共找到2條詞條名為李文均的結果 展開



李文均,男,博士,中山大學生命科學大學院/生態與進化學院教授,2014年度百人計劃 /珠江學者入選者,博士生導師;國際原核微生物系統學委員會(International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes,ICSP)國際委員;伯傑氏國際系統微生物學會(BISMiS)創始會員、美國微生物學會(American Society for Microbiology)會員、美國地球科學學會(American Geosciences Union)會員、國際極端環境微生物學會(International Society for Extremophiles)會員。

中國微生物學會理事,中國微生物學會普及及教育工作委員會委員、環境微生物專業微生物委員會、微生物資源專業委員會委員《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》、《The Scientific World Journal》、《Frontiers in Marine Systematics and Taxonomy》、《BioMed Research International》、《BISMiS Bulletin》、《微生物學報》等多個雜誌編委及多個國內外期刊的通訊評審專家。

2012.08-2014.07 任雲南省"特殊生境微生物資源開發與利用國際聯合研究中心"負責人

2014.07-至今 中山大學生命科學大學院/生態與進化學院百人計劃/珠江學者特聘教授,博士生導師。






2003.10-2004.02,2005.08-10, 2007.03先後三次赴韓國國家生命工學研究院等單位從事嗜鹽放線細菌分離及系統分類學合作或博士后研究;
2005年12月 入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才”支持計劃
2006.04-2007.3 作為博士后/高級訪問學者受邀在美國喬治亞大學微生物學系、海洋生物科學系進行合作研究工作,主要開展自氧和異氧微生物的分離及系統學研究,同時運用分子生物學手段開展熱泉沉積物微生物CO固定途徑關鍵酶克隆文庫的構建等分子生態學研究;
2008.08-2014.07 雲南大學放線菌資源與利用省創新團隊負責人;
2009.09-2010.09 由雲南省委組織部選派到中科院微生物研究所做“西部之光”做訪問學者一年;
2009.01-2011.12 任雲南大學省微生物研究所副所長,主管科研、重點學科和重點實驗室建設;
2012.08-2014.07 任雲南省“特殊生境微生物資源開發與利用國際聯合研究中心”負責人
2014.07-至今 中山大學生命科學大學院/生態與進化學院百人計劃/珠江學者特聘教授,博士生導師


主持並順利完成5項國家自然科學基金項目,1 項教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計劃專項基金、1 項雲南省創新團隊項目,2項國際合作項目,1 項教育部科學技術研究重點項目、1 項教育部留學歸國人員科學啟動基金、2項雲南省自然科學基金項目、2 項雲南省人才專項基金、1 項中國博士后科學基金、2 項雲南省教育廳基金項目;
以主要骨幹參與完成2 項國家973項目子課題 [“極端微生物生物多樣性及潛在應用價值評估” (2004-2009)、“海洋微生物次生代謝的生理生態效應及其生物合成機制”(2010-2014)]、科技部國際合作專項1項(極端微生物環境中的新葯發現)、國家科技部重大基礎研究(973)前期項目1項(雲南放線菌、高等真菌和野生蔬菜的資源評價與可持續利用)、1項國家自然科學基金重點項目(通過進化生物學途徑從植物共生放線菌中尋找強生理活性化合物) 、國家自然科學基金項目2項,雲南省重點項目1項、雲南省國際合作項目3項、雲南省自然科學基金2項;
現主持 1項科技部國際合作重點項目“中國西部熱泉微生物資源及其功能利用合作研究”(2013DFA31980),1項國家自然科學基金項目,2 項省級科研項目,及多項橫向合作課題。




2003年11月,參與撰寫論文《Streptomonosporasalinagen.nov.,sp.nov.,a new member of the familyNocardiopsaceae》被雲南省科學技術協會評為雲南省優秀科學論文紅雲獎一等獎;
2005年2月獲得2004年度雲南省自然科學獎一等獎“放線菌資源研究”(獲獎人員排名:徐麗華,崔曉龍,李文均,李銘剛,文孟良彭謙,徐平,張華,姜成林,劉志恆張利平) ;
2005年11月,第一作者撰寫的論文《Yania halotoleransgen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the suborderMicrococcineaeisolated from saline soil in China》被雲南省科學技術協會評為“第七屆雲南省優秀科學論文雲錫獎一等獎”;
2007年10月,獲得WFCC (The World Federationfor Culture Collections) Skerman Award for MicrobialTaxonomy (世界菌種保藏聯合會為表彰在微生物分類領域做出傑出貢獻的青年科學家而設立的以著名微生物分類學家V.B.D.Skerman教授來命名的獎項) ;
2008年02月,作為第一作者撰寫的論文《Proposal ofYaniaceaefam. nov. andYaniaflavasp. nov. and emendeddescription of the genusYania》被雲南省科學技術協會評為“第八屆雲南省優秀科學論文雲錫獎特等獎”;
2012年5月,指導的李岩同學的碩士學位論文“白色普氏菌YIM 90005T四氫嘧啶合成相關基因的克隆與分析”榮獲2011年度雲南省優秀碩士論文獎;


