C. X., E. Appel and Q. Q. Qiao, Heavy metal pollution in farmland irrigated with river water near a steel plant - magnetic and geochemical signature. Geophysical Journal International
19. Zhang, C. X., Q. Q. Qiao, E. Appel and B. C. Huang, Discriminating sources of anthropogenic heavy metals in urban street dusts using magnetic and chemical methods. Journal of Geochemical Exploration
18. Zhang, C. X., G. A. Paterson and Q. S. Liu, A new magnetic enhancement mechanism of hematite during heating: the role of clay minerals. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica
17. Liu C. Y., K. P. Ge, Zhang C.X., Q. S. Liu, C. L. Deng and R. X. Zhu, Nature of remagnetization of early Triassic red beds in southwestern China. Geophysical Journal International
16. Zhang, C. X., Q. Qiao, J.D.A. Piper and B. Huang, Assessment of heavy metal pollution from a Fe-smelting plant in urban river sediments using environmental magnetic and geochemical methods. Environmental Pollution
15. Qiao Q. Q., Zhang C.X., B. Huang and J.D.A. Piper , Evaluating the environmental quality impact of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games: Magnetic monitoring of street dust in Beijing Olympic Park. Geophysical Journal International
14. 喬慶慶, 張春霞, 李靜,李泓,黃寶春. 北京市朝陽區大氣降塵磁學特徵及對空氣污染物濃度的指示. 地球物理學報
13. 李震宇, 黃寶春,張春霞. 河南西南部典型白堊紀剖面的岩石磁組構特徵及其構造意義. 岩石學報
12. 吳文芳,李金華,張春霞,潘永信. 有機質對納米級磁鐵礦熱穩定性的影響. 地球物理學報
11. 李震宇, 黃寶春,方曉思,張春霞. 西峽盆地恐龍蛋化石剖面磁性地層學機構及其構造地質意義。地球物理學報
10. Huang, B.C., J. Piper, Q.Qiao, H.Wang, Zhang C. X,. Magnetostratigraphic and rock magnetic study of the Neogene upper Yaha Section, Kuche Depression (Tarim Basin):implications to formation of the Xiyu Conglomerate Formation, NW China. Journal of Geophysical Research
9. Zhang, C. X., Q. Liu, B. Huang, and Y. Su. Magnetic enhancement upon heating of environmentally polluted samples containing hematite and iron. Geophysical Journal International
8. 張春霞, 黃寶春, 劉青松。鋼鐵廠周圍不同污染介質的磁學性質極其環境意義. 地球物理學報
7. Zhang, C. X., B. Huang, J. Piper and R. Luo. Biomonitoring of atmospheric particulate matter using magnetic properties of Salix matsudana tree ring cores. Science of the Total Environment
6. 張春霞,黃寶春,駱仁松,張素梅,李震宇. 鋼鐵廠附近樹木年輪的磁學性質極其環境意義. 第四紀研究
5. Huang B.C., Piper J.D.A., Zhang C.X., Li Z.Y., and Zhu R.X. Paleomagnetism of Cretaceous rocks in the Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern China: Insight into block rotations and neotectonic deformation in eastern Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research
4. Zhang, C. X., B. Huang, Z. Li, and H. Liu. Magnetic properties of highroad-side pine tree leaves in Beijing and their environmental significance. Chinese Sci
張春霞,黃寶春,李震宇,劉賀. 高速公路附近樹葉的磁學性質極其對環境污染的指示意義. 科學通報
3. Huang B.C., Piper J.D.A., He H.Y., Zhang C.X., and Zhu RX. Paleomagnetic and geochronological study of the Halaqiaola basalts, southern margin of the Altai Mountains, northern Xinjiang: Constraints on neotectonic convergent patterns north of Tibet. Journal of Geophysical Research
2. Huang B.C., Xu B., Zhang C.X., Li Y.A., and Zhu R.X. Paleomagnetism of the Beiyixi volcanic rocks (ca. 740 Ma) of Tarim, Northwest China: a continental fragment of Neoproterozoic Western Australia? Precambrian Research
1. 張春霞, 黃寶春. 環境磁學在城市環境污染監測中的應用和進展, 地球物理學進展