先後承擔了包括國家科技部“973”子課題,973前期,國家科技部國際合作重點項目,國家自然科學基金等在內的30餘項國家級或省級課題的研究,現在研主持1項科技部國際合作專項,1項國家自然科學基金面上項目,1 項省重點項目及部分橫向合作課題。在Nat Commun, PLOS Biol, Environ Microbiol、BioresourceTechnol、Genome BiolEvol、MolPhylogenetEvol、Appl Environ Microbiol等雜誌發表學術論文近600篇(其中SCI源刊論文480餘篇),專著3部,受邀撰寫新版伯傑氏系統細菌學手冊(Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology)6章,新版原核微生物(The Prokaryotes)2章,申請專利21件。另外,他還先後榮獲雲南省自然科學一等獎(2次,分別排名第一和第三)、教育部自然科學二等獎(排名第一)、雲南省自然科學三等獎(排名第三)、雲南省青年科技獎、雲南大學伍達觀優秀教師獎、雲南省十大傑出青年提名獎、“雲南省青年五四獎章”提名獎、雲南省突出貢獻專業技術人才等20餘項獎勵。


1.Wen-Jun Li*, Salam Nimaichand, Zhao Jiang, Min-Jiao Liu, Thi-Nhan Khieu, Chang-Jin Kim, Wael N.Hozzein, Dong-Jin Park, Mohammed A. M. Wadaan, Debananda S. Ningthoujam.Streptomyces canchipurensissp. nov., isolated from a limestone habitat.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2014, Dec;106(6):1119-1126. doi: 10.1007/s10482-014-0281-6.
2. Bing-Bing Liu, Wan-Yu Zhao, Xiao Chu, Wael N.Hozzein, Deene Manik Prabhu, Mohammed A.M. Wadaan, Shu-Kun Tang, Li-Li Zhang andWen-Jun Li*.Haladaptatus pallidirubidus sp. nov., a halophilic archaeon isolated from saline soil samples in Yunnan and Xinjiang, China.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2014, Nov, 106(5):901-910. DOI 10.1007/s10482-014-0259-4;
3. Yu Zhou, Rui Li, Xiao-Yang Gao, Alla Lapidus, James Han, Matthew Haynes, Elizabeth Lobos, Marcel Huntemann, Amrita Pati, Natalia N. Ivanova, Manfred Rohde, Konstantinos Mavromatis, Brian J. Tindall, Victor Markowitz, Tanja Woyke, Hans-Peter Klenk*, Nikos C. Kyrpides andWen-Jun Li*. High quality draft genome sequence of the slightly halophilic bacterium Halomonas zhanjiangensis type strain JSM 078169T (DSM 21076T) from a sea urchin in southern China.Standards in Genomic Sciences. (2014) 9: 1020-1030. DOI:10.4056/sigs.5449586;
4. En-Min Zhou, Tian-Tian Yu, Lan Liu, Hong Ming, Yi-Rui Yin, Lei Dong, Min Tseng, Guo-Xing Nie, andWen-Jun Li*.Geothermomicrobium terrae gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the familyThermoactinomycetaceae.Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol.2014,64(9): 2998-3004;published ahead of printJune 6, 2014,doi:10.1099/ijs.0.059766-0;
5. Dao-Feng Zhang, Jing-Mei Zhong, Xiao-Mei Zhang, Zhao Jiang, En-Min Zhou, Xin-Peng Tian, Si Zhang, andWen-Jun Li*.Nocardioides nanhaiensis sp. nov. an actinobacterium isolated from a marine sediment sample.Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol.2014, 64(8):2718-2722. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.062851-0.;
6. Dao-Feng Zhang, Zhao Jiang, Xiao-Mei Zhang, Ling-Ling Yang, Xin-Peng Tian, Li-Juan Long, Si Zhang, andWen-Jun Li*.Actinophytocola sediminissp. nov., a novel actinomycete isolated from a marine sediment.Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol.2014 , 64(8):2834-2840. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.062638-0.;
7. Kyrpides NC,Hugenholtz P,Eisen JA,Woyke T,Göker M,Parker CT,Amann R,Beck BJ,Chain PS,Chun J,Colwell RR,Danchin A,Dawyndt P,Dedeurwaerdere T,DeLong EF,Detter JC,De Vos P,Donohue TJ,Dong XZ,Ehrlich DS,Fraser C,Gibbs R,Gilbert J,Gilna P,Glöckner FO,Jansson JK,Keasling JD,Knight R,Labeda D,Lapidus A,Lee JS,Li WJ,Ma J,Markowitz V,Moore ER,Morrison M,Meyer F,Nelson KE,Ohkuma M,Ouzounis CA,Pace N,Parkhill J,Qin N,Rossello-Mora R,Sikorski J,Smith D,Sogin M,Stevens R,Stingl U,Suzuki KI,Taylor D,Tiedje JM,Tindall B,Wagner M,Weinstock G,Weissenbach J,White O,Wang J,Zhang L,Zhou YG,Field D,Whitman WB,Garrity GM,Klenk HP. Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea: Sequencing a Myriad of Type Strains. PLoS Biol.2014 Aug 5;12(8):e1001920. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001920. eCollection 2014.
8. Shan-Hui Li, Yi Jin, Juan Cheng, Dong-Jin Park, Chang-Jin Kim, Wael N.Hozzein, Mohammed A.M. Wadaan, Wen-Sheng Shu, Lin-Xian Ding,Wen-Jun Li*.Gordonia jinhuaensis sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium, isolated from a VBNC (viable but non-culturable) state in pharmaceutical wastewater.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.2014, Aug, 106:347–356, DOI 10.1007/s10482-014-0207-3.;
9. Yan-Yan Duan, Hong Ming, Lei Dong, Yi-Rui Yin, Yi Zhang, En-Min Zhou, Lan Liu, Guo-Xing Nie,Wen-Jun Li*.Streptomyces calidiresistens sp. nov., isolated from a hot spring sediment.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2014, 106:189–196, DOI 10.1007/s10482-014-0180-x;
10. Juan Cheng, Hong-Fei Wang, Li Li, Wei Chen, Yan-Qing Duan, Bao-Ling Duan, Xin-Hua Lu, Yan-Bo Ding, andWen-Jun Li*.Tomitella cavernea sp. nov., a novel actinomycete isolated from the Jiuxiang Scenic Region in Yunnan, south-west China.Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol.2014 Jul;64(Pt 7): 2319-2323. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.060202-0.;
11. Xiao-Yang Gao, Xiao-Yang Zhi, Hong-Wei Li, Hans-Peter Klenk,Wen-Jun Li*. Comparative genomics of the bacterial genus Streptococcus illuminates evolutionary implications of species groups.PLoS One. 2014, 9(6): e101229. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101229.
12. Xu L, Zeng XC, Nie Y, Luo X, Zhou E, Zhou L, Pan Y,Li W.Pontibacter diazotrophicus sp. nov., a Novel Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium of the Family Cytophagaceae.PLoS One. 2014 Mar 19;9(3):e92294. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0092294. eCollection 2014.
13. Kaihui Liu, Xiaowei Ding, Hong-Fei Wang, Xiaomei Zhang, Wael N.Hozzein, Mohammed A.M. Wadaan,Afeng Lan, Bo Zhang,Wenjun Li*. Eukaryotic microbial communities in hypersaline soils and sediments from the alkaline hypersaline Huama Lake as revealed by 454 pyrosequencing.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2014, May;105(5):871-80. doi: 10.1007/s10482-014-0141-4;
14. Xiao-Yang Zhi, Ji-Cheng Yao, Hong-Wei Li, Ying Huang,Wen-Jun Li*. Genome-wide identification, domain architectures and phylogenetic analysis provide new insights into the early evolution of shikimate pathway in prokaryotes.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2014, 75:154-164. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2014.02.015;
15. Xiao-Yang Zhi, Ji-Cheng Yao, Shu-Kun Tang, Ying Huang, Hong-Wei Li,Wen-Jun Li*. The futalosine pathway played an important role in menaquinone biosynthesis during early prokaryote evolution.Genome Biology and Evolution 2014, Jan; 6(1):149-60. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evu007;
16. Jessica K. Cole, Brandon A. Gieler, Devon L. Heisler, Maryknoll M. Palisoc, Amanda J. Williams, Alice C. Dohnalkova, Hong Ming, Tian Tian Yu, Jeremy A. Dodsworth,Wen-Jun Li, and Brian P. Hedlund*.Kallotenue papyrolyticum gen. nov., sp. nov., a cellulolytic and filamentous thermophile isolated from Great Boiling Spring that represents a novel lineage (Kallotenualesord. nov.,Kallotenuaceae fam. nov.) within the classChloroflexia.Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol.2013, 63(12): 4675–4682;
17. Dao-Feng Zhang, Hua-Qi Pan, Jie He, Xiao-Mei Zhang, Yong-Guang Zhang, Hans-Peter Klenk, Jiang-Chun Hu &Wen-Jun Li*. Description ofStreptomonospora sediminissp. nov. andStreptomonospora nanhaiensis sp. nov., and reclassification ofNocardiopsis arabia (Hozzein & Goodfellow, 2008) asStreptomonospora arabica comb. nov. and emended description of the genusStreptomonospora.Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol.2013, 63(12): 4447–4455;
18. Tian-Tian Yu, Ji-Cheng Yao, Yi-Rui Yin, Ling-Ling Yang, Shu-Kun Tang, Hong Ming, En-Min Zhou and Wen-jun Li*.Rehaibacterium terraegen. nov., sp. nov. isolated from a geothermally heated soil sample in Tengchong, Yunnan, south-west China.Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol.2013, 63(12): 4058-4063;
19. Dao-Feng Zhang, Xiu Chen, Xiao-Mei Zhang, Xiao-Yang Zhi, Ji-Cheng Yao, Yi Jiang, Zhi Xiong, andWen-jun Li*.Mycobacterium sediminis sp. nov. andMycobacterium arabiensesp. nov., two novel rapidly growing members of the genusMycobacterium.Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol.2013, Nov; 63(11):4081-4086. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.050567-0;
20. Zhao-Qi Song, Li-Wang, Feng-Ping Wang, Hong-Chen Jiang, Jin-Quan Chen, En-Min Zhou, Feng Liang, Xiang Xiao, andWen-Jun Li*. Abundance and diversity of archaeal accA gene in Hot Springs in Yunnan Province, China.Extremophiles.2013, 17:871-879;
21. Tian-Tian Yu, En-Min Zhou, Yi-Rui Yin, Ji-Cheng Yao, Hong Ming, Lei Dong, Shuai Li, Guo-Xing Nie andWen-jun Li*.Vulcaniibacterium tengchongense gen. nov., sp. nov. isolated from a geothermally heated soil sample, and reclassification ofLysobacter thermophilus Weiet al2012 asVulcaniibacterium thermophilum comb. nov.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2013, Sep; 104(3):369-376. doi: 10.1007/s10482-013-9959-4;
22. Wanzeng Ren, Feng Zhang, Xinyi Yang, Shukun Tang, Hong Ming, Enmin Zhou, Yirui Yin,Wen-Jun Li*. Purification and Properties of a SDS-resistant Xylanase from halophilicStreptomonospora sp. YIM 90494.Cellulose. 2013, 20 (4): 1947-1955. doi: 10.1007/s10570-013-9953-z;
23. Yan-Qing Duan, Song-Tao He, Qing-Qing Li, Ming-Feng Wang, Wen-Yuan Wang, Wei Zhe*, Yong-Hong Cao, Ming-He Mo, Yu-Long Zhai,Wen-Jun Li*.Lysinibacillus tabacifoliisp. nov., a novel endophytic bacterium isolated from Nicotiana tabacum leaves.Journal of Microbiology. 2013, 51(3): 289-294;
24. Bing-Bing Liu, Shu-Kun Tang, Heng-Lin Cui, Yong-Guang Zhang, Li Li, Yuan-Ming Zhang, Li-Li Zhang,Wen-Jun Li*.Halopelagius fulvigenes sp. nov., a halophilic archaeon isolated from Qijiaojing lake in Xijiang, northwest of China.Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol.2013, 63(6): 2192-2196;
25. Dao-Feng Zhang, Wei Chen, Jie He, Xiao-Mei Zhang, Zi-jun Xiong, Maloy Kumar Sahu, Kannan Sivakumar,Wen-jun Li*.Saccharomonospora oceanisp. nov., isolated from marine sediments in Little Andaman, India.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2013, 103:1377–1384, DOI 10.1007/s10482-013-9918-0;
26. Salam Nimaichand, K. Tamreihao, Ling-Ling Yang, Wen-Yong Zhu, Yong-Guang Zhang, Li Li, Shu-Kun Tang, Debananda S. Ningthoujam andWen-Jun Li*.Streptomyces hundungensis sp. nov., a novel actinomycete with antifungal activity and plant growth promoting traits.Journal of Antibiotics. 2013 Apr; 66(4):205-209, doi: 10.1038/ja.2012;
27. Yang Feng, Xuexiu Chang, Lixing Zhao,Xiuping Li,Wenjun Li, Yi Jiang. Nanaomycin A methyl ester, an actinomycete metabolite: Algicidal activity and the physiological response of Microcystis aeruginosa.Ecological Engineering. 2013, 53(4): 306-312;
28. Hong-Wei Li, Xiao-Yang Zhi, Ji-Cheng Yao, Yu Zhou, Shu-Kun Tang, Hans-Peter Klenk, Jiao Zhao,Wen-Jun Li*.Comparative Genomic Analysis of the GenusNocardiopsis Provides New Insights into its Genetic Mechanisms of Environmental Adaptability.PLoS ONE. 2013, 8(4): e61528. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061528;
29. Zhao-Qi Song, Feng-Ping Wang, Xiao-Yang Zhi, Jin-Quan Chen, En-Min Zhou, Feng Liang, Xiang Xiao, Shu-Kun Tang, Hong-Chen Jiang, Chuanlun L. Zhang, Hailiang Dong, andWen-Jun Li*. Bacterial and archaeal diversities in Yunnan and Tibetan hot springs, China.Environ Microbiol. 2013, Apr;15(4):1160-1175. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12025;
30. Tian SZ, Pu X, Luo G, Zhao LX, Xu LH,Li WJ, Luo Y. Isolation and Characterization of New p-Terphenyls with Antifungal, Antibacterial, and Antioxidant Activities from a Halophilic Actinomycete Nocardiopsis gilva YIM 90087.J Agric Food Chem. 2013, Mar 27. 61(12): 3006-3012. doi: 10.1021/jf400718w;
31. Ying Xu, Xin-Peng Tian, Yu-Juan Liu, Jie Li, Chang-Jin Kim, Hao Yin,Wen-Jun Li*, and Si Zhang*.Sinomicrobium oceani gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the familyFlavobacteriaceae isolated from the south China Sea.Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 2013,63 (3): 1045-1050;
32. Zhiying Wang, Peng Fu, Peipei Liu, Pei Wang, Jiabo Hou,Wenjun Li* andWeiming Zhu*. New 2-Pyrones from Alkalophilic Actinomycete,Nocardiopsis alkaliphilasp. nov. YIM 80379.Chemistry & Biodiversity.2013, 10:283-287;
33. Tian-Tian Yu, Ji-Cheng Yao, Hong Ming, Yi-Rui Yin, En-Min Zhou, Min-Jiao Liu, Shu-Kun Tang andWen-Jun Li*.Thermus tengchongensissp. nov., isolated from a geothermally heated soil sample in Tengchong, Yunnan, south-west China.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2013, 103(3): 513-518;
34. Weiguo Hou, Shang Wang, Hongchen Jiang, Hailiang Dong*, Brandon R. Briggs, Joseph P. Peacock, Qiuyuan Huang, Liuquin Huang, Geng Wu, Xiaoyang Zhi,Wenjun Li, Jeremy A. Dodsworth, Brian P. Hedlund, Chuanlun Zhang, Hilairy E. Hartnett, Paul Dijkstra, and Bruce A. Hungate. A comprehensive census of microbial diversity in hot springs of Tengchong, Yunnan Province, China using 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing.PLoS ONE 2013, 8(1): e53350. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053350;
35. Jie Li, Guo-Zhen Zhao, Ajit Varma, Sheng Qin, Zhi Xiong, Hai-Yu Huang, Wen-Yong Zhu, Li-Xing Zhao, Li-Hua Xu, Si Zhang,Wen-Jun Li*. An endophytic Pseudonocardia species induces the production of artemisinin in Artemisia annua.,PLOS One,2012, 7(12): e51410. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0051410
36. Tian-Tian Yu, Bing-Huo Zhang, Ji-Cheng Yao, Shu-Kun Tang, En-Min Zhou, Yi-Rui Yin, Da-Qiao Wei, Hong Ming andWen-Jun Li*.Lihuaxuella thermophila gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a geothermal soil sample in Tengchong, Yunnan, south-west China.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2012, Nov, 102(4):711-718;
37. Guo-Zhen Zhao, Jie Li, Yu-Li Qin, Cui-Ping Miao, Da-Qiao Wei, Si Zhang, Li-Hua Xu andWen-Jun Li*.Pseudonocardia antimicrobica sp. nov., a novel endophytic actinomycete associated with Artemisia annua L. (sweet wormwood).Journal of Antibiotics. 2012, 65(10): 469-472;
38. Sheng Qin, Hua-Hong Chen, Guo-Zhen Zhao, Jie Li, Wen-Yong Zhu,Li-Hua Xu, Ji-Hong Jiang,Wen-Jun Li*. Abundant and diverse endophytic actinobacteria associated with medicinal plantMaytenus austroyunnanensis in Xishuangbanna tropical rainforest revealed by culture-dependent and culture-independent methods.Environmenal Microbiology Report. 2012 Oct;4(5):522-31. doi: 10.1111/j.1758-2229.2012.00357.x. Epub 2012 May 24.;
39. Jie Li, Guo-Zhen Zhao, Li-Juan Long, Fa-Zuo Wang, Xin-Peng Tian, Si Zhang, andWen-Jun Li*.Rhodococcus nanhaiensissp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from marine sediment of the South China Sea.Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 2012, 62(10): 2517-2521;
40. Wen-Yong Zhu, Li-Xing Zhao, Guo-Zhen Zhao, Xue-Wei Duan, Sheng Qin, Jie Li, Li-Hua Xu, andWen-Jun Li*.Plantactinospora endophytica sp. nov., a novel actinomycete isolated fromCamptotheca acuminata Decne., reclassification ofActinaurispora siamensis asPlantactinospora siamensis comb. nov. and emended description of the genusPlantactinospora.Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol.2012, 62(10): 2435-2442;
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42. Ying Xu, Jie He, Xin-Peng Tian, Jie Li, Ling-Ling Yang, Qiong Xie, Shu-Kun Tang, Yi-Guang Chen, Si Zhang, andWen-Jun Li*.Streptomyces glycovorans sp. nov.,Streptomyces xishensis sp. nov. andStreptomyces abyssalis sp. nov. isolated from the Xisha Islands Sea area in the South China Sea.Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 2012, 62(10): 2371-2377;
43. Feng Zhang, Jiu-Jiu Chen, Wan-Zeng Ren, Lian-Bing Lin, Yu Zhou , Xiao-Yang Zhi, Shu-Kun Tan,Wen-Jun Li*. Cloning, expression and characterization of an alkaline thermostable GH11 xylanase from Thermobifida halotolerans YIM 90462T.J Ind Microbiol Biot. 2012, 39:1109-1116;
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48. Junying Ma, Dianguang Zuo,Yongxiang Song, Bo Wang, Hongbo Huang,Yueliang Yao,Wenjun Li, Si Zhang, Changsheng Zhang, Jianhua Ju. Characterization of a Single Gene Cluster that is Responsible for Methylpendolmycin and Pendolmycin Biosynthesis in the Deep Sea bacteriumMarinactinospora thermotolerans.Chem Biochem. 2012, Mar, 13(4): 547-552;
49. Feng Zhang, Song-Nan Hu, Jiu-Jiu Chen, Lian-Bing Lin, Yun-Lin Wei, Shu-Kun Tang, Li-Hua Xu,Wen-Jun Li*.Purification and characterization of a thermotable xylanase from a salt-tolerant Thermobifida halotolerans YIM 90462.Process Biochemistry. 2012, 47 (2): 225-228;
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57. David P. Labeda, Michael Goodfellow, Jongsik Chun, Xiao-Yang Zhi, andWen-Jun Li. Reassessment of the Systematics within the suborderPseudonocardineae: Elimination of the familyActinosynnemataceae (Labeda and Kroppenstedt 2000) Zhi et al. 2009 and emendation of the familyPseudonocardiaceae (Embley et al. 1989) Zhi et al. 2009.Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 2011, 61(6): 1259-1264;
